Trump insults a war hero

This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


Trump is just doing what Republican do. He trashes a war hero the way Bush trashed John Kerry. Bush, an AWOL chicken hawk also trashed McCain during the 2000 Republican primaries claiming in robo calls that McCain had fathered a Black child out of wedlock. That was a total lie but the ignorant red state racist Republican voters believed it and McCain lost.

Trump may very well be a Democrat plant who is saying all the vile things that Republican voters have in their black hearts. The more ugly things he says and the more lies he tells the higher he rises in the polls. Trump epitomizes the quintessential Republican. Senator Lindsey Graham who is actually qualified to be the president is being ignored by the Republican voters because he's too sane and too qualified.

I have to agree with that part about Graham. He throws hissy fits, but the guy knows how gubbermint works and he knows the wonky stuff needed in order to get stuff done. He does not have a rat's chance in Hell at getting the nomination, nor does Gilmore.

John Kasich, on the other hand, could turn out to be a real surprise.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain is not a war hero. He was an average pilot who got sot down and spent a long time in a terrible prison mistreated by a bunch of assholes. But he is not a hero.
Thats pretty much the definition of a war hero. I guess youve never been in a POW camp.

No, that's the definition of a POW. Being a POW sucks. There's no doubt of that. A hero though KNOWINGLY places themselves in a position where it is likely they will die....whether to save someone else's life, or to take out an enemy emplacement that is killing his men. Either way it is the knowledge that their life is probably forfeit and yet they still do the deed. THAT is a hero.
Because you say something does not make it fact....from the article. Perhaps your reading comprehension is bad? The article slams McCain. (I just cut your arm off with that sword, hairy)

The list of really stupid things that McCain has said and done over the years is indeed a long one, and too many times the traditional media and pundits let him of the hook because he's "hero." He was tortured after all! Some say his idea of a "joke" (recall "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran....but seriously folks...") has turned him into one.

I disagree. He's not a joke. He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.
The article slams McCain yes...but for his political failings. Or are you going to say we can't do that?

And now you call him pathetic.....ok....and a coward...not ok. You're as bad as Trump. A chickenhawk who first claims you know all about Purple Hearts because you have one hanging on your wall and then you besmirch the military records of TWO men who actually served and Republican and one Democrat.

Again you have failed, I never called him pathetic. Are you like fucking stupid? You fail constantly, it's because you're stupid. The medal that hangs on our wall was earned by someone YOU are not fit to shine his shoes. It doesn't belong to me, it belongs to his son. I know heroes, Kerry was not one. Now if you can't keep up I'll simply put you back on ignore, it's not like you add anything of substance. didn't say this?
He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.

Are you sure that you are sane?

Uhm hairy, that's a quote from the article you said wasn't bashing McCain. EPIC FIUCKING FAIL!!!!!!! ROFLMAO You idiot LOL
It was your comment....not in quotes you know. :D Are you sure you're sane?

It's not my comment and you would have known it if you had read the article. You fail. Now shush, hairy. You truly are worthless and weak.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain is not a war hero. He was an average pilot who got sot down and spent a long time in a terrible prison mistreated by a bunch of assholes. But he is not a hero.

How does one get "sot" down, Kemosabe? :lol:

Oh, and I disagree with you. Neenerneenerneener.

In his case he was flying while drunk, and didn't stay with his flight as he was supposed to.
don't play their games. all anyone has to do is go back on the board and Search the times that McCain was running for President. it's that simple and they know it. they were NASTY towards Palin and ran down McCain as well. they just hope people has forgotten.
I know a few on here i've noticed they live by talking points. Not even noticing when they change.

I wasn't trying to give you orders if it came across that way.
but I Know these people very well because I've been on here since 2004 when President Bush was in office. and she is a shit stirrer and nothing more. :2up:
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.
They didn't stop. Maybe you weren't paying attention.....or else someone told you that little fairy tale and you believed it.

Let me add, I live in a military base region....Camp Pendleton to the northwest of us...Miramar, NORIS and 32nd St. to the South of us....we get military info on casualties ALL THE TIME. For someone to say they are no longer reporting it.....that's a flat out lie.
I'm talking about abc, cbs, and nbc. keep tabs on all three news programs pre-Obama and post-Obama and immediately noticed that they stopped reporting casualties in late January 2008? All three? Is this what you are claiming?
No dipshit, it pissed me off how you liberals were using our great soldiers for political reasons. Number one was to make Bush look bad. Then when Obama got elected it ended, your use of the military was over. Just like Cindy Sheehan, her voice was lost when Obama got elected.
So you didn't personally notice this on your own thru observation? Then how do you know it really happened as you claim? Oh, and Cindy Sheehan is still out there and you can still read articles on her....she's bitching about President Obama too.

Let me help you out here a bit....I too heard the same RW talking points about "they aren't covering casualties....Cindy Sheehan's not protesting...Code Pink isn't protesting!" and I paid ATTENTION to the news and found all three of those claims to be a lie. It's called actually checking on your own rather than believing a talking point.

