Trump Keeps Snowflakes Foaming At The Mouth With Doses Of REALITY

Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Only if there is an underlying crime to commit silly girl. It is impossible to conspire to not commit a crime. But that requires an intellect and you clearly have no brain.
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Only if there is an underlying crime to commit silly girl. It is impossible to conspire to not commit a crime. But that requires an intellect and you clearly have no brain.

What are some other possible crimes that those involved in the Russian investigation could be charged with?

First, because we are in fact talking about an election, there could be violations of federal election laws. Specifically, it is a crime for a foreign national to give money or “other thing of value” in an American election. The “thing of value” could, for example, include helpful information on a candidate’s opponent.

Second, we could see charges brought for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act if Trump or members of his campaign helped the Russians obtain (meaning steal) Democratic National Committee emails or helped them use (meaning release) those emails publicly.

Finally, there is our old friend “conspiracy.” (Manfort and Gates have already been charged with this particular statue.) The law specifically defines a criminal conspiracy as two or more people “conspire[ing] either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States…” That basically means you agree to commit a crime and actually take some steps to try to commit that crime. The language about “defraud[ing] the United States” essentially refers to trying to cheat the federal government out of money or other property or trying to interfere with the functioning of the government.

Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018?
The wind from liberals' head spinning 'round and 'round this morning feels as strong as gale force winds in a hurricane, and there is enough foam coming from snowflake mouths for the CDC to issue a precautionary 'Rabies Epidemic' Warning' after what President Trump just said...

-- President Donald Trump

The most awesome thing about that comment is IT IS 100% CORRECT. :p

Of course there was no 'collusion' committed by President Trump, but, as he says, 'COLLUSION' IS NOT EVEN A CRIME!

'Collusion' is a made-up political propaganda-generated term created specifically to give 'weight' to the false liberal claims / campaign that President Trump engaged in SOMETHING illegal designed to 'steal' the 2016 election.

The truly remarkable and hypocritical fact about this claim by Democrats is that their false claim is EXACTLY what they did, what released DNC e-mails exposed the Democrats / Hillary did during the election:
- Evidence exists showing Hillary and the DNC she 'owned' rigged the DNC primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used information acquired by an ex-British Spy through a company working for the Russians in a US election (a CRIME), etc. ... YET (PERHAPS AS A DISTRACTION) THEY HAVE ACCUSED THE GOP OF DOING EXACTLY WHAT EVIDENCE SHOWS THEY HAVE DONE....

Then there is what Obama himself stated - EVERY potential administration coming in gets a head-start by contacting and communicating with foreign reps....
-- Hmm, interesting how the Democrats suddenly blamed at election time - once Hillary lost - Trump for the RUSSIAN HACKING / INTERFERENCE COMEY AND OBAMA KNEW ABOUT / KNEW WAS GOIING ON SINCE 2014 YET DID NOTHING ABOUT.

But what chaps snowflakes' ass the most is that what Trump said is TRUE ' 'Collusion' is not illegal.

Even if it was, Mueller and the Democrats have found NOTHING...because there is NOTHING to find.

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'it’s not a crime'

Collusion (collaboration) with foreign entities is a common, even necessary thing! Trump has been "colluding" with China for months in trying to combat North Korea. It only becomes a crime when money exchanges hands, you know, like when Hillary paid the Russians for help creating the fake Steele Dossier.
The wind from liberals' head spinning 'round and 'round this morning feels as strong as gale force winds in a hurricane, and there is enough foam coming from snowflake mouths for the CDC to issue a precautionary 'Rabies Epidemic' Warning' after what President Trump just said...

-- President Donald Trump

The most awesome thing about that comment is IT IS 100% CORRECT. :p

Of course there was no 'collusion' committed by President Trump, but, as he says, 'COLLUSION' IS NOT EVEN A CRIME!

'Collusion' is a made-up political propaganda-generated term created specifically to give 'weight' to the false liberal claims / campaign that President Trump engaged in SOMETHING illegal designed to 'steal' the 2016 election.

The truly remarkable and hypocritical fact about this claim by Democrats is that their false claim is EXACTLY what they did, what released DNC e-mails exposed the Democrats / Hillary did during the election:
- Evidence exists showing Hillary and the DNC she 'owned' rigged the DNC primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used information acquired by an ex-British Spy through a company working for the Russians in a US election (a CRIME), etc. ... YET (PERHAPS AS A DISTRACTION) THEY HAVE ACCUSED THE GOP OF DOING EXACTLY WHAT EVIDENCE SHOWS THEY HAVE DONE....

