Trump insults a war hero

And still you can't answer the question. It must suck when you can't look something up on wiki to support your lies.

You realize that the "likes" and "agrees" you're getting are suck-ups by the other losers here because you're a mod, right? None of your backers know anything more about Vietnam than you do.
I never asked you a question derived from wiki you fucking moron. I asked questions that an aviator OR a LRRP would know but which isn't common knowledge. I don't use wiki for anything. I don't need to. Unlike you I actually KNOW the people who flew the aircraft and we regularly go out for drinks and shooting excursions etc.

That's why I know the things I do. And also why I know you are full of shit.

And as stated before, McCain has no supporting evidence for his claims. None.

You continued to ask me about bait birds with their snake buddy up top...something I saw, you read about. You demanded I call them white bird red bird but they weren't called that by ground forces or us Air you decided I was a "liar" while you continued to post like you were a Viet Vet when you were never in US Armed Forces. YOU are the one who got exposed....I have little doubt you've posed a combat vet in that theater for years and thought you could pull if off with me and others here....wrong guess, asshole.

Yes, I asked you what those pairings were called and to date you haven't been able to answer that simple question. ANYONE in the Cav would KNOW that answer. Thus you are full of shit because you DON'T!

A couple of months from now Bullshit will claim he never said he was in the Cavs. Mark my words.
As you quote the names I gave you. Such a liar you are.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look... One from Ravi

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
but attacking Kerry was fine huh cons?
The difference, you idiot, is that we are not pretending we DIDN'T, and if a liberal candidate attacks Kerry's war record, I won't be showing any fake outrage and act like I'm offended the way you hypocrites are doing now.

you guys are the party that trashes war service

the dems don't you liar

I just put up trashing of McCain by two posters on this board.

Check out Lakhota and idb's posts.

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I have trashed the Hanoi Hilton Songbird many times. I think he's a piece of shit - just like Trump.
did anyone see Trump took a swipe at Hufferpuffer post today

smacked them down but good.

I was
You have a convenient memory.

Show me.
I don't jump through hoops for disingenuous liberals. I posted a google link, you can find plenty of examples there.

What link? You have nothing.
Go back and look, lazy boy.

You got nothing....
Here's another one from Tinydancer.

Trump insults a war hero Page 27 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And still you can't answer the question. It must suck when you can't look something up on wiki to support your lies.

You realize that the "likes" and "agrees" you're getting are suck-ups by the other losers here because you're a mod, right? None of your backers know anything more about Vietnam than you do.

I don't follow them. I do pay attention to stolen valor assholes like you though because while I did not serve I honor and respect the sacrifice that our soldiers endured so that I can have the life I lead. I did not turn my back on them when they came home and instead welcomed them and those friends I made back then are my friends still.

Face it stupid. You are a liar. I have proven it and everyone here knows you for the lying POS you are.

Just go away and come back as a sock. Just make sure you don't claim to be a war hero because you clearly ain't.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.

I don't like McCain's politics. I've never vote for him and probably never will. But still, I've go no reason to piss on his service. Piss on his politics, yes, but his service... Really? It's not like I would have ever vote for Trump, but still, why does he have to make republicans look like dumb asses? What point was he trying to make... that getting shot down is not impressive? He should have killed himself to not be captured behind enemy lines?
I disagree with Trump on this one, but he's entitled to his opinion. Not to say that his opinion on POW's doesn't matter to me, but it's pathetic how republicans are trying to get him out of the race over this. PC police/thought police in the republican party won't prevail.
Just to lighten the =)/)(&)%&/§$%&§&$(&)=/)= mood---


Breaking News:

The Westwallkurtzian Demon-Sheep poll for July, 2015, has come in.

4,355 Registered Demon Sheep, from rascally fields all over the USA
MoE = the number of warts on the Wicked Witch of the West's ass.

Carly Fiorina 52%
Donald Trump 31%
Rand Paul 7%
Scott Walker 3%
Ted Cruz 2%
Lindsay Graham 1%
Rick Perry 1%
Jeb! 1%
Dr. Kevorkian 1% :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:
undecided, would rather stick needles in their eyes: 1%

Margin: Fiorina +21. Go, Carly!


Ok, this moment of levity is over with.
Please go back to bitching at each other.

Thank you and G-d bless America.
As you quote the names I gave you. Such a liar you are.
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look another from Lakota

THE MEN McCAIN LEFT BEHIND. Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yes, he is, you stupid fool.

Military career of John Kerry - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He has done things that most people can only dream of.

So, go fuck yourself, troll.

