Trump insults a war hero

Politics doesn't supercede what that man did in Vietnam, nor what happened to him there.


A man, part of an invading foreign force, was captured whilst trying to kill people.
I'm unsure how that makes him a hero.
Trump is clearly an idiot, but he has that much right.
Yep, the swifty lies continue, you drama queen :lol:. The men's words contradict yours, those who served with him. And you long ago lost any cred you had on this board.

You mean the "cred" I took from your lying ass about being my instructor at Nha Trang when you were never either in-country or 5th SFG? Give it up're a bad smell and a punk.
I never said I was your instructor at Nha Trang as you well know: a simple lie by you. I never said I was in-country or with 5th SFG: a simple lie by you.

You lied because I was able to reveal your ignorance about the various training facilities in country, your statements unsupported by the official sources.

You may have been in-country, you may have been with 5th SFG, but your comments don't hold up. You are too ignorant about it , its facilities, and its histories.

And trying to pretend you were a Marine was a final straw, so you were called out by vets left, center, and right.
I never said I was a Marine you gutless little punk. 1st Cav 7th Regiment AC/AM...


Source: Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur Page 29 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Source: Barry-Care Invades Your BEDROOM... Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Source: First LADY Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Nuff said.


Yeah....that's almost as crappy as claiming you know all about who deserves medals because you have a Purple Heart hanging on your wall.

Actually I don't because despite being in almost constant combat from the jump, I only suffered a cut cheek by a piece of shrapnel my last day in before my turtle arrived....I was on the bird home later that afternoon...didn't even get stitched up until I got Stateside. Never put in for a PH or got one.
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McCain went on a failed mission in Vietnam and was captured.

Could someone explain how that makes him a "hero"?
So you really dont have any proof?

they hate admitting they have no facts on their side.

the facts have a liberal bias
Fact is the shitty way liberals treated Vietnam veterans, and the way the Iraqi soldiers were reported on.
We have learned from Viet Nam....soldiers back then were unfairly held accountable for the politicies of their superiors in Washington. But let's not deny the My Lai massacres and the Agent Orange and the Napalm......I served with some Nam vets who BRAGGED about dropping candy from Hueys over suspected VC villages for days until they thought it was safe then coming thru with the napalm. They bragged about throwing suspected VC out of helos at 10,000 feet in order to get others to talk.
You had to do what you had to do to survive. War is hell. I mean it took water boarding, so Obama had the intel to get bin Laden.
You mean the waterboarding that isn't torture? You mean the waterboarding that Hannity promised to do to raise $$$ for the Wounded Warriors charity? That waterboarding?
The water boarding that got the intel your man used to get bin Laden? So you are okay with it, because if you weren't a hypocrite you would be offended? Right? So you think Obama shouldn't of looked at that intel right? So is Obama an evil person for using intel through water boarding to get bin Laden?
go get the quote where they trash his war record?

Again, you need to learn the quote function, until you do you're ignored. You clutter up threads
So says the poster who can't or won't use the quote function herself and takes personal credit for comments from an article.

No, Hairy, you claimed to have read the article, obviously you didn't. With that said either stay on point or back to ignore with you. You're like a pesky gnat. Nothing more and nothing less.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain is not a war hero. He was an average pilot who got sot down and spent a long time in a terrible prison mistreated by a bunch of assholes. But he is not a hero.
Thats pretty much the definition of a war hero. I guess youve never been in a POW camp.

No, that's the definition of a POW. Being a POW sucks. There's no doubt of that. A hero though KNOWINGLY places themselves in a position where it is likely they will die....whether to save someone else's life, or to take out an enemy emplacement that is killing his men. Either way it is the knowledge that their life is probably forfeit and yet they still do the deed. THAT is a hero.
Disagree. He wasnt captured after going AWOL. He was captured while fighting and turned down being released. Thats pretty heroic. You must have never served?

You are correct. I never served. However there is no one who can verify his claim to have turned down release. The only source for that is him. His fellow POWs (other than his cellmate) don't have a high opinion of him either.
I have to suspect the Republicans will boycott the debates if Trump is invited. They will claim it is to honor McCain and his service and so on. It is an easy way for them to avoid facing Trump in the debates and look good doing it.

Trump really threw the establishment a fast ball right down the middle. I suspected Trump would fade in time, but never thought he could actually be forced from the debates.
Yeah....that's almost as crappy as claiming you know all about who deserves medals because you have a Purple Heart hanging on your wall.

Actually I don't because despite being in almost constant combat from the jump, I only suffered a cut cheek by a piece of shrapnel my last day in before my turtle arrived....I was on the bird home that later that afternoon...didn't even get stitched up until I got Stateside. Never put in for a PH or got one.
You are a tampon stain of epic proportions. You should be embarrassed to get on any thread with the word "military" in it after lying and saying you were a marine.
The source for the attack on Kerry's war record was an alcoholic rear admiral that Kerry had beat the snot out of in an officer club brawl.

