Trump insults a war hero

You see how the left cares about our Military. they only care when they can USE THEM to dump on others.

here another thread running about Trump
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

not one word about Clinton not serving or Obama. both of them could of Enlisted at LEAST and served their duty and country

but didn't. these people will crawl to any low even using our Military for it

Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
Ok....talking about about McCain....but are supposed to take your word for it that "a good many liberals talked bad" about his military record?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
You see how the left cares about our Military. they only care when they can USE THEM to dump on others.

here another thread running about Trump
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

not one word about Clinton not serving or Obama. both of them could of Enlisted at LEAST and served their duty and country

but didn't. these people will crawl to any low even using our Military for it

Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.

don't play their games. all anyone has to do is go back on the board and Search the times that McCain was running for President. it's that simple and they know it. they were NASTY towards Palin and ran down McCain as well. they just hope people has forgotten.
Palin was dumb hill billy. McCain was a bitter looking con. No one made fun of McCains service record.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain is not a war hero. He was an average pilot who got sot down and spent a long time in a terrible prison mistreated by a bunch of assholes. But he is not a hero.
Thats pretty much the definition of a war hero. I guess youve never been in a POW camp.
This just gets worse...

Trump slams McCain for being captured in Vietnam other Republicans quickly condemn him - The Washington Post

Trump has managed to identify what little dignity still exists in contemporary American politics and pee on it.


McCain is not a war hero. He was an average pilot who got sot down and spent a long time in a terrible prison mistreated by a bunch of assholes. But he is not a hero.

How does one get "sot" down, Kemosabe? :lol:

Oh, and I disagree with you. Neenerneenerneener.
Rewriting history?

prove your claim

why didn't you guys strip Kerry of this medals?

how did Kerry pass his secret service investigation for SOS?

because your liars is why
There is a almost 200 page book on it. When Kerry came back from Vietnam, he told stories about the soldiers. Put our great soldiers in danger in Vietnam.
Kerry also stated about our great soldiers in Iraq. That soldiers were pillaging villages, raping women and killing children. While we had soldiers at war in Iraq. You support a piece of shit that would put our soldiers during war in more danger, for political gain?
Why didn't Nixon have him arrested?
So, you support making up lies about soldiers for political gain?
Absolutely not. What lies were made up for political gain?
Kerry stated that our soldier's in Iraq were pillaging villages, raping women, and killing children.
You see how the left cares about our Military. they only care when they can USE THEM to dump on others.

here another thread running about Trump
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

not one word about Clinton not serving or Obama. both of them could of Enlisted at LEAST and served their duty and country

but didn't. these people will crawl to any low even using our Military for it

Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.

don't play their games. all anyone has to do is go back on the board and Search the times that McCain was running for President. it's that simple and they know it. they were NASTY towards Palin and ran down McCain as well. they just hope people has forgotten.
Still waiting for your evidence, Stephanie. Or were you lying again?
robo calls in sc...telling voters mccain has a black child they neglected to mention the child is adopted....who piad for those robo calls.....bush lol look it up bitches google it....spin it
You see how the left cares about our Military. they only care when they can USE THEM to dump on others.

here another thread running about Trump
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

not one word about Clinton not serving or Obama. both of them could of Enlisted at LEAST and served their duty and country

but didn't. these people will crawl to any low even using our Military for it

Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
So you really dont have any proof?

they hate admitting they have no facts on their side.

the facts have a liberal bias

I see you haven't changed...

Trump insults a war hero

Trump should insult anyone with a modicum of intelligence and self respect...
If McCain had been guilty of something in that they would have charged him with something.

