trump Loses Again

All of your far right wing extremists who believe that the information won't be released ignored my post where I stated that the judge refused to put a stay on it until the appeal.

That means that the information will be released while the appeal is moving through the courts.

So it's a waste of time for that appeal since the judge refused to put a stay on the release.

Sorry but trump loses again.

Read the article at the link below. The fact that there will be no stay is the second paragraph.

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records
And I say that the President with executive privilege can stay until it reaches the supreme court. Just because some dickhead guy/girl/it is in a robe, doesnt mean they are higher than the President. You know equal powers sure are a dweeb.

No he can't do that. I don't know where you get that stupid idea. What are you 12?

Or are you another lazy conservative who has never actually read the constitution and didn't bother learning it when you were supposed to in US History class in school.

Read the document. The president has no authority to or executive privilege to put a stay on any federal court judge ruling.

What sort of fantasy alternate world do you live in?

You're in for a very rude awakening.

The judge gave the company 7 days to comply with the order. So like I said, the appeal will be a waste of time. The information will already have been handed over by the time the appeal happens.

You and trump lose again.

The next court up can place a stay, or an injunction or whatever. It takes time for a lower court to enforce it's decision, and that's plenty of time to run to the next level and place a hold on the release until the next court figures it out.

Again, try to understand the process before you blather on about it like a useless twat.

Or in your case, a more useless twat.
All of your far right wing extremists who believe that the information won't be released ignored my post where I stated that the judge refused to put a stay on it until the appeal.

That means that the information will be released while the appeal is moving through the courts.

So it's a waste of time for that appeal since the judge refused to put a stay on the release.

Sorry but trump loses again.

Read the article at the link below. The fact that there will be no stay is the second paragraph.

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records
And I say that the President with executive privilege can stay until it reaches the supreme court. Just because some dickhead guy/girl/it is in a robe, doesnt mean they are higher than the President. You know equal powers sure are a dweeb.

No he can't do that. I don't know where you get that stupid idea. What are you 12?

Or are you another lazy conservative who has never actually read the constitution and didn't bother learning it when you were supposed to in US History class in school.

Read the document. The president has no authority to or executive privilege to put a stay on any federal court judge ruling.

What sort of fantasy alternate world do you live in?

You're in for a very rude awakening.

The judge gave the company 7 days to comply with the order. So like I said, the appeal will be a waste of time. The information will already have been handed over by the time the appeal happens.

You and trump lose again.

Take off the tin foil hat. 99% of this country would not understand how to read a tax return. Including you, Dana.

That's how little you know.

My education and degree is in accounting and economics.

What did you study and get a degree in?
All of your far right wing extremists who believe that the information won't be released ignored my post where I stated that the judge refused to put a stay on it until the appeal.

That means that the information will be released while the appeal is moving through the courts.

So it's a waste of time for that appeal since the judge refused to put a stay on the release.

Sorry but trump loses again.

Read the article at the link below. The fact that there will be no stay is the second paragraph.

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records
And I say that the President with executive privilege can stay until it reaches the supreme court. Just because some dickhead guy/girl/it is in a robe, doesnt mean they are higher than the President. You know equal powers sure are a dweeb.

No he can't do that. I don't know where you get that stupid idea. What are you 12?

Or are you another lazy conservative who has never actually read the constitution and didn't bother learning it when you were supposed to in US History class in school.

Read the document. The president has no authority to or executive privilege to put a stay on any federal court judge ruling.

What sort of fantasy alternate world do you live in?

You're in for a very rude awakening.

The judge gave the company 7 days to comply with the order. So like I said, the appeal will be a waste of time. The information will already have been handed over by the time the appeal happens.

You and trump lose again.

Take off the tin foil hat. 99% of this country would not understand how to read a tax return. Including you, Dana.

That's how little you know.

My education and degree is in accounting and economics.

What did you study and get a degree in?

So you would know. But 99% would not. I have an MBA from Northeastern U. Go Huskies. Undergrad in Finance from Duke. Go Blue Devils. I reiterate. 99% of this country doesn’t know the difference between a balance sheet and a cookie sheet.
All of your far right wing extremists who believe that the information won't be released ignored my post where I stated that the judge refused to put a stay on it until the appeal.

That means that the information will be released while the appeal is moving through the courts.

