Trump insults a war hero

DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain

Some of the 280 comments connected to the linked article are an interesting read........

I particularly like when they direct posters to an expose by Rolling Stone trashing his service and saying he was captured because he was reckless.

The same Rolling Stone that was exposed for lying about college kids raping coed's and making up "facts".
Trump didn't "slam McCain" he clarified McCain's history. It's ironic that democrat candidate Jim Webb is an example of what's best and bravest and he seems to be the best candidate that democrats could come up with but the DNC would rather nominate an angry victim of domestic abuse.
Trump is saying everything already said at one time or another. This is just one big assed pile on. A politically correct pile on. I don't think Trump cares.

Nope. Neither does the Left
Yep, the swifty lies continue, you drama queen :lol:. The men's words contradict yours, those who served with him. And you long ago lost any cred you had on this board.

You mean the "cred" I took from your lying ass about being my instructor at Nha Trang when you were never either in-country or 5th SFG? Give it up're a bad smell and a punk.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


So is everyone supposed to eat shit and die and not say anything back to that old asshole because he was a war hero?

Yes he's a war hero but he's a fucking asshole too who should have retired years ago but he's also a power mongering prick as well so he won't mentor anyone to follow in his footsteps.

You made one point I found interesting. There is a way to retire John McCain, since he is a sitting US-Senator, one of the 110 most powerful people in the USA.

You know what it's called?

It's called: ELECTIONS.

The will of the people. The people of Arizona elected him and re-elected him many times.

End of story.
And there are those that maintain HE was responsible for the 1967 USS Forestall disaster. John McCain's daddy, the Admiral, would fix thing for him...

Bogus claim...McCain was in his aircraft when ordnance got cooked off and started a linked series of disasters....He had nothing to do with the source of that and it's a filthy lie to say he was.
It was a filthy lie to say you were a marine.

I never said I was a Marine you gutless little punk. 1st Cav 7th Regiment AC/AM...
Yeah you did monkey. Even Trump didnt stoop this low.

Suffice to say my daring as a youngster turned into my abilities to be a Marine and a good one.

First off, we Marines are nothing like your comic book or huffypo version of us.....Whe the light goes green we're it? That's what they pay us to be....period. So step off your high horse and judge somebody who has some respect for your opinion.....I have none.
they don't read what they link to often

I didn't provide the link...and the article is totally anti McCain. Have you shaved your back yet? At some point you will learn to stop poking, until then I will continue to make you look the fool you are. You're minor league
I know you didn't provide the link....but you commented on it and fell on your sword yet again. :lol:

Because you say something does not make it fact....from the article. Perhaps your reading comprehension is bad? The article slams McCain. (I just cut your arm off with that sword, hairy)

The list of really stupid things that McCain has said and done over the years is indeed a long one, and too many times the traditional media and pundits let him of the hook because he's "hero." He was tortured after all! Some say his idea of a "joke" (recall "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran....but seriously folks...") has turned him into one.

I disagree. He's not a joke. He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.
The article slams McCain yes...but for his political failings. Or are you going to say we can't do that?

And now you call him pathetic.....ok....and a coward...not ok. You're as bad as Trump. A chickenhawk who first claims you know all about Purple Hearts because you have one hanging on your wall and then you besmirch the military records of TWO men who actually served and Republican and one Democrat.

Again you have failed, I never called him pathetic. Are you like fucking stupid? You fail constantly, it's because you're stupid. The medal that hangs on our wall was earned by someone YOU are not fit to shine his shoes. It doesn't belong to me, it belongs to his son. I know heroes, Kerry was not one. Now if you can't keep up I'll simply put you back on ignore, it's not like you add anything of substance. didn't say this?
He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.

Are you sure that you are sane?
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain

Some of the 280 comments connected to the linked article are an interesting read........

I particularly like when they direct posters to an expose by Rolling Stone trashing his service and saying he was captured because he was reckless.

The same Rolling Stone that was exposed for lying about college kids raping coed's and making up "facts".
Still waiting for you to link that thread you referred to from 2008, BlueGin. It DOES exist, right?
Yep, the swifty lies continue, you drama queen :lol:. The men's words contradict yours, those who served with him. And you long ago lost any cred you had on this board.

