Trump lost me, most insensitive ahole Covid remark

“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
Wow, this surprises me, Frank.
Trump was just speaking what the stats are bearing out. Yeah, he's rough around the edges for a politician.
But he's no longer sugar coating the facts.
Why was he ever sugar-coating facts? Is that a president’s job?
Obama did it for 8 years, Bush did it for 8 years, not sure what the fuck you're talking about.
Yeah, I know.
he is right synth....those guys only told us what they wanted us to hear...and made it as pleasant as possible....
are you seriously trying to dismiss how Trump avoided being straight about a deadly virus by pointing at Bush and Obama.... like that somehow makes it ok?!


the democrats were too busy impeaching the guy to care about corona, pretending that trump did anything wrong here is funny as fuck.

we responded to the virus, you all called him racist for shutting down travel from china.

you all keep waffling on whether he has the power or not to re-open and other corona related bullshit.
I’m not pretending it is painfully obvious and all on record. I also never called him racist so you should know who your talking to before you sound like even more of an idiot

"you all" actually doesn't mean you specifically. I don't know you from shit. **shrug**
Exactly, you dont know me, yet instead of speaking with me directly you try and clump me in with “y’all”... it’s a weak tactic. Do better.

or you could act like an adult and not be so easily offended. Whichever you prefer.
why do we need to slow the spread?
Really can't puzzle that out for yourself, eh? Special.

actually, I'm spelling it out for your buddy, I guess you didn't figure that out.
And you are dead ass wrong. Yes, slowing the transmission rate is, in fact, designed in part to result in fewer people catching it, as we buy time for a vaccine.

incorrect, flattening the curve was to simply not overwhelm the hospitals.

In epidemiology, the idea of slowing a virus' spread so that fewer people need to seek treatment at any given time is known as "flattening the curve." It explains why so many countries are implementing "social distancing" guidelines — including a "shelter in place" order that affects 6.7 million people in Northern California, even though COVID-19 outbreaks there might not yet seem severe.

It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
How does culture and draconian government lower the deaths in other countries?
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
How does culture and draconian government lower the deaths in other countries?

really? is this a serious question no it cant be. seriously?

please tell me you are joking.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
Reasons for the shut down can be BOTH to reduce the spread of the sickness and to not overwhelm hospitals. Both can be true and work hand in hand. It’s not one or the other
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
Wow, this surprises me, Frank.
Trump was just speaking what the stats are bearing out. Yeah, he's rough around the edges for a politician.
But he's no longer sugar coating the facts.
Why was he ever sugar-coating facts? Is that a president’s job?
Obama did it for 8 years, Bush did it for 8 years, not sure what the fuck you're talking about.
Yeah, I know.
he is right synth....those guys only told us what they wanted us to hear...and made it as pleasant as possible....
are you seriously trying to dismiss how Trump avoided being straight about a deadly virus by pointing at Bush and Obama.... like that somehow makes it ok?!


the democrats were too busy impeaching the guy to care about corona, pretending that trump did anything wrong here is funny as fuck.

we responded to the virus, you all called him racist for shutting down travel from china.

you all keep waffling on whether he has the power or not to re-open and other corona related bullshit.
I’m not pretending it is painfully obvious and all on record. I also never called him racist so you should know who your talking to before you sound like even more of an idiot

"you all" actually doesn't mean you specifically. I don't know you from shit. **shrug**
Exactly, you dont know me, yet instead of speaking with me directly you try and clump me in with “y’all”... it’s a weak tactic. Do better.

or you could act like an adult and not be so easily offended. Whichever you prefer.
I’m not offended I’m just trying to have a straight conversation... you know, like adults do.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
How does culture and draconian government lower the deaths in other countries?

really? is this a serious question no it cant be. seriously?

please tell me you are joking.
I’d love to hear you answer
I have always felt and said that this very tricky viral pandemic would constitute an unusual test not just for politicians but for our whole system and all our institutions. I am sorry to see us fail so abysmally. It was always true that we were unlikely to deal with such a subtle invisible danger as well as an authoritarian and socially cohesive country like China, but we have failed even in comparison to countries like Germany and South Korea. That failure is evident in many ways. Statistically It is most obvious here:

Total Deaths Up to Today: China - 4,632; U.S.A. — 142,000+
*note China has almost 4x our population and is far poorer and more densely populated.

Perhaps China also has more respect for its older generation? No, I don’t think that is the case. Their leaders, at the time not knowing exactly how fatal this disease might become, just decided to stop this thing using “wartime” measures, and they succeeded almost completely.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
Reasons for the shut down can be BOTH to reduce the spread of the sickness and to not overwhelm hospitals. Both can be true and work hand in hand. It’s not one or the other

True, however the point was to not overwhelm the hospitals and yes reduce the spread does this. reduce the incident rate, not reduce the spread so you don't get it.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
How does culture and draconian government lower the deaths in other countries?

really? is this a serious question no it cant be. seriously?

please tell me you are joking.
I’d love to hear you answer

If I am your beloved warlord, I can use my department of happiness and desires to force you at gun point to stay home.

and if I develop a culture of compliance, you'll listen happily...

china laid siege upon it's cities in it's lockdowns, most of Asia has a culture of compliance.