So it's a waste of time for that appeal since the judge refused to put a stay on the release.

Sorry but trump loses again.

Read the article at the link below. The fact that there will be no stay is the second paragraph.

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records
And I say that the President with executive privilege can stay until it reaches the supreme court. Just because some dickhead guy/girl/it is in a robe, doesnt mean they are higher than the President. You know equal powers sure are a dweeb.

No he can't do that. I don't know where you get that stupid idea. What are you 12?

Or are you another lazy conservative who has never actually read the constitution and didn't bother learning it when you were supposed to in US History class in school.

Read the document. The president has no authority to or executive privilege to put a stay on any federal court judge ruling.

What sort of fantasy alternate world do you live in?

You're in for a very rude awakening.

The judge gave the company 7 days to comply with the order. So like I said, the appeal will be a waste of time. The information will already have been handed over by the time the appeal happens.

You and trump lose again.

The next court up can place a stay, or an injunction or whatever. It takes time for a lower court to enforce it's decision, and that's plenty of time to run to the next level and place a hold on the release until the next court figures it out.

Again, try to understand the process before you blather on about it like a useless twat.

Or in your case, a more useless twat.

By next Monday? The judge gave them 7 days. That is the maximum amount of time the company has. Not the minimum. They could hand over the documents sooner.

Appeals usualy take much longer than 7 days to prepare to argue before a court. It usually takes a while to even get on the docket.

Ok lets see if they can do it that fast and if that next court will rule with trump.
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All of your far right wing extremists who believe that the information won't be released ignored my post where I stated that the judge refused to put a stay on it until the appeal.

That means that the information will be released while the appeal is moving through the courts.

So it's a waste of time for that appeal since the judge refused to put a stay on the release.

Sorry but trump loses again.

Read the article at the link below. The fact that there will be no stay is the second paragraph.

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records
And I say that the President with executive privilege can stay until it reaches the supreme court. Just because some dickhead guy/girl/it is in a robe, doesnt mean they are higher than the President. You know equal powers sure are a dweeb.

No he can't do that. I don't know where you get that stupid idea. What are you 12?

Or are you another lazy conservative who has never actually read the constitution and didn't bother learning it when you were supposed to in US History class in school.

Read the document. The president has no authority to or executive privilege to put a stay on any federal court judge ruling.

What sort of fantasy alternate world do you live in?

You're in for a very rude awakening.

The judge gave the company 7 days to comply with the order. So like I said, the appeal will be a waste of time. The information will already have been handed over by the time the appeal happens.

You and trump lose again.

Take off the tin foil hat. 99% of this country would not understand how to read a tax return. Including you, Dana.

That's how little you know.

My education and degree is in accounting and economics.

What did you study and get a degree in?

So you would know. But 99% would not. I have an MBA from Northeastern U. Go Huskies. Undergrad in Finance from Duke. Go Blue Devils. I reiterate. 99% of this country doesn’t know the difference between a balance sheet and a cookie sheet.

Interesting. I got my degree at the University of Washington. Go Huskies.

Apparently you don't know the difference between a balance sheet and a tax return. They aren't the same thing. Most people don't deal with balance sheets. Most people do deal with tax forms. Not usually very complicated ones but then, that's what experts are for.

I'm sure that experts will be combing through the documents with a fine tooth comb. We will see what they find and what trump is so desperate to hide.
And I say that the President with executive privilege can stay until it reaches the supreme court. Just because some dickhead guy/girl/it is in a robe, doesnt mean they are higher than the President. You know equal powers sure are a dweeb.

No he can't do that. I don't know where you get that stupid idea. What are you 12?

Or are you another lazy conservative who has never actually read the constitution and didn't bother learning it when you were supposed to in US History class in school.

Read the document. The president has no authority to or executive privilege to put a stay on any federal court judge ruling.

What sort of fantasy alternate world do you live in?

You're in for a very rude awakening.

The judge gave the company 7 days to comply with the order. So like I said, the appeal will be a waste of time. The information will already have been handed over by the time the appeal happens.

You and trump lose again.

Take off the tin foil hat. 99% of this country would not understand how to read a tax return. Including you, Dana.

That's how little you know.

My education and degree is in accounting and economics.

What did you study and get a degree in?

