Trump Keeps Snowflakes Foaming At The Mouth With Doses Of REALITY

The only real collusion i see, is the Clinton Campaign purchasing a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. There was clear collusion with the Russians on Clinton's part. But regardless, the whole thing is a Clinton/Democrat witch hunt farce. The 'investigation' has already been comprised as well. Some of Mueller's top 'investigators' have close ties with Clinton/Democrats. It's been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up.

Typical dishonest Trump supporter. The dossier had nothing to do with Russia except for the fact that Steele used some of his Russian contacts to get information. Also DOJ guidelines do allow employees to give money to political campaigns. That is the only connection. The only farce is you and the other dishonest Trump supporters who are willing to smear out law enforcement agencies to protect your Fuerher.

She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.

She colluded with the Russians and that is why they hacked the DNC servers and fenced it to wikileaks. That logic clearly shows you and other Trump supporters are irrational. My opinion of him follows what a majority of people think about him.

Our buddy Putin helped us keep that witch out of the White House, Trump should probably award him a medal.

Yeah, i thank the Lord and Putin everyday. Imagine the damage Hitlery would have done to our country. Imagine her appointing Supreme Court Justices. If the Democrat conspiracy theories are true, i would have to say Mr. Putin helped save our nation. I'd be forever grateful.
True treason right there. Wow. Just wow.
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Only if there is an underlying crime to commit silly girl. It is impossible to conspire to not commit a crime. But that requires an intellect and you clearly have no brain.

What are some other possible crimes that those involved in the Russian investigation could be charged with?

First, because we are in fact talking about an election, there could be violations of federal election laws. Specifically, it is a crime for a foreign national to give money or “other thing of value” in an American election. The “thing of value” could, for example, include helpful information on a candidate’s opponent.

Second, we could see charges brought for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act if Trump or members of his campaign helped the Russians obtain (meaning steal) Democratic National Committee emails or helped them use (meaning release) those emails publicly.

Finally, there is our old friend “conspiracy.” (Manfort and Gates have already been charged with this particular statue.) The law specifically defines a criminal conspiracy as two or more people “conspire[ing] either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States…” That basically means you agree to commit a crime and actually take some steps to try to commit that crime. The language about “defraud[ing] the United States” essentially refers to trying to cheat the federal government out of money or other property or trying to interfere with the functioning of the government.

Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018?

Hillary paying a foreign agent (Steele) for the dossier is a well-documented violation of election campaign laws. Ironic that something like that may be what takes her down.
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?

Do you have a need to know? No!

Dumb asses need to be kept in the dark as long as possible so they don't fuck up the response.
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Conspiracy to do what? “Conspiracy” is not a crime, conspiracy to commit some type of crime is. So what was the crime they were planning on breaking?

Flynn only spoke to the Russians about them being kicked out of the country by the Hussein. Which was not a crime at all.

You should have kept reading before replying...

Finally, there is our old friend “conspiracy.” (Manfort and Gates have already been charged with this particular statue.) The law specifically defines a criminal conspiracy as two or more people “conspire[ing] either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States…” That basically means you agree to commit a crime and actually take some steps to try to commit that crime. The language about “defraud[ing] the United States” essentially refers to trying to cheat the federal government out of money or other property or trying to interfere with the functioning of the government.

Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018?

Charged. Have they been found guilty?

Also, Manafort had NOTHING to do with Trump during the time period he is being charged with having committed a crime.

Those straws you are grasping at are simply figments of your imagination.
The only real collusion i see, is the Clinton Campaign purchasing a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. There was clear collusion with the Russians on Clinton's part. But regardless, the whole thing is a Clinton/Democrat witch hunt farce. The 'investigation' has already been comprised as well. Some of Mueller's top 'investigators' have close ties with Clinton/Democrats. It's been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up.

Typical dishonest Trump supporter. The dossier had nothing to do with Russia except for the fact that Steele used some of his Russian contacts to get information. Also DOJ guidelines do allow employees to give money to political campaigns. That is the only connection. The only farce is you and the other dishonest Trump supporters who are willing to smear out law enforcement agencies to protect your Fuerher.

She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.

She colluded with the Russians and that is why they hacked the DNC servers and fenced it to wikileaks. That logic clearly shows you and other Trump supporters are irrational. My opinion of him follows what a majority of people think about him.

Our buddy Putin helped us keep that witch out of the White House, Trump should probably award him a medal.

