Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

Uh oh...someone is about to be shit-canned!
This could be just the reason needed..haha
Trump lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained transition documents in Russia probe

Mueller is crooked, and so are the entire Clinton Cabal holdover from The Obama Administration.
What Mueller did alone right there is Prosecutorial Misconduct.

Not only should Mueller be removed from The so called Investigation in to a non existent and yet to be discovered crime, but Mueller, McCabe and the rest of this scum need to be prosecuted for launching a coup "Insurance Policy' based soley on Hillary Clinton and Obama's paid for Russian Propaganda Dossier otherwise known as Fusion GPS Russian Dossier.
As I posted above, the privilege begins when he became president elect. It required a warrant which they did not get. Game Over

Absolutely wrong. Executive privilege only extends to a president, not to a president-elect, or to a former president. And even if the law were to protect the communications of a president elect, that would not begin before January 6th.

Jan 6, 2017 - The U.S. Congress on Friday certified the Electoral College vote that gave Republican Donald Trump his victory in the contentious 2016 presidential election.

Prior to January 6th , Trump wasn't officialy the president elect.
pretty sure russia does this every election.
pretty sure we do it also. now it ONLY matters THIS TIME because hillary lost and the liberals can't handle it.

This time the GOP campaign apparently colluded with the Russians, then lied about, and has continued obstructing the investigation about it.
What imo will be interesting is what will be the public response if we learn for certain that the campaign got specific facebook or email addresses from the KGB and if there is no smoking gun showing Trump made an agreement to do something for them.

The GAO stuff? The GAO deals with public record access. Presidents maintain their own records until they leave office. Why Trump's administration would be so mind numbingly stupid as to turn over emails that allegedly have attorney client communications to the agency charged with making records available to the American public is ..... well, not a surprise. LOL
They waived any right of attorney-client privilege by communicating on a .gov account.

When someone signs up for a .gov email account -- they agree to the terms and conditions and it is clearly stated whenever they sign on there is no expectation of privacy and that the GSA monitors the account.
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

So now we have two incidences of Prosecutorial Misconduct against Mueller, and we know for a fact that Mueller's gang was indeed plotting a coup against President Trump before he was even sworn in to office.

And why can't we see Comey's memos since they were typed on a GOV Computer? Can anyone explain that to me?
pretty sure russia does this every election.
pretty sure we do it also. now it ONLY matters THIS TIME because hillary lost and the liberals can't handle it.

This time the GOP campaign apparently colluded with the Russians, then lied about, and has continued obstructing the investigation about it.
What imo will be interesting is what will be the public response if we learn for certain that the campaign got specific facebook or email addresses from the KGB and if there is no smoking gun showing Trump made an agreement to do something for them.

The GAO stuff? The GAO deals with public record access. Presidents maintain their own records until they leave office. Why Trump's administration would be so mind numbingly stupid as to turn over emails that allegedly have attorney client communications to the agency charged with making records available to the American public is ..... well, not a surprise. LOL
They waived any right of attorney-client privilege by communicating on a .gov account.

When someone signs up for a .gov email account -- they agree to the terms and conditions and it is clearly stated whenever they sign on there is no expectation of privacy and that the GSA monitors the account.
Yeah, and with presidential records the potus gets a opportunity to request some records never be publically released. But again, poutus maintain their own records while in office .... typically. LOL
pretty sure russia does this every election.
pretty sure we do it also. now it ONLY matters THIS TIME because hillary lost and the liberals can't handle it.

This time the GOP campaign apparently colluded with the Russians, then lied about, and has continued obstructing the investigation about it.
What imo will be interesting is what will be the public response if we learn for certain that the campaign got specific facebook or email addresses from the KGB and if there is no smoking gun showing Trump made an agreement to do something for them.

The GAO stuff? The GAO deals with public record access. Presidents maintain their own records until they leave office. Why Trump's administration would be so mind numbingly stupid as to turn over emails that allegedly have attorney client communications to the agency charged with making records available to the American public is ..... well, not a surprise. LOL
They waived any right of attorney-client privilege by communicating on a .gov account.

