trump Loses Again

Yesterday's ruling in district court, that found that WH attorneys had NO base in law regarding the prevention of a Trump accounting firm from disclosing financial documents....basically siding with Section I of our Constitution that Congress has every legal right to oversee the behaviors of the executive branch, was met with much criticism by Trump backers who have long-concluded that Trump IS above ANY law.

Obama appointees find stuff like that.

I bet someone else will find something different.
Yesterday's ruling in district court, that found that WH attorneys had NO base in law regarding the prevention of a Trump accounting firm from disclosing financial documents....basically siding with Section I of our Constitution that Congress has every legal right to oversee the behaviors of the executive branch, was met with much criticism by Trump backers who have long-concluded that Trump IS above ANY law.

Obama appointees find stuff like that.

I bet someone else will find something different.

I agree and you can bet Trump's attorneys will appeal the decision.

Why should Congress want to see Trump's financials?? I'd say let em have the financials as long as every member of Congress releases their own financials.

Wouldn't that be oh so interesting?? You can bet they wouldn't release theirs yet want Trump to release his??

Partisan?? You bet. They lost out on the Mueller report so now they are going to do anything they can to try to hang something on Trump.

Of course anyone with a working brain cell knows Trump has been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there was anything to find the IRS would have already found it.
Yesterday's ruling in district court, that found that WH attorneys had NO base in law regarding the prevention of a Trump accounting firm from disclosing financial documents....basically siding with Section I of our Constitution that Congress has every legal right to oversee the behaviors of the executive branch, was met with much criticism by Trump backers who have long-concluded that Trump IS above ANY law.

Well, Karma is here to even things out a bit.......

As Donald Trump continues to fight against a congressional subpoena from House Democrats for financial records, he will now have to face the Obama-nominated judge Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.

Are you suggesting Garland would be biased in his ruling?
They were so close to having SCOTUS end the American Experiment.

Garland would have been the 5th Anti-American vote to declare that:

  • there's no individual right to gun ownership,
  • Illegals can vote, and
  • the First Amendment does NOT apply to "privately owned" companies so GOOG, Twitter and FaceBookBurning could legally discriminate against Conservatives

So close.

So fucking close.

I agree and you can bet Trump's attorneys will appeal the decision.

Why should Congress want to see Trump's financials?? I'd say let em have the financials as long as every member of Congress releases their own financials.

Wouldn't that be oh so interesting?? You can bet they wouldn't release theirs yet want Trump to release his??

Partisan?? You bet. They lost out on the Mueller report so now they are going to do anything they can to try to hang something on Trump.

Of course anyone with a working brain cell knows Trump has been audited both personally and professionally for years. If there was anything to find the IRS would have already found it.

Because congress forced The One to turn over his college transcripts, student loan information, passport application, immigration status as a college student, selective service registration, and an explanation why his SSN is from Connecticut when he never lived there.

Oh wait....
Politics > the law.

Not karma, but petty, puerile, partisan rancor.

You liberoidal slugs are beneath contempt.

"Politics > the law."

Herein ^^^ is a repudiation of the principle that no person is above the law. As for today's committee hearing, a childish and trivial comment wrapped in an ad hominem, on a matter of serious inquiry by serious people.
Grown-ups do not rely on insult posts and name calling like a petulant child as you do. You are not a grown-up.

Thanks for the humor.
You.....accusing me of calling people names? That is hilarious rofl
I think you lefties do nothing BUT insult people non stop. It's all you have.

otoh....I'm not afraid to call a Marxist/Communist what he/she is.
You're confusing name-calling with truth and reality.

nice try....sort of
They were so close to having SCOTUS end the American Experiment.

Garland would have been the 5th Anti-American vote to declare that:

  • there's no individual right to gun ownership,
  • Illegals can vote, and
  • the First Amendment does NOT apply to "privately owned" companies so GOOG, Twitter and FaceBookBurning could legally discriminate against Conservatives

So close.

So fucking close.

Give this man a cigar.
Another desperate straw-snatching thread from a nut who doesn't know he's already drowned. Here's hoping you get help!

Yesterday's ruling in district court, that found that WH attorneys had NO base in law regarding the prevention of a Trump accounting firm from disclosing financial documents....basically siding with Section I of our Constitution that Congress has every legal right to oversee the behaviors of the executive branch, was met with much criticism by Trump backers who have long-concluded that Trump IS above ANY law.

