Trump insults a war hero

Trump is stirring the ant nest just because its fun. And he is saying what others didn't or don't have the balls to say..right or wrong. And yeah..I think he is not really intersted in "winning" the nomination at all. He just wants to make the shit pot stinky before he bows out.

Oh, I'm not so sure. His body English tells me that he really does want to be President, only he is used to snapping his fingers and having his minions race like rats in the mill for him, I bet that part of his brain is calculating how much $$$ it is going to take to get him there.
I hate seeing Trump jump on a veteran's service.

He will do anything to be elected, practice scorched earth tactics against anyone who criticizes him, and is the 2015 exemplar of Joe McCarthy.

The GOP simply has no chance to win with him.

But the damage he is already doing is going to take a while to undo, regardless. And with 10 Billion at his disposal, he can wage a campaign all the way to the end, either as the GOP nominee or as a third party protest candidate.

Trump is speaking without a filter. Lots of cons like that. He is going to be a force to be reckoned with. He has enough money that he can insulate himself from most problems and he can buy coverage that would otherwise be denied him as the huffington post is trying to do. He will simply go around them. And they will have damaged their reputation for nothing.
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?


And now with have ANOTHER poster making this that 3 or 4 now. And still waiting for some evidence in the way of links.

Back in from the garden.

Here you go Bod! Right on this board! By none other that one of our biggest lefties.


"When the communist learned that McCain's father was Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., the soon-to-be commander of all U.S. Forces in the Pacific, he was rushed to Gai Lam military hospital (U.S. government documents), a medical facility normally unavailable for U.S. POWs.

More: Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain
It's obvious that McCain received special treatment as a POW.

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Would you like more?

lol, good one tiny. there is much much more where that came from. they don't like it when you shove it back at them....bravo :2up:

Well, if that's the case, you should be able to find some links, right??
I never asked you a question derived from wiki you fucking moron. I asked questions that an aviator OR a LRRP would know but which isn't common knowledge. I don't use wiki for anything. I don't need to. Unlike you I actually KNOW the people who flew the aircraft and we regularly go out for drinks and shooting excursions etc.

That's why I know the things I do. And also why I know you are full of shit.

And as stated before, McCain has no supporting evidence for his claims. None.

You continued to ask me about bait birds with their snake buddy up top...something I saw, you read about. You demanded I call them white bird red bird but they weren't called that by ground forces or us Air you decided I was a "liar" while you continued to post like you were a Viet Vet when you were never in US Armed Forces. YOU are the one who got exposed....I have little doubt you've posed a combat vet in that theater for years and thought you could pull if off with me and others here....wrong guess, asshole.

Yes, I asked you what those pairings were called and to date you haven't been able to answer that simple question. ANYONE in the Cav would KNOW that answer. Thus you are full of shit because you DON'T!
Bill Clinton's staffers got away with the unfair incredible insulting characterization of George H.W. Bush, who was shot down in combat in WW2, that he was a wimp. Nobody was outraged because the liberal media was in charge. John McCain is a dark angry hero who cracked under torture and Americans (even republicans) didn't trust him. It's still ironic that democrats would rather run the abused spouse of a former president than a real Military hero and they get away with feigned outrage about selected sound bites from Trump while the wife and enabler of a real draft dodger and pervert runs for president.
Trump is stirring the ant nest just because its fun. And he is saying what others didn't or don't have the balls to say..right or wrong. And yeah..I think he is not really intersted in "winning" the nomination at all. He just wants to make the shit pot stinky before he bows out.

Oh, I'm not so sure. His body English tells me that he really does want to be President, only he is used to snapping his fingers and having his minions race like rats in the mill for him, I bet that part of his brain is calculating how much $$$ it is going to take to get him there.

No, he's not figuring out the cost....he's figuring out how to market himself even better so he can make even more money.
I hate seeing Trump jump on a veteran's service.

He will do anything to be elected, practice scorched earth tactics against anyone who criticizes him, and is the 2015 exemplar of Joe McCarthy.

The GOP simply has no chance to win with him.

But the damage he is already doing is going to take a while to undo, regardless. And with 10 Billion at his disposal, he can wage a campaign all the way to the end, either as the GOP nominee or as a third party protest candidate.

Trump is speaking without a filter. Lots of cons like that. He is going to be a force to be reckoned with. He has enough money that he can insulate himself from most problems and he can buy coverage that would otherwise be denied him as the huffington post is trying to do. He will simply go around them. And they will have damaged their reputation for nothing.

I believe that you and I are essentially saying the same thing.

And part of the damage is that Trump acts, forcing others in the GOP field to react. For instance, I doubt that any other GOPer was even remotely imagining that Trump would attack McCain's heroism, however you want to call it, the way he did. In fact, I wonder if Trump even planned it. It looks very, impromptu, very off-the-cuff, very, very unscripted to me.

So, his comments about Mexicans being rapists and such - it only took about 3 weeks for a GOPer to actually come out and push back on that stuff. So, the logical question in a GOP debate would be:

"Sen. So-and-So, Donald Trump said so-and-so about Mexicans so-and-so and you first responded three weeks later. Why did you wait so long?"

Yepp, Trump is a walking neutron bomb.

I am thoroughly enjoying this.
Trump is stirring the ant nest just because its fun. And he is saying what others didn't or don't have the balls to say..right or wrong. And yeah..I think he is not really intersted in "winning" the nomination at all. He just wants to make the shit pot stinky before he bows out.

