Trump insults a war hero

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look... One from Ravi

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look... One from Ravi

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I googled "Lakhota John McCain bad POW" and came up with Ravi's thread.

Look, asshole.I have a purple heart that hangs in our den and will someday be given to the son of the man that earned it. It was paid for in blood and sacrifice, don't you EVER try to tell me what a hero is. Kerry is no fucking hero. No way, no how
Who did you steal that from? The only thing you know about Kerry is that he is a democrat. That is the only fact that lets inbred fucks like you attack him.

Fuck you. Kerry is no fucking war hero. Nada, aint happening. You idiot left loons have low standards if you think Kerry is anything but what he is...a fucking coward and traitor
And where did your daddy/uncle get he Purple Heart? Splinters in his knees while blowing the Sarge?

The man that earned it would have spit in your ass, fag

He liked it wet and dirty...we get it.

I'm sure YOU get it, dude.
You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look... One from Ravi

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look... One from Ravi

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I googled "Lakhota John McCain bad POW" and came up with Ravi's thread.


Yep. I searched "McCain traitor" and got Ravi's thread :)
Unlike most of his fellow Republican presidential candidates, Senator Ted Cruz refused to repudiate Donald Trump for disparaging Senator John McCain's war record on Saturday. "They're running their own campaigns, they can make their decisions, I'm n ... (Yahoo/Bloomberg)

You have a convenient memory.

Show me.
I don't jump through hoops for disingenuous liberals. I posted a google link, you can find plenty of examples there.

What link? You have nothing.
Go back and look, lazy boy.

You got nothing....
but attacking Kerry was fine huh cons?
The difference, you idiot, is that we are not pretending we DIDN'T, and if a liberal candidate attacks Kerry's war record, I won't be showing any fake outrage and act like I'm offended the way you hypocrites are doing now.

you guys are the party that trashes war service

the dems don't you liar

I just put up trashing of McCain by two posters on this board.

Check out Lakhota and idb's posts.

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I have trashed the Hanoi Hilton Songbird many times. I think he's a piece of shit - just like Trump.
Will Lindsey Graham rush to McCain's defense? What about the other GOP candidates?

Except for Cruz, the remaining RINO sellouts are looking to avoid having to debate him. Trump could end up running as an independent, deciding how far they wanna take it, just to reward them...........
A well financed and well organized third party effort by Trump with Cruz as his sidekick would turn the election upside down.
Trump Says He Heroically Avoided Capture in Vietnam by Staying in U.S.
AMES, IOWA (The Borowitz Report)—Presidential candidate Donald Trump revealed a little-known episode of personal heroism from his youth on Saturday, telling an Iowa audience that he narrowly avoided capture in Vietnam by remaining in the United States for the duration of the war.

“The Cong were after me,” Trump said, visibly stirred by the memory. “And then, just in the nick of time, I got my deferment.”

The former reality-show star said he had never shared his record as a war hero before because “I don’t like to boast.”

He said that he only disclosed the episode now because “the way this nation treats our deferment veterans is a disgrace.”

Trump complained that he received no official commendation or medal for his heroism, calling the lack of recognition “shameful.”

“Those brave Americans who, like me, avoided being captured by not serving at all—we are the true heroes,” he said.

Trump’s tale of valor appeared to move many members of his audience, some of whom waited in line after his speech to thank him for his lack of service.

Trump Says He Heroically Avoided Capture in Vietnam by Staying in U.S. - The New Yorker
Will Lindsey Graham rush to McCain's defense? What about the other GOP candidates?

Except for Cruz, the remaining RINO sellouts are looking to avoid having to debate him. Trump could end up running as an independent, deciding how far they wanna take it, just to reward them...........
A well financed and well organized third party effort by Trump with Cruz as his sidekick would turn the election upside down.
He mentioned to an audience member in that same "spectacle" he would not step down if he didnt get the GOP nod.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look another from Lakota

THE MEN McCAIN LEFT BEHIND. Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

oh yeah, and much much more from all of them on the left. did we not call them out or what....good one dear
When the DON is finished setting off his neutron bombs, then the GOP candidates will be in fine shape for their convention:

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?