If you want what you seem to be suggesting, we have that pesky constitution thing.
I have always felt and said that this very tricky viral pandemic would constitute an unusual test not just for politicians but for our whole system and all our institutions. I am sorry to see us fail so abysmally. It was always true that we were unlikely to deal with such a subtle invisible danger as well as an authoritarian and socially cohesive country like China, but we have failed even in comparison to countries like Germany and South Korea. That failure is evident in many ways. Statistically It is most obvious here:

Total Deaths Up to Today: China - 4,632; U.S.A. — 142,000+
*note China has almost 4x our population and is far poorer and more densely populated.

Perhaps China also has more respect for its older generation? No, I don’t think that is the case. Their leaders, at the time not knowing exactly how fatal this disease might become, just decided to stop this thing using “wartime” measures, and they succeeded almost completely.

China lies. don't believe a word they say.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
Reasons for the shut down can be BOTH to reduce the spread of the sickness and to not overwhelm hospitals. Both can be true and work hand in hand. It’s not one or the other

True, however the point was to not overwhelm the hospitals and yes reduce the spread does this. reduce the incident rate, not reduce the spread so you don't get it.
Please reread what you just wrote
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
How does culture and draconian government lower the deaths in other countries?

really? is this a serious question no it cant be. seriously?

please tell me you are joking.
I’d love to hear you answer

If I am your beloved warlord, I can use my department of happiness and desires to force you at gun point to stay home.

and if I develop a culture of compliance, you'll listen happily...

china laid siege upon it's cities in it's lockdowns, most of Asia has a culture of compliance.

If you want what you seem to be suggesting, we have that pesky constitution thing.
I understand the authoritarian aspects of your point... my question was how those actions effected the spread and death count
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
Reasons for the shut down can be BOTH to reduce the spread of the sickness and to not overwhelm hospitals. Both can be true and work hand in hand. It’s not one or the other

True, however the point was to not overwhelm the hospitals and yes reduce the spread does this. reduce the incident rate, not reduce the spread so you don't get it.
Please reread what you just wrote

I did whats up, reduce the spread incident rate to not overwhelm the hospitals.
It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
How does culture and draconian government lower the deaths in other countries?

really? is this a serious question no it cant be. seriously?

please tell me you are joking.
I’d love to hear you answer

If I am your beloved warlord, I can use my department of happiness and desires to force you at gun point to stay home.

and if I develop a culture of compliance, you'll listen happily...

china laid siege upon it's cities in it's lockdowns, most of Asia has a culture of compliance.

If you want what you seem to be suggesting, we have that pesky constitution thing.
I understand the authoritarian aspects of your point... my question was how those actions effected the spread and death count

come on, my friend. if I send my ministry of peace and happiness officers out to keep you home at gun point, lay siege to your village for two weeks, corona, solved!

China claims it stopped the virus. How did they do that?

they locked up entire cities, imprisoned people for going outside, etc.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
That wasnt Trump, dude, it was Andrew Homo

It's true tho....

We should re-open everything now, where masks inside, protect the at risk.

We were never supposed to NOT get it, we were supposed to flatten the curve. Ride the wave to herd immunity n shit.

Stay safe.
Is that what you think the other countries did? You know the ones who have no more deaths. Got everybody infected and killed it through herd immunity??

what a horrible idea you’ve been fed

What was the purpose for shutting down?
To social distance and slow the spread

Correct, but why?

why do we need to slow the spread?
So less people get sick, hospitals don’t get overwhelmed and less people die... I’m not seeing the point you’re trying to make

1. wrong, it was never to prevent you from getting sick.

2. Correct. the shut down and social distancing is to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. That's it. it was never intended to prevent you from ever catching it.

See you agree with me and you didn't even know it. I know I know it feels good. ;)
I don’t agree with you. How do you think so many other countries have such a low case/death count right now? It’s not because they hit herd immunity... less people are getting sick and less people are dying.

that’s was obviously a major factor I don’t see how you can argue otherwise

You are confused, so you know that the reason we shut down was to not overwhelm the hospitals yet your arguing that its about not getting sick? which is it.

Cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Other countries have lower death rates due to culture, and draconian governments. we have a culture of anti-authority and individualism in the US. we distrust government and when it starts hurting we have no problem defying such.

I opened up my building in defiance of cuomo. No problems here, why is that? Do you think New york and new jerseys flattening of the curve has anything to do with say masks, social distancing, etc?

why does FL have nearly the same number of cases but 1/5 the deaths?

Ask questions my friend, you are being lied to about this virus.
Reasons for the shut down can be BOTH to reduce the spread of the sickness and to not overwhelm hospitals. Both can be true and work hand in hand. It’s not one or the other

True, however the point was to not overwhelm the hospitals and yes reduce the spread does this. reduce the incident rate, not reduce the spread so you don't get it.
Please reread what you just wrote

I did whats up, reduce the spread incident rate to not overwhelm the hospitals.
Are you trying to draw a distinction between the “spread incident rate” and the spread? Also are you trying to say that social distancing doesn’t effect the death count? I just want to be clear

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