Trump insults a war hero

Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.

don't play their games. all anyone has to do is go back on the board and Search the times that McCain was running for President. it's that simple and they know it. they were NASTY towards Palin and ran down McCain as well. they just hope people has forgotten.
I know a few on here i've noticed they live by talking points. Not even noticing when they change.

I wasn't trying to give you orders if it came across that way.
but I Know these people very well because I've been on here since 2004 when President Bush was in office. and she is a shit stirrer and nothing more. :2up:
Ok....talking about about McCain....but are supposed to take your word for it that "a good many liberals talked bad" about his military record?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.
They didn't stop. Maybe you weren't paying attention.....or else someone told you that little fairy tale and you believed it.

Let me add, I live in a military base region....Camp Pendleton to the northwest of us...Miramar, NORIS and 32nd St. to the South of us....we get military info on casualties ALL THE TIME. For someone to say they are no longer reporting it.....that's a flat out lie.
I'm talking about abc, cbs, and nbc. keep tabs on all three news programs pre-Obama and post-Obama and immediately noticed that they stopped reporting casualties in late January 2008? All three? Is this what you are claiming?
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


So is everyone supposed to eat shit and die and not say anything back to that old asshole because he was a war hero?

Yes he's a war hero but he's a fucking asshole too who should have retired years ago but he's also a power mongering prick as well so he won't mentor anyone to follow in his footsteps.
Trump made an error that may cost him his campaign.

If he survives, he needs to double down on everybody.
Actually, Trump did serve. He was modest, so he served under the name, Milo Minderbinder. Even then, he was very entrepreneurial, and established M&M Enterprises:

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Donald Trump doesn't think flying over enemy territory with the risk of being killed or captured are heroes. The ones doing it today risk being burned alive or beheaded after lengthy torture. His hero is P.T. Barnum. Fuck Donald Trump.
As a retired serviceman, who has served during war, it offends me that Mr. Trump would trash Sen. McCain for being shot down by the enemy. But then again, I think of the state America was in during Viet Nam and have to smile. Nothing really changes does it Jane? I'm not Fonda her either. And, for the moment, Sen. McCain aside, I enjoy watching and hearing Mr.Trump on offense, as offensive / inoffensive as it may or may not be. Carry On, Continue to march, Fix Bayonets and Charge, if necessary!
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?


This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


I thought it might be helpful for everyone to have access to the complete 25 minutes of Trump's latest Neutron Bomb (from today):

The entire thing:

1:15 Common Core

2:20 Trump doubles down on Mexicans "coming across the border"

3:37 Luntz: "but referring to people as 'rapists', referring to John McCain, a war hero ---

and then all hell breaks loose with Don. :D

Trump claims that 15,000 came to hear him speak in Phoenix. It was 4,000.

The real hell starts at 5:00 :D

7:00 Luntz asks about Trump's religion. He's presbyterian and goes to church, according to Trump. Norman Vincent Peale was his pastor.

"Have you ever asked G-d for forgiveness?" "I don't think so..."

9:15. The first questioner reminds of Ross Perot 1992 and asks Trump if he would cost the GOP the election in 2016... he was asked to go on record as saying that he would NOT run as a third party candidate if he doesn't get the nomination and he said NO, he cannot go on record as saying that. :D

11:24 "I've contributed to everybody, they've down whatever I said"


13:10 (about Jeb Bush) "can you imagine this guy negotiating with China? Who would you rather have negotiating with China - Trump, or Bush?"


13:37 Questioner no. 2: How does his faith influence how he raises his children? The Don says he was very strict with his children over alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

16:00 "I was a great father"


16:53 "I know all of the successful people in the world"


17:15 "Love the Mexican people, thousands of them work for me!"


18:02 "I know the richest people in the world, I know the toughest people in the world..."


19:44 Luntz: "What is your relationship with G-d?" Trump: "Well, I pray, I go to church, I do things that are wrong...I'm a business person, I am really great at deals, I own some of the greatest properties in the world... I think G-d helped me" :wtf:


20:25 "I was born with a certain intellect that is good for this" (talking about business acumen)

21:19 "We need someone who can take our jobs back from China, Frank, we need someone who can take our jobs back from Mexico - because we're goin' to Hell..."

21:54 Luntz: "Leaders are required to set priorities. Is our economic health or our moral health more important for the next President to prioritize?"

Trump: "You can do both, Frank. It doesn't have to be one without the other....if I'm elected President (unintelligible), nobody can create jobs like me, they can't negotiate with China like I can negotiate"...."if I can make our country literally strong, I would focus on the military, I love the vets..."

23:46 "Our country is a debtor nation.We are in serious trouble. I know it sounds a little it rough We have to make our country rich again, we have to make our country strong again. We cant let other countries steal our jobs."
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McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?


This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


So is everyone supposed to eat shit and die and not say anything back to that old asshole because he was a war hero?

Yes he's a war hero but he's a fucking asshole too who should have retired years ago but he's also a power mongering prick as well so he won't mentor anyone to follow in his footsteps.
IF you had been paying attention, and I doubt you have, you would notice that many here, on the left and right, have managed to say that they don't like McCain and his political stances WITHOUT bashing his military service. Is it THAT hard to do? I don't think so.
McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

McCain threw a heavy duty punch. Trump just went for the knock out. I don't give a shit anymore that McCain was a war hero when all he does is run around slagging conservative Republicans and blow Obama.

He's used up all that good will by being a complete asshole for many a year now screwing over fellow Republicans.

so its Ok to lie about the honorable service of people you hate?

sociopath alert

Libs have been insulting McCain's service for years.

All of a sudden libs care about McCain's service?


And now with have ANOTHER poster making this that 3 or 4 now. And still waiting for some evidence in the way of links.
Trump is saying everything already said at one time or another. This is just one big assed pile on. A politically correct pile on. I don't think Trump cares.
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain

Beach PeanutsFollowRSS
Daily Kos member

Wed Jan 23, 2013 at 07:11 AM PST

It's Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A "Hero"


who the fuck is inkberries ?
DailyKos back in 2013 advocated for people to stop calling McCain a war hero. I wish the new-found patriots on the left would make up their friggin' minds!!!

It s Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A Hero

Oh snap, this will throw a wrench in the left's new found defense of McCain

Beach PeanutsFollowRSS
Daily Kos member

Wed Jan 23, 2013 at 07:11 AM PST

It's Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A "Hero"


who the fuck is inkberries ?

Maybe related to dingleberries? That, you do know about........:bye1:.

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