How's this? Already gave Bod one.


Well, I've just found this highly reputable-looking site that completely exposes the good senator.
The truth will shock you.

Not only
It is well known that during John SIDNEY McCain's interrogations, he was given special attention since his father was an admiral in the US NAVY. As a navy pilot, John SIDNEY McCain also had a great knowledge about weapons, radar systems and deployment; information which was highly valuable to the North Vietnamese and their Soviet patrons. Several of SIDNEY McCain's fellow prisoners witness part of an interrogation, where McCain was questioned by Russian speaking officers. After this interrogation, John SIDNEY McCain was removed from the bamboo holding cage with his fellow prisoners and given extra rations of rice and canned yams. We can deduce from this that John SIDNEY McCain gave his captors vital information during this interrogation in order to get this special treatment, and thus put the lives of thousands of AMERICAN servicemen in danger. Hopefully, the extra rice rations were enough to fill not only the hunger in his belly, but also the deep hole in his conscience...
but also

In all, John McCain was held as a prisoner of war for six years, even though he could have left as soon as the first year. There are many reports that he was constantly bound with ropes and tortured. Why would this be done if he had already given all his information to his captors.

The answer is simple. From John SIDNEY McCain's own accounts of his torture, the acts he was involved in correlate closely to those of SADO MASOCHISM. These are acts that are regularly celebrated by the HOMOSEXUAL/PERVERT community.

Before he was killed in a highly suspicious car accident, one of McCain's fellow prisoners testified on the BIBLE that during his time in the prison camp, John SIDNEY McCain had been a "bottom" (this is a pervert designation for a homosexual who receives sodomy rather than give it). This brave soldier also claimed that McCain frequently tried to dress in a feminine manner, and had sex with other prisoners and sometimes even his captors for extra cigarettes and plantains.

Even after his release, it seems that John SIDNEY McCain continued on with his homosexual acts. Several people have testified under oath that McCain was a constant figure in bars frequented by the homosexual/pervert community in Florida. It is these encounters that are widely known to have led to the end of McCain's first marriage.

The Truth About John McCain ||

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Your source and link is to a hybrid forum anyone can post on. In this case, your post is from a guy who calls himself Psycho Dave. You are a friggin retard.
Will Lindsey Graham rush to McCain's defense? What about the other GOP candidates?

Except for Cruz, the remaining RINO sellouts are looking to avoid having to debate him. Trump could end up running as an independent, deciding how far they wanna take it, just to reward them...........
A well financed and well organized third party effort by Trump with Cruz as his sidekick would turn the election upside down.

What is funny is that the first question asked of Trump by an audience member in Iowa today was whether Trump would unequivocally, absolutely categorically rule out a third party run. But the questioner also posed it, saying that Ross Perot swung the election in 1992 for Clinton, which is not true. On election eve, 1992, CNN, among other news networks, put out the results of two final polls, one for a three way race, the other for a two-way hypothetical:

Clinton 43
Bush 37
Perot 19

Two-way hypothetical:

Clinton 55
Bush 45

I remember seeing this, late into the night.

And Trump said NO, he would not rule out a third-party run.

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?



How's this? Already gave Bod one.


Well, I've just found this highly reputable-looking site that completely exposes the good senator.
The truth will shock you.

Not only
It is well known that during John SIDNEY McCain's interrogations, he was given special attention since his father was an admiral in the US NAVY. As a navy pilot, John SIDNEY McCain also had a great knowledge about weapons, radar systems and deployment; information which was highly valuable to the North Vietnamese and their Soviet patrons. Several of SIDNEY McCain's fellow prisoners witness part of an interrogation, where McCain was questioned by Russian speaking officers. After this interrogation, John SIDNEY McCain was removed from the bamboo holding cage with his fellow prisoners and given extra rations of rice and canned yams. We can deduce from this that John SIDNEY McCain gave his captors vital information during this interrogation in order to get this special treatment, and thus put the lives of thousands of AMERICAN servicemen in danger. Hopefully, the extra rice rations were enough to fill not only the hunger in his belly, but also the deep hole in his conscience...
but also

In all, John McCain was held as a prisoner of war for six years, even though he could have left as soon as the first year. There are many reports that he was constantly bound with ropes and tortured. Why would this be done if he had already given all his information to his captors.

