Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

Where is the warrant to Confiscate Documents covered under "ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE" and what was the Violation of Law cited to confiscate them?
From what I hear, the Trump folks sent those documents to Mueller. If they were dumb enough to not exclude them, Mueller can't be faulted for reading them.
Bringing this over from another thread:

"The FBI sent a letter to the GSA requesting the emails, and the GSA -- per standard policy -- released them. Trump had appointed a friend of his as GC for the GSA, whom (we can assume) had assured Trump he'd do everything he could to keep records away from law enforcement, but (as the letter states) the GC was hospitalized at the time, and thus the task of complying with the request fell to career GSA employees, and not a Trump appointee who had Trump's back.

The article uses the word "subterfuge" but that's not really the appropriate word here. Both the FBI and the GSA followed standard policy, and nobody violated policy intentionally or unintentionally. As has been pointed out, "no expectation of privacy" is made very clear in the GSA's policy.

If you read the Trump lawyer's letter, he's asking for a congressional fix so that this does not happen again. Not even Trump's lawyer is claiming "subterfuge."

Team Trump has valid reason to be upset. They're upset not because rules weren't followed correctly (they were), but because contents of the emails may be damaging. Yes, it certainly sucks for Team Trump that his appointee to the GSA was incapacitated at the time. But this does not mean that the GSA did anything wrong -- it just means that Trump's guy wasn't there to run interference.

A couple more points:

First, I believe this is why Clinton and other Secretaries of State used private email accounts, to avoid these very federal regulations.

Next, this is probably obvious to 99% of people reading this, but maybe not. The letter that Trump's lawyer sent asking for a congressional fix makes an impassioned case, and it's the lawyer's duty to protect and defend their client. That often means writing letters like these. But, impassioned does not mean truthful. The lawyer is grasping at straws here... but it's his duty to do so. We can commend the work he's doing for his client at the same time that we acknowledge that his claims don't have much merit." -shark
Comey's emails will not be released to the public either, unless an FOIA is requested by citizens after the investigation is over and their request is permitted


Were the republican congress critters BREAKING the law by doing such?

There must be a law that republican e-mails are privileged, while democratic e-mails are not ;)
When they log in to a Gov computer/device a warning message pops up

You are logged in to a government computer for gvt use, do not presume any expectations of privacy.
Your water muddying is pathetic. Facts are Facts and there is nothing to these charges.

"Mueller improperly obtaining records" is a false narrative.

Disagree? Ok tell me in which way that is less than factual.

Listen, do yourself a favor and don't get all in on the manure bandwagon. This admin lies daily and instead of rationalizing it with but-what-aboutisms you should do right by your integrity and condemn it.
Trump used Russia to win the election is a false narrative.

nothing has been proven and every time you THINK you have the smoking gun, some form of water comes out the tip and you realize you're back to square 1.

That's not a narrative that is a STRAWMAN you are deflecting to, because you know you can't argue what this thread is about specifically.

You are BAILING on discussing facts.

Investigation is about Russian interference in our election. It was not specifically about TRUMP or him winning.

2 people ALREADY pleaded guilty, 2 more are indicted and we have much more to come by all indications.. This is a serious, ongoing investigation no amount of deflections and denial will make go away.
it would be impossible for me to put up a strawman when in fact i'm just not playing your game. so - you would be giving me said strawman to use because you refuse to read what i'm saying.

OF WHICH is why i don't play these games with you.


What part of "Trump won because of Russians is a strawman" do you not understand?

Russian interference causing or not causing a Trump win is IRRELEVANT to this investigation. All that matters is that Russians TRIED, successfully or not, to illegally subvert the American political process.

You can and you did put up that strawman.
pretty sure russia does this every election.
pretty sure we do it also.

now it ONLY matters THIS TIME because hillary lost and the liberals can't handle it.

No they don't do THAT every election, stop making up bullshit.

Russian hacking and concentrated campaign against Clinton was a direct result of American led international sanctions against them in 2014.
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

Those documents would not be subject to privilege if the lawyer acted/conspired to assist in breaking the law. In short, it's like when a mafia lawyer tells the don how to hide the evidence, or hide the body, he loses his legal privilege, and becomes a co-conspirator.
I think they would be privileged if they discussed some legal strategy (i.e. "fact spin") to spin some yarn. But it's not really unusual for the FBI or other cop agency to execute a search warrant for documents and catch up some stuff that can't be used in court for some reason or another. And sure the cops learn of information and they try to use it by finding some other source that can be used. But notice the Trumpbots are no longer talking "innocent."