Now, back to the OP, which is about Don Trump, an even bigger troll than you, SassyFuckSnoot.

Look, asshole.I have a purple heart that hangs in our den and will someday be given to the son of the man that earned it. It was paid for in blood and sacrifice, don't you EVER try to tell me what a hero is. Kerry is no fucking hero. No way, no how
Who did you steal that from? The only thing you know about Kerry is that he is a democrat. That is the only fact that lets inbred fucks like you attack him.

Fuck you. Kerry is no fucking war hero. Nada, aint happening. You idiot left loons have low standards if you think Kerry is anything but what he is...a fucking coward and traitor
And where did your daddy/uncle get he Purple Heart? Splinters in his knees while blowing the Sarge?

The man that earned it would have spit in your ass, fag

He liked it wet and dirty...we get it.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.

I don't like McCain's politics. I've never vote for him and probably never will. But still, I've go no reason to piss on his service. Piss on his politics, yes, but his service... Really? It's not like I would have ever vote for Trump, but still, why does he have to make republicans look like dumb asses? What point was he trying to make... that getting shot down is not impressive? He should have killed himself to not be captured behind enemy lines?
Yep. Politics is politics, war is different.

Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look... One from Ravi

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Where are your examples, BlueGin? You made some accusations. How about you proving them?

You can start by reading the thread from 2008 about Obama's campaign ad mocking John McCain's age and inability to use a computer and go from there.
Link that thread for us, please. (BTW...before I read what you link....are you aware that mocking someone's age and technical skills is NOT the same as bashing their service in the military?)

It is when you lie about why he can't type.

Hint. it's not because of his age or lack of technical skills.
Still waiting for that thread link, BlueGin.

Oh look... One from Ravi

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I googled "Lakhota John McCain bad POW" and came up with Ravi's thread.

here it is. ENJOY
Ouch=> Donald Trump: The Only Clown Show in the Huffington Post Pretending to Be Legitimate News

Jim Hoft Jul 17th, 2015 5:23 pm 127 Comments

Earlier today the far left Huffington Post announced it would no longer cover Donald Trump in its political coverage.

The Huffington Post does not agree with his stance on border security.

Tonight Donald Trump responded.
From Donald Trump’s Facebook page:

Donald J. Trump Response to Huffington Post

Mr. Trump is number one in the unimportant Huffington Post poll, along with all other recently released polls including Reuters, FOX, USA Today/Suffolk University and The Economist.
Mr. Trump is in first place in Nevada, where he is also number one, by a wide margin, with Hispanics. He is number one in North Carolina and expects to win Iowa and New Hampshire.

Mr. Trump singlehandedly raised the issue of illegal immigration and started a national conversation about what has turned out to be one of the most important topics of this election cycle.
Likewise, Mr. Trump is the leader on issues such as the terrible United States trade deals, strengthening our military, taking care of our great Vets and the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.

ALL of it at:
Ouch Donald Trump The Only Clown Show in the Huffington Post Pretending to Be Legitimate News - The Gateway Pundit
I have to suspect the Republicans will boycott the debates if Trump is invited. They will claim it is to honor McCain and his service and so on. It is an easy way for them to avoid facing Trump in the debates and look good doing it.

Trump really threw the establishment a fast ball right down the middle. I suspected Trump would fade in time, but never thought he could actually be forced from the debates.

Hello, Mike473 -

Yes, that could be an option, but probably only a one-horse tune, meaning, they could only get away with it once, and there are going to be a number of debates. And unless Trump tanks in the next 4 of 5 polls, his aggregate polling values will still have him easily over 10%, meaning, he will be one of the ten at the first debate in Cleveland, OH, in August.

I cannot wait to see Trump and Christie go after each other. MUST SEE TV!

but attacking Kerry was fine huh cons?
The difference, you idiot, is that we are not pretending we DIDN'T, and if a liberal candidate attacks Kerry's war record, I won't be showing any fake outrage and act like I'm offended the way you hypocrites are doing now.

you guys are the party that trashes war service

the dems don't you liar

I just put up trashing of McCain by two posters on this board.

Check out Lakhota and idb's posts.

Was John McCain secretly working for the Vietcong Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I have trashed the Hanoi Hilton Songbird many times. I think he's a piece of shit - just like Trump.

Truth out! Why yes you have.
Unlike most of his fellow Republican presidential candidates, Senator Ted Cruz refused to repudiate Donald Trump for disparaging Senator John McCain's war record on Saturday. "They're running their own campaigns, they can make their decisions, I'm n ... (Yahoo/Bloomberg)

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