You mean the "cred" I took from your lying ass about being my instructor at Nha Trang when you were never either in-country or 5th SFG? Give it up're a bad smell and a punk.
No the cred you lost after stealing valor while all the while simply being a shitbird. Trump at least admits he never fought in Vietnam.
I didn't provide the link...and the article is totally anti McCain. Have you shaved your back yet? At some point you will learn to stop poking, until then I will continue to make you look the fool you are. You're minor league
I know you didn't provide the link....but you commented on it and fell on your sword yet again. :lol:

Because you say something does not make it fact....from the article. Perhaps your reading comprehension is bad? The article slams McCain. (I just cut your arm off with that sword, hairy)

The list of really stupid things that McCain has said and done over the years is indeed a long one, and too many times the traditional media and pundits let him of the hook because he's "hero." He was tortured after all! Some say his idea of a "joke" (recall "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran....but seriously folks...") has turned him into one.

I disagree. He's not a joke. He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.
The article slams McCain yes...but for his political failings. Or are you going to say we can't do that?

And now you call him pathetic.....ok....and a coward...not ok. You're as bad as Trump. A chickenhawk who first claims you know all about Purple Hearts because you have one hanging on your wall and then you besmirch the military records of TWO men who actually served and Republican and one Democrat.

Again you have failed, I never called him pathetic. Are you like fucking stupid? You fail constantly, it's because you're stupid. The medal that hangs on our wall was earned by someone YOU are not fit to shine his shoes. It doesn't belong to me, it belongs to his son. I know heroes, Kerry was not one. Now if you can't keep up I'll simply put you back on ignore, it's not like you add anything of substance. didn't say this?
He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.

Are you sure that you are sane?

Uhm hairy, that's a quote from the article you said wasn't bashing McCain. EPIC FIUCKING FAIL!!!!!!! ROFLMAO You idiot LOL
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero

For your weak intelligence, here, let me help:

that is a diary from KOS. Any member, known or unknown, can make his or her own diary and blog stuff. That diary is not part of the editorial staff of KOS.

Not only that, the blog entry itself does not criticize his military service, it criticizes what he did afterward.

Try again, this time, with talent.
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And there are those that maintain HE was responsible for the 1967 USS Forestall disaster. John McCain's daddy, the Admiral, would fix thing for him...

Bogus claim...McCain was in his aircraft when ordnance got cooked off and started a linked series of disasters....He had nothing to do with the source of that and it's a filthy lie to say he was.
It was a filthy lie to say you were a marine.

I never said I was a Marine you gutless little punk. 1st Cav 7th Regiment AC/AM...
Yeah you did monkey.

Suffice to say my daring as a youngster turned into my abilities to be a Marine and a good one.

First off, we Marines are nothing like your comic book or huffypo version of us.....Whe the light goes green we're it? That's what they pay us to be....period. So step off your high horse and judge somebody who has some respect for your opinion.....I have none.

"BullKurtzUSMC"....sorry fake-coon, everybody knows that was a goof on Marines I knew....only you post-abortion hair lips believed it was anything but satire.
Well, then, it should be easy for you to come up with some postings, amirite?

Good luck...I've asked her and BlueGin a few times already and........nothing.

As you quote the names I gave you. Such a liar you are.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
So you really dont have any proof?

they hate admitting they have no facts on their side.

the facts have a liberal bias
Fact is the shitty way liberals treated Vietnam veterans, and the way the Iraqi soldiers were reported on.

you saying it doesnt make it fact.

you have to prove what you claim with facts
Omg, okay I will play your little game. Lets go on the things Kerry said about soldiers in Vietnam and Iraq.
The issue is not about Kerry or even McCain. It is about a guy running for President that consistently says stupid shit and this time went over the line. The issue is the repugnant candidate Donald Trump and his lack of control, character and respect for American veterans and active duty military personnel.
Trump is saying everything already said at one time or another. This is just one big assed pile on. A politically correct pile on. I don't think Trump cares.

No, he doesn't. I agree with you.

Why? Because he has oodles and oodles of money to ride it out.

He specifically refused to rule out a third party run. I found that part to be most fascinating.

But today's 25 minutes of Neutron-Don show us that unscripted moments are like life: they can turn on a dime.
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.

don't play their games. all anyone has to do is go back on the board and Search the times that McCain was running for President. it's that simple and they know it. they were NASTY towards Palin and ran down McCain as well. they just hope people has forgotten.
I know a few on here i've noticed they live by talking points. Not even noticing when they change.