Then there is what Obama himself stated - EVERY potential administration coming in gets a head-start by contacting and communicating with foreign reps....
-- Hmm, interesting how the Democrats suddenly blamed at election time - once Hillary lost - Trump for the RUSSIAN HACKING / INTERFERENCE COMEY AND OBAMA KNEW ABOUT / KNEW WAS GOIING ON SINCE 2014 YET DID NOTHING ABOUT.

But what chaps snowflakes' ass the most is that what Trump said is TRUE ' 'Collusion' is not illegal.

Even if it was, Mueller and the Democrats have found NOTHING...because there is NOTHING to find.

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'it’s not a crime'

I love it- "even if there was collusion its not a crime"

You poor little deluded snowflake- how can you have your head so far up Trump's ass without melting?
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Only if there is an underlying crime to commit silly girl. It is impossible to conspire to not commit a crime. But that requires an intellect and you clearly have no brain.

What are some other possible crimes that those involved in the Russian investigation could be charged with?

First, because we are in fact talking about an election, there could be violations of federal election laws. Specifically, it is a crime for a foreign national to give money or “other thing of value” in an American election. The “thing of value” could, for example, include helpful information on a candidate’s opponent.

Second, we could see charges brought for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act if Trump or members of his campaign helped the Russians obtain (meaning steal) Democratic National Committee emails or helped them use (meaning release) those emails publicly.

Finally, there is our old friend “conspiracy.” (Manfort and Gates have already been charged with this particular statue.) The law specifically defines a criminal conspiracy as two or more people “conspire[ing] either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States…” That basically means you agree to commit a crime and actually take some steps to try to commit that crime. The language about “defraud[ing] the United States” essentially refers to trying to cheat the federal government out of money or other property or trying to interfere with the functioning of the government.

Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018?

Yeah? Really? Why then is the shrilary not being investigated for doing exactly that?
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Only if there is an underlying crime to commit silly girl. It is impossible to conspire to not commit a crime. But that requires an intellect and you clearly have no brain.

What are some other possible crimes that those involved in the Russian investigation could be charged with?

First, because we are in fact talking about an election, there could be violations of federal election laws. Specifically, it is a crime for a foreign national to give money or “other thing of value” in an American election. The “thing of value” could, for example, include helpful information on a candidate’s opponent.

Second, we could see charges brought for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act if Trump or members of his campaign helped the Russians obtain (meaning steal) Democratic National Committee emails or helped them use (meaning release) those emails publicly.

Finally, there is our old friend “conspiracy.” (Manfort and Gates have already been charged with this particular statue.) The law specifically defines a criminal conspiracy as two or more people “conspire[ing] either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States…” That basically means you agree to commit a crime and actually take some steps to try to commit that crime. The language about “defraud[ing] the United States” essentially refers to trying to cheat the federal government out of money or other property or trying to interfere with the functioning of the government.

Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018?

Yeah? Really? Why then is the shrilary not being investigated for doing exactly that?
Maybe ,,just possibly, all the charges against Hillary for the past 30 years were all bullshit?? Republican BS
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?

Well, yes we have, from his whole administration, or don't you watch the news, lol!

What have you been watching? The OWN network!

You just can't educate stupid, or ill informed, now can ya folks-)
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?
And upset his ass kissing buddy Putin??
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?
And upset his ass kissing buddy Putin??
Think he might throw a couple of sanctions putins way or will he just say "bad pouty"??
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?
And upset his ass kissing buddy Putin??

Hehehehehehe, I love watching you leftists at a loss for words as your whole narrative comes crashing down. It is sooooooooooooooooo..........patriotic-)
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?
And upset his ass kissing buddy Putin??

Hehehehehehe, I love watching you leftists at a loss for words as your whole narrative comes crashing down. It is sooooooooooooooooo..........patriotic-)
Why What's he doing about it ?? Once more trump is all mouth
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?
And upset his ass kissing buddy Putin??

Hehehehehehe, I love watching you leftists at a loss for words as your whole narrative comes crashing down. It is sooooooooooooooooo..........patriotic-)
Why What's he doing about it ?? Once more trump is all mouth

And Obama was all ears, so what is your point, lol!
OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?
And upset his ass kissing buddy Putin??

