Trump just announced a National Program to Arm Trained School Personnel

This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.

Why do you think it's ok to violate the right of some adults to protect their own lives?

What are you talking about. The age requirement?

You cant drink until 21......I don't see this as a bad idea.
Can't you protect your life with a semi auto 45 or 9mm?
He did? When I was watching he asked what people thought of the idea... and half the room raised their hands to like it, and half raised their hand to say they didn't like it.

You do know there is a huge difference in asking about a possible program, and actually drawing up the legislation or executive order for it.
Israel has had security for their children for decades. But students also have to be prepared.

"In 1974, Israel endured the Ma’alot Massacre in which “Palestinian” terrorists took 115 people hostage at Netiv Meir Elementary School. Twenty-two children and three others were killed and 68 injured. Israel now requires schools with 100 or more students to have a guard posted. The civilian police force handles the entire security system of all schools from kindergarten through college. The Ministry of Education funds shelters and fences, reinforces school buses, and hires and trains guards.Guards don’t just stand around. They check everyone entering, and engage threats.

And yeah, they’ve got guns.The lawful purposes for carrying guns are very clear: protect school personnel and students, create a sense of security, deter the ill-intentioned, and provide self-defense.

Common sense. Except to the illogical dullards who claim that “adding guns to schools won’t fix anything” and are fixated on the NRA and the ridiculous notions that gun laws magically stop criminals and crazy people from obtaining one of the 300 million guns in our country.

But more to the point, Israel’s Police Community & Civil Guard Department have a preventative care program that encourages safe behavior and offers violence protection strategies in normal situations. Yet students are also trained in how to respond to an active shooter situation."

Lawrence Meyers - Israel Figured Out How to Prevent School Shootings 40 Years Ago-It's Time the US Followed Suit
He did? When I was watching he asked what people thought of the idea... and half the room raised their hands to like it, and half raised their hand to say they didn't like it.

You do know there is a huge difference in asking about a possible program, and actually drawing up the legislation or executive order for it.

I'll give you that.

But the way he talked about it, I'm sure he's given it a lot of thought and I would wager a bet it's what's going to happen.
It also makes sense, even though it enrages the gun grabbers (more guns)

Despite the naysayers, this does make good sense. It's the deterrence factor above ALL else.
Even if not one ever really carries one
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
No way that retarded monkey Drumpf thought this up.

Do what Obama never could? Like be ranked dead last among all the POTUS that have ever existed?

No. Like Obama could never take any action to solve the problem with mass shooting events. No legislation, no executive orders, not even a memo.

The only thing Obama ever did after a mass shooting was blame the NRA and the Republicans. But hen never once tried to sit down with them and work something out. Meanwhile, the black on black murder rate in cities like Chicago and Baltimore spiraled exponentially.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
No way that retarded monkey Drumpf thought this up.

Do what Obama never could? Like be ranked dead last among all the POTUS that have ever existed?

No. Like Obama could never take any action to solve the problem with mass shooting events. No legislation, no executive orders, not even a memo.

The only thing Obama ever did after a mass shooting was blame the NRA and the Republicans. But hen never once tried to sit down with them and work something out. Meanwhile, the black on black murder rate in cities like Chicago and Baltimore spiraled exponentially.
You cant executive order the 2nd you moron. You have to go through the idiots in congress that were bent on making him a one term POTUS. Now back to coming in last on the presidential ranking.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
Trump is an idiot.

This proposal is idiotic.

Not only will it fail to keep students safe, but it will result in more student deaths, shot by armed teachers who have no idea what they’re doing – regardless the ‘training.’
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
Trump is an idiot.

This proposal is idiotic.

Not only will it fail to keep students safe, but it will result in more student deaths, shot by armed teachers who have no idea what they’re doing – regardless the ‘training.’
Wait...They arent talking about arming teachers are they? I thought they were going to hire guards.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
Trump is an idiot.

This proposal is idiotic.

Not only will it fail to keep students safe, but it will result in more student deaths, shot by armed teachers who have no idea what they’re doing – regardless the ‘training.’

Just don't give guns to the liberal teachers.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
Trump is an idiot.

This proposal is idiotic.

Not only will it fail to keep students safe, but it will result in more student deaths, shot by armed teachers who have no idea what they’re doing – regardless the ‘training.’

Just don't give guns to the liberal teachers.
How would they know which is which?
Just wait and see how many times teachers would pull guns on students for fighting in class, not listening to them, or other dumb shit that isn't a REAL issue like a mass shooting.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.
Trump is an idiot.

This proposal is idiotic.

Not only will it fail to keep students safe, but it will result in more student deaths, shot by armed teachers who have no idea what they’re doing – regardless the ‘training.’

Just don't give guns to the liberal teachers.
How would they know which is which?

Well, you could have a questionnaire. Ask questions about gun control, Trump, Hillary, Obama. If nothing else, ask the students, they'll know.
1. Who is going to pay for them?

2. What if they want to unionize and want benefits and Republicans say no. You want to hand them a gun and tell them to go protect the children?

3. What if they hire a crazy who wants to "break the record".

4. What if they shoot a student and then claim they were "scared" of the student?

5. What if they are told to take down a student in the red shirt and shoot every student in a red shirt?

6. Can you pay them enough to be the first "target"?

You could go on and on.

But for the party from the land of tards that know there are already too many guns, all they hear is, "Yea, more guns. That will fix everything".

Oh noooo, what if the world ends tomorrow?
What does that have to do with paying for armed guards.

Republicans want to cut school lunches poor children and food stamps for veterans and healthcare for the elderly. No way they would want to pay for armed guards. How much would that cost for say, half a dozen and the equipment and uniforms they would need as well as Healthcare and other benefits?

Didn't think about that digatard.

Armed school security will supply their own uniforms and weapons. Having badges made and some handheld FRS radios are cheap. Also cheap would be installing a panic switch in the classrooms, that sends an alarm to a central location like the school office. Every teacher would be issued a key for it. The security guard's wages wouldn't cost that much either. I know several veterans who would love making $20-30 thousand dollars a year.

Fer Christ's sake. Most schools budget more than it would cost, in useless programs.
This guy is the BOSS.

This is the very best deterrent possible.
Some here said it was an unthinkable idea.
That's because in their minds a better idea is to nullify the 2nd Amendment.

Trump will do what the one before never could. Great President.

good a lot better idea then his calling for a ban on bumpfires

Just wait and see how many times teachers would pull guns on students for fighting in class, not listening to them, or other dumb shit that isn't a REAL issue like a mass shooting.

Are you WISHING for that ?!?!

They won't pick spazzy people. They mentioned Marines and other trained people. They get those as teachers you know.
But that DOES rule out any Leftists......awwwww

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