Trump is a genius! ...just ask him...

..and stable!!!!!!!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
1h1 hour ago

" President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"

I think he should have stopped at 'as not smart'. He could have had an honest tweet for a change.

President Trump has done in one short year, what the Affirmative Action Harvard-educated Bozo "genius" Obama couldn't do in eight.

You ass-clowns don't even know what a "genius" is, do you? Let me help you out:



1. exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

2. a person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect

As usual, Trump is correct.

He has? He failed on Obamacare. Got a conservative judge on SCOTUS with a GOP majority in the Senate (aka no accomplishment). Signed a tax bill most Americans don't like. Made a fool of himself several thousand times. Managed to assist Roy Moore in losing one of the safest Senate seats in America.

Oh, and just asked for 18 billion of your tax dollars to build the wall he PROMISED that Mexico would pay for.

And you think it took a genius to do that.

Congress failed on Obamacare, not Trump. One conservative SC judge is only a start. "Most" Americans don't even know how much they're going to like the tax bill yet, as they haven't even done their taxes yet. Trump has made fools out of you leftards many more times than he's made a fool out of himself. And if you remember, Trump originally backed Luther Strange, who would easily won the Alabama election. It was the Alabama voters who chose Moore.

As for the wall, I don't give a fuck who pays for. Just get the damned thing built.
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....
Proof that regressive stains believe anything.
Donald "Don't call me Fredo" Trump

I'm not stupid, I'm SMART
People call be dumb but I'm smart
..and stable!!!!!!!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
1h1 hour ago

" President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"

I think he should have stopped at 'as not smart'. He could have had an honest tweet for a change.

Trump NEVER said he was a genius did he??

His exact words were "I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"
Where did Trump say exactly "I am a genius and a stable one at that"?

Making the exaggerated leap that Trump said is no different then Obama thinking himself a God and telling the audience this and THEN the MSM confirming it!

Remember even Obama considers himself well let him speak for himself upon his nomination in 2008...
“the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And then the MSM confirms it:
I quote the Editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas...a hardened, "professional" "journalist"???
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

Unlike Obama who thinks he is a God, Trump simply states he qualifies for genius hood!
Nice trumpsplainin'
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Rave on you idiot...

I could probably buy two or three of you.....
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Well one thing for sure he is definitely smarter then someone who uses Betty Boop as an avatar and doesn't know how to use capital letters to begin a sentence.
Your lack of "smarts" as evidence by your output certainly doesn't put you in the "smarter class"!
..and stable!!!!!!!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
1h1 hour ago

" President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"

I think he should have stopped at 'as not smart'. He could have had an honest tweet for a change.

Trump NEVER said he was a genius did he??

His exact words were "I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"
Where did Trump say exactly "I am a genius and a stable one at that"?

Making the exaggerated leap that Trump said is no different then Obama thinking himself a God and telling the audience this and THEN the MSM confirming it!

Remember even Obama considers himself well let him speak for himself upon his nomination in 2008...
“the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And then the MSM confirms it:
I quote the Editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas...a hardened, "professional" "journalist"???
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
NewsOf Course The US Economy Is Just Like Obama's - Trump Hasn't Done Anything Yetweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

Unlike Obama who thinks he is a God, Trump simply states he qualifies for genius hood!
Of Course The US Economy Is Just Like Obama's - Trump Hasn't Done Anything Yet
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Well one thing for sure he is definitely smarter then someone who uses Betty Boop as an avatar and doesn't know how to use capital letters to begin a sentence.
Your lack of "smarts" as evidence by your output certainly doesn't put you in the "smarter class"!

I bet you're even convinced that was funny, huh, idiot?

thanks for trolling by, though. it's always good to hear from the board's original idiot paid shill.
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Well one thing for sure he is definitely smarter then someone who uses Betty Boop as an avatar and doesn't know how to use capital letters to begin a sentence.
Your lack of "smarts" as evidence by your output certainly doesn't put you in the "smarter class"!

I bet you're even convinced that was funny, huh, idiot?

thanks for trolling by, though. it's always good to hear from the board's original idiot paid shill.