I agree...Trump is treating this like a dust up with Rosey instead of a political campaign where the first liar don't stand a chance. I'd imagine he plans on running without a VP....who could share a ticket with "The Donald"? :lol:
Trump is stirring the ant nest just because its fun. And he is saying what others didn't or don't have the balls to say..right or wrong. And yeah..I think he is not really intersted in "winning" the nomination at all. He just wants to make the shit pot stinky before he bows out.

Oh, I'm not so sure. His body English tells me that he really does want to be President, only he is used to snapping his fingers and having his minions race like rats in the mill for him, I bet that part of his brain is calculating how much $$$ it is going to take to get him there.

No, he's not figuring out the cost....he's figuring out how to market himself even better so he can make even more money.

After the election, I assume.
I hate seeing Trump jump on a veteran's service.

He will do anything to be elected, practice scorched earth tactics against anyone who criticizes him, and is the 2015 exemplar of Joe McCarthy.

The GOP simply has no chance to win with him.

But the damage he is already doing is going to take a while to undo, regardless. And with 10 Billion at his disposal, he can wage a campaign all the way to the end, either as the GOP nominee or as a third party protest candidate.

Trump is speaking without a filter. Lots of cons like that. He is going to be a force to be reckoned with. He has enough money that he can insulate himself from most problems and he can buy coverage that would otherwise be denied him as the huffington post is trying to do. He will simply go around them. And they will have damaged their reputation for nothing.

I believe that you and I are essentially saying the same thing.

And part of the damage is that Trump acts, forcing others in the GOP field to react. For instance, I doubt that any other GOPer was even remotely imagining that Trump would attack McCain's heroism, however you want to call it, the way he did. In fact, I wonder if Trump even planned it. It looks very, impromptu, very off-the-cuff, very, very unscripted to me.

So, his comments about Mexicans being rapists and such - it only took about 3 weeks for a GOPer to actually come out and push back on that stuff. So, the logical question in a GOP debate would be:

"Sen. So-and-So, Donald Trump said so-and-so about Mexicans so-and-so and you first responded three weeks later. Why did you wait so long?"

Yepp, Trump is a walking neutron bomb.

I am thoroughly enjoying this.

Trump was responding off the cuff and I am sure he did it because McCain insulted hime previously. Trump doesn't like McCain and Trump remembers McCains part in the savings and loan scandal when he was a part of the Keating Five. Trump is a hell of a lot smarter than McCain, and I don't think he is as corrupt as McCain is though who can really tell when they have that much money.

Either way Trump actually did make most of his money the legal way and McCain didn't.
Will Lindsey Graham rush to McCain's defense? What about the other GOP candidates?

Except for Cruz, the remaining RINO sellouts are looking to avoid having to debate him. Trump could end up running as an independent, deciding how far they wanna take it, just to reward them...........
As you quote the names I gave you. Such a liar you are.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Welp.. In the meantime here is one from Lakota

Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.

Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.

Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

McCain Opponents lying about Iraq history Maliki wanted 20 000 troops Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I don't recall anyone questioning McCains war record, not like the swift boaters lied about Kerry.
You have a convenient memory.

Show me.
I don't jump through hoops for disingenuous liberals. I posted a google link, you can find plenty of examples there.

What link? You have nothing.
Go back and look, lazy boy.

You got nothing....
Trump is stirring the ant nest just because its fun. And he is saying what others didn't or don't have the balls to say..right or wrong. And yeah..I think he is not really intersted in "winning" the nomination at all. He just wants to make the shit pot stinky before he bows out.

Oh, I'm not so sure. His body English tells me that he really does want to be President, only he is used to snapping his fingers and having his minions race like rats in the mill for him, I bet that part of his brain is calculating how much $$$ it is going to take to get him there.

No, he's not figuring out the cost....he's figuring out how to market himself even better so he can make even more money.

After the election, I assume.

Oh, hell no. I am positive he is figuring out how to make the election pay for itself. Trump was always good at spending other peoples money. He made most of his cash legally by convincing New York to abate his property taxes. That was huge.
Yes, I asked you what those pairings were called and to date you haven't been able to answer that simple question. ANYONE in the Cav would KNOW that answer. Thus you are full of shit because you DON'T!


And still you can't answer the question. It must suck when you can't look something up on wiki to support your lies.
I have to suspect the Republicans will boycott the debates if Trump is invited. They will claim it is to honor McCain and his service and so on. It is an easy way for them to avoid facing Trump in the debates and look good doing it.

Trump really threw the establishment a fast ball right down the middle. I suspected Trump would fade in time, but never thought he could actually be forced from the debates.

Hello, Mike473 -

Yes, that could be an option, but probably only a one-horse tune, meaning, they could only get away with it once, and there are going to be a number of debates. And unless Trump tanks in the next 4 of 5 polls, his aggregate polling values will still have him easily over 10%, meaning, he will be one of the ten at the first debate in Cleveland, OH, in August.

I cannot wait to see Trump and Christie go after each other. MUST SEE TV!
but attacking Kerry was fine huh cons?
The difference, you idiot, is that we are not pretending we DIDN'T, and if a liberal candidate attacks Kerry's war record, I won't be showing any fake outrage and act like I'm offended the way you hypocrites are doing now.

you guys are the party that trashes war service

the dems don't you liar

I just put up trashing of McCain by two posters on this board.

Check out Lakhota and idb's posts.

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