When someone signs up for a .gov email account -- they agree to the terms and conditions and it is clearly stated whenever they sign on there is no expectation of privacy and that the GSA monitors the account.
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

So now we have two incidences of Prosecutorial Misconduct against Mueller, and we know for a fact that Mueller's gang was indeed plotting a coup against President Trump before he was even sworn in to office.

And why can't we see Comey's memos since they were typed on a GOV Computer? Can anyone explain that to me?
Exclusionary rule and motion to suppress. Google.
My instincts tell me Mueller, doesn't want the investigation to turn inward and become an investigation into him, his methods and his choices for his team. This may end sooner than some expect as he realizes that quite possibly he's been duped by his own team and possibly some outside political influences.

There is also a feeling that the loss in Alabama is a major wakeup call to the GOP. I bet you noone felt Moore would lose even as his own party suggested he wasn't a good choice. When he lost, it was a message "you can lose ANY state now", even though this was a special case, and possibly even dirty politics. So they are going to rally around Trump possibly more than they might have a few months ago as they are staring at the reminder of how American was governed just a year earlier, where they had no power.

Mueller really has a pristine record of service for his country, so I cant imagine he would do anything than what is right at this point in his life. Even if that means admitting errors of taking "bad counsel" from others. Whatever the truth is, expose it, charge or move on and allow the country to be governed in peace.

Actually Mueller has a poor record. Or do you forget him charging and jailing an innocent man with The Anthrax Scare case? He ruined that man and his families life!

His team is equally crooked, and put Innocent people in jail during the Enron Case!

Every single man on his team was a staunch Clinton supporter, even acted as her attorneys in some cases, went to numerous campaign functions and parties, and made contributions to her campaign.

Last but not least, Mueller allowed the Uranium One Deal to go through, a deal which Hillary Clinton was paid $145 Million dollars to make happen, and despite Mueller, McCabe, & Comey, as well as Rosenstein knowing this, and knowing Russia was paying bribes to make this happen, they did and said nothing.

And we haven't even begun to talk about his conflict of interest having interviewed for THE FBI job and being rejected and having intimate ties to Comey himself.

Comey oversaw by the way Millions of Dollars of Clinton Cash for the Clinton Foundation while working with HSBC and got rich off of it from the fees he received...
Another conflict of interest in this so called "case."
My instincts tell me Mueller, doesn't want the investigation to turn inward and become an investigation into him, his methods and his choices for his team. This may end sooner than some expect as he realizes that quite possibly he's been duped by his own team and possibly some outside political influences.

There is also a feeling that the loss in Alabama is a major wakeup call to the GOP. I bet you noone felt Moore would lose even as his own party suggested he wasn't a good choice. When he lost, it was a message "you can lose ANY state now", even though this was a special case, and possibly even dirty politics. So they are going to rally around Trump possibly more than they might have a few months ago as they are staring at the reminder of how American was governed just a year earlier, where they had no power.

Mueller really has a pristine record of service for his country, so I cant imagine he would do anything than what is right at this point in his life. Even if that means admitting errors of taking "bad counsel" from others. Whatever the truth is, expose it, charge or move on and allow the country to be governed in peace.

Actually Mueller has a poor record. Or do you forget him charging an innocent man with The Anthrax Scare case?
His team is equally crooked, and put Innocent people in jail during the Enron Case!

Every single man on his team was a staunch Clinton supporter, even acted as her attorney, went to numerous campaign functions and parties, and made contributions to her campaign.

Last but not least, Mueller allowed the Uranium One Deal to go through, a deal which Hillary Clinton was paid $145 Million dollars to make happen, and despite Mueller, McCabe, & Comey, as well as Rosenstein knowing this, and knowing Russia was paying bribes to make this happen, they did and said nothing.

And we haven't even begun to talk about his conflict of interest having interviewed for THE FBI job and being rejected and having intimate ties to Comey himself.
^ Dumb as a stump.
My instincts tell me Mueller, doesn't want the investigation to turn inward and become an investigation into him, his methods and his choices for his team. This may end sooner than some expect as he realizes that quite possibly he's been duped by his own team and possibly some outside political influences.