And once again... you are proving how absolutely idiotic people like you are! You really don't mean it's good to hear that you are a dummy?
I mean I really laugh at idiots like you that say "it's good to hear" that you are stupid!
And your avatar fits you to a T! I bet you have the same amount of brain power as Betty Boop! I even imagine you saying:
"Boop Oop a Doop" her catchphrase.
One of the grandest ironies of our time is we have a president unsuited for the job not because he thought he'd get the job but because enough Americans believed he was serious. Michael Wolff's book makes a few things clear, Trump didn't want to win and everyone around him including family thinks of him as a mental child. Melania even cried. Anyone who moves among the well to do in America sees this personality often, they are the libertarian types who take privileged society as a given and for them they lack the insight, education and experience to even see that others live in another world. The lack of compassion and consideration is evident everywhere in the upper classes, with exceptions of course. 'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg covers our unacknowledged history and 'I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump' by Jonna Ivin provides insight too.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump
White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

Donald Trump Didn’t Want to Win – and Neither Did His Campaign

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff

Week 33: Trump Blistered by Bannon’s Inside Job

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." Soren Kierkegaard

“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” George Carlin

The ironic thing is you guys are saying the same shit even when the poor were voting democrat and the evil rich's like you guys have talking points and don't ever think for yourselves....
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Well one thing for sure he is definitely smarter then someone who uses Betty Boop as an avatar and doesn't know how to use capital letters to begin a sentence.
Your lack of "smarts" as evidence by your output certainly doesn't put you in the "smarter class"!

I bet you're even convinced that was funny, huh, idiot?

thanks for trolling by, though. it's always good to hear from the board's original idiot paid shill.

He is smarter than you, he's rich, has a hot wife and is President.....what have you done with your life?
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Well one thing for sure he is definitely smarter then someone who uses Betty Boop as an avatar and doesn't know how to use capital letters to begin a sentence.
Your lack of "smarts" as evidence by your output certainly doesn't put you in the "smarter class"!

I bet you're even convinced that was funny, huh, idiot?

thanks for trolling by, though. it's always good to hear from the board's original idiot paid shill.

He is smarter than you, he's rich, has a hot wife and is President.....what have you done with your life?

schmuck... his daddy bailed him out repeatedly. he inherited over a hundred million and still bankrupted himself. his wealth had nothing to do with smarts.
he's smarter than the morons who think he's something... he isn't smarter than most people. his vocabulary is limited, he can't finish a sentence and he's a compulsive liar.

only a lowlife trumptard would think he's smart. but then, compared to you, he probably is.
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Well one thing for sure he is definitely smarter then someone who uses Betty Boop as an avatar and doesn't know how to use capital letters to begin a sentence.
Your lack of "smarts" as evidence by your output certainly doesn't put you in the "smarter class"!

I bet you're even convinced that was funny, huh, idiot?

thanks for trolling by, though. it's always good to hear from the board's original idiot paid shill.

He is smarter than you, he's rich, has a hot wife and is President.....what have you done with your life?

schmuck... the inherited over a hundred million and still bankrupted himself. his wealth had nothing to do with smarts.
he's smarter than the morons who think he's something... he isn't smarter than most people. his vocabulary is limited, he can't finish a sentence and he's a compulsive liar.

only a lowlife trumptard would think he's smart. but then, compared to you, he probably is.

youre right jillian you're smarter than him...that's why you're hear talking to me

and he didn't inherit millions.....his dad let him take over the business and he increased it

I'm sorry, bankruptcies were not personal ones.....he had 4 business ones, and sometimes you fail in business.....
he did and got back up and was successful.....

You cant win this argument because youre're just reading talking points and don't even think about the logic of what youre saying.....
trump wealth - Google Search

It's pretty easy to use google.
what's his net worth $3.1 Billion?
is that what he "inherited", no much much more (Maybe it was 100 million, so that is an increase of 3100%)
is he broke? nope, he's rich as fuck
so whats the issue?
Pres. Trump is doing a magnificent job as our ruler.

I wish we could make him President for life. ..... :cool:
I consider him more of a measuring stick than a ruler..
Someday I’m going to try to be elected as protractor.
It will be quit llh circumference of activity..
I have an angle on it.
Good I need someone to cosine my loan..

You have really gone off tangent with that one.
You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Well one thing for sure he is definitely smarter then someone who uses Betty Boop as an avatar and doesn't know how to use capital letters to begin a sentence.
Your lack of "smarts" as evidence by your output certainly doesn't put you in the "smarter class"!

I bet you're even convinced that was funny, huh, idiot?

thanks for trolling by, though. it's always good to hear from the board's original idiot paid shill.

He is smarter than you, he's rich, has a hot wife and is President.....what have you done with your life?

schmuck... his daddy bailed him out repeatedly. he inherited over a hundred million and still bankrupted himself. his wealth had nothing to do with smarts.
he's smarter than the morons who think he's something... he isn't smarter than most people. his vocabulary is limited, he can't finish a sentence and he's a compulsive liar.

only a lowlife trumptard would think he's smart. but then, compared to you, he probably is.

And you are a damnable LIAR!
YOUR LIE:he inherited over a hundred million

a January 2016 article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald

This Is How Donald Trump Actually Got Rich | Investopedia This Is How Donald Trump Actually Got Rich

That is NO $100 million Trump inherited! YOU ARE an outright LIAR!

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