No dem aver USED it against him.

the right TRASHED Kerry for being a hero
prove your claim

why didn't you guys strip Kerry of this medals?

how did Kerry pass his secret service investigation for SOS?

because your liars is why
There is a almost 200 page book on it. When Kerry came back from Vietnam, he told stories about the soldiers. Put our great soldiers in danger in Vietnam.
Kerry also stated about our great soldiers in Iraq. That soldiers were pillaging villages, raping women and killing children. While we had soldiers at war in Iraq. You support a piece of shit that would put our soldiers during war in more danger, for political gain?
Why didn't Nixon have him arrested?
So, you support making up lies about soldiers for political gain?
Absolutely not. What lies were made up for political gain?
Kerry stated that our soldier's in Iraq were pillaging villages, raping women, and killing children.
That was probably true but do you have link?
You see how the left cares about our Military. they only care when they can USE THEM to dump on others.

here another thread running about Trump
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

not one word about Clinton not serving or Obama. both of them could of Enlisted at LEAST and served their duty and country

but didn't. these people will crawl to any low even using our Military for it

Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
Ok....talking about about McCain....but are supposed to take your word for it that "a good many liberals talked bad" about his military record?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
You see how the left cares about our Military. they only care when they can USE THEM to dump on others.

here another thread running about Trump
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

not one word about Clinton not serving or Obama. both of them could of Enlisted at LEAST and served their duty and country

but didn't. these people will crawl to any low even using our Military for it

Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.

don't play their games. all anyone has to do is go back on the board and Search the times that McCain was running for President. it's that simple and they know it. they were NASTY towards Palin and ran down McCain as well. they just hope people has forgotten.
I know a few on here i've noticed they live by talking points. Not even noticing when they change.
prove your claim

why didn't you guys strip Kerry of this medals?

how did Kerry pass his secret service investigation for SOS?

because your liars is why
There is a almost 200 page book on it. When Kerry came back from Vietnam, he told stories about the soldiers. Put our great soldiers in danger in Vietnam.
Kerry also stated about our great soldiers in Iraq. That soldiers were pillaging villages, raping women and killing children. While we had soldiers at war in Iraq. You support a piece of shit that would put our soldiers during war in more danger, for political gain?
Why didn't Nixon have him arrested?
So, you support making up lies about soldiers for political gain?
Absolutely not. What lies were made up for political gain?
Kerry stated that our soldier's in Iraq were pillaging villages, raping women, and killing children.
He said that about Viet Nam...and in many cases it was true. When did he say it about Iraq?
Trump isn't old enough to have served in the war. He didn't run from it, he maybe roller skated.

Drumpf Truck was prime draft age for the Vietnam War, but had student deferments and when they ran out he payed a doctor to get him out. He is a draft dodging coward!
Ok, so we all knew that he was going to say something so outrageous that the rest of the clowns would throw him under the bus. However, according to script, I think this is where Palin normally would come in and make a total fool of herself again. However, she can't really do that, since she would be back to serving on the PTA in Alaska if it weren't for McCain. My guess is that she will wait until Trump says something else equally stupid, before she comes out with a statement that Trump is right (about whatever his next stupid statement is about).
You see how the left cares about our Military. they only care when they can USE THEM to dump on others.

here another thread running about Trump
Deferments Helped Trump Dodge Vietnam

not one word about Clinton not serving or Obama. both of them could of Enlisted at LEAST and served their duty and country

but didn't. these people will crawl to any low even using our Military for it

Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
Ok....talking about about McCain....but are supposed to take your word for it that "a good many liberals talked bad" about his military record?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.
Still waiting for your examples of posters slamming McCain for his service in Viet Nam. Why is it taking so long for you to prove your accusations?
I wasn't on here back then, but the forum I was on. A good many liberals talked bad about McCain and even his military record.
Ok....talking about about McCain....but are supposed to take your word for it that "a good many liberals talked bad" about his military record?
Yeah, and one of the loonies thought that all soldiers coming home should be tried for murder. The only poster I reported for saying something so stupid. That was a liberal mindset back in the Iraq war days when liberals changed their mind about it, because Bush was well liked.
I suppose you can make all sorts of claims that liberal posters said this...liberal posters said that.....but the proof is in the linking it.
Do you remember the media counting iraqi war deaths daily? All to make Bush look bad. They stopped when Obama was elected.

can you prove that?

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