Trump is the only guy who can get away with not releasing his tax returns

Why don't his supporters care? The rest of us care.

The rest of care about Obama's college transcripts because that would let us know if he enrolled as a foreign student or not and if he was advanced in an affirmative action program or not.

We want to see Crooked Hillary's transcripts for her speeches to Wall Street to see what kind of lies she has been telling Moon Bat voters.

Trump's taxes would be boring.

Boring? Only to NaziCons who don't give a shit - or can't count.
SOON we'll be hearing THIS SHIT from the DemoRATS about Trumps taxes....MORE LIES...No wonder Trump isn't giving them to these shitheads!

Well, my dear )and stupid) right wingers....I SINCERELY hope that Trump keeps on refusing to show those returns......
As he said about Romney, in a moment of candor, refusal to show those returns is self-destructive.
If someone on the right had the criminal history

Just out of curiosity, moron....How many days have either Clinton spent in jail....Must burn your sorry ass to no end.......LOL

As many days as the Bush crime family has spent in jail. You do know that the Bush family is thicker than thieves with the Clintons, right? I mean Bush and the Clintons were running cocaine into Mena, Arkansas because that was what Iran.Contra was all about. You really don't have a fucking clue, do you? But keep weaving that rainbow colored "Go Demcrat" flag with a jackass on it...the jokes practically write themselves. (snicker)

Good for him....composite "gubermint" takes in more money per year with the dividends from investments (from money stolen from us) than the GDP of the private sector. Your beloved "gubermint" takes in 4 times the amount of money than is needed to run the 19 essential "gubermint" services because it is a "for profit" entity. They skim off the top and invest it and then take the dividends and re-invest it again....fines for violating any of their 80,000 acts, statutes and codes have gone up 600 percent since 1980.....but I know, I love yourself some federal "gubermint.........what an asslicking stooge you are.
Yes THIS line from you asshole DemoRATS is going to do exactly what THIS did!

  • Hillary Clinton's New Anti-Trump Ad Misses the Mark
    Rolling Stone ^ | May 25, 2016 | Matt Taibbi
    A new attack ad put out by the Hillary Clinton campaign this week achieves the near-impossible, making Donald Trump look wronged and (almost) like a victim. More believably, it makes the Democrats look sleazy and disingenuous in comparison. The ad begins with a picture of a grinning Trump and the words, "In 2006, Donald Trump was hoping for a real estate crash." It was caused by the existence of a speculative bubble in the first place. And that bubble was inflated not by Donald Trump, but by the people who have at least in part bankrolled Hillary Clinton's career: namely,...
Yes THIS line from you asshole DemoRATS is going to do exactly what THIS did!

  • Hillary Clinton's New Anti-Trump Ad Misses the Mark
    Rolling Stone ^ | May 25, 2016 | Matt Taibbi
    A new attack ad put out by the Hillary Clinton campaign this week achieves the near-impossible, making Donald Trump look wronged and (almost) like a victim. More believably, it makes the Democrats look sleazy and disingenuous in comparison. The ad begins with a picture of a grinning Trump and the words, "In 2006, Donald Trump was hoping for a real estate crash." It was caused by the existence of a speculative bubble in the first place. And that bubble was inflated not by Donald Trump, but by the people who have at least in part bankrolled Hillary Clinton's career: namely,...

I have a great idea for an anti-Hitlery ad.......picture an old, ugly woman with her arms wrapped around a sweet young female and the caption reads "9/11/12....3:00 AM"....and the phone rings.......the old woman looks at her cellphone and turns it off and then continues to snuggle with her young lover. Then a voice says..."Who do you want to answer the phone at 3:00AM when Americans are in peril?"......
Why don't his supporters care? The rest of us care.

For the first time in 40 years we have two candidates that refuse to release their income tax returns. Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders.
And as Mitt Romney stated it's because there's a bombshell in them, that they don't want their supporters to know about.
To all the far left morons tax returns are private no one not even people running for President not Republican, Democrat, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief, male, female are under any legal obligation to release their tax returns. I don't care about Donald Trumps tax returns nor do I care about Hillary Clintons or Bernie Sanders for those of you who keep obsessing over other people's tax returns seek help.
What is Trump hiding?

What is Hitlery hiding? Why did she have 31,000 e-mails deleted???? Hmmmmmmm?