Yeah, i thank the Lord and Putin everyday. Imagine the damage Hitlery would have done to our country. Imagine her appointing Supreme Court Justices. If the Democrat conspiracy theories are true, i would have to say Mr. Putin helped save our nation. I'd be forever grateful.
You’ve seen Trump fumble and stumble his way thru 11 months.
You’ve seen him lie multiple times per day every day and you still support him.
He watches TV 8-10 hours a day neglecting the country and you still support him.
But you have the racist white supremacist president you always dreamed of so you ignore the chaos and incompetence.
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Conspiracy to do what? “Conspiracy” is not a crime, conspiracy to commit some type of crime is. So what was the crime they were planning on breaking?

Flynn only spoke to the Russians about them being kicked out of the country by the Hussein. Which was not a crime at all.

You should have kept reading before replying...

Finally, there is our old friend “conspiracy.” (Manfort and Gates have already been charged with this particular statue.) The law specifically defines a criminal conspiracy as two or more people “conspire[ing] either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States…” That basically means you agree to commit a crime and actually take some steps to try to commit that crime. The language about “defraud[ing] the United States” essentially refers to trying to cheat the federal government out of money or other property or trying to interfere with the functioning of the government.

Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018?

Charged. Have they been found guilty?

Also, Manafort had NOTHING to do with Trump during the time period he is being charged with having committed a crime.

Those straws you are grasping at are simply figments of your imagination.
Manafort wasn’t his campaign manager?
You idiots crack me up.
The only real collusion i see, is the Clinton Campaign purchasing a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. There was clear collusion with the Russians on Clinton's part. But regardless, the whole thing is a Clinton/Democrat witch hunt farce. The 'investigation' has already been comprised as well. Some of Mueller's top 'investigators' have close ties with Clinton/Democrats. It's been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up.

Typical dishonest Trump supporter. The dossier had nothing to do with Russia except for the fact that Steele used some of his Russian contacts to get information. Also DOJ guidelines do allow employees to give money to political campaigns. That is the only connection. The only farce is you and the other dishonest Trump supporters who are willing to smear out law enforcement agencies to protect your Fuerher.

She clearly colluded with the Russians. How can you deny that? If you really are so outraged over 'Collusion', you should acknowledge and condemn Clinton's collusion with the Russians. But i suspect you really aren't outraged over 'Collusion' at all. You just hate Donald Trump. You're an irrational hater at this point. It is what it is.
The hell with collusion It's obstruction of justice that can take him down ,,",Methinks he doth protest too much"

Oh now y'all gotta start moving those goal posts, huh? The 'investigation' has been compromised. Time to wrap the farce up. The only serious 'Collusion', was perpetrated by the Clinton Campaign. Her Campaign paid for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. She needs to be held accountable.
Alex Jones/ Hannity devotee.
There is what the Democrats in office know, and what they want people to believe. Before the election Trump was who they saw as the easiest Republican for them to control. Trump by even bringing the matter of Russia up, is demonstrating what the Democrats are doing. Trump is best when focused on his own agenda, not theirs.
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Only if there is an underlying crime to commit silly girl. It is impossible to conspire to not commit a crime. But that requires an intellect and you clearly have no brain.

What are some other possible crimes that those involved in the Russian investigation could be charged with?

First, because we are in fact talking about an election, there could be violations of federal election laws. Specifically, it is a crime for a foreign national to give money or “other thing of value” in an American election. The “thing of value” could, for example, include helpful information on a candidate’s opponent.

Second, we could see charges brought for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act if Trump or members of his campaign helped the Russians obtain (meaning steal) Democratic National Committee emails or helped them use (meaning release) those emails publicly.

Finally, there is our old friend “conspiracy.” (Manfort and Gates have already been charged with this particular statue.) The law specifically defines a criminal conspiracy as two or more people “conspire[ing] either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States…” That basically means you agree to commit a crime and actually take some steps to try to commit that crime. The language about “defraud[ing] the United States” essentially refers to trying to cheat the federal government out of money or other property or trying to interfere with the functioning of the government.

Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018?

Hillary paying a foreign agent (Steele) for the dossier is a well-documented violation of election campaign laws. Ironic that something like that may be what takes her down.

Nixon had folks just like you. How'd that go?

Watergate Fueled Conspiracy Theories, Too
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?

Do you have a need to know? No!

