trump Loses Again

Garland would have been the 5th Anti-American vote to declare that:

  • there's no individual right to gun ownership,
  • Illegals can vote, and
  • the First Amendment does NOT apply to "privately owned" companies so GOOG, Twitter and FaceBookBurning could legally discriminate against Conservatives

Gee, Frankie.....didn't know you knew Garland so well.......Do you also shower with him?
This again? LMAO. You can't order someone to show you their, or their business tax returns simply because you want to see them.

That Obama pig fornicator who made this decision will have his asinine decision overturned. What a bunch of losers Obama populated our judicial system with.

The real question is, are the Democrats ever going to pass a single piece of legislation to make America a better place or are we just going to replace them with empty headed mannequins?

The Dem Lead House is about as useless as tits on a bull.
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Grown-ups do not rely on insult posts and name calling like a petulant child as you do. You are not a grown-up.

Thanks for the humor.
You.....accusing me of calling people names? That is hilarious rofl
I think you lefties do nothing BUT insult people non stop. It's all you have.

otoh....I'm not afraid to call a Marxist/Communist what he/she is.
You're confusing name-calling with truth and reality.

nice try....sort of

Your claim that you are not afraid to call a Marxist/Communist what he or she is, prompts me to ask you to define "Marxist/Communist".

Unless you can provide a clear concise response, I suspect most readers will likely believe your comments are based on McCarthyism's Red Scare and use the phrase as a pejorative; doing so is nothing more than echoing the propaganda of the right wing neo fascist movement here in the US.
Garland would have been the 5th Anti-American vote to declare that:

  • there's no individual right to gun ownership,
  • Illegals can vote, and
  • the First Amendment does NOT apply to "privately owned" companies so GOOG, Twitter and FaceBookBurning could legally discriminate against Conservatives

Gee, Frankie.....didn't know you knew Garland so well.......Do you also shower with him?

So close!

Jake, one election away from you and Soros tap dancing on the grave of the USA!

So fucking close!

No guns

Illegals turning FL and TX Commicrat

Conservatives banished from the modern public square

So fucking close!
Trump Appeal Now Goes To Court Headed By Merrick Garland

Twitter users can’t stop laughing at the irony of the situation.

President Donald Trump’s attorneys have vowed to appeal Monday’s decision in favor of a House committee seeking his financial records, but people on Twitter were thrilled about where the case will end up.

“We will be filing a timely notice of appeal to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals,” Trump attorney Jay Sekulow told Politico.

The current chief judge there is Merrick Garland, who President Barack Obama nominated to the Supreme Court in 2016 after Associate Justice Antonin Scalia died.

Senate Republicans stalled the nomination, refusing to vote or even hold a hearing until after the presidential election. Trump won and appointed Neil Gorsuch instead, which meant Garland remained on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where he could now play a role in the looming showdown between the president and House Democrats.

KARMA ALERT: Trump Appeal Now Goes To Court Headed By Merrick Garland

Yes, this is sweet irony. What do you think?
You want a judge to use his personal views to effect his ruling. Most tyrannical of you.
Garland would have been the 5th Anti-American vote to declare that:

  • there's no individual right to gun ownership,
  • Illegals can vote, and
  • the First Amendment does NOT apply to "privately owned" companies so GOOG, Twitter and FaceBookBurning could legally discriminate against Conservatives

Gee, Frankie.....didn't know you knew Garland so well.......Do you also shower with him?

So close!

Jake, one election away from you and Soros tap dancing on the grave of the USA!

So fucking close!

No guns

Illegals turning FL and TX Commicrat

Conservatives banished from the modern public square

So fucking close!

It's not that you spread conspiracy theories, Frank, it is because you actually believe them.

Maybe some lead foil in a hat will prevent your all too common panics, which result in more hate and fear posts?

If that doesn't work, turn off Hannity, tune out Limbaugh and don't read and believe anymore of Trump's tweets. Live is too short to continue to be an iconoclastic curmudgeon out of touch with reality.
Yesterday's ruling in district court, that found that WH attorneys had NO base in law regarding the prevention of a Trump accounting firm from disclosing financial documents....basically siding with Section I of our Constitution that Congress has every legal right to oversee the behaviors of the executive branch, was met with much criticism by Trump backers who have long-concluded that Trump IS above ANY law.

Well, Karma is here to even things out a bit.......

As Donald Trump continues to fight against a congressional subpoena from House Democrats for financial records, he will now have to face the Obama-nominated judge Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.

Thank you for that. I didn't know that it's going to Garland.

It will be funny to watch them claim that the ruling will be because he wasn't allowed to be voted on for the Supreme Court.

Not because it's the law and he's only upholding it.

Karma works and it's a bitch for some people.
Grown-ups do not rely on insult posts and name calling like a petulant child as you do. You are not a grown-up.

Thanks for the humor.
You.....accusing me of calling people names? That is hilarious rofl
I think you lefties do nothing BUT insult people non stop. It's all you have.

otoh....I'm not afraid to call a Marxist/Communist what he/she is.
You're confusing name-calling with truth and reality.

nice try....sort of
What exactly IS a "marxist/communist" to you?

That would be one of three things.

Either a person who doesn't agree with their views. Or a person who makes a very logical and rational statement that person can't refute so like the child it is it uses very lame names in some very lame attempt to silence the person.

Or a combination of both.
Garland would have been the 5th Anti-American vote to declare that:

  • there's no individual right to gun ownership,
  • Illegals can vote, and
  • the First Amendment does NOT apply to "privately owned" companies so GOOG, Twitter and FaceBookBurning could legally discriminate against Conservatives

Gee, Frankie.....didn't know you knew Garland so well.......Do you also shower with him?

So close!

Jake, one election away from you and Soros tap dancing on the grave of the USA!

So fucking close!

No guns

Illegals turning FL and TX Commicrat

Conservatives banished from the modern public square

So fucking close!

It's not that you spread conspiracy theories, Frank, it is because you actually believe them.

Maybe some lead foil in a hat will prevent your all too common panics, which result in more hate and fear posts?

If that doesn't work, turn off Hannity, tune out Limbaugh and don't read and believe anymore of Trump's tweets. Live is too short to continue to be an iconoclastic curmudgeon out of touch with reality.

I haven't listened to Hannity since I was the "2nd Most Awesome Hannity Poster Right after Mal" 10 years ago. I listen to Limbaugh if I'm in the car and can get a signal and he doesn't fucking annoy me and I don't want to listen to Bach, Zappa or Fundo do Quintal.

It's not a question of my belief, it's just a "What if..." scenario. Had Hillary won, we'd be in the middle of a real live Civil War, unlike the Kinder, Gentler Civil War we're currently fighting.

LOL @ iconoclastic curmudgeon out of touch with reality! Well played!
Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.
You assume Garland will vote based on his politics, not the law.
Yesterday's ruling in district court, that found that WH attorneys had NO base in law regarding the prevention of a Trump accounting firm from disclosing financial documents....basically siding with Section I of our Constitution that Congress has every legal right to oversee the behaviors of the executive branch, was met with much criticism by Trump backers who have long-concluded that Trump IS above ANY law.

Well, Karma is here to even things out a bit.......

As Donald Trump continues to fight against a congressional subpoena from House Democrats for financial records, he will now have to face the Obama-nominated judge Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.

I did a USMB search on "Garland" before I started a new thread. However, his name was not mentioned in the thread title. Thread titles are important.

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