trump Loses Again

Politics > the law.

Not karma, but petty, puerile, partisan rancor.

You liberoidal slugs are beneath contempt.

"Politics > the law."

Herein ^^^ is a repudiation of the principle that no person is above the law. As for today's committee hearing, a childish and trivial comment wrapped in an ad hominem, on a matter of serious inquiry by serious people.
Blow it out your ass, psycho...Congress has no more right to Trump's financials than anyone else had to the aforementioned laundry list of your Mulatto Marxist's sealed records.
When I hear of these rulings the first thing I do is find the judge's name and google who he/she was appointed by. Great article attached in OP in that I found all I needed in the first 2 sentences.

Here's something to "cheer" you up with the rest of the Trump cult membership......Something about the irony of karma.

Donald Trump continues to fight against a congressional subpoena from House Democrats for financial records, he will now have to face the Obama-nominated judge Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.

I have no dissatisfaction or delight with the judge's ruling, I haven't yet followed the arguments of the case to render an opinion. I simply expressed my delight with the article Dana7360 linked in that it immediately satisfied my curiosity thus far.
Cannot tell.

Are they suggesting there is proof of collusion in those financial records?

Remember when liberals pretended not to care about how we never did get to see the marxist kenyan skinny lying negro's official college transcripts?

Why didn't we?

Lol are such losers
All of your far right wing extremists who believe that the information won't be released ignored my post where I stated that the judge refused to put a stay on it until the appeal.

That means that the information will be released while the appeal is moving through the courts.

So it's a waste of time for that appeal since the judge refused to put a stay on the release.

Sorry but trump loses again.

Read the article at the link below. The fact that there will be no stay is the second paragraph.

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records
Who has the information, have you asked yourself that yet? Do you honestly think that the information will be released before the SCOTUS rules on it?

BTW, you do know that Congress has no right to his tax records? Please don't spout oversight, because you obviously don't know what your talking about.

The Congress is entitled to oversight for what the President has done WHILE IN OFFICE. Tax records from decades past do NOT qualify.

That is how this just screwed up. In fact, this judge needs to be standing before the BAR answer questions on why his law license should not be suspended.
In essence the only people in jail are over taxes. Having failed to get Trump in the Russian baloney this is now their latest hope.
The financial records of Trump from the 2017 and 2018 should be released. After all, those are the ONLY years he was head of the executive branch.

Congress does NOT have broad oversight of private citizens.
All of your far right wing extremists who believe that the information won't be released ignored my post where I stated that the judge refused to put a stay on it until the appeal.

That means that the information will be released while the appeal is moving through the courts.

So it's a waste of time for that appeal since the judge refused to put a stay on the release.

Sorry but trump loses again.

Read the article at the link below. The fact that there will be no stay is the second paragraph.

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records
Who has the information, have you asked yourself that yet? Do you honestly think that the information will be released before the SCOTUS rules on it?

BTW, you do know that Congress has no right to his tax records? Please don't spout oversight, because you obviously don't know what your talking about.

The Congress is entitled to oversight for what the President has done WHILE IN OFFICE. Tax records from decades past do NOT qualify.

That is how this just screwed up. In fact, this judge needs to be standing before the BAR answer questions on why his law license should not be suspended.

btw - the House Ways and Means Committee the power to request tax returns from the Treasury Department for review in closed session.

The Supreme Court has repeatedly told us that the Constitution permits Congress to perform investigations and subpoena documents only when it pursues a legitimate legislative purpose.

check the law ...
You do.
You will NEVER see his finances. Know why? They're none of your fking business. You've been potty-trained to believe they're important. Try and follow along:

Trump elected = butthurt progs.
Trump vindicated & progs exposed = butthurt progs.
Trump's finances must therefore be of some importance = butthurt progs.
Trump is successful = butthurt progs.
All of your far right wing extremists who believe that the information won't be released ignored my post where I stated that the judge refused to put a stay on it until the appeal.

That means that the information will be released while the appeal is moving through the courts.

So it's a waste of time for that appeal since the judge refused to put a stay on the release.

Sorry but trump loses again.

Read the article at the link below. The fact that there will be no stay is the second paragraph.

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records
Who has the information, have you asked yourself that yet? Do you honestly think that the information will be released before the SCOTUS rules on it?

BTW, you do know that Congress has no right to his tax records? Please don't spout oversight, because you obviously don't know what your talking about.

The Congress is entitled to oversight for what the President has done WHILE IN OFFICE. Tax records from decades past do NOT qualify.

That is how this just screwed up. In fact, this judge needs to be standing before the BAR answer questions on why his law license should not be suspended.

btw - the House Ways and Means Committee the power to request tax returns from the Treasury Department for review in closed session.

check the law ...
Yes, and Trump has the executive privilege and control of the Treasury Department.

Congress has questionable authority to seek his tax returns for the time he has been in office, but none for when he was private citizen.
trump lost again today in court over his financial records. The judge wouldn't even put a stay on it until the appeal can be decided. So those financial records are going to be turned over to the congress.

Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Good for the Obysmal judge, but here is a clue--------------->when everything comes out BEFORE the election of 2020, your hosed, AND...…...the only way Trump loses, is if he is not re-elected, and after everything is laid bare, he will be elected in a landslide-) CYA, wouldn't want to be a LEFTIST!

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