Trump insults a war hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain
Did you actually READ the article? :lol: It goes on that being a war hero is not the sum total of the man....his political record must be looked at too. Nowhere in the article is McCain's service bashed. Nice try.......but another Sassy fail.

they don't read what they link to often

I didn't provide the link...and the article is totally anti McCain. Have you shaved your back yet? At some point you will learn to stop poking, until then I will continue to make you look the fool you are. You're minor league
I know you didn't provide the link....but you commented on it and fell on your sword yet again. :lol:

Because you say something does not make it fact....from the article. Perhaps your reading comprehension is bad? The article slams McCain. (I just cut your arm off with that sword, hairy)

The list of really stupid things that McCain has said and done over the years is indeed a long one, and too many times the traditional media and pundits let him of the hook because he's "hero." He was tortured after all! Some say his idea of a "joke" (recall "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran....but seriously folks...") has turned him into one.

I disagree. He's not a joke. He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.
The article slams McCain yes...but for his political failings. Or are you going to say we can't do that?

And now you call him pathetic.....ok....and a coward...not ok. You're as bad as Trump. A chickenhawk who first claims you know all about Purple Hearts because you have one hanging on your wall and then you besmirch the military records of TWO men who actually served and Republican and one Democrat.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.
They didn't stop. Maybe you weren't paying attention.....or else someone told you that little fairy tale and you believed it.
They stopped counting daily, when Obama was elected. Do you not remember it was only the Iraq war was counted daily, and it only started when the media decided it was time to destroy a republican president.
Obama cut casualties, including killed in action in half the first year.
Is it Afghanistan or Iraq that more soldiers died under Obama?
What does that have to do with your false comment about the media not covering casualties? You just want to deflect away from your attempt to pass off a lie. This is a thread about your chosen leader for Republican President making an ass out of himself by making stupid, unpatriotic comments and insulting veterans and current military personnel. You are going to need a bigger diversion than the military have to clean up the mess Bush left in Afghanistan to walk away from that blunder.

Cowardly cracker

You're the coward ya little bitch.....what SJ said is exactly leftist cowards called McCain a lousy pilot, not natural born, a lunatic, and a turncoat while he was held at Hoa Lo. Trump had student deferments and a year of questionable eligibility but in those days it wasn't hard to get a medical out. We who served wanted nothing to do with draftees so no great loss that "The Donald" wasn't around. Just don't act like you have a leg to stand on about McCain...your kind hated him and everything he represents.

Thank you for your show of drama and outrage. Very entertaining. (Just teasing you.)

Seriously, though, I liked McCain very much and thought very highly of him as a person and as a candidate. His running mate was quite another thing, however. If not for her, I truly think McCain could have won the presidency.
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

^^ Yep. I spent 2008 defending him from attacks from the same lefties he ways catered to. He is on his own now.
Dick Cheney

George W. Bush

Donald Trump

Tea party darlings that never saw a day in Vietnam, and yet McCain and Kerry are traitors to the Tea Panty nutters...

The sad reality is the same punks supporting and defending Trump nonsense are the type of people that never served a day in their damn pathetic life and would not know honor if it slapped their punk asses in the face...

At least McCain and Kerry served in a war that was hated in it day, and did not get deferments or hid in the National Guard...
The source for the attack on Kerry's war record was an alcoholic rear admiral that Kerry had beat the snot out of in an officer club brawl.

Reading all the comments from those around him, the closer you got to all the men in the boat, the conclusion is that JK was correctly recognized for his merit and valor.

:badgrin: What a crock....Kerry wrote his own after-action reports and gave himself a Silver Star for shooting a kid in the back and then brought his boat back to the spot the next day to film a REENACTMENT of his bravery. The Swifties waited 30 years for payback on that pompous asshole and got it.
Yep, the swifty lies continue, you drama queen :lol:. The men's words contradict yours, those who served with him. And you long ago lost any cred you had on this board.
How does that time line work out again??