Cowardly cracker

You're the coward ya little bitch.....what SJ said is exactly leftist cowards called McCain a lousy pilot, not natural born, a lunatic, and a turncoat while he was held at Hoa Lo. Trump had student deferments and a year of questionable eligibility but in those days it wasn't hard to get a medical out. We who served wanted nothing to do with draftees so no great loss that "The Donald" wasn't around. Just don't act like you have a leg to stand on about McCain...your kind hated him and everything he represents.
Exactly! I don't defend Trump's comments but when I see these fucking liberal hypocrites act like they didn't say the same kind of shit (and worse) I have to call them on it.

Yep. They like to lie their asses off. This to be expected.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain is not a war hero. He was an average pilot who got sot down and spent a long time in a terrible prison mistreated by a bunch of assholes. But he is not a hero.
Thats pretty much the definition of a war hero. I guess youve never been in a POW camp.

No, that's the definition of a POW. Being a POW sucks. There's no doubt of that. A hero though KNOWINGLY places themselves in a position where it is likely they will die....whether to save someone else's life, or to take out an enemy emplacement that is killing his men. Either way it is the knowledge that their life is probably forfeit and yet they still do the deed. THAT is a hero.
Disagree. He wasnt captured after going AWOL. He was captured while fighting and turned down being released. Thats pretty heroic. You must have never served?
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is

A Hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain
Did you actually READ the article? :lol: It goes on that being a war hero is not the sum total of the man....his political record must be looked at too. Nowhere in the article is McCain's service bashed. Nice try.......but another Sassy fail.

they don't read what they link to often

I didn't provide the link...and the article is totally anti McCain. Have you shaved your back yet? At some point you will learn to stop poking, until then I will continue to make you look the fool you are. You're minor league
So are many of the 280 comments linked to the article as others have pointed out.

This entire thread is just a huge Trump pile on. What he said was wrong, the fact is he won't be the nominee, anyone that thought that has bats in their belfry
So you really dont have any proof?

they hate admitting they have no facts on their side.

the facts have a liberal bias
Fact is the shitty way liberals treated Vietnam veterans, and the way the Iraqi soldiers were reported on.

you saying it doesnt make it fact.

you have to prove what you claim with facts
Omg, okay I will play your little game. Lets go on the things Kerry said about soldiers in Vietnam and Iraq.
The issue is not about Kerry or even McCain. It is about a guy running for President that consistently says stupid shit and this time went over the line. The issue is the repugnant candidate Donald Trump and his lack of control, character and respect for American veterans and active duty military personnel.
Obama closed the world war ll memorial to the vets, but let illegals have their march. If that isn't a fuck you to our vetrans. I don't know what is. I don't like what trump said, but I know he won't be our nominee. I do like the fact he has you pissing on yourself though. Know show you're respect to Obama the one that disappointed our veterans for political reasons.
The source for the attack on Kerry's war record was an alcoholic rear admiral that Kerry had beat the snot out of in an officer club brawl.

Reading all the comments from those around him, the closer you got to all the men in the boat, the conclusion is that JK was correctly recognized for his merit and valor.
This is from the doctor who treated Kerry's horrible wound that gave him his first purple heart.

Kerry Purple Heart Doc Speaks Out National Review Online
A wound is a wound.
And there are those that maintain HE was responsible for the 1967 USS Forestall disaster. John McCain's daddy, the Admiral, would fix thing for him...

Bogus claim...McCain was in his aircraft when ordnance got cooked off and started a linked series of disasters....He had nothing to do with the source of that and it's a filthy lie to say he was.
It was a filthy lie to say you were a marine.

This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain is not a war hero. He was an average pilot who got sot down and spent a long time in a terrible prison mistreated by a bunch of assholes. But he is not a hero.
Thats pretty much the definition of a war hero. I guess youve never been in a POW camp.

No, that's the definition of a POW. Being a POW sucks. There's no doubt of that. A hero though KNOWINGLY places themselves in a position where it is likely they will die....whether to save someone else's life, or to take out an enemy emplacement that is killing his men. Either way it is the knowledge that their life is probably forfeit and yet they still do the deed. THAT is a hero.

yep, two very different things. sure Trump went below the belt on this. But McCain has been a real dick about Trump to start with. so this is between them and personally, I don't care about either one. I do like Trump stirring up the debate on Illegal immigrants and Sanctuary cities. that needed to come out in the open
Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain
Did you actually READ the article? :lol: It goes on that being a war hero is not the sum total of the man....his political record must be looked at too. Nowhere in the article is McCain's service bashed. Nice try.......but another Sassy fail.

they don't read what they link to often

I didn't provide the link...and the article is totally anti McCain. Have you shaved your back yet? At some point you will learn to stop poking, until then I will continue to make you look the fool you are. You're minor league
I know you didn't provide the link....but you commented on it and fell on your sword yet again. :lol:

Because you say something does not make it fact....from the article. Perhaps your reading comprehension is bad? The article slams McCain. (I just cut your arm off with that sword, hairy)

The list of really stupid things that McCain has said and done over the years is indeed a long one, and too many times the traditional media and pundits let him of the hook because he's "hero." He was tortured after all! Some say his idea of a "joke" (recall "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran....but seriously folks...") has turned him into one.