There is also a feeling that the loss in Alabama is a major wakeup call to the GOP. I bet you noone felt Moore would lose even as his own party suggested he wasn't a good choice. When he lost, it was a message "you can lose ANY state now", even though this was a special case, and possibly even dirty politics. So they are going to rally around Trump possibly more than they might have a few months ago as they are staring at the reminder of how American was governed just a year earlier, where they had no power.

Mueller really has a pristine record of service for his country, so I cant imagine he would do anything than what is right at this point in his life. Even if that means admitting errors of taking "bad counsel" from others. Whatever the truth is, expose it, charge or move on and allow the country to be governed in peace.

Actually Mueller has a poor record. Or do you forget him charging an innocent man with The Anthrax Scare case?
His team is equally crooked, and put Innocent people in jail during the Enron Case!

Every single man on his team was a staunch Clinton supporter, even acted as her attorney, went to numerous campaign functions and parties, and made contributions to her campaign.

Last but not least, Mueller allowed the Uranium One Deal to go through, a deal which Hillary Clinton was paid $145 Million dollars to make happen, and despite Mueller, McCabe, & Comey, as well as Rosenstein knowing this, and knowing Russia was paying bribes to make this happen, they did and said nothing.

And we haven't even begun to talk about his conflict of interest having interviewed for THE FBI job and being rejected and having intimate ties to Comey himself.

Comey oversaw by the way Millions of Dollars of Clinton Cash for the Clinton Foundation while working with HSBC and got rich off of it from the fees he received...
Another conflict of interest in this so called "case."
^ Dumb as a stump.
^ Blind as a Bat.

What's wrong you demonic Filth From Hell?

Your whole web of lies is crumbling to the ground now, and that's all you have to say?
My instincts tell me Mueller, doesn't want the investigation to turn inward and become an investigation into him, his methods and his choices for his team. This may end sooner than some expect as he realizes that quite possibly he's been duped by his own team and possibly some outside political influences.

There is also a feeling that the loss in Alabama is a major wakeup call to the GOP. I bet you noone felt Moore would lose even as his own party suggested he wasn't a good choice. When he lost, it was a message "you can lose ANY state now", even though this was a special case, and possibly even dirty politics. So they are going to rally around Trump possibly more than they might have a few months ago as they are staring at the reminder of how American was governed just a year earlier, where they had no power.

Mueller really has a pristine record of service for his country, so I cant imagine he would do anything than what is right at this point in his life. Even if that means admitting errors of taking "bad counsel" from others. Whatever the truth is, expose it, charge or move on and allow the country to be governed in peace.

Actually Mueller has a poor record. Or do you forget him charging an innocent man with The Anthrax Scare case?
His team is equally crooked, and put Innocent people in jail during the Enron Case!

Every single man on his team was a staunch Clinton supporter, even acted as her attorney, went to numerous campaign functions and parties, and made contributions to her campaign.

Last but not least, Mueller allowed the Uranium One Deal to go through, a deal which Hillary Clinton was paid $145 Million dollars to make happen, and despite Mueller, McCabe, & Comey, as well as Rosenstein knowing this, and knowing Russia was paying bribes to make this happen, they did and said nothing.

And we haven't even begun to talk about his conflict of interest having interviewed for THE FBI job and being rejected and having intimate ties to Comey himself.
^ Dumb as a stump.
Partisan as a stump, e.g. Fast and Furious.

I read elsewhere that on could argue that executive privilege would extend to the potus elect.

Presidential Transition Act of 1963

However, if the content of a communication showed illegal campaign practices or suborning perjury ... there'd not be executive privilege
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

Those documents would not be subject to privilege if the lawyer acted/conspired to assist in breaking the law. In short, it's like when a mafia lawyer tells the don how to hide the evidence, or hide the body, he loses his legal privilege, and becomes a co-conspirator.
It's the continual campaign of Trumpian nay saying, falling back from one position after another as they are flanked and turned out, is the problem that America has.
I read elsewhere that on could argue that executive privilege would extend to the potus elect.

