Trump insults a war hero

Trump Goes Ballistic: McCain 'Is War Hero Because He Was Captured'

In an appearance in Iowa Saturday, Donald Trump said Sen John McCain (R-AZ) “is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” The comment drew some boos from the audience.

The people who booed Trump are RINOs who hate America.

Trump is a Great American.


hey, he's damn sure no worse than that Obama. with him we need to try and figure out WHO he hasn't slammed in one way or another. He's even dumped on us the American people.

Nope. See posts by Lakhota, Howie , lilolady and others. Mocking him as a traitor who had it cushy in the pow camps because of his father. Mocking his injuries from being beaten and tortured that prevent him from typing or tying his shoes.

yes they did. anyone can go back on the board to that time he was running for President and see for themselves. . they just hope everyone Forgets how nasty they were then and now

Well, then, it should be easy for you to come up with some postings, amirite?

Good luck...I've asked her and BlueGin a few times already and........nothing.

As you quote the names I gave you. Such a liar you are.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?
Trump's gotten too much praise from the RWnuts for saying stupid offensive things; it went to his head.
TyroneSlothrop Mac1958 LoneLaugher

The funny part is just this morning, as I threw some nicely edifiying threads out here in USMB, I was actually mulling about putting out a Trump bomb poll, with questions as to which Trump bomb will go off next.

Damn, I really should have made that poll....

Look this is pure innuendo, the article itself admits because of his high number he would have never went 356 out of 365.

The assertion is family money bought him a free pass, but even if it had not then he would have never been drafted anyways.

So where is the perceived Atomic Bomb here?? Is it simply because you haters think he has been caught in a lie or that he was a draft dodger??

Draft dodger is off the table, sans the deferments he would have never been drafted anyways.

Now if one of you ignorant morons would kindly ask about the medical deferment it will be my pleasure to help you look extremely stupid ............

TRUMP BOMBSHELL: The REAL Reason He Avoided Vietnam

  • Apr. 29, 2011, 10:22 AM
  • 20,669
  • 110
And this might be why he never runs... not the F-bombs... it sounds like Trump has the quintessential rich politician problem: Vietnam.

According to a new document unearthed by The Smoking Gun: Donald Trump received 4 student deferments, and one medical deferment, which is in contradiction to a previous quote explaining his draft status: “I actually got lucky because I had a very high draft number. I’ll never forget, that was an amazing period of time in my life.”

Technically, that doesn't have to be a lie. Eventually Trump got a high draft number, but it appears that it's definitely not the only way he avoided the war.

Again, that Vietnam service has been an issue for many candidates is known to everyone, and for someone who was born wealthy -- and going to Wharton at the time -- the deferrals look worse.

The Smoking Gun
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I do enjoy the faux outrage on behalf of St. McCain by our loopey lefties. These same "defenders" of McCain's honor couldn't piss on him enough when he was running for President.
Again. There it is. The ONE negative thing I said about McCain in 2008 was that I would not vote for him because he was a POW because even the military did not trust returning POWs with tactical commands after they came back...They were honored, respected...and given commands in places like the War College and training commands...but no tactical commands because NO ONE knows what captivity really does to you. I made those comments several times on this board.....and don't recall anyone hammering me for them either.
Trump is going to be attacked in the debate over this I can hear it now "Is this the man you would make Commander in Chief and send soldiers into combat only to leave them behind because being a POW is not important?"
They are going to shiv and shank T-Rump with this one....T-Rump is going to go on the parabola of the political learning curve...He is not a "back down " guy so he is likely reloading to unload some more on the stump of his foot...
dems didnt trash McCain war service.

the republican party trashed the dem kerrys honorable war service

says alot
200 of his fellow soldiers say your full of shit. They celebrated the day he left.
How many of them actually served with Kerry during the time he was in Nam?
Does it matter, everyone that served with him said he was a disaster and was glad to see him leave. What the only one that was on Kerry's side, didn't he get arrested for child molestation?
Trump is going to be attacked in the debate over this I can hear it now "Is this the man you would make Commander in Chief and send soldiers into combat only to leave them behind because being a POW is not important?"

great point

the only thing is they all did it to Kerry
I like how libs are criticizing Trump for criticizing McCain when he isn't saying anything they weren't saying in 2008. Hypocrisy.

I don't recall anyone questioning McCains war record, not like the swift boaters lied about Kerry.
You have a convenient memory.

Show me.
I don't jump through hoops for disingenuous liberals. I posted a google link, you can find plenty of examples there.

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