She had personal emails on her private server just like you do, that she didn't want released. And it's no one's business what she says in her personal emails. The FBI has already cleared her in any criminal wrong doing, and now they probably should do an investigation into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails as they have the same issues.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
What is Trump hiding?

What is Hitlery hiding? Why did she have 31,000 e-mails deleted???? Hmmmmmmm?

She had personal emails on her private server just like you do, that she didn't want released. And it's no one's business what she says in her personal emails. The FBI has already cleared her in any criminal wrong doing, and now they probably should do an investigation into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails as they have the same issues.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

She conducted "gubermint" business on her private server and then she erased 31,000 plus e-mails. If she wanted to conduct "gubermint" business, she should have done it on the website. Anything else gives the masses reasons to doubt her honesty....and believe me...when it comes to Hitlery? Her honesty is definitely a question.
What is Trump hiding?

What is Hitlery hiding? Why did she have 31,000 e-mails deleted???? Hmmmmmmm?

She had personal emails on her private server just like you do, that she didn't want released. And it's no one's business what she says in her personal emails. The FBI has already cleared her in any criminal wrong doing, and now they probably should do an investigation into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails as they have the same issues.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

She conducted "gubermint" business on her private server and then she erased 31,000 plus e-mails. If she wanted to conduct "gubermint" business, she should have done it on the website. Anything else gives the masses reasons to doubt her honesty....and believe me...when it comes to Hitlery? Her honesty is definitely a question.

Then they should slap Condi Rice's and Colin Powell's hands for doing the same. Don't try and play the double standard with me, it won't WORK. You drag all their old emails up, and see how they react to you looking at their private emails that are sent to family and friends.
What is Trump hiding?

What is Hitlery hiding? Why did she have 31,000 e-mails deleted???? Hmmmmmmm?

She had personal emails on her private server just like you do, that she didn't want released. And it's no one's business what she says in her personal emails. The FBI has already cleared her in any criminal wrong doing, and now they probably should do an investigation into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails as they have the same issues.

CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

She conducted "gubermint" business on her private server and then she erased 31,000 plus e-mails. If she wanted to conduct "gubermint" business, she should have done it on the website. Anything else gives the masses reasons to doubt her honesty....and believe me...when it comes to Hitlery? Her honesty is definitely a question.

Then they should slap Condi Rice's and Colin Powell's hands for doing the same. Don't try and play the double standard with me, it won't WORK. You drag all their old emails up, and see how they react to you looking at their private emails that are sent to family and friends.

I would love to see Rice and Powell stand trial....throw in Bush and all his neocon STFU. The Clintons and Bush crime family are thicker than thieves. I don't play partisan politics.
Last edited:
Thread on same topic merged. New thread started tonight. Old thread is much older.
Should be easy to adjust..

Boring? Only to NaziCons who don't give a shit - or can't count.

You Libtards don't give a shit about the proof that the asshole Kenyan that you voted for is an American citizen or not. His college transcripts shows Obama to be a foreign student and that is the reason he won't release the records. That is what the dipshit is hiding by refusing to release his records. That questions his Constitutional requirements to be President, which you dumbasses ignored. He also lied about where he was born. That is a whole lot more important than if Trump paid $20 million in taxes one year or $30 million.

As far as Crooked Hillary you Moon Bats are so stupid as to believe the crap she is spewing on the campaign trail about being against Wall Street that you won't even question her honesty by demanding that she tell you what she she said to Wall Street for money. How can you make an informed decision on voting for the bitch when she won't be honest to you? How come you believe her lies? Are you stupid or something?

By the way, since you are concerned about Trump's taxes how much do you pay each year? I bet Trump pays more taxes in one day than you will pay in your whole pathetic Moon Bat life.
Crooked Hillary lied to you Moon Bats and you don't care.

She said several times in the last year that the State Department gave her permission to have her server at home and allowed personal non government controlled emails.

The IG report that was released yesterday proved that the State Department never gave her any permission. She violated the government rules on handling sensitive material and then she lied about it to the American people.

In addition to that she was required by law to turn over all her emails and other correspondence when leaving office but she didn't do that. Either she was trying to hide something or else she was a world class dumbass.

Crooked Hillary is a dishonest piece of corrupt shit. I think we all know that. The question is why do the stupid Moon Bats continue to support her knowing that she is dishonest and incompetent?

Even left leaning Mika Brzezinski said today on Morning Joe that the bitch is lying.

When are the Moon Bats going to pull their heads out of their asses?

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