Hehehehehehe, I love watching you leftists at a loss for words as your whole narrative comes crashing down. It is sooooooooooooooooo..........patriotic-)
Why What's he doing about it ?? Once more trump is all mouth

And Obama was all ears, so what is your point, lol!
Trump’s strategy for dealing with North Korea is in shambles
Signs abound that his economic isolation campaign is failing.
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem[email protected] Dec 29, 2017, 4:10pm EST TWEET
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
As 2017 comes to a close, President Donald Trump’s strategy for dealing with North Korea is in shambles.

Trump has sought to rein in North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs this year by crippling its economy, starving its weapons program, and hopefully forcing it to the negotiating table. He pushed the international community to cut off trade with North Korea and pressured China in particular — North Korea’s closest ally and trade partner — to sever economic ties with the hermit kingdom.

But recent reports indicate that China, Russia, and even close US allies like Germany have been quietly trading with North Korea anyway, keeping its economy afloat in the face of harsh international sanctions. And North Korea today is significantly closer to being able to deliver a nuclear bomb to the US mainland than it was when Trump came into office one year ago.

Trump’s economic isolation campaign doesn’t seem to be panning out as he had hoped — which could make him that much more willing to use force to try to solve the problem once and for all.

It sure looks like a lot of countries are secretly doing business with North Korea
South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported on Tuesday that US spy satellites have spotted Chinese ships secretly transferring oil to North Korean ships in the West Sea around 30 times since October.

A US State Department official confirmed Thursday that the administration has evidence that Chinese-owned ships have “engaged in UN-prohibited activities, including ship-to-ship transfers of refined petroleum and the transport of coal from North Korea.”
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?
And upset his ass kissing buddy Putin??

Hehehehehehe, I love watching you leftists at a loss for words as your whole narrative comes crashing down. It is sooooooooooooooooo..........patriotic-)
Why What's he doing about it ?? Once more trump is all mouth

And Obama was all ears, so what is your point, lol!
Trump’s strategy for dealing with North Korea is in shambles
Signs abound that his economic isolation campaign is failing.
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem[email protected] Dec 29, 2017, 4:10pm EST TWEET
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
As 2017 comes to a close, President Donald Trump’s strategy for dealing with North Korea is in shambles.

Trump has sought to rein in North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs this year by crippling its economy, starving its weapons program, and hopefully forcing it to the negotiating table. He pushed the international community to cut off trade with North Korea and pressured China in particular — North Korea’s closest ally and trade partner — to sever economic ties with the hermit kingdom.

But recent reports indicate that China, Russia, and even close US allies like Germany have been quietly trading with North Korea anyway, keeping its economy afloat in the face of harsh international sanctions. And North Korea today is significantly closer to being able to deliver a nuclear bomb to the US mainland than it was when Trump came into office one year ago.

Trump’s economic isolation campaign doesn’t seem to be panning out as he had hoped — which could make him that much more willing to use force to try to solve the problem once and for all.

It sure looks like a lot of countries are secretly doing business with North Korea
South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported on Tuesday that US spy satellites have spotted Chinese ships secretly transferring oil to North Korean ships in the West Sea around 30 times since October.

A US State Department official confirmed Thursday that the administration has evidence that Chinese-owned ships have “engaged in UN-prohibited activities, including ship-to-ship transfers of refined petroleum and the transport of coal from North Korea.”

And, is that as bad as Obama letting Hezzbolah deal drugs to Americans?

Eddie, Eddie, dear Eddie, your whole narrative is collapsing, and we are laughing, lol! Like it or not, this January is a GREAT month! You go ahead with your nonsense, we will go with the dossier-)
And upset his ass kissing buddy Putin??

Hehehehehehe, I love watching you leftists at a loss for words as your whole narrative comes crashing down. It is sooooooooooooooooo..........patriotic-)
Why What's he doing about it ?? Once more trump is all mouth

And Obama was all ears, so what is your point, lol!
Trump’s strategy for dealing with North Korea is in shambles
Signs abound that his economic isolation campaign is failing.
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem[email protected] Dec 29, 2017, 4:10pm EST TWEET
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
As 2017 comes to a close, President Donald Trump’s strategy for dealing with North Korea is in shambles.

Trump has sought to rein in North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs this year by crippling its economy, starving its weapons program, and hopefully forcing it to the negotiating table. He pushed the international community to cut off trade with North Korea and pressured China in particular — North Korea’s closest ally and trade partner — to sever economic ties with the hermit kingdom.