I disagree. He's not a joke. He's pathetic and a coward who hides behind something he once was. His "record" as a Senator proves it.
Observe the above post.....kindly show us where you indicate the words of the article vs. your own words. If the sentences I have bolded and underlined are from an article...why aren't they in quotes? Why are you trying to take credit for them yourself?
Trump is going to be attacked in the debate over this I can hear it now "Is this the man you would make Commander in Chief and send soldiers into combat only to leave them behind because being a POW is not important?"

great point

the only thing is they all did it to Kerry
Exactly and a good time to remind them if you didn't serve yourself you have no right to open your mouth and disparage something you have never been exposed to.

I know several military men personally ( past and present)
that fought to give me the right to open my mouth and express my opinion on anything military related that I choose. And they will tell you so.
Absolutely. But when one speaks, one should be willing to accept the consequences of ridicule when one says something totally moronic.

Yes nuhuh should
In his case he was flying while drunk, and didn't stay with his flight as he was supposed to.

Yet another lie from the worst liar on this board....fake piece of crap bookworm who believes READING about Vietnam was serving there.
Youre the worst liar on the board by far. You claimed to be a marine then lied and said you never said that.
they hate admitting they have no facts on their side.

the facts have a liberal bias
Fact is the shitty way liberals treated Vietnam veterans, and the way the Iraqi soldiers were reported on.

you saying it doesnt make it fact.

you have to prove what you claim with facts
Omg, okay I will play your little game. Lets go on the things Kerry said about soldiers in Vietnam and Iraq.
The issue is not about Kerry or even McCain. It is about a guy running for President that consistently says stupid shit and this time went over the line. The issue is the repugnant candidate Donald Trump and his lack of control, character and respect for American veterans and active duty military personnel.
Obama closed the world war ll memorial to the vets, but let illegals have their march. If that isn't a fuck you to our vetrans. I don't know what is. I don't like what trump said, but I know he won't be our nominee. I do like the fact he has you pissing on yourself though. Know show you're respect to Obama the one that disappointed our veterans for political reasons.
If USMB gave out trophies for nonsense deflections and evasions you would have a room full.
In his case he was flying while drunk, and didn't stay with his flight as he was supposed to.

Yet another lie from the worst liar on this board....fake piece of crap bookworm who believes READING about Vietnam was serving there.
Yeah....that's almost as crappy as claiming you know all about who deserves medals because you have a Purple Heart hanging on your wall.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain has no dignity. He's been trading on his war hero status for decades so he can sell out the voters of his state.

McCain served in the war. Trump ran from it so he could become a "very rich" man. Keep hugging Trump and see what it gets you.
Trump isn't old enough to have served in the war. He didn't run from it, he maybe roller skated.

Dakota Meyer is a hero. He saved the lives of others. John McCain was captured. He suffered horribly, true, but he did nothing heroic.
the guy is 69 katz....he is old enough to have been there....
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain has no dignity. He's been trading on his war hero status for decades so he can sell out the voters of his state.

McCain served in the war. Trump ran from it so he could become a "very rich" man. Keep hugging Trump and see what it gets you.
Trump isn't old enough to have served in the war. He didn't run from it, he maybe roller skated.

Dakota Meyer is a hero. He saved the lives of others. John McCain was captured. He suffered horribly, true, but he did nothing heroic.

What a bunch of bullshit. Trump was born in 1946, he was 20 when many were being sent to Vietnam.
i cant believe she posted that....
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain is not a war hero. He was an average pilot who got sot down and spent a long time in a terrible prison mistreated by a bunch of assholes. But he is not a hero.
Thats pretty much the definition of a war hero. I guess youve never been in a POW camp.

No, that's the definition of a POW. Being a POW sucks. There's no doubt of that. A hero though KNOWINGLY places themselves in a position where it is likely they will die....whether to save someone else's life, or to take out an enemy emplacement that is killing his men. Either way it is the knowledge that their life is probably forfeit and yet they still do the deed. THAT is a hero.

yep, two very different things. sure Trump went below the belt on this. But McCain has been a real dick about Trump to start with. so this is between them and I could don't care about either one

Exactly, Trump was never going to get the nod and while I honor McCain's service he's a RINO and needs to retire.
they hate admitting they have no facts on their side.

the facts have a liberal bias
Fact is the shitty way liberals treated Vietnam veterans, and the way the Iraqi soldiers were reported on.

you saying it doesnt make it fact.

you have to prove what you claim with facts
Omg, okay I will play your little game. Lets go on the things Kerry said about soldiers in Vietnam and Iraq.
The issue is not about Kerry or even McCain. It is about a guy running for President that consistently says stupid shit and this time went over the line. The issue is the repugnant candidate Donald Trump and his lack of control, character and respect for American veterans and active duty military personnel.
Obama closed the world war ll memorial to the vets, but let illegals have their march. If that isn't a fuck you to our vetrans. I don't know what is. I don't like what trump said, but I know he won't be our nominee. I do like the fact he has you pissing on yourself though. Know show you're respect to Obama the one that disappointed our veterans for political reasons.
That was the fault of congress for not doing their job. Try again.

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