Presidential Transition Act of 1963

That act extends to the president elect, funds, facilities and communications that it also extends for 6 months to a president after they leave office. In short if the act extends any executive privilege to the president elect, it also does so to the former president. Which shows it doesn't extend presidential privilege before, since it doesn't extend it beyond a presidents term..
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

Those documents would not be subject to privilege if the lawyer acted/conspired to assist in breaking the law. In short, it's like when a mafia lawyer tells the don how to hide the evidence, or hide the body, he loses his legal privilege, and becomes a co-conspirator.
So wait, fork tongued Devil... You are trying to tell me that MUELLER took documents clearly Marked "ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE" because he just KNEW....KNEW I TELL YOU....that Manafort's attorney was telling MANAFORT TO BREAK THE LAW?

You, and your entire party are SCUM. Makes me glad there is a Hell for such as you.

Where is the warrant to Confiscate Documents covered under "ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE" and what was the Violation of Law cited to confiscate them?

There was none, because how can you confiscate documents illegally like that and know what is in it before you read it and confiscate it?

It's a GROSS VIOLATION of Search and Seizure, and is Prosecutorial Misconduct, and a violation of DUE PROCESS.
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

Those documents would not be subject to privilege if the lawyer acted/conspired to assist in breaking the law. In short, it's like when a mafia lawyer tells the don how to hide the evidence, or hide the body, he loses his legal privilege, and becomes a co-conspirator.
I think they would be privileged if they discussed some legal strategy (i.e. "fact spin") to spin some yarn. But it's not really unusual for the FBI or other cop agency to execute a search warrant for documents and catch up some stuff that can't be used in court for some reason or another. And sure the cops learn of information and they try to use it by finding some other source that can be used. But notice the Trumpbots are no longer talking "innocent."
I read elsewhere that on could argue that executive privilege would extend to the potus elect.

Presidential Transition Act of 1963

That act extends to the president elect, funds, facilities and communications that it also extends for 6 months to a president after they leave office. In short if the act extends any executive privilege to the president elect, it also does so to the former president. Which shows it doesn't extend presidential privilege before, since it doesn't extend it beyond a presidents term..
Right. It doesn't cover Jared and Jr meeting with Russian spies during the campaign. LOL
My instincts tell me Mueller, doesn't want the investigation to turn inward and become an investigation into him, his methods and his choices for his team. This may end sooner than some expect as he realizes that quite possibly he's been duped by his own team and possibly some outside political influences.

There is also a feeling that the loss in Alabama is a major wakeup call to the GOP. I bet you noone felt Moore would lose even as his own party suggested he wasn't a good choice. When he lost, it was a message "you can lose ANY state now", even though this was a special case, and possibly even dirty politics. So they are going to rally around Trump possibly more than they might have a few months ago as they are staring at the reminder of how American was governed just a year earlier, where they had no power.

Mueller really has a pristine record of service for his country, so I cant imagine he would do anything than what is right at this point in his life. Even if that means admitting errors of taking "bad counsel" from others. Whatever the truth is, expose it, charge or move on and allow the country to be governed in peace.

Actually Mueller has a poor record. Or do you forget him charging an innocent man with The Anthrax Scare case?
His team is equally crooked, and put Innocent people in jail during the Enron Case!

Every single man on his team was a staunch Clinton supporter, even acted as her attorney, went to numerous campaign functions and parties, and made contributions to her campaign.

Last but not least, Mueller allowed the Uranium One Deal to go through, a deal which Hillary Clinton was paid $145 Million dollars to make happen, and despite Mueller, McCabe, & Comey, as well as Rosenstein knowing this, and knowing Russia was paying bribes to make this happen, they did and said nothing.

And we haven't even begun to talk about his conflict of interest having interviewed for THE FBI job and being rejected and having intimate ties to Comey himself.
^ Dumb as a stump.
Partisan as a stump, e.g. Fast and Furious.

I read elsewhere that on could argue that executive privilege would extend to the potus elect.

Presidential Transition Act of 1963

However, if the content of a communication showed illegal campaign practices or suborning perjury ... there'd not be executive privilege
I quoted a court case earlier in the thread:

Fish v Kobash

"In United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court recognized “the presumptive confidentiality of
Presidential communications” as a qualified privilege.