Take the Liberal Moron Test

1. McCain attacks Trump first.

2. Trump attacks McCain first.

July 16, 2015
John McCain Has a Few Things to Say About Donald Trump
By Ryan Lizza

McCain said that Donald Trump’s comments on immigration have “fired up the crazies” in the Republican Party. Credit Photograph by by Win McNamee/Getty
Donald Trump held a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, that attracted several thousand people. He shared the stage with the father of a man who was killed by an undocumented immigrant—and Trump continued his rant against illegal immigration that began when he launched his campaign and started to surge in the polls. Not every Republican in Arizona was pleased with Trump’s visit. Senator John McCain, the Party’s Presidential nominee in 2008, reacted to the event with dismay.

“It’s very bad,” McCain, who was eager to talk about Trump, told me on Monday when I stopped by his Senate office. The Senator is up for reëlection in 2016, and he pays close attention to how the issue of immigration is playing in his state. He was particularly rankled by Trump’s rally. “This performance with our friend out in Phoenix is very hurtful to me,” McCain said. “Because what he did was he fired up the crazies.”

McCain, who has long supported comprehensive immigration reform and was a member of the so-called Gang of Eight that successfully pushed immigration legislation through the Senate in 2013, has been at war with the far right in Arizona for years. “We have a very extreme element within our Republican Party,” McCain said. He then noted that he was personally censured by Arizona Republicans in January of 2014 and has been fighting to push out the extremists in the state G.O.P. ever since. “We did to some degree regain control of the Party.”

But McCain fears that Trump may be reversing those gains. “Now he galvanized them,” McCain said. “He’s really got them activated.”
John McCain Has a Few Things to Say About Donald Trump - The New Yorker
And there are those that maintain HE was responsible for the 1967 USS Forestall disaster. John McCain's daddy, the Admiral, would fix thing for him...

Bogus claim...McCain was in his aircraft when ordnance got cooked off and started a linked series of disasters....He had nothing to do with the source of that and it's a filthy lie to say he was.
Donald Trump doesn't think flying over enemy territory with the risk of being killed or captured are heroes. The ones doing it today risk being burned alive or beheaded after lengthy torture. His hero is P.T. Barnum. Fuck Donald Trump.
Up until today... Neither did the left. Must have gotten new marching orders and are now doing an about face.

Trump pushed someone's buttons LOL
Did you actually READ the article? :lol: It goes on that being a war hero is not the sum total of the man....his political record must be looked at too. Nowhere in the article is McCain's service bashed. Nice try.......but another Sassy fail.

they don't read what they link to often

I didn't provide the link...and the article is totally anti McCain. Have you shaved your back yet? At some point you will learn to stop poking, until then I will continue to make you look the fool you are. You're minor league
I know you didn't provide the link....but you commented on it and fell on your sword yet again. :lol:

Because you say something does not make it fact....from the article. Perhaps your reading comprehension is bad? The article slams McCain. (I just cut your arm off with that sword, hairy)

The list of really stupid things that McCain has said and done over the years is indeed a long one, and too many times the traditional media and pundits let him of the hook because he's "hero." He was tortured after all! Some say his idea of a "joke" (recall "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran....but seriously folks...") has turned him into one.

I disagree. He's not a joke. He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.
The article slams McCain yes...but for his political failings. Or are you going to say we can't do that?

And now you call him pathetic.....ok....and a coward...not ok. You're as bad as Trump. A chickenhawk who first claims you know all about Purple Hearts because you have one hanging on your wall and then you besmirch the military records of TWO men who actually served and Republican and one Democrat.

Again you have failed, I never called him pathetic. Are you like fucking stupid? You fail constantly, it's because you're stupid. The medal that hangs on our wall was earned by someone YOU are not fit to shine his shoes. It doesn't belong to me, it belongs to his son. I know heroes, Kerry was not one. Now if you can't keep up I'll simply put you back on ignore, it's not like you add anything of substance.
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

^^ Yep. I spent 2008 defending him from attacks from the same lefties he ways catered to. He is on his own now.
Where is that thread you referred to, BlueGin? I want to read it.
And there are those that maintain HE was responsible for the 1967 USS Forestall disaster. John McCain's daddy, the Admiral, would fix thing for him...