But recent reports indicate that China, Russia, and even close US allies like Germany have been quietly trading with North Korea anyway, keeping its economy afloat in the face of harsh international sanctions. And North Korea today is significantly closer to being able to deliver a nuclear bomb to the US mainland than it was when Trump came into office one year ago.

Trump’s economic isolation campaign doesn’t seem to be panning out as he had hoped — which could make him that much more willing to use force to try to solve the problem once and for all.

It sure looks like a lot of countries are secretly doing business with North Korea
South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported on Tuesday that US spy satellites have spotted Chinese ships secretly transferring oil to North Korean ships in the West Sea around 30 times since October.

A US State Department official confirmed Thursday that the administration has evidence that Chinese-owned ships have “engaged in UN-prohibited activities, including ship-to-ship transfers of refined petroleum and the transport of coal from North Korea.”

And, is that as bad as Obama letting Hezzbolah deal drugs to Americans?

Eddie, Eddie, dear Eddie, your whole narrative is collapsing, and we are laughing, lol! Like it or not, this January is a GREAT month! You go ahead with your nonsense, we will go with the dossier-)
Obama allowed what???? You're doing your New Years drinking early? Only thing I need for Jan is good health for my loved ones and a market that continues upwards
The only real collusion i see, is the Clinton Campaign purchasing a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. There was clear collusion with the Russians on Clinton's part. But regardless, the whole thing is a Clinton/Democrat witch hunt farce. The 'investigation' has already been comprised as well. Some of Mueller's top 'investigators' have close ties with Clinton/Democrats. It's been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up.

Typical dishonest Trump supporter. The dossier had nothing to do with Russia except for the fact that Steele used some of his Russian contacts to get information. Also DOJ guidelines do allow employees to give money to political campaigns. That is the only connection. The only farce is you and the other dishonest Trump supporters who are willing to smear out law enforcement agencies to protect your Fuerher.

She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.

Spoken like a true Trump Kool-aid guzzler.
See my previous post on this page and the article from Psychology Today addressing Trumpsters. It’s a BINGO!
Hehehehehehe, I love watching you leftists at a loss for words as your whole narrative comes crashing down. It is sooooooooooooooooo..........patriotic-)
Why What's he doing about it ?? Once more trump is all mouth

And Obama was all ears, so what is your point, lol!
Trump’s strategy for dealing with North Korea is in shambles
Signs abound that his economic isolation campaign is failing.
By Zeeshan Aleem@ZeeshanAleem[email protected] Dec 29, 2017, 4:10pm EST TWEET
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
As 2017 comes to a close, President Donald Trump’s strategy for dealing with North Korea is in shambles.

Trump has sought to rein in North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs this year by crippling its economy, starving its weapons program, and hopefully forcing it to the negotiating table. He pushed the international community to cut off trade with North Korea and pressured China in particular — North Korea’s closest ally and trade partner — to sever economic ties with the hermit kingdom.

But recent reports indicate that China, Russia, and even close US allies like Germany have been quietly trading with North Korea anyway, keeping its economy afloat in the face of harsh international sanctions. And North Korea today is significantly closer to being able to deliver a nuclear bomb to the US mainland than it was when Trump came into office one year ago.

Trump’s economic isolation campaign doesn’t seem to be panning out as he had hoped — which could make him that much more willing to use force to try to solve the problem once and for all.

It sure looks like a lot of countries are secretly doing business with North Korea
South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported on Tuesday that US spy satellites have spotted Chinese ships secretly transferring oil to North Korean ships in the West Sea around 30 times since October.

A US State Department official confirmed Thursday that the administration has evidence that Chinese-owned ships have “engaged in UN-prohibited activities, including ship-to-ship transfers of refined petroleum and the transport of coal from North Korea.”

And, is that as bad as Obama letting Hezzbolah deal drugs to Americans?

Eddie, Eddie, dear Eddie, your whole narrative is collapsing, and we are laughing, lol! Like it or not, this January is a GREAT month! You go ahead with your nonsense, we will go with the dossier-)
Obama allowed what???? You're doing your New Years drinking early? Only thing I need for Jan is good health for my loved ones and a market that continues upwards

There ya go again Eddie-)

It is ok, really. Want to see the market soar? Then watch what happens after January 3rd, or when the administration releases the documents that the premise for the FISA warrant was because of the Hilly dossier-)

If that doesn't teach you how/who/what ideas make the market soar, then there is no hope for ya!

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