Dumb asses need to be kept in the dark as long as possible so they don't fuck up the response.
Trump already accused China of doing the same thing, but Russia gets a pass?
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Only if there is an underlying crime to commit silly girl. It is impossible to conspire to not commit a crime. But that requires an intellect and you clearly have no brain.

What are some other possible crimes that those involved in the Russian investigation could be charged with?

First, because we are in fact talking about an election, there could be violations of federal election laws. Specifically, it is a crime for a foreign national to give money or “other thing of value” in an American election. The “thing of value” could, for example, include helpful information on a candidate’s opponent.

Second, we could see charges brought for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act if Trump or members of his campaign helped the Russians obtain (meaning steal) Democratic National Committee emails or helped them use (meaning release) those emails publicly.

Finally, there is our old friend “conspiracy.” (Manfort and Gates have already been charged with this particular statue.) The law specifically defines a criminal conspiracy as two or more people “conspire[ing] either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States…” That basically means you agree to commit a crime and actually take some steps to try to commit that crime. The language about “defraud[ing] the United States” essentially refers to trying to cheat the federal government out of money or other property or trying to interfere with the functioning of the government.

Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018?

Hillary paying a foreign agent (Steele) for the dossier is a well-documented violation of election campaign laws. Ironic that something like that may be what takes her down.

Nixon had folks just like you. How'd that go?

Watergate Fueled Conspiracy Theories, Too


Wow! How pathetic and desperate you must be. Your while world is collapsing around you and you still make shit up that has nothing to do with the conversation.
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

OMG, Mammy can actually count. Who'da thunk it, lol. Who says leftists on here are dumber than a box of rocks, Mammy got to 16! Now remember, 17 comes after 16, not 18, lol!
So Russia has been smuggling fuel to North Korea in defiance of UN sanctions. But have we heard nary a peep from Trump about it?

Do you have a need to know? No!

Dumb asses need to be kept in the dark as long as possible so they don't fuck up the response.
Trump already accused China of doing the same thing, but Russia gets a pass?

What would you like us to do? We could sink the oil tankers with our submarines, but then the enviro-Nazis would bitch about the pollution!
What to do?? A real man a real president in our WH might have an answer This is one of the many reasons trump should have stuck to ripping people off in his RE business
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...
can you obstruct justice when they're going after something not a crime?

Ever heard the adage "it's not the crime, it's the cover-up"?

Flynn pled guilty. Crime committed

He did not plead guilty to obstruction of justice, dumb ass!

Next stupid statement!

It would be obstruction of justice in regards to Flynn, Trump cultist.
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Only if there is an underlying crime to commit silly girl. It is impossible to conspire to not commit a crime. But that requires an intellect and you clearly have no brain.

What are some other possible crimes that those involved in the Russian investigation could be charged with?

First, because we are in fact talking about an election, there could be violations of federal election laws. Specifically, it is a crime for a foreign national to give money or “other thing of value” in an American election. The “thing of value” could, for example, include helpful information on a candidate’s opponent.

Second, we could see charges brought for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act if Trump or members of his campaign helped the Russians obtain (meaning steal) Democratic National Committee emails or helped them use (meaning release) those emails publicly.

Finally, there is our old friend “conspiracy.” (Manfort and Gates have already been charged with this particular statue.) The law specifically defines a criminal conspiracy as two or more people “conspire[ing] either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States…” That basically means you agree to commit a crime and actually take some steps to try to commit that crime. The language about “defraud[ing] the United States” essentially refers to trying to cheat the federal government out of money or other property or trying to interfere with the functioning of the government.

Opinion | Will Trump be charged with collusion in 2018?

Hillary paying a foreign agent (Steele) for the dossier is a well-documented violation of election campaign laws. Ironic that something like that may be what takes her down.

Nixon had folks just like you. How'd that go?

Watergate Fueled Conspiracy Theories, Too


Wow! How pathetic and desperate you must be. Your while world is collapsing around you and you still make shit up that has nothing to do with the conversation.

So bringing up Hillary is okay but pointing out Nixon had defenders like you defend Trump is not. Got it. :lol:
Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...
can you obstruct justice when they're going after something not a crime?

Ever heard the adage "it's not the crime, it's the cover-up"?

Flynn pled guilty. Crime committed

He did not plead guilty to obstruction of justice, dumb ass!

Next stupid statement!

It would be obstruction of justice in regards to Flynn, Trump cultist.

Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI. There was no obstruction of justice, dumb ass!

Wake up and smell the coffee!

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