Trump insults a war hero

DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero
You are distorting a one man commentary that acknowledges McCain war time heroic deeds but is claiming his activities as a Senator takes the title away from him. Trump opined that McCain's war time experience was not deserving of being called heroic. Try again.

Cowardly cracker

You're the coward ya little bitch.....what SJ said is exactly leftist cowards called McCain a lousy pilot, not natural born, a lunatic, and a turncoat while he was held at Hoa Lo. Trump had student deferments and a year of questionable eligibility but in those days it wasn't hard to get a medical out. We who served wanted nothing to do with draftees so no great loss that "The Donald" wasn't around. Just don't act like you have a leg to stand on about McCain...your kind hated him and everything he represents.
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain

Beach PeanutsFollowRSS
Daily Kos member

Wed Jan 23, 2013 at 07:11 AM PST

It's Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A "Hero"


who the fuck is inkberries ?

Maybe related to dingleberries? That, you do know about........:bye1:.

prove its more than just some smuck

its not the DEMS as claimed huh fool
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero
You are distorting a one man commentary that acknowledges McCain war time heroic deeds but is claiming his activities as a Senator takes the title away from him. Trump opined that McCain's war time experience was not deserving of being called heroic. Try again.

Don't need to try again. Once is enough to expose the political motivations and faux outrage by the left, in addition to that of RINOs' on the right.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


Trump is just doing what Republican do. He trashes a war hero the way Bush trashed John Kerry. Bush, an AWOL chicken hawk also trashed McCain during the 2000 Republican primaries claiming in robo calls that McCain had fathered a Black child out of wedlock. That was a total lie but the ignorant red state racist Republican voters believed it and McCain lost.

Trump may very well be a Democrat plant who is saying all the vile things that Republican voters have in their black hearts. The more ugly things he says and the more lies he tells the higher he rises in the polls. Trump epitomizes the quintessential Republican. Senator Lindsey Graham who is actually qualified to be the president is being ignored by the Republican voters because he's too sane and too qualified.
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain
Did you actually READ the article? :lol: It goes on that being a war hero is not the sum total of the man....his political record must be looked at too. Nowhere in the article is McCain's service bashed. Nice try.......but another Sassy fail.
It is somewhat hypocritical for McCain to have chastised Trump for bringing out the crazies when his own running-mate (Sarah Palin) was the biggest crazy-magnet on the planet. If one presumes that McCain was a wise presidential candidate and vetted his choice for VP, then it appears that he actually wanted to lose the election and stacked his own deck accordingly.

Likewise, Trump has stepped far outside the bounds of decency when he asserted McCain was not a war hero because he was captured. Perhaps in Trump's fantasy "Trumpland," good warriors commit hari-kari rather than be taken alive. If one presumes that Trump is a wise presidential candidate, then it appears that he wants to lose the election. However, because Trump is not really a politician but rather an entertainer, it seems that he is stacking his own deck in favor of reality television ratings ...

I'm not going to waste my outrage on this comedy show. Like many others, I'll munch on some popcorn and have a few good laughs. :wink:
It wasn't so much that the statement ripped at McCain but how it rips into all POWs in all wars.
He is ripping and disrespecting all pilots and air crews who fly over enemy territory under the threat of death or capture, including the ones that are doing it today.
There's that iconic moment on the 1980 campaign trail when then Governor Reagan finally turned to a heckler and went, "Ahhh, SHUDDUP!" The crowd roared to its feet.

The candidate who has the nerve to turn to Trump during the debate and tell him to eff off will be a hero in my books, and will no doubt take the GOP nomination.

Which one of these people has the balls to take on Trump, smack him upside the head and give him his just desserts?
Nope. See posts by Lakhota, Howie , lilolady and others. Mocking him as a traitor who had it cushy in the pow camps because of his father. Mocking his injuries from being beaten and tortured that prevent him from typing or tying his shoes.

yes they did. anyone can go back on the board to that time he was running for President and see for themselves. . they just hope everyone Forgets how nasty they were then and now

Well, then, it should be easy for you to come up with some postings, amirite?

Good luck...I've asked her and BlueGin a few times already and........nothing.

As you quote the names I gave you. Such a liar you are.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.

Cowardly cracker

You're the coward ya little bitch.....what SJ said is exactly leftist cowards called McCain a lousy pilot, not natural born, a lunatic, and a turncoat while he was held at Hoa Lo. Trump had student deferments and a year of questionable eligibility but in those days it wasn't hard to get a medical out. We who served wanted nothing to do with draftees so no great loss that "The Donald" wasn't around. Just don't act like you have a leg to stand on about McCain...your kind hated him and everything he represents.
Exactly! I don't defend Trump's comments but when I see these fucking liberal hypocrites act like they didn't say the same kind of shit (and worse) I have to call them on it.
There's that iconic moment on the 1980 campaign trail when then Governor Reagan finally turned to a heckler and went, "Ahhh, SHUDDUP!" The crowd roared to its feet.

The candidate who has the nerve to turn to Trump during the debate and tell him to eff off will be a hero in my books, and will no doubt take the GOP nomination.

Which one of these people has the balls to take on Trump, smack him upside the head and give him his just desserts?

its the Christy style

that is why he wants in the debate.

neither will win it.

you will get Bush and like it.

you all hated robmoney until you loved him as ordered by the money people

Cowardly cracker

You're the coward ya little bitch.....what SJ said is exactly leftist cowards called McCain a lousy pilot, not natural born, a lunatic, and a turncoat while he was held at Hoa Lo. Trump had student deferments and a year of questionable eligibility but in those days it wasn't hard to get a medical out. We who served wanted nothing to do with draftees so no great loss that "The Donald" wasn't around. Just don't act like you have a leg to stand on about McCain...your kind hated him and everything he represents.
Exactly! I don't defend Trump's comments but when I see these fucking liberal hypocrites act like they didn't say the same kind of shit (and worse) I have to call them on it.

prove it liar
yes they did. anyone can go back on the board to that time he was running for President and see for themselves. . they just hope everyone Forgets how nasty they were then and now

Well, then, it should be easy for you to come up with some postings, amirite?

Good luck...I've asked her and BlueGin a few times already and........nothing.

As you quote the names I gave you. Such a liar you are.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain
Did you actually READ the article? :lol: It goes on that being a war hero is not the sum total of the man....his political record must be looked at too. Nowhere in the article is McCain's service bashed. Nice try.......but another Sassy fail.

they don't read what they link to often
Trump is a chump. But perhaps, on McCain, he has a point. McCain had a reputation as an raunchy underachiever at the USNA who's nickname was "punk McNasty". And crashed numerous planes hot-dogging. And there are those that maintain HE was responsible for the 1967 USS Forestall disaster. John McCain's daddy, the Admiral, would fix thing for him...
Personally, I never considered McCain a "hero" for spending 5+ years as a POW.

Many other servicemen also went thru the same ordeal of being confined in a tiny cell and brutally tortured.

But I do admire McCain's refusal to be released from captivity just because his father was a Admiral, and stayed with his fellow prisoners several more years.

In this McCain was both highly honorable and extremely courageous. ..... :cool:
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but attacking Kerry was fine huh cons?
The difference, you idiot, is that we are not pretending we DIDN'T, and if a liberal candidate attacks Kerry's war record, I won't be showing any fake outrage and act like I'm offended the way you hypocrites are doing now.

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