Trump insults a war hero

They are going to try to Take out the Donald...don't let the pablum slurping Birkenstock wearing RINO s win ...defend the Donald ....

"His attacks on veterans make him unfit to be Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, and he should immediately withdraw from the race for president," added Perry, a former Air Force captain.
His fellow candidates and the Republican National Committee quickly moved to isolate Trump for his attacks on McCain, the party's 2008 presidential nominee.

“Horrified. Disgusted. There are no words.”

Ok....talking about about McCain....but are supposed to take your word for it that "a good many liberals talked bad" about his military record?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.

can you prove that?
I can remember it dip shit. It was only six years ago. I knew it would happen. Because they only did it to make a sitting president look bad.

then you can prove it

yet you don't?
Yesterday McCain was a goat and today they defend him. Loons, left loons.

Some on left target McCain's war record

The highest-voltage third rail of this presidential campaign may not be race, sex or age, but John McCain's military service.

On Sunday, McCain's campaign issued a pair of outraged statements after retired general and Barack Obama supporter Wesley Clark said he didn't think that McCain’s service as a fighter pilot and prisoner of war was relevant to running the country. Obama has consistently praised McCain's service, and called him "a genuine American hero."

But farther to the left — and among some of McCain's conservative enemies as well — harsher attacks are circulating. Critics have accused McCain of war crimes for bombing targets in Hanoi in the 1960s. A widely read liberal blog on Sunday accused McCain of "disloyalty" during his captivity in Vietnam for his coerced participation in propaganda films and interviews after he had been tortured.

"A lot of people don't know ... that McCain made a propaganda video for the enemy while he was in captivity," wrote's John Aravosis. "Putting that bit of disloyalty aside, what exactly is McCain's military experience that prepares him for being commander in chief?"

"Getting shot down, tortured and then doing propaganda for the enemy is not command experience," Aravosis wrote in the blog post, titled "Honestly, besides being tortured, what did McCain do to excel in the military?"

Some on left target McCain s war record - Ben Smith -

McCain's camp responded sharply to the Americablog posting Sunday night.

but of course. they have no honor, principles or honesty when it comes to their dirty politics and it's for THE PARTY they belong. like I said: you can't take any of them seriously. they are like SHEEP. one leftwing website bellows or one of their masters in the party does.
they all march and baaaaaaaaaaaaa
Do you notice that Stephanie rants and calls others without "honor, principles or honesty"....but cannot provide one shred of proof to back up her accusations about other posters?
Keep in one forced Stephanie to make such accusations. She does it all on her own, quite voluntarily.......but can't prove anything. Believe anything Stephanie claims? Not bloody likely.
Ok....talking about about McCain....but are supposed to take your word for it that "a good many liberals talked bad" about his military record?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.
They didn't stop. Maybe you weren't paying attention.....or else someone told you that little fairy tale and you believed it.
They stopped counting daily, when Obama was elected. Do you not remember it was only the Iraq war was counted daily, and it only started when the media decided it was time to destroy a republican president.
Nope, not true. You were told that happened, but it did not.
They are going to try to Take out the Donald...don't let the pablum slurping Birkenstock wearing RINO s win ...defend the Donald ....

"His attacks on veterans make him unfit to be Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, and he should immediately withdraw from the race for president," added Perry, a former Air Force captain.
His fellow candidates and the Republican National Committee quickly moved to isolate Trump for his attacks on McCain, the party's 2008 presidential nominee.

“Horrified. Disgusted. There are no words.”


yet the Rs attacke tammy Duckworth and Max Clelands service just like they did Kerrys service.

the right does not honor service
Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
So you really dont have any proof?

they hate admitting they have no facts on their side.

the facts have a liberal bias
Fact is the shitty way liberals treated Vietnam veterans, and the way the Iraqi soldiers were reported on.
We have learned from Viet Nam....soldiers back then were unfairly held accountable for the politicies of their superiors in Washington. But let's not deny the My Lai massacres and the Agent Orange and the Napalm......I served with some Nam vets who BRAGGED about dropping candy from Hueys over suspected VC villages for days until they thought it was safe then coming thru with the napalm. They bragged about throwing suspected VC out of helos at 10,000 feet in order to get others to talk.
You had to do what you had to do to survive. War is hell. I mean it took water boarding, so Obama had the intel to get bin Laden.
McCains military service record is pretty much untouchable, but McCain the man, and his politics are fair game, and that's where Trump should focus his efforts..
Ok....talking about about McCain....but are supposed to take your word for it that "a good many liberals talked bad" about his military record?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.

can you prove that?
I can remember it dip shit. It was only six years ago. I knew it would happen. Because they only did it to make a sitting president look bad.
So you watched the news every day and keep track elsewhere of the casualites and KNEW the same news sources that reported casualties before suddenly stopped? What news source was it you were keeping consistant tabs on?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.
They didn't stop. Maybe you weren't paying attention.....or else someone told you that little fairy tale and you believed it.
They stopped counting daily, when Obama was elected. Do you not remember it was only the Iraq war was counted daily, and it only started when the media decided it was time to destroy a republican president.

Yes they did. Maybe she'll clue us in to how many of our Military men and women has died under Obama? and maybe she'll clue us in to how many CIVILIANS he has been killed since he unleashed bombings on Seven different countries that wasn't Reported on by the Lamestream media like they did with Bush. I wouldn't hold my breath though
Over 1.6K casualties in Afghanistan under President took me only a few secs to find that out. No big secret there.
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
So you really dont have any proof?

they hate admitting they have no facts on their side.

the facts have a liberal bias
Fact is the shitty way liberals treated Vietnam veterans, and the way the Iraqi soldiers were reported on.
We have learned from Viet Nam....soldiers back then were unfairly held accountable for the politicies of their superiors in Washington. But let's not deny the My Lai massacres and the Agent Orange and the Napalm......I served with some Nam vets who BRAGGED about dropping candy from Hueys over suspected VC villages for days until they thought it was safe then coming thru with the napalm. They bragged about throwing suspected VC out of helos at 10,000 feet in order to get others to talk.
You had to do what you had to do to survive. War is hell. I mean it took water boarding, so Obama had the intel to get bin Laden.
You mean the waterboarding that isn't torture? You mean the waterboarding that Hannity promised to do to raise $$$ for the Wounded Warriors charity? That waterboarding?
You see how the left cares about our Military. they only care when they can USE THEM to dump on others.

here another thread running about Trump
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

not one word about Clinton not serving or Obama. both of them could of Enlisted at LEAST and served their duty and country

but didn't. these people will crawl to any low even using our Military for it

Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.

don't play their games. all anyone has to do is go back on the board and Search the times that McCain was running for President. it's that simple and they know it. they were NASTY towards Palin and ran down McCain as well. they just hope people has forgotten.
I know a few on here i've noticed they live by talking points. Not even noticing when they change.

I wasn't trying to give you orders if it came across that way.
but I Know these people very well because I've been on here since 2004 when President Bush was in office. and she is a shit stirrer and nothing more. :2up:
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
Ok....talking about about McCain....but are supposed to take your word for it that "a good many liberals talked bad" about his military record?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.
They didn't stop. Maybe you weren't paying attention.....or else someone told you that little fairy tale and you believed it.

Let me add, I live in a military base region....Camp Pendleton to the northwest of us...Miramar, NORIS and 32nd St. to the South of us....we get military info on casualties ALL THE TIME. For someone to say they are no longer reporting it.....that's a flat out lie.
I'm talking about abc, cbs, and nbc.

It was GOOD while it lasted​
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

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