Not only are we talking about INNOCENT, we are talking about Clinton and Obama Sycophants launching a Coup by weaponizing the FBI and DOJ against The President, and FOR HILLARY CLINTON AND OBAMA.

Mueller and his team should be tried for Treason, and so should Obama and Clinton, and their administration.

We should resurrect The Firing Squad just for these people.

I realize you are a partisan hack. Nevertheless, in an effort to not stoop to your self imposed ignorance and stupidity: it isn't even a little unusual for cops executing a warrant to find all kinds of stuff that cannot be used in courts. I cannot imagine anyone being stupid enough to interfile letters from their attorney dealing with criminal activities in with general correspondence. With Team Trump any level of incompetence seems possible. But with Manafort .... we're talking about a guy whose been dealing with international criminals for decades. He can't be that stupid.

Nonetheless, people often have kid porn on computers that are seized for other reasons. A warrant has to have a specific listing of material sought. If it's not on the list, it doesn't go to court. Although cops will typically get information other ways. For example, kiddie porn is all traceable. The cops can just go bust someone else with the same kiddie porn and find the schmuck who left his internet fingerprints all over the dirty pictures.

But if Manafort doesn't want his lawyer's letter in court, all he has to do is say "judge that's a confidential letter."
When they log in to a Gov computer/device a warning message pops up

You are logged in to a government computer for gvt use, do not presume any expectations of privacy.


Government warning

You are accessing a U.S. Government information system, which includes: (1) this computer, (2) this computer network, (3) all computers connected to this network, and (4) all devices and storage media attached to this network or to a computer on this network. This information system is provided for U.S. Government-authorized use only.

Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action, and civil and criminal penalties.

By using this information system, you understand and consent to the following:

You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system. At any time, the government may monitor, intercept, search and/or seize data transiting or stored on this information system.
Any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any U.S. Government-authorized purpose.
For further information see the Department order on Use and Monitoring of Department Computers and Computer Systems.
Last edited:
When they log in to a Gov computer/device a warning message pops up

You are logged in to a government computer for gvt use, do not presume any expectations of privacy.
Exactly. We're talking two levels of privacy.

1. Anything anyone puts on a gummit server is subject to the Freedom of Information Act, that lets you and me ask for it ... someday. LOL (Hillary knew this.)

2. The GAO has it's own invesitgators who use public records not available to you and me, either because its too new or even exempt from disclosure like taxes, to hunt criminals for stuff like Medicaid fraud. Just because the GAO has it doesn't mean the coppers can't peak. And GAO coppers share.
Trump's Lawyer KNOWS it was not illegal for the emails to be gotten,

otherwise he would not have gone to congress to make his bitch about it, he would have gone to the Courts, and had a judge issue the order to have them given back....

Trump's lawyer sent the letter to congress, for political posturing only.

Like said, if there were any legal concerns, the Lawyer would have brought his concerns before a Judge.
When they log in to a Gov computer/device a warning message pops up

You are logged in to a government computer for gvt use, do not presume any expectations of privacy.
Exactly. We're talking two levels of privacy.

1. Anything anyone puts on a gummit server is subject to the Freedom of Information Act, that lets you and me ask for it ... someday. LOL (Hillary knew this.)

2. The GAO has it's own invesitgators who use public records not available to you and me, either because its too new or even exempt from disclosure like taxes, to hunt criminals for stuff like Medicaid fraud. Just because the GAO has it doesn't mean the coppers can't peak. And GAO coppers share.
and yes, Hillary did know this and it is why she set up her own server, so her private emails were not part of the govt records....she said so....
Trump's Lawyer KNOWS it was not illegal for the emails to be gotten,

otherwise he would not have gone to congress to make his bitch about it, he would have gone to the Courts, and had a judge issue the order to have them given back....

Trump's lawyer sent the letter to congress, for political posturing only.

Like said, if there were any legal concerns, the Lawyer would have brought his concerns before a Judge.

and his pondscum dutifully repeat everything he dangles in front of their noses.
When they log in to a Gov computer/device a warning message pops up

You are logged in to a government computer for gvt use, do not presume any expectations of privacy.
Exactly. We're talking two levels of privacy.

1. Anything anyone puts on a gummit server is subject to the Freedom of Information Act, that lets you and me ask for it ... someday. LOL (Hillary knew this.)

