Trump insults a war hero

This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


Trump is just doing what Republican do. He trashes a war hero the way Bush trashed John Kerry. Bush, an AWOL chicken hawk also trashed McCain during the 2000 Republican primaries claiming in robo calls that McCain had fathered a Black child out of wedlock. That was a total lie but the ignorant red state racist Republican voters believed it and McCain lost.

Trump may very well be a Democrat plant who is saying all the vile things that Republican voters have in their black hearts. The more ugly things he says and the more lies he tells the higher he rises in the polls. Trump epitomizes the quintessential Republican. Senator Lindsey Graham who is actually qualified to be the president is being ignored by the Republican voters because he's too sane and too qualified.

I have to agree with that part about Graham. He throws hissy fits, but the guy knows how gubbermint works and he knows the wonky stuff needed in order to get stuff done. He does not have a rat's chance in Hell at getting the nomination, nor does Gilmore.

John Kasich, on the other hand, could turn out to be a real surprise.

Graham is sane and Republicans don't like sanity.
When the DON is finished setting off his neutron bombs, then the GOP candidates will be in fine shape for their convention:


Now, once the GOP nominee is selected, on, say, the 6th or 8th ballot or so, then the troops will revvvvv him back up again and soon he will be just like new:


And the GOP will have survived the Trumpian Neutron-Bomb War of 2015-2016.

Trumps political career has just crashed and burned

Even the staunchest conservative can't support that asshole

The polls say otherwise. Trump is saying the hateful garbage that Republicans love. Trump is an uncouth narcissistic blowhard. If only he had a kids with criminal records and a few arrests of his own he'd be the perfect Republican.

Trump is stirring the ant nest just because its fun. And he is saying what others didn't or don't have the balls to say..right or wrong. And yeah..I think he is not really intersted in "winning" the nomination at all. He just wants to make the shit pot stinky before he bows out.

I agree...Trump is treating this like a dust up with Rosey instead of a political campaign where the first liar don't stand a chance. I'd imagine he plans on running without a VP....who could share a ticket with "The Donald"? :lol:
One of his sons? :lol:
And still you can't answer the question. It must suck when you can't look something up on wiki to support your lies.

You realize that the "likes" and "agrees" you're getting are suck-ups by the other losers here because you're a mod, right? None of your backers know anything more about Vietnam than you do.
Actually, I respect Westwall's comments. I learn stuff from him. And no, I ain't sucking up to him.
I'm starting to like Cruz. He knows when to stfu and get out of the way, lol.
Ok, I've had my fun now, cuz with some much elephant - craziness, all that really can be done is to have fun.

But the following things are likely to happen:

1.) Tomorrow's Sunday talking heads are going to be busier than whores on nickel-night.

2.) There will be a concerted effort as of Monday to call on the Trumpian Neutron-Bomb dropper to drop out. Of course, he won't. He will show them his hand and then retract 3 fingers and 1 thumb.

3.) Elephants will then push the panic button.


Next week, should you see dazed and disoriented Elephants wandering aimlessly on their way to Flanders Fields, exercise extreme caution.

Thank you.
Yeah Trump is definitely a dem plant. The repubs wont like this.

Donald Trump We need as a nation to reexamine the single-payer plan. Yes really read this.

TRUMP: I think you have to have it, and, again, I said I’m conservative, generally speaking, I’m conservative, and even very conservative. But I’m quite liberal and getting much more liberal on health care and other things. I really say: What’s the purpose of a country if you’re not going to have defensive and health care?

If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. I mean, it’s no good. So I’m very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better.

KING: So you believe, then, it’s an entitlement of birth?

TRUMP: I think it is. It’s an entitlement to this country, and too bad the world can’t be, you know, in this country. But the fact is, it’s an entitlement to this country if we’re going to have a great country.
And? He is right. All the taxes we pay, greatest country on earth, land of the free home of the brave, blah blah blah. We SHOULD have the best health care. Hell, we have been PAYING for it with our taxes.
Yeah Trump is definitely a dem plant. The repubs wont like this.

Donald Trump We need as a nation to reexamine the single-payer plan. Yes really read this.

TRUMP: I think you have to have it, and, again, I said I’m conservative, generally speaking, I’m conservative, and even very conservative. But I’m quite liberal and getting much more liberal on health care and other things. I really say: What’s the purpose of a country if you’re not going to have defensive and health care?

If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. I mean, it’s no good. So I’m very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better.

KING: So you believe, then, it’s an entitlement of birth?

TRUMP: I think it is. It’s an entitlement to this country, and too bad the world can’t be, you know, in this country. But the fact is, it’s an entitlement to this country if we’re going to have a great country.

Quick, get the defibrilator: The DON and I are in agreement about something!

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