Reading all the comments from those around him, the closer you got to all the men in the boat, the conclusion is that JK was correctly recognized for his merit and valor.

:badgrin: What a crock....Kerry wrote his own after-action reports and gave himself a Silver Star for shooting a kid in the back and then brought his boat back to the spot the next day to film a REENACTMENT of his bravery. The Swifties waited 30 years for payback on that pompous asshole and got it.
I thought you served in the military? If you really had, you would know that a LT can't "give himself a Silver Star". What a load of crap! You are definitely a poser! That just proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt!
I hate seeing Trump jump on a veteran's service.

He will do anything to be elected, practice scorched earth tactics against anyone who criticizes him, and is the 2015 exemplar of Joe McCarthy.

The GOP simply has no chance to win with him.
yep, two very different things. sure Trump went below the belt on this. But McCain has been a real dick about Trump to start with. so this is between them and personally, I don't care about either one. I do like Trump stirring up the debate on Illegal immigrants and Sanctuary cities. that needed to come out in the open

Finally, you bring forth an argument.

Hallelujah, amen.

I agree that McCain has also been uncouth about this. So, in a way, exactly as with Trump and Perry, we are seeing something of a feud. Only, McCain is not a presidential candidate in this cycle. Trump is. And watching a party feud may or may not be a healthy thing.

Congratulations to you for actually presenting an argument.

See how easy that can work?
Good luck...I've asked her and BlueGin a few times already and........nothing.

As you quote the names I gave you. Such a liar you are.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.
don't play their games. all anyone has to do is go back on the board and Search the times that McCain was running for President. it's that simple and they know it. they were NASTY towards Palin and ran down McCain as well. they just hope people has forgotten.
I know a few on here i've noticed they live by talking points. Not even noticing when they change.

I wasn't trying to give you orders if it came across that way.
but I Know these people very well because I've been on here since 2004 when President Bush was in office. and she is a shit stirrer and nothing more. :2up:
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.
They didn't stop. Maybe you weren't paying attention.....or else someone told you that little fairy tale and you believed it.

Let me add, I live in a military base region....Camp Pendleton to the northwest of us...Miramar, NORIS and 32nd St. to the South of us....we get military info on casualties ALL THE TIME. For someone to say they are no longer reporting it.....that's a flat out lie.
I'm talking about abc, cbs, and nbc. keep tabs on all three news programs pre-Obama and post-Obama and immediately noticed that they stopped reporting casualties in late January 2008? All three? Is this what you are claiming?
No dipshit, it pissed me off how you liberals were using our great soldiers for political reasons. Number one was to make Bush look bad. Then when Obama got elected it ended, your use of the military was over. Just like Cindy Sheehan, her voice was lost when Obama got elected.

No it didn't. Now they just use them to try and make Obama look good.
Politics doesn't supercede what that man did in Vietnam, nor what happened to him there.


A man, part of an invading foreign force, was captured whilst trying to kill people.
I'm unsure how that makes him a hero.
Trump is clearly an idiot, but he has that much right.
Yo're a dick.

Nice of you to mention it; perhaps you could explain how America wasn't the invading force, thus prove your assertion.
Because you say something does not make it fact....from the article. Perhaps your reading comprehension is bad? The article slams McCain. (I just cut your arm off with that sword, hairy)

The list of really stupid things that McCain has said and done over the years is indeed a long one, and too many times the traditional media and pundits let him of the hook because he's "hero." He was tortured after all! Some say his idea of a "joke" (recall "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran....but seriously folks...") has turned him into one.

I disagree. He's not a joke. He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.
The article slams McCain yes...but for his political failings. Or are you going to say we can't do that?

And now you call him pathetic.....ok....and a coward...not ok. You're as bad as Trump. A chickenhawk who first claims you know all about Purple Hearts because you have one hanging on your wall and then you besmirch the military records of TWO men who actually served and Republican and one Democrat.

Again you have failed, I never called him pathetic. Are you like fucking stupid? You fail constantly, it's because you're stupid. The medal that hangs on our wall was earned by someone YOU are not fit to shine his shoes. It doesn't belong to me, it belongs to his son. I know heroes, Kerry was not one. Now if you can't keep up I'll simply put you back on ignore, it's not like you add anything of substance. didn't say this?
He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.

Are you sure that you are sane?

Uhm hairy, that's a quote from the article you said wasn't bashing McCain. EPIC FIUCKING FAIL!!!!!!! ROFLMAO You idiot LOL
Where's the quotation marks, Sassy?

Hairy, one more off topic post and off to ignore you go. Stop being butthurt because you were stupid and got spanked. It's as simple as that.

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