Trump Is Going To Lose North Carolina

Dr. Phosphorous

Gold Member
Sep 3, 2024
Massive Democratic voter registration in North Carolina. --
“The week of July 21, Democrats registrations were up 31 percent from 2020 while GOP registrations were up that week just 5 percent, and that does not include the unaffiliated voters,” the Daily Mail reported. “Among black voters, [registration] was up 124 percent, among Latinos registrations were up 101 percent. Among black women, they were up 130 percent while young black women registering to vote was up 231 percent.”

Furthermore, the crazy Republican candidate for governor, Lt Gov Mark Robinson, is also weighing down Trump in the state. --
In addition, the North Carolina governor’s race might have a “reverse coattails” effect. The Republican nominee, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, is an extremist conspiracy nut, a “fount of social media conspiracy theories and vile proclamations about the LGBT community, Jews, and other minority group,” the Daily Beast noted this year. From Holocaust denial to thundering that “some folks need killing” to his support for an abortion ban from “zero weeks,” he symbolizes everything wrong with today’s MAGA Republican Party.

Robinson’s Democratic opponent, Josh Stein, the state attorney general, has opened a 10-point lead. If Democrats tie Robinson (a Trump favorite) to Trump, voters might run from both. At the very least, Republicans could suffer a drop in turnout as disgusted North Carolinians simply stay home. Paul Shumaker, a GOP strategist in the state who worked for an opponent of Robinson’s in the primary, told the Daily Beast that “a so-called ‘reverse coattails’ effect is entirely possible, where some voters back off from voting for Trump because of Robinson’s antics.”

He is not alone. Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s former chief of staff, told NewsNation, “Trump is being weighed down by a very unpopular Republican candidate for governor.” He added, “Trump is going to have some difficulty, I think, in this state, in North Carolina, that he might not have in others.”

How many are dead?
I bet there were more illegals registered, than the dead.



Naturally, most election coverage has focused on the “blue wall” states (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan), with modest attention to Arizona and Georgia, all of which Joe Biden won in 2020. However, North Carolina is where former president Donald Trump’s political career might end. If so, it might be an early election night, leaving less room for Trump’s election denial shenanigans.

It was no accident that Vice President Kamala Harris’s first two rallies after her smashing debate victory were in North Carolina. Two rallies, with an estimated total of 25,000 people attending, were raucous and enthusiastic affairs, rekindling Democratic prospects of a win in the state.

Democrats hope that momentum determines the presidential winner and even changes the contours of election night. North Carolina polls close early, at 7:30 p.m. Moreover, state law allows processing of mail-in votes well before Election Day, making an early count possible. (Some states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, cannot start processing until Election Day, which could result in delays of several days before a winner is determined.) Should Harris win North Carolina’s 16 electoral votes, Trump’s chances of victory diminish greatly. He would need a virtual sweep of other battleground states (and likely all of the blue-wall states).

Massive Democratic voter registration in North Carolina. --

Furthermore, the crazy Republican candidate for governor, Lt Gov Mark Robinson, is also weighing down Trump in the state. --

Yep, the crazy GOP candidate for governor down there is note helping the blob.

This is what a lot of liberals/democrats don’t understand about the electoral college. You win a state by 1% you get 100% of the votes. If you’re a democrat who is often preaching uncomfortable concepts like “change” and granting assistance in times of plenty as well as times of want, you’re going to turn a lot of people off. If you can get to 50.1% of the vote (or a plurality), you’re home. The GOP has a much easier time with the, “Your 8th grade education was fine for you, we don’t need to spend any new money on schools.” and spinning every conspiracy theory under the sun about your opponents.
Baseless claim in the idiotic OP and in the thread headline.

It appears to be true that NC could be lost by Trump. But it is almost equally true that NC will end up in his column.

Baseless claim in the idiotic OP and in the thread headline.

It appears to be true that NC could be lost by Trump. But it is almost equally true that NC will end up in his column.

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Correct, but the point was that democratic registrations were up a whopping 30%. That illustrates excitement and momentum towards those leaning to vote democrat and is way more significant than a poll. Something that Trump has absolutely none of.
MAGA will have to be completely obliterated before a sane Republican Party can return. Only the voters can make that happen. The cowardly Republicans on Capitol Hill will never stand up to Trump.
There is no Republican Party coming back that will be RINOS and NEO CONS. Progs might as well win from now on. I understand some areas with more left leaning Republicans in power because they are from Communist leaning states or cities. There is no point electing people that will propel us further and further left. As we have seen they even helped Progs pass all of that legislation the first two years of Joe. All payouts to their special interests. So, unless a different breed of candidate arises Progs will win and win some more until they destroy the nation enough where something will have to be done.

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