The answer is simple. From John SIDNEY McCain's own accounts of his torture, the acts he was involved in correlate closely to those of SADO MASOCHISM. These are acts that are regularly celebrated by the HOMOSEXUAL/PERVERT community.

Before he was killed in a highly suspicious car accident, one of McCain's fellow prisoners testified on the BIBLE that during his time in the prison camp, John SIDNEY McCain had been a "bottom" (this is a pervert designation for a homosexual who receives sodomy rather than give it). This brave soldier also claimed that McCain frequently tried to dress in a feminine manner, and had sex with other prisoners and sometimes even his captors for extra cigarettes and plantains.

Even after his release, it seems that John SIDNEY McCain continued on with his homosexual acts. Several people have testified under oath that McCain was a constant figure in bars frequented by the homosexual/pervert community in Florida. It is these encounters that are widely known to have led to the end of McCain's first marriage.

The Truth About John McCain ||

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Your source and link is to a hybrid forum anyone can post on. In this case, your post is from a guy who calls himself Psycho Dave. You are a friggin retard.
Nah, that's daveman.
so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?



How's this? Already gave Bod one.


Well, I've just found this highly reputable-looking site that completely exposes the good senator.
The truth will shock you.

Not only
It is well known that during John SIDNEY McCain's interrogations, he was given special attention since his father was an admiral in the US NAVY. As a navy pilot, John SIDNEY McCain also had a great knowledge about weapons, radar systems and deployment; information which was highly valuable to the North Vietnamese and their Soviet patrons. Several of SIDNEY McCain's fellow prisoners witness part of an interrogation, where McCain was questioned by Russian speaking officers. After this interrogation, John SIDNEY McCain was removed from the bamboo holding cage with his fellow prisoners and given extra rations of rice and canned yams. We can deduce from this that John SIDNEY McCain gave his captors vital information during this interrogation in order to get this special treatment, and thus put the lives of thousands of AMERICAN servicemen in danger. Hopefully, the extra rice rations were enough to fill not only the hunger in his belly, but also the deep hole in his conscience...
but also

In all, John McCain was held as a prisoner of war for six years, even though he could have left as soon as the first year. There are many reports that he was constantly bound with ropes and tortured. Why would this be done if he had already given all his information to his captors.

The answer is simple. From John SIDNEY McCain's own accounts of his torture, the acts he was involved in correlate closely to those of SADO MASOCHISM. These are acts that are regularly celebrated by the HOMOSEXUAL/PERVERT community.

Before he was killed in a highly suspicious car accident, one of McCain's fellow prisoners testified on the BIBLE that during his time in the prison camp, John SIDNEY McCain had been a "bottom" (this is a pervert designation for a homosexual who receives sodomy rather than give it). This brave soldier also claimed that McCain frequently tried to dress in a feminine manner, and had sex with other prisoners and sometimes even his captors for extra cigarettes and plantains.

Even after his release, it seems that John SIDNEY McCain continued on with his homosexual acts. Several people have testified under oath that McCain was a constant figure in bars frequented by the homosexual/pervert community in Florida. It is these encounters that are widely known to have led to the end of McCain's first marriage.

The Truth About John McCain ||

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Your source and link is to a hybrid forum anyone can post on. In this case, your post is from a guy who calls himself Psycho Dave. You are a friggin retard.
Nah, that's daveman.

Is someone Daving????

It's hilarious to watch Cruz suck up to Trump.

"I recognize that folks in the press love to see Republican on Republican violence. And so you want me to say something bad about Donald Trump or bad about John McCain or bad about anyone else. I'm not gonna do it," Cruz told reporters. "John McCain is a friend of mine, I respect and admire him, he's an American hero. And Donald Trump is a friend of mine."

Donald Trump On John McCain"s War Record: 'I Like People Who Weren't Captured'

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