Bogus claim...McCain was in his aircraft when ordnance got cooked off and started a linked series of disasters....He had nothing to do with the source of that and it's a filthy lie to say he was.
It was a filthy lie to say you were a marine.
Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
So you really dont have any proof?

they hate admitting they have no facts on their side.

the facts have a liberal bias
Fact is the shitty way liberals treated Vietnam veterans, and the way the Iraqi soldiers were reported on.

you saying it doesnt make it fact.

you have to prove what you claim with facts
Omg, okay I will play your little game. Lets go on the things Kerry said about soldiers in Vietnam and Iraq.
The source for the attack on Kerry's war record was an alcoholic rear admiral that Kerry had beat the snot out of in an officer club brawl.

Reading all the comments from those around him, the closer you got to all the men in the boat, the conclusion is that JK was correctly recognized for his merit and valor.
This is from the doctor who treated Kerry's horrible wound that gave him his first purple heart.

Kerry Purple Heart Doc Speaks Out National Review Online
Thank you for your show of drama and outrage. Very entertaining. (Just teasing you.)

Seriously, though, I liked McCain very much and thought very highly of him as a person and as a candidate. His running mate was quite another thing, however. If not for her, I truly think McCain could have won the presidency.

I'm an Arizonan (from Detroit) who's voted for Mac every time he's run. I've never been happy with his alliances in the Senate but he got us our Colorado River water the Kalis had been stealing so he gets a pass for the rest of it.

BTW, Palin was a consensus pick as his VP by the editors of various right wing publications and would have really helped his campaign if they'd let her. McCain's handlers thought the hatred coming from the left about her would wash over him....I disagree...if she and Todd had been allowed to head up into Michigan and Wisconsin they'd have pulled those states into the McCain camp.
How does that time line work out again??

Take the Liberal Moron Test

1. McCain attacks Trump first.

2. Trump attacks McCain first.

July 16, 2015
John McCain Has a Few Things to Say About Donald Trump
By Ryan Lizza

McCain said that Donald Trump’s comments on immigration have “fired up the crazies” in the Republican Party. Credit Photograph by by Win McNamee/Getty
Donald Trump held a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, that attracted several thousand people. He shared the stage with the father of a man who was killed by an undocumented immigrant—and Trump continued his rant against illegal immigration that began when he launched his campaign and started to surge in the polls. Not every Republican in Arizona was pleased with Trump’s visit. Senator John McCain, the Party’s Presidential nominee in 2008, reacted to the event with dismay.

“It’s very bad,” McCain, who was eager to talk about Trump, told me on Monday when I stopped by his Senate office. The Senator is up for reëlection in 2016, and he pays close attention to how the issue of immigration is playing in his state. He was particularly rankled by Trump’s rally. “This performance with our friend out in Phoenix is very hurtful to me,” McCain said. “Because what he did was he fired up the crazies.”

McCain, who has long supported comprehensive immigration reform and was a member of the so-called Gang of Eight that successfully pushed immigration legislation through the Senate in 2013, has been at war with the far right in Arizona for years. “We have a very extreme element within our Republican Party,” McCain said. He then noted that he was personally censured by Arizona Republicans in January of 2014 and has been fighting to push out the extremists in the state G.O.P. ever since. “We did to some degree regain control of the Party.”

But McCain fears that Trump may be reversing those gains. “Now he galvanized them,” McCain said. “He’s really got them activated.”
John McCain Has a Few Things to Say About Donald Trump - The New Yorker
And then Trump, if he was a real Man, would have debated him on the Immigration issue. Instead, he attacks McCain on his military record and bashes all POWs.
And there are those that maintain HE was responsible for the 1967 USS Forestall disaster. John McCain's daddy, the Admiral, would fix thing for him...

Bogus claim...McCain was in his aircraft when ordnance got cooked off and started a linked series of disasters....He had nothing to do with the source of that and it's a filthy lie to say he was.
It was a filthy lie to say you were a marine.

I never said I was a Marine you gutless little punk. 1st Cav 7th Regiment AC/AM...
Donald Trump doesn't think flying over enemy territory with the risk of being killed or captured are heroes. The ones doing it today risk being burned alive or beheaded after lengthy torture. His hero is P.T. Barnum. Fuck Donald Trump.
Up until today... Neither did the left. Must have gotten new marching orders and are now doing an about face.

Trump pushed someone's buttons LOL
Bullshit. The military is greatly respected by the masses of Americans. No one running for President goes around making comments that former POW's and active duty military are not heroes. You lie to defend the POS that does do it.

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