So you would know. But 99% would not. I have an MBA from Northeastern U. Go Huskies. Undergrad in Finance from Duke. Go Blue Devils. I reiterate. 99% of this country doesn’t know the difference between a balance sheet and a cookie sheet.

Interesting. I got my degree at the University of Washington. Go Huskies.

Apparently you don't know the difference between a balance sheet and a tax return. They aren't the same thing. Most people don't deal with balance sheets. Most people do deal with tax forms. Not usually very complicated ones but then, that's what experts are for.

I'm sure that experts will be combing through the documents with a fine tooth comb. We will see what they find and what trump is so desperate to hide.

You think 99% of the country understands what AGI is? LOL. You’re dreaming. By experts you mean other CPAs? The returns were filed and audited by the IRS. What do you mean? What % of the country understands how to read a schedule D or a schedule E? Come on man.
And I say that the President with executive privilege can stay until it reaches the supreme court.

You Trump ass kissers REALLY want a despot's ass to kiss....What the fuck is the matter with you morons? Stop calling yourselves're just an ignorant bunch of TRUMP CULT MEMBERS.

Next you dimwits will say that even if the SCOTUS rules against him, Trump should call out the military to protect his sorry ass.
No he can't do that. I don't know where you get that stupid idea. What are you 12?

Or are you another lazy conservative who has never actually read the constitution and didn't bother learning it when you were supposed to in US History class in school.

What the judge basically did is to UPHOLD Article I of the Constitution....let other judges try to defy what our existing legal status of checks-n-balances dictates
Democrats I promise you.. you will lose,, no where does it say you have right to see his taxes if it’s under audit.. LOSERS
Obviously the RAT, Russian Agent Tramp, gives a shit!
Don't bring Hillary into this... :p
no where does it say you have right to see his taxes if it’s under audit..

WHO.....besides the orange moron.......told you SIX years of his past tax returns are under audit???..........................Stay bent over clutching your ankles.............LMAO
Former White House counsel Don McGahn will not appear Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee, his lawyers said in a letter, defying the committee's subpoena and setting the stage for another contempt vote to retaliate against the Trump administration for rejecting the demands of Congress

All of your far right wing extremists who believe that the information won't be released ignored my post where I stated that the judge refused to put a stay on it until the appeal.

That means that the information will be released while the appeal is moving through the courts.

So it's a waste of time for that appeal since the judge refused to put a stay on the release.

Sorry but trump loses again.

Read the article at the link below. The fact that there will be no stay is the second paragraph.

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records
And I say that the President with executive privilege can stay until it reaches the supreme court. Just because some dickhead guy/girl/it is in a robe, doesnt mean they are higher than the President. You know equal powers sure are a dweeb.

No he can't do that. I don't know where you get that stupid idea. What are you 12?

Or are you another lazy conservative who has never actually read the constitution and didn't bother learning it when you were supposed to in US History class in school.

Read the document. The president has no authority to or executive privilege to put a stay on any federal court judge ruling.

What sort of fantasy alternate world do you live in?

You're in for a very rude awakening.

The judge gave the company 7 days to comply with the order. So like I said, the appeal will be a waste of time. The information will already have been handed over by the time the appeal happens.

You and trump lose again.

The next court up can place a stay, or an injunction or whatever. It takes time for a lower court to enforce it's decision, and that's plenty of time to run to the next level and place a hold on the release until the next court figures it out.

Again, try to understand the process before you blather on about it like a useless twat.

Or in your case, a more useless twat.

By next Monday? The judge gave them 7 days. That is the maximum amount of time the company has. Not the minimum. They could hand over the documents sooner.

Appeals iusuily take much longer than 7 days to prepare to argue before a court. It usually takes a while to even get on the docket.

Ok lets see if they can do it that fast and if that next court will rule with trump.

That would be 7 working days, Monday is a holiday. There will be plenty of time for an emergency appeal.

No he can't do that. I don't know where you get that stupid idea. What are you 12?

Or are you another lazy conservative who has never actually read the constitution and didn't bother learning it when you were supposed to in US History class in school.

What the judge basically did is to UPHOLD Article I of the Constitution....let other judges try to defy what our existing legal status of checks-n-balances dictates

Really, quote the section and clause that gives congress the right to rifle thorough a presidents personal information. He has already met all legal disclosure requirements.


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