I wasn't trying to give you orders if it came across that way.
but I Know these people very well because I've been on here since 2004 when President Bush was in office. and she is a shit stirrer and nothing more. :2up:
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.
They didn't stop. Maybe you weren't paying attention.....or else someone told you that little fairy tale and you believed it.

Let me add, I live in a military base region....Camp Pendleton to the northwest of us...Miramar, NORIS and 32nd St. to the South of us....we get military info on casualties ALL THE TIME. For someone to say they are no longer reporting it.....that's a flat out lie.
I'm talking about abc, cbs, and nbc. keep tabs on all three news programs pre-Obama and post-Obama and immediately noticed that they stopped reporting casualties in late January 2008? All three? Is this what you are claiming?
No dipshit, it pissed me off how you liberals were using our great soldiers for political reasons. Number one was to make Bush look bad. Then when Obama got elected it ended, your use of the military was over. Just like Cindy Sheehan, her voice was lost when Obama got elected.
I know you didn't provide the link....but you commented on it and fell on your sword yet again. :lol:

Because you say something does not make it fact....from the article. Perhaps your reading comprehension is bad? The article slams McCain. (I just cut your arm off with that sword, hairy)

The list of really stupid things that McCain has said and done over the years is indeed a long one, and too many times the traditional media and pundits let him of the hook because he's "hero." He was tortured after all! Some say his idea of a "joke" (recall "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran....but seriously folks...") has turned him into one.

I disagree. He's not a joke. He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.
The article slams McCain yes...but for his political failings. Or are you going to say we can't do that?

And now you call him pathetic.....ok....and a coward...not ok. You're as bad as Trump. A chickenhawk who first claims you know all about Purple Hearts because you have one hanging on your wall and then you besmirch the military records of TWO men who actually served and Republican and one Democrat.

Again you have failed, I never called him pathetic. Are you like fucking stupid? You fail constantly, it's because you're stupid. The medal that hangs on our wall was earned by someone YOU are not fit to shine his shoes. It doesn't belong to me, it belongs to his son. I know heroes, Kerry was not one. Now if you can't keep up I'll simply put you back on ignore, it's not like you add anything of substance. didn't say this?
He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.

Are you sure that you are sane?

Uhm hairy, that's a quote from the article you said wasn't bashing McCain. EPIC FIUCKING FAIL!!!!!!! ROFLMAO You idiot LOL
It was your comment....not in quotes you know. :D Are you sure you're sane?
And there are those that maintain HE was responsible for the 1967 USS Forestall disaster. John McCain's daddy, the Admiral, would fix thing for him...

Bogus claim...McCain was in his aircraft when ordnance got cooked off and started a linked series of disasters....He had nothing to do with the source of that and it's a filthy lie to say he was.
It was a filthy lie to say you were a marine.

I never said I was a Marine you gutless little punk. 1st Cav 7th Regiment AC/AM...
Yeah you did monkey.

Suffice to say my daring as a youngster turned into my abilities to be a Marine and a good one.

First off, we Marines are nothing like your comic book or huffypo version of us.....Whe the light goes green we're it? That's what they pay us to be....period. So step off your high horse and judge somebody who has some respect for your opinion.....I have none.

"BullKurtzUSMC"....sorry fake-coon, everybody knows that was a goof on Marines I knew....only you post-abortion hair lips believed it was anything but satire.
Who is BullKurtzUSMC? I quoted your posts.
Jim Webb is a war hero but democrats would rather run a victim of domestic abuse. If you want to go back a couple of decades you could find that elitist idiot staffers for draft dodger Bill Clinton, who was a secret sexual pervert, called genuine WW2 War hero George H.W. Bush, who was shot down in combat, a wimp. Now it's so ironic that the former draft dodger secret pervert's enabler wife is running for the same office.
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is
they don't read what they link to often

A Hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain
Did you actually READ the article? :lol: It goes on that being a war hero is not the sum total of the man....his political record must be looked at too. Nowhere in the article is McCain's service bashed. Nice try.......but another Sassy fail.

they don't read what they link to often

I didn't provide the link...and the article is totally anti McCain. Have you shaved your back yet? At some point you will learn to stop poking, until then I will continue to make you look the fool you are. You're minor league
So are many of the 280 comments linked to the article as others have pointed out.

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