Trump insults a war hero

I like how libs are criticizing Trump for criticizing McCain when he isn't saying anything they weren't saying in 2008. Hypocrisy.

I don't recall anyone questioning McCains war record, not like the swift boaters lied about Kerry.
You have a convenient memory.

Show me.
I don't jump through hoops for disingenuous liberals. I posted a google link, you can find plenty of examples there.

What link? You have nothing.
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?


And now with have ANOTHER poster making this that 3 or 4 now. And still waiting for some evidence in the way of links.

Back in from the garden.

Here you go Bod! Right on this board! By none other that one of our biggest lefties.


"When the communist learned that McCain's father was Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., the soon-to-be commander of all U.S. Forces in the Pacific, he was rushed to Gai Lam military hospital (U.S. government documents), a medical facility normally unavailable for U.S. POWs.

More: Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain
It's obvious that McCain received special treatment as a POW.

Founding Fathers: We Are Not a Christian Nation

Native American Genocide

New Study Finds 67% Of Native Americans Find Redskins Name Offensive

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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I never said I was your instructor at Nha Trang as you well know: a simple lie by you. I never said I was in-country or with 5th SFG: a simple lie by you.

You lied because I was able to reveal your ignorance about the various training facilities in country, your statements unsupported by the official sources.

You may have been in-country, you may have been with 5th SFG, but your comments don't hold up. You are too ignorant about it , its facilities, and its histories.

And trying to pretend you were a Marine was a final straw, so you were called out by vets left, center, and right.

Never said I was USMC, never said I was 5th SFG, never forgot you claiming to be an instructor at Nha know I put your ass in the soup and discovered your ass WAS soup, boy. Old grudges die hard with your kind....but the fact is you didn't fight that war and I with it or hang yourself, who cares?
Yes you did lie and say you were a marine.

Suffice to say my daring as a youngster turned into my abilities to be a Marine and a good one.

First off, we Marines are nothing like your comic book or huffypo version of us.....Whe the light goes green we're it? That's what they pay us to be....period. So step off your high horse and judge somebody who has some respect for your opinion.....I have none.

Then he claimed to be LRRP with the 1st Cav but couldn't answer a simple question that was put to him about them. Bullkurtz is a lying sack of shit.
He is lying POS and a shadow of a man. Scum like you scrape off the bottom of a kennel cleaners shoe.
so what. as if you on the left could care. none of you cared about that when he ran for President. or that Bush and Reagan served their country.

you people and Trump. you weren't any better with Palin. if anything you were downright vile and nasty to a woman running for office

it was some sick sick stuff

worry about your own party of old ALL WHITE corrupted fogies running. You all need a LOT OF HELP
Reagan's military story was famous because he said he was there and shooting footage during the liberation of a Nazi death camp. Only he never left Culvar City, California During his service in WWII.
Tax payers paid a million dollars in George Bush's training and he stopped flying and disappeared. The general that "exonerated" him was given the lucrative job of being in charge of the nation's entire National Guard.
All reports say he spent the time under a bar stool dressed like this:

Palin, who finds herself protected by a witch hunter who tried to get an old lady murdered falsely accused Obama of "paling around with terrorists (wink, wink)".

Kenyan Who Blessed Palin Chases Witches at Home Womens eNews

Saved Town From Mama Jane
In a video produced in 1999 by the Sentinel Group, a Christian research and information agency based in Lynnwood, Wash., the Kenyan pastor relates the story of how, in 1989, he saved the city of Kiambu from the clutches of crime, car accidents, speakeasies and even late-night discos by driving a particularly formidable witch called Mama Jane out of town.

That was Palin's pastor.

She looks so dangerous, doesn't she?
I like how libs are criticizing Trump for criticizing McCain when he isn't saying anything they weren't saying in 2008. Hypocrisy.

I don't recall anyone questioning McCains war record, not like the swift boaters lied about Kerry.
You have a convenient memory.

Show me.
I don't jump through hoops for disingenuous liberals. I posted a google link, you can find plenty of examples there.

What link? You have nothing.
Go back and look, lazy boy.
Then he claimed to be LRRP with the 1st Cav but couldn't answer a simple question that was put to him about them. Bullkurtz is a lying sack of shit.

Answered every question you came up with out of Wiki and you deleted my answers and suspended me for 5 days...Coyote can verify this you sack of shit.
No one believes you Bullshit.
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?



How's this? Already gave Bod one.


Well, I've just found this highly reputable-looking site that completely exposes the good senator.
The truth will shock you.

Not only
It is well known that during John SIDNEY McCain's interrogations, he was given special attention since his father was an admiral in the US NAVY. As a navy pilot, John SIDNEY McCain also had a great knowledge about weapons, radar systems and deployment; information which was highly valuable to the North Vietnamese and their Soviet patrons. Several of SIDNEY McCain's fellow prisoners witness part of an interrogation, where McCain was questioned by Russian speaking officers. After this interrogation, John SIDNEY McCain was removed from the bamboo holding cage with his fellow prisoners and given extra rations of rice and canned yams. We can deduce from this that John SIDNEY McCain gave his captors vital information during this interrogation in order to get this special treatment, and thus put the lives of thousands of AMERICAN servicemen in danger. Hopefully, the extra rice rations were enough to fill not only the hunger in his belly, but also the deep hole in his conscience...
but also

In all, John McCain was held as a prisoner of war for six years, even though he could have left as soon as the first year. There are many reports that he was constantly bound with ropes and tortured. Why would this be done if he had already given all his information to his captors.