This “privilege of confidentiality of Presidential communications derives from the supremacy of the Executive Branch within
its assigned area of constitutional responsibilities.” The Supreme Court stated the privilege
is necessary because a “President and those who assist him must be free to explore
alternatives in the process of shaping policies and making decisions and to do so in a way
many would be unwilling to express except privately.”
Defendant states that, though not acting in his capacity as Kansas Secretary of State,
he presented the photographed document to President-elect Trump as a member of the
“transition team” that “aids the President-elect in preparing policies and assuming his official
duties as President as efficiently as possible.” Defendant asserts communications between
a President-elect and his transition team are entitled to protection because “[a]llowing this
document to be discoverable would jeopardize the right of the President-elect to have
confidential and frank communications within his transition team.”

Defendant’s argument for withholding the photographed document under the
executive privilege is unpersuasive. First, Secretary Kobach’s communication was made to
a president-elect, not to a sitting president.

Although a president-elect by statute and policy
may be accorded security briefings and other transitional prerogatives, he or she has no
constitutional power to make any decisions on behalf of the Executive Branch. No court has

recognized the applicability of the executive privilege to communications made before a
president takes office. If that were the law, it would mean that potentially almost everything
communicated to a president-elect by the hundreds of persons seeking appointments in the
new administration would be shielded by privilege.

In Nixon v. Administrator of General Services, the Supreme Court did recognize that
former presidents may assert privilege over certain communications made during their terms
in office. But the reasoning given by the Court for its decision doesn’t directly translate to
communications with president-elects."
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

Those documents would not be subject to privilege if the lawyer acted/conspired to assist in breaking the law. In short, it's like when a mafia lawyer tells the don how to hide the evidence, or hide the body, he loses his legal privilege, and becomes a co-conspirator.
I think they would be privileged if they discussed some legal strategy (i.e. "fact spin") to spin some yarn. But it's not really unusual for the FBI or other cop agency to execute a search warrant for documents and catch up some stuff that can't be used in court for some reason or another. And sure the cops learn of information and they try to use it by finding some other source that can be used. But notice the Trumpbots are no longer talking "innocent."

Not only are we talking about INNOCENT, we are talking about Clinton and Obama Sycophants launching a Coup by weaponizing the FBI and DOJ against The President, and FOR HILLARY CLINTON AND OBAMA.

Mueller and his team should be tried for Treason, and so should Obama and Clinton, and their administration.

We should resurrect The Firing Squad just for these people.
pretty sure russia does this every election.
pretty sure we do it also. now it ONLY matters THIS TIME because hillary lost and the liberals can't handle it.

This time the GOP campaign apparently colluded with the Russians, then lied about, and has continued obstructing the investigation about it.
What imo will be interesting is what will be the public response if we learn for certain that the campaign got specific facebook or email addresses from the KGB and if there is no smoking gun showing Trump made an agreement to do something for them.

The GAO stuff? The GAO deals with public record access. Presidents maintain their own records until they leave office. Why Trump's administration would be so mind numbingly stupid as to turn over emails that allegedly have attorney client communications to the agency charged with making records available to the American public is ..... well, not a surprise. LOL
They waived any right of attorney-client privilege by communicating on a .gov account.

When someone signs up for a .gov email account -- they agree to the terms and conditions and it is clearly stated whenever they sign on there is no expectation of privacy and that the GSA monitors the account.
Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED documents of Manafort's which were Attorney Client Privilege which were letters, and instructions given to Manafort by his attorney regarding the "trumped up" charges on Manafort.

So now we have two incidences of Prosecutorial Misconduct against Mueller, and we know for a fact that Mueller's gang was indeed plotting a coup against President Trump before he was even sworn in to office.

And why can't we see Comey's memos since they were typed on a GOV Computer? Can anyone explain that to me?

;Mueller did not illegally obtain Manafort and Lawyer's dealings

:Mueller was not part of the investigation before May of 2017 so it was not his gang

: No one released these emails to the public on Mueller's team, not a one has been leaked to the public by them

Comey's emails will not be released to the public either, unless an FOIA is requested by citizens after the investigation is over and their request is permitted


Were the republican congress critters BREAKING the law by doing such?
Where is the warrant to Confiscate Documents covered under "ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE" and what was the Violation of Law cited to confiscate them?
From what I hear, the Trump folks sent those documents to Mueller. If they were dumb enough to not exclude them, Mueller can't be faulted for reading them.

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