Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

Turley also mentioned " this demand does not appear to have been made in the form of a court-approved subpoena."

A subpoena was not necessary. They are gov't records, subject to law enforcement review.
I think they were too. But Mueller had a very good and sneaky reason to "kick down the door" without a subpoena. And He's not gonna indict a potus. His job is to uncover the truth behind Russia and Trump.
I don't see it as "kicking down the door."

See d., page 4:
d. Disclosure.
(1) Electronic messages may be treated as Agency records for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a. As such, electronic messages or portions of them may be required to be disclosed upon a proper request.

Additionally, they may be disclosed pursuant to discovery in a legal proceeding or upon request by Congress.

The contents of electronic messages, properly obtained for Federal Government purposes, may be disclosed within the Agency for an official purpose without the permission of the authorized user who created the message.
I dunno. I think they were legally discoverable, and don't think Mueller illegally obtained them when he didn't get a subpoena. The GAO had agreed to destroy them.... of course Team Trump was recklessly stupid in letting them go, and perhaps not destroying them themselves.

Turley uses "kicking down the door" to denote some power play. I don't think Mueller's motivation was power, despite being a very aggressive, perhaps overly so, prosecutor. I think Mueller was getting the docs in a way that kept people he was going to interview from knowing he had them. Sort of like "surprise - no knock warrant ... everybody face down on the floor hands behind your heads" LOL
Destroying them would have violated Federal Law.
I'm not sure about that. Perhaps. As you say .gov. However, transition folks are not federal employees. But, transitions do get public money. But, as Hillary shows ... err on the side of delete and crush the hard drives and them cover them with acid and incinerate what remains.
Mueller proves one more time that he's a mother fucking power tripping prick.


All he had to do was get warrants to have avoided any issue over this. But nooooooooooooooooooooo the **** had to try to play hardball like he did when he launched the armed raid on Manafort.

This idiocy is going to make his "unbiased and fair" reputation bleed even more.

Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

This thread is hilarious and hypocritical on so many levels. Trump and his rabid NaziCon mafia certainly didn't object when "they" obtained DNC and Hillary emails "improperly". In fact - Trump even publicly asked Russia to hack Hillary emails. We know that DNC and Hillary emails were obtained "improperly" - but we don't know if Mueller "improperly" obtained Trump transition documents in Russia probe. Mueller likely had a legal right to them. Maybe Mueller should have asked Putin to hack those documents for him. Hilarious...
Turley also mentioned " this demand does not appear to have been made in the form of a court-approved subpoena."

A subpoena was not necessary. They are gov't records, subject to law enforcement review.
I think they were too. But Mueller had a very good and sneaky reason to "kick down the door" without a subpoena. And He's not gonna indict a potus. His job is to uncover the truth behind Russia and Trump.
I don't see it as "kicking down the door."

See d., page 4:
d. Disclosure.
(1) Electronic messages may be treated as Agency records for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a. As such, electronic messages or portions of them may be required to be disclosed upon a proper request.

Additionally, they may be disclosed pursuant to discovery in a legal proceeding or upon request by Congress.

The contents of electronic messages, properly obtained for Federal Government purposes, may be disclosed within the Agency for an official purpose without the permission of the authorized user who created the message.
I dunno. I think they were legally discoverable, and don't think Mueller illegally obtained them when he didn't get a subpoena. The GAO had agreed to destroy them.... of course Team Trump was recklessly stupid in letting them go, and perhaps not destroying them themselves.

Turley uses "kicking down the door" to denote some power play. I don't think Mueller's motivation was power, despite being a very aggressive, perhaps overly so, prosecutor. I think Mueller was getting the docs in a way that kept people he was going to interview from knowing he had them. Sort of like "surprise - no knock warrant ... everybody face down on the floor hands behind your heads" LOL
Destroying them would have violated Federal Law.
I'm not sure about that. Perhaps. As you say .gov. However, transition folks are not federal employees. But, transitions do get public money. But, as Hillary shows ... err on the side of delete and crush the hard drives and them cover them with acid and incinerate what remains.
I am.

1663. Protection Of Government Property -- Protection Of Public ...
Section 2071(a) contains a broad prohibition against destruction of government records or attempts to destroy such records. ... These are: (1) concealment, removal, mutilation, obliteration or destruction of records; (2) any attempt to commit these proscribed acts; and (3) carrying away any record with the intent to conceal, ...

If it was on the .gov server...yep. All their private internal off the gov. property communications, nope.
Once again I ask this question: Why didn't Russians hack and publicize RNC and Trump emails like they did the DNC and Hillary emails? Any takers...?

Because there is absolutely no proof that the Russians hacked the DNC servers. No evidence at all. Too bad no government agency examined the servers.
Mueller proves one more time that he's a mother fucking power tripping prick.


All he had to do was get warrants to have avoided any issue over this. But nooooooooooooooooooooo the **** had to try to play hardball like he did when he launched the armed raid on Manafort.

This idiocy is going to make his "unbiased and fair" reputation bleed even more.

td, no one in America other than the Alt Right cares or believes what it thinks or argues.

America, the solid majority of it, the patriotic side of it, backs Mueller.
Once again I ask this question: Why didn't Russians hack and publicize RNC and Trump emails like they did the DNC and Hillary emails? Any takers...?

Because there is absolutely no proof that the Russians hacked the DNC servers. No evidence at all. Too bad no government agency examined the servers.

They were examined. Russians hacking of the DNC and Hillary emails has been a proven fact for many months. You should be embarrassed to suggest otherwise.
Once again I ask this question: Why didn't Russians hack and publicize RNC and Trump emails like they did the DNC and Hillary emails? Any takers...?

Because there is absolutely no proof that the Russians hacked the DNC servers. No evidence at all. Too bad no government agency examined the servers.

They were examined. Russians hacking of the DNC and Hillary emails has been a proven fact for many months. You should be embarrassed to suggest otherwise.

Examined only by CrowdStrike. FACT. And no one who is sane believed Dmitri's company's report because he is tied at the hip with Pinchuk and all the other corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs who backed Hillary.

And no I shouldn't be embarrassed at all. I never believed 17 agencies all backed the report either. You did though.
Hey teeny brain -- it was the FBI that discovered the hack at the DNC.

"In September 2015 the FBI discovered that a cyber-espionage team linked to the Russian government had penetrated the DNC."

Now get back on topic. This thread is not about Hillary.
how many did they have, under what context did he have them, and how many is considered "normal"?

How are now demanding the final findings of the ongoing Mueller investigation on an internet message board. I smell desperation....

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