The answer is simple. From John SIDNEY McCain's own accounts of his torture, the acts he was involved in correlate closely to those of SADO MASOCHISM. These are acts that are regularly celebrated by the HOMOSEXUAL/PERVERT community.

Before he was killed in a highly suspicious car accident, one of McCain's fellow prisoners testified on the BIBLE that during his time in the prison camp, John SIDNEY McCain had been a "bottom" (this is a pervert designation for a homosexual who receives sodomy rather than give it). This brave soldier also claimed that McCain frequently tried to dress in a feminine manner, and had sex with other prisoners and sometimes even his captors for extra cigarettes and plantains.

Even after his release, it seems that John SIDNEY McCain continued on with his homosexual acts. Several people have testified under oath that McCain was a constant figure in bars frequented by the homosexual/pervert community in Florida. It is these encounters that are widely known to have led to the end of McCain's first marriage.

The Truth About John McCain ||

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Then he claimed to be LRRP with the 1st Cav but couldn't answer a simple question that was put to him about them. Bullkurtz is a lying sack of shit.

Answered every question you came up with out of Wiki and you deleted my answers and suspended me for 5 days...Coyote can verify this you sack of shit.

I never asked you a question derived from wiki you fucking moron. I asked questions that an aviator OR a LRRP would know but which isn't common knowledge. I don't use wiki for anything. I don't need to. Unlike you I actually KNOW the people who flew the aircraft and we regularly go out for drinks and shooting excursions etc.

That's why I know the things I do. And also why I know you are full of shit.

And as stated before, McCain has no supporting evidence for his claims. None.
A boo boo is a boo boo. Kerry lied and said it was from enemy fire. It was from HIM. Try going back and reading the damn article, hack.

The pompous asshole was crafting a resume to run for office and nobody stopped him....more important things going on than some stooge padding his record.
I hate seeing Trump jump on a veteran's service.

He will do anything to be elected, practice scorched earth tactics against anyone who criticizes him, and is the 2015 exemplar of Joe McCarthy.

The GOP simply has no chance to win with him.

But the damage he is already doing is going to take a while to undo, regardless. And with 10 Billion at his disposal, he can wage a campaign all the way to the end, either as the GOP nominee or as a third party protest candidate.
Trump is stirring the ant nest just because its fun. And he is saying what others didn't or don't have the balls to say..right or wrong. And yeah..I think he is not really intersted in "winning" the nomination at all. He just wants to make the shit pot stinky before he bows out.
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?


And now with have ANOTHER poster making this that 3 or 4 now. And still waiting for some evidence in the way of links.

Back in from the garden.

Here you go Bod! Right on this board! By none other that one of our biggest lefties.


"When the communist learned that McCain's father was Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., the soon-to-be commander of all U.S. Forces in the Pacific, he was rushed to Gai Lam military hospital (U.S. government documents), a medical facility normally unavailable for U.S. POWs.

More: Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain
It's obvious that McCain received special treatment as a POW.

Founding Fathers: We Are Not a Christian Nation

Native American Genocide

New Study Finds 67% Of Native Americans Find Redskins Name Offensive

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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lol, good one tiny. there is much much more where that came from. they don't like it when you shove it back at them....bravo :2up:
"Kerry lied and said it was from enemy fire. It was from HIM." Let's see all the evidence, because the poster's cred is no good.
Last edited:
Trump is stirring the ant nest just because its fun. And he is saying what others didn't or don't have the balls to say..right or wrong. And yeah..I think he is not really intersted in "winning" the nomination at all. He just wants to make the shit pot stinky before he bows out.

Fine with me. like I said. I'm glad he brought out illegal immigrants and Sanctuary cities.

ran across this today. this is why they'd rather lower themselves to claim they're upset with what he said about McCain. they don't want THIS getting around

this is why the left/dems/commies were trying so hard to shut down Trump. LEGAL immigrants are not in FAVOR OF Obama's amnesty and are just as upset over the illegal immigrants in the country
VOTE OUT the Democrat/progressive party come 2016 before it's too late


Poll: Most Hispanic Voters Don’t Think A Path To Citizenship Is Solution
More than 60 percent of registered Hispanic voters do not think a pathway to citizenship for illegals would benefit the country, and most do not see it as the best way to solve the country’s immigration problems, a new poll shows.

Of the 62 percent who felt a pathway to citizenship for illegals would not benefit the country, 33 percent felt it would hurt the economy, 7 percent felt it would overly burden public schools and 10 percent felt it would create public safety issues, the McKeon & Associates Wednesday poll found.

“The economy is still the issue,” Michael McKeon told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “When 33 percent think immigration will hurt the economy, that’s what’s on their mind.”

all of it here:

Poll Hispanic Voters Don t See Path To Citizenship As Benefit The Daily Caller
I never asked you a question derived from wiki you fucking moron. I asked questions that an aviator OR a LRRP would know but which isn't common knowledge. I don't use wiki for anything. I don't need to. Unlike you I actually KNOW the people who flew the aircraft and we regularly go out for drinks and shooting excursions etc.

That's why I know the things I do. And also why I know you are full of shit.

And as stated before, McCain has no supporting evidence for his claims. None.

You continued to ask me about bait birds with their snake buddy up top...something I saw, you read about. You demanded I call them white bird red bird but they weren't called that by ground forces or us Air you decided I was a "liar" while you continued to post like you were a Viet Vet when you were never in US Armed Forces. YOU are the one who got exposed....I have little doubt you've posed a combat vet in that theater for years and thought you could pull if off with me and others here....wrong guess, asshole.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.

I think it's part of the Trump plan to piss off all Republicans and Democrats in Congress and then fire them.

Hell I could almost go for that. At least HALF of the nitwits in both parties

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