Trump n Cons are praising a Mid East uprising !?

hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

I though you cons hated the Arab spring.

When Obama supported every uprising that made things worse (Egypt) and ignored the one that would have made things better, Iran, you're damn right we hated it.

That's pretty transparently hypocritical.

You support Egypt's bloodthirsty autocratic regime but think Iran's is horrible.

Is Egypt supporting terrorist organizations worldwide?
Because Iran is. ruthless abusive regimes are good in your mind. Yes? No? are selective in your blood thirsty autocrats?
Iraq ring a bell to you? Ya do know after Bush Jr set them free a little Iraq girl got to compete in the Olympics right ?

Unheard of in Saddam's regime of terror.

Yes. Look at Iraq. Over 200,000 civilian deaths. That little Iraqi girl could have competed in the Olympics without all that.


Yeah, who killed all of those civilians?

What was the first domino that rocketed Iraq into civil war and sectarian conflict?

Obama pulling out troops in 2012 and given rise to ISIS

Don't you remember about the ISIS and sinjar massacre killing off the Christian yazidis ?

Thank God for the Kurdish fighters for saving them
Sinjar massacre - Wikipedia

Correct me if I'm wrong BUT - wasn't the pulling out an agreement already negotiated by Bush?

Bush Jr was not a dictator for life now was he ?

Correct me if I am wrong did not Obama put troops back in Iraq with out the Iraq parliament agreeing they would not be prosecuted ?
(Btw I can prove it if you wish)

hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

I though you cons hated the Arab spring.

When Obama supported every uprising that made things worse (Egypt) and ignored the one that would have made things better, Iran, you're damn right we hated it.

That's pretty transparently hypocritical.

You support Egypt's bloodthirsty autocratic regime but think Iran's is horrible.

Is Egypt supporting terrorist organizations worldwide?
Because Iran is. ruthless abusive regimes are good in your mind. Yes? No? are selective in your blood thirsty autocrats?

That’s my whole point . I was all up for Qudaffi eating a bullet . But not the conservatives! They defended him .
hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

I though you cons hated the Arab spring.

When Obama supported every uprising that made things worse (Egypt) and ignored the one that would have made things better, Iran, you're damn right we hated it.

That's pretty transparently hypocritical.

You support Egypt's bloodthirsty autocratic regime but think Iran's is horrible.

Is Egypt supporting terrorist organizations worldwide?
Because Iran is. ruthless abusive regimes are good in your mind. Yes? No? are selective in your blood thirsty autocrats?

The Egyptian regime is better than the Muslim Brotherhood.
Overthrowing the mullahs in Iran is better than leaving them I'm place.
hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

The Arab Spring favored the Islamists. You know, the ones who have sworn to destroy America. Obama plainly supported their efforts.

Thankfully, Al-Sisi and friends arose and stomped it back in Egypt. Morsi still rots in a cell. :laugh:

It's because the Islamists were the only groups with enough political organization to mount an election campaign. The other groups were much more fractured and disorganized.

Unfortunately - you are now supporting an autocratic dictatorship that has clamped down on ALL political dissent, not just Islamists, jailed and tortured journalists and dissadents. The Egyptian torture chambers are active I am sure.

And you call this "good". Typical Rightwing mentality.

Like Mubarak, he keeps the toads under control.

The enemy of our friend is not our friend, not even a little.
hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

I though you cons hated the Arab spring.

When Obama supported every uprising that made things worse (Egypt) and ignored the one that would have made things better, Iran, you're damn right we hated it.

That's pretty transparently hypocritical.

You support Egypt's bloodthirsty autocratic regime but think Iran's is horrible.

Is Egypt supporting terrorist organizations worldwide?
Because Iran is. ruthless abusive regimes are good in your mind. Yes? No? are selective in your blood thirsty autocrats?

The Egyptian regime is better than the Muslim Brotherhood.
Overthrowing the mullahs in Iran is better than leaving them I'm place.

Letting the people decide for themselves what they want is better than outsiders meddling. That's what led to the mullahs in the first place.
Correct me if I'm wrong BUT - wasn't the pulling out an agreement already negotiated by Bush?

On November 16, 2008, Iraq's Cabinet approved an agreement, which cited the end of 2009 for the pull out of U.S. troops from Iraqi cities, and 2011 as the fixed deadline for removal of ALL U.S. military presence in country. G.W. Bush signed the agreement .
Who do folks think is behind these 'Uprisings?' It's all being manufactured by the US/West/Israel. It's all about the 'Regime Change.' Any leader or nation that refuses to be a US/West Puppet, is immediately targeted for extermination. It's 'Empire Building.' I wish our Government would reverse course on it. Empires always fall. It's why our Founding Fathers warned against it.
OMG you're right, I made a mistake, it was SEAL Team Six!
Go masturbate now.

LOL.......we should, nonetheless, thank the "admiral" for taking time off from his playing with his rubber duckie in a bathtub, to grace us with one of his posts.
I though you cons hated the Arab spring.

When Obama supported every uprising that made things worse (Egypt) and ignored the one that would have made things better, Iran, you're damn right we hated it.

That's pretty transparently hypocritical.

You support Egypt's bloodthirsty autocratic regime but think Iran's is horrible.

Is Egypt supporting terrorist organizations worldwide?
Because Iran is. ruthless abusive regimes are good in your mind. Yes? No? are selective in your blood thirsty autocrats?

The Egyptian regime is better than the Muslim Brotherhood.
Overthrowing the mullahs in Iran is better than leaving them I'm place.

Letting the people decide for themselves what they want is better than outsiders meddling. That's what led to the mullahs in the first place.

How do you figure that?
I though you cons hated the Arab spring.

When Obama supported every uprising that made things worse (Egypt) and ignored the one that would have made things better, Iran, you're damn right we hated it.

That's pretty transparently hypocritical.

You support Egypt's bloodthirsty autocratic regime but think Iran's is horrible.

Is Egypt supporting terrorist organizations worldwide?
Because Iran is. ruthless abusive regimes are good in your mind. Yes? No? are selective in your blood thirsty autocrats?

The Egyptian regime is better than the Muslim Brotherhood.
Overthrowing the mullahs in Iran is better than leaving them I'm place.

Letting the people decide for themselves what they want is better than outsiders meddling. That's what led to the mullahs in the first place.

The mullahs need to be overthrown and hung.
hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

We didn't like it when you have al queda affiliates, Isis, and the. Muslim brotherhood overthrowing stable secular regimes.

We are quite fine when people protest the oppressive twelver regime that's seeking to create chaos in the middle east to bring about the end of the world

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