Trump is a genius! ...just ask him...

You liberals and all of your Insane Butt Hurt

are bringing so much Joy to all of us

on the Right...Please Keep It Up....Please...

You have no idea how foolish you look..

So the man that has kicked your ass and

your Fake Media at every turn is a Dumb Ass?

If this were in fact the case what does

it say about you? Trump has defied what seemed

like insurmountable odds to Win and Win Big...

There is no doubt Trump is a Genius, he plays you

like a cheap guitar while he makes you dance

like blithering idiots with your hair on fire...

Get a clue....

typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Well one thing for sure he is definitely smarter then someone who uses Betty Boop as an avatar and doesn't know how to use capital letters to begin a sentence.
Your lack of "smarts" as evidence by your output certainly doesn't put you in the "smarter class"!

I bet you're even convinced that was funny, huh, idiot?

thanks for trolling by, though. it's always good to hear from the board's original idiot paid shill.

Again you are PROVING your stupidity!
"Thanks for "trolling"?
GEEZ why are people like you so stupid in passing a dumb ass totally idiotic comment like that?
YOU are the only one that makes dumb ass comments like "inherited a hundred million"! NO links. No proof. Just your totally ignorant personal GUESS!
When will idiots like you ever learn... DO a little research before posting that stupid stuff!
a January 2016 article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald

Read more: This Is How Donald Trump Actually Got Rich | Investopedia This Is How Donald Trump Actually Got Rich
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typical trump scum troll....

buy a life, imbecile. if you didn't hate the country, your criteria wouldn't be how much you *think* (and I use the term loosely) you annoy smarter people.

Well one thing for sure he is definitely smarter then someone who uses Betty Boop as an avatar and doesn't know how to use capital letters to begin a sentence.
Your lack of "smarts" as evidence by your output certainly doesn't put you in the "smarter class"!

I bet you're even convinced that was funny, huh, idiot?

thanks for trolling by, though. it's always good to hear from the board's original idiot paid shill.

He is smarter than you, he's rich, has a hot wife and is President.....what have you done with your life?

schmuck... his daddy bailed him out repeatedly. he inherited over a hundred million and still bankrupted himself. his wealth had nothing to do with smarts.
he's smarter than the morons who think he's something... he isn't smarter than most people. his vocabulary is limited, he can't finish a sentence and he's a compulsive liar.

only a lowlife trumptard would think he's smart. but then, compared to you, he probably is.

And you are a damnable LIAR!
YOUR LIE:he inherited over a hundred million

a January 2016 article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald

This Is How Donald Trump Actually Got Rich | Investopedia This Is How Donald Trump Actually Got Rich

That is NO $100 million Trump inherited! YOU ARE an outright LIAR!

and even if he did, he is worth 3000% more than one hundred million.....JILLIAN is a dumbass....I just crushed her in another thread because she only posts in talking points.
..and stable!!!!!!!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
1h1 hour ago

" President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"

I think he should have stopped at 'as not smart'. He could have had an honest tweet for a change.

Trump NEVER said he was a genius did he??

His exact words were "I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"
Where did Trump say exactly "I am a genius and a stable one at that"?

Making the exaggerated leap that Trump said is no different then Obama thinking himself a God and telling the audience this and THEN the MSM confirming it!

Remember even Obama considers himself well let him speak for himself upon his nomination in 2008...
“the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And then the MSM confirms it:
I quote the Editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas...a hardened, "professional" "journalist"???
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’

Unlike Obama who thinks he is a God, Trump simply states he qualifies for genius hood!
Holy least we know one person on these forums who never passed English 101 in high school. Since you lack basic reading comprehension:

If I say, "I have a shiny red apple." That is the same as saying, "I have a shiny apple and it is also red." Thus when he says that he would qualify as a very stable genius, it is the same as saying that he is a genius and also stable. Whenever you are prepping for your SAT or ACT, you need to make sure you review your English kid or you are going to bomb them.
It is funny watching conservatives circle the wagons and claim everything is a lie

It is their latest fallback.......I don't like what you are saying so you must be lying

You dumb ass liberals are delusional...

The first time Trump runs for office he

destroys the supposedly most powerful

political machine on the planet with what

you claim is the smartest woman on the planet.

On top of this Trump had the establishment

of his own party against him with the non stop

liberal Fake News attacking him 24/7....

Who's your President now?

You are all truly insane...

Name someone else who could have pulled this off....
Name someone else who could have pulled this off....

P.T. Barnum

One more nut ball remark......

But if he were alive today I am sure

he would have a liberal Freak Show.

This guy's a Trumpster and he calls me a nutball. . .

You got that right nut ball..

President Donald J. Trump will continue

to Spank liberal ass...

Let us know before you set your hair on

fire or you jump off a bridge....
You got that right nut ball..

President Donald J. Trump will continue

to Spank liberal ass...

Let us know before you set your hair on

fire or you jump off a bridge....




8 years

of Obama



any hair


at all
You got that right nut ball..

President Donald J. Trump will continue

to Spank liberal ass...

Let us know before you set your hair on

fire or you jump off a bridge....




8 years

of Obama



any hair


at all

I couldn't stand the Racist muslim...

But I didn't react like you Nazi Nut Balls....
I just got off the phone with Trump and I'll be damned if the OP isn't right!
Like I said in another thread, the same people running around with pussy hats on their head, and screaming at the sky to protest Trump. Is saying he is unstable. Just let that sink in for a moment.
Pres. Trump is doing a magnificent job as our ruler.

I wish we could make him President for life. ..... :cool:
He’s already working on his authoritarian type government. Best way to make this country a dictatorship is for people to actually want one.
You’re part of the problem, definitely not the solution.

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