Well, Karma is here to even things out a bit.......

As Donald Trump continues to fight against a congressional subpoena from House Democrats for financial records, he will now have to face the Obama-nominated judge Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.

Are you suggesting Garland would be biased in his ruling?
Who suggested that? Point out where that was said, please.
Grown-ups do not rely on insult posts and name calling like a petulant child as you do. You are not a grown-up.

Thanks for the humor.
You.....accusing me of calling people names? That is hilarious rofl
I think you lefties do nothing BUT insult people non stop. It's all you have.

otoh....I'm not afraid to call a Marxist/Communist what he/she is.
You're confusing name-calling with truth and reality.

nice try....sort of
What exactly IS a "marxist/communist" to you?
Libbies joke judge shop and can always find one. Front page news when they do and 15th page news when joke judge gets overturned.
When I hear of these rulings the first thing I do is find the judge's name and google who he/she was appointed by. Great article attached in OP in that I found all I needed in the first 2 sentences.

Here's something to "cheer" you up with the rest of the Trump cult membership......Something about the irony of karma.

Donald Trump continues to fight against a congressional subpoena from House Democrats for financial records, he will now have to face the Obama-nominated judge Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.
You are Liberal Proud that the fix is in. However, as Hillary showed, it does not always turn out the way you want. When this one does not, will you seek Garlands removal?
Yesterday's ruling in district court, that found that WH attorneys had NO base in law regarding the prevention of a Trump accounting firm from disclosing financial documents....basically siding with Section I of our Constitution that Congress has every legal right to oversee the behaviors of the executive branch, was met with much criticism by Trump backers who have long-concluded that Trump IS above ANY law.

Well, Karma is here to even things out a bit.......

As Donald Trump continues to fight against a congressional subpoena from House Democrats for financial records, he will now have to face the Obama-nominated judge Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.

Are you suggesting Garland would be biased in his ruling?

They are not only suggesting, but hoping. IOW, the very thing that would make for a terrible SC justice.
Yesterday's ruling in district court, that found that WH attorneys had NO base in law regarding the prevention of a Trump accounting firm from disclosing financial documents....basically siding with Section I of our Constitution that Congress has every legal right to oversee the behaviors of the executive branch, was met with much criticism by Trump backers who have long-concluded that Trump IS above ANY law.

Well, Karma is here to even things out a bit.......

As Donald Trump continues to fight against a congressional subpoena from House Democrats for financial records, he will now have to face the Obama-nominated judge Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.

Are you suggesting Garland would be biased in his ruling?

They are not only suggesting, but hoping. IOW, the very thing that would make for a terrible SC justice.
Where is that in the OP's post. Can you point it out for us, please?
Yesterday's ruling in district court, that found that WH attorneys had NO base in law regarding the prevention of a Trump accounting firm from disclosing financial documents....basically siding with Section I of our Constitution that Congress has every legal right to oversee the behaviors of the executive branch, was met with much criticism by Trump backers who have long-concluded that Trump IS above ANY law.

Well, Karma is here to even things out a bit.......

As Donald Trump continues to fight against a congressional subpoena from House Democrats for financial records, he will now have to face the Obama-nominated judge Republicans refused to consider for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where President Trump’s legal battle will head next as the president's attorneys attempt to reverse the earlier court ruling in favor of Congress.

Are you suggesting Garland would be biased in his ruling?

They are not only suggesting, but hoping. IOW, the very thing that would make for a terrible SC justice.
Where is that in the OP's post. Can you point it out for us, please?

Since you apparently don't understand meanings and nuance, it is in the term "karma" when talking about Trump's case appearing before Garland. The term "karma" is used to describe the idea of moral balance, ie, that if you do something bad, something bad will in turn happen to you. In this case, the term was used to imply that Trump did something bad to Garland (which he did not), and therefore something bad (Garland ruling against him) should in turn happen to him. For this to fully make sense, Garland would have to be vindictive and willing to abuse his power to strike out against someone who did him no harm. This is a terrible trait for a Supreme Court justice. Do you understand now?
Are you suggesting Garland would be biased in his ruling?

Actually, NO.....Garland is a very fair and impartial jurist who would have made another "Kennedy" in the SCOTUS.....

The problem for Trump is that the law is CLEAR and one would only be "partial" if one sided with Trump and not the law........(like Barr does.)

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