2. The GAO has it's own invesitgators who use public records not available to you and me, either because its too new or even exempt from disclosure like taxes, to hunt criminals for stuff like Medicaid fraud. Just because the GAO has it doesn't mean the coppers can't peak. And GAO coppers share.
and yes, Hillary did know this and it is why she set up her own server, so her private emails were not part of the govt records....she said so....
And why Colin Powell used an AOL account.
Trump's Lawyer KNOWS it was not illegal for the emails to be gotten,

otherwise he would not have gone to congress to make his bitch about it, he would have gone to the Courts, and had a judge issue the order to have them given back....

Trump's lawyer sent the letter to congress, for political posturing only.

Like said, if there were any legal concerns, the Lawyer would have brought his concerns before a Judge.
Maybe he was just new to the job.

Government computer warning:

You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system. At any time, the government may monitor, intercept, search and/or seize data transiting or stored on this information system.
Any communications transmitted through or data stored on this information system may be disclosed or used for any U.S. Government-authorized purpose.
pretty sure russia does this every election.
pretty sure we do it also. now it ONLY matters THIS TIME because hillary lost and the liberals can't handle it.

This time the GOP campaign apparently colluded with the Russians, then lied about, and has continued obstructing the investigation about it.
What imo will be interesting is what will be the public response if we learn for certain that the campaign got specific facebook or email addresses from the KGB and if there is no smoking gun showing Trump made an agreement to do something for them.

The GAO stuff? The GAO deals with public record access. Presidents maintain their own records until they leave office. Why Trump's administration would be so mind numbingly stupid as to turn over emails that allegedly have attorney client communications to the agency charged with making records available to the American public is ..... well, not a surprise. LOL
They waived any right of attorney-client privilege by communicating on a .gov account.

When someone signs up for a .gov email account -- they agree to the terms and conditions and it is clearly stated whenever they sign on there is no expectation of privacy and that the GSA monitors the account.
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

So now we have two incidences of Prosecutorial Misconduct against Mueller, and we know for a fact that Mueller's gang was indeed plotting a coup against President Trump before he was even sworn in to office.

And why can't we see Comey's memos since they were typed on a GOV Computer? Can anyone explain that to me?

;Mueller did not illegally obtain Manafort and Lawyer's dealings

:Mueller was not part of the investigation before May of 2017 so it was not his gang

: No one released these emails to the public on Mueller's team, not a one has been leaked to the public by them

Comey's emails will not be released to the public either, unless an FOIA is requested by citizens after the investigation is over and their request is permitted


Were the republican congress critters BREAKING the law by doing such?

Those are public documents. However, what the Obama administration did by releasing classified information during the campaign and transition is illegal.

If holdovers in The FBI and DOJ were plotting a soft coup, don't you think the public has a right to know?

This time the GOP campaign apparently colluded with the Russians, then lied about, and has continued obstructing the investigation about it.
What imo will be interesting is what will be the public response if we learn for certain that the campaign got specific facebook or email addresses from the KGB and if there is no smoking gun showing Trump made an agreement to do something for them.

The GAO stuff? The GAO deals with public record access. Presidents maintain their own records until they leave office. Why Trump's administration would be so mind numbingly stupid as to turn over emails that allegedly have attorney client communications to the agency charged with making records available to the American public is ..... well, not a surprise. LOL
They waived any right of attorney-client privilege by communicating on a .gov account.

When someone signs up for a .gov email account -- they agree to the terms and conditions and it is clearly stated whenever they sign on there is no expectation of privacy and that the GSA monitors the account.
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

So now we have two incidences of Prosecutorial Misconduct against Mueller, and we know for a fact that Mueller's gang was indeed plotting a coup against President Trump before he was even sworn in to office.

And why can't we see Comey's memos since they were typed on a GOV Computer? Can anyone explain that to me?

;Mueller did not illegally obtain Manafort and Lawyer's dealings

:Mueller was not part of the investigation before May of 2017 so it was not his gang

: No one released these emails to the public on Mueller's team, not a one has been leaked to the public by them

Comey's emails will not be released to the public either, unless an FOIA is requested by citizens after the investigation is over and their request is permitted


Were the republican congress critters BREAKING the law by doing such?

Those are public documents. However, what the Obama administration did by releasing classified information during the campaign and transition is illegal.

If holdovers in The FBI and DOJ were plotting a soft coup, don't you think the public has a right to know?

Yea, good luck with that given all the whistle blower protections.

Meanwhile, Mueller did everything by the book.
yes, drumpf is. NO doubt.
witty, very witty, no really it is. and trump may very well be dirty too. and with wit such as that displayed by the above post it is hard to believe the left keeps getting its clock cleaned at every turn by "the orange clown"... see how witty that sounds when ya add "orange clown"

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