Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

Fish v. Kobach| D. Kan. | Law | CaseMine


Defendant refused to produce these documents, asserting that they are beyond the scope of discovery, do not seek relevant information, and are protected by the attorney-client, deliberative-process, and executive privileges.

E. Executive Privilege

Finally, Defendant argues that Judge O'Hara erred in finding that the executive privilege does not apply to the photographed document, which references proposed amendments to the NVRA. Judge O'Hara concluded that the executive privilege did not apply for three reasons:
(1) the privilege does not extend to a president-elect;

And, as Judge O'Hara noted, no court has ever recognized that this privilege applies before a president takes office.

In sum, the Court has reviewed Judge O'Hara's Orders and is not "left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed." Accordingly, the motion for review is denied.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED BY THE COURT that Defendant's Motion for Review (Doc. 326) is denied. Defendant shall produce the two documents, redacted in conformity with Judge O'Hara's April 17 Order, by May 12, 2017.


Dated: May 10, 2017

S/ Julie A. Robinson

As I posted above, the privilege begins when he became president elect. It required a warrant which they did not get. Game Over

Absolutely wrong. Executive privilege only extends to a president, not to a president-elect, or to a former president. And even if the law were to protect the communications of a president elect, that would not begin before January 6th.

Jan 6, 2017 - The U.S. Congress on Friday certified the Electoral College vote that gave Republican Donald Trump his victory in the contentious 2016 presidential election.

Prior to January 6th , Trump wasn't officialy the president elect.

Your an idiot...

I'll let you drown in your own stupidity...

Its going to be fun to watch the whole thing swirl as it goes down the toilet...
You had your ass smashed and your nuts crushed vividly in this thread, and you're actually coming back and showing your face??

You leftards do not even grasp the 4th amendment right and reasonable expectations of privacy in personal emails...
You had your ass smashed and your nuts crushed vividly in this thread, and you're actually coming back and showing your face??


I think you were the one who posted the Fish V Kobach case. I wasn't sure who did it, or I would have given you credit.
You leftards do not even grasp the 4th amendment right and reasonable expectations of privacy in personal emails...
Government computer warning:

You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system. At any time, the government may monitor, intercept, search and/or seize data transiting or stored on this information system.

Any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any U.S. Government-authorized purpose.
You had your ass smashed and your nuts crushed vividly in this thread, and you're actually coming back and showing your face??


I think you were the one who posted the Fish V Kobach case. I wasn't sure who did it, or I would have given you credit.
Yep. I was. Thx.

Billy Bo Bo Bob had his ass handed to him with that one, vanished for a few days -- and, as I predicted, showed back up as if nothing had happened.

He NEVER accepts he is wrong, runs away when the facts smash him in the face, and then shows up later with raspberry jam all over his face pretending like it never happened.

I've been watching him do this for ten years.

Funny as all hell.
Billy Bo Bo Bob had his ass handed to him with that one, vanished for a few days -- and, as I predicted, showed back up as if nothing had happened..

I think this effort is because Mueller interviewed white house folks who were in the transition, about things in the e-mails, and they answered thinking that Mueller didn't have and wouldn't have access to them.

I see many more indictments in the near future. 18 USC 1001, like against Michael Flynn and Papadoupolos.
Well THIS was very interesting to read:

Settle in, politikids.

You're going to enjoy this...

I've read the full letter Trump transition team attorneys sent to legislators re: Mueller obtaining their emails.

It has a delicious reveal.


As we now know:
1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts
2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's team seemed to know all about their emails
3) This made them quite... upset


4) Their lawyers then wrote the letter in the link to congressmen complaining about just how upsetting all of this is.
Here's the classically amusing reveal in the letter...


Earlier this year
, Trump appointed the top attorney at the office responsible for providing all the electronics and email accounts the Trump transition team used.
That attorney's name was Richard Beckler.


Now, as background, Beckler was a white collar criminal defense attorney before his appointment.

He helped rich criminals beat government convictions for a firm with a name you'll find familiar.

Bracewell & Giuliani.


So, Trump appointed Beckler and then Beckler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators.

One problem: Beckler fell ill and ultimately passed away.


So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them.
Let that one sink in.


Trump and his flunkies thought their friend at the GSA had locked their emails away *literally* in a vault no one could get to...

They thought their bodies were all buried.

As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades.
They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in.


Can you imagine the freakout that must have occurred in Trumpland when they realized their cleanup guy hadn't actually done the cleanup after all?

Alllllllll of the things they thought they had buried were not only not buried; Mueller had them in writing!

Continued here: The Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter

*Corrected the last name: Beckler.

wow. but wait, are you saying they had no idea that beckler had died??


So, Trump appointed Beckler and then Beckler went and ensured Trump transition team attorneys that he would not allow his org (the GSA) to provide any of their emails to investigators.

One problem: Beckler fell ill and ultimately passed away.


So, until Mueller's crew started asking Trump aides about those emails, they had absolutely no idea Mueller had them because they thought Trump's guy on the inside was running interference for them.
Let that one sink in.


This happened before Beckler died.

He was in the hospital -- having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two months before passing.

i'm just reading this info for the first time and trying to follow based on what you posted, which is why i am asking you to clarify the timeline and the indirect references.

still isn't clear, so i guess i'll have to do some more reading...
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You leftards do not even grasp the 4th amendment right and reasonable expectations of privacy in personal emails...
Government computer warning:

You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system. At any time, the government may monitor, intercept, search and/or seize data transiting or stored on this information system.

Any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any U.S. Government-authorized purpose.
Unless you are hillary...

This happened before Beckler died.

He was in the hospital -- having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two months before passing.

i guess i'm asking what did becker's death have to do with it..??
donald trump invoked russian spies and asked them to hack US Secretary of State emails. millions of dumbo parrots didn't even blink.

and why didn't he say, "hey fat guy in your momma's basement, if you're listening.." ??

Mueller must be shitting in his pants

He broke the law

He will pay

and all the rogue elements who broke the Law along him will pay



Mueller must be shitting in his pants

He broke the law

He will pay

and all the rogue elements who broke the Law along him will pay



when all this comes to an end, I hope Burger King creates a new burger, The Mueller Burger. now how will they make it?

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