Trump n Cons are praising a Mid East uprising !?

Mid East instability ?

When has the Middle East ever been stable?

Instability in the Middle East is the normal state of being.

It’s a relative term.

Cons complained about Mid East uprisings , solely because obama was president . Once again they chang their tune 180 degrees for trump .

Of course. It has nothing to do with the people doing the uprising or the regime they oppose. No one could possibly be looking at the difference between. The people. It has to be about obama, becauae racist bigot homophobe
hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

We didn't like it when you have al queda affiliates, Isis, and the. Muslim brotherhood overthrowing stable secular regimes.

We are quite fine when people protest the oppressive twelver regime that's seeking to create chaos in the middle east to bring about the end of the world

Muslim brotherhood was democratically elected in Egypt .

Sorry that you hate democracy.
hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?
Nope...we support Democracy......not dictatorships like you do.

Lol. Such liars .

Why were y’all mad about obama helping the Libyan rebels??

Simple question .

Because he went to war, without authorization, for no discernable reason, with no plan for dealing wit the consequences and handed a stable, albeit crappy government to a conglomerate of radical Muslim groups.
hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

We didn't like it when you have al queda affiliates, Isis, and the. Muslim brotherhood overthrowing stable secular regimes.

We are quite fine when people protest the oppressive twelver regime that's seeking to create chaos in the middle east to bring about the end of the world

Muslim brotherhood was democratically elected in Egypt .

Sorry that you hate democracy.

hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

We didn't like it when you have al queda affiliates, Isis, and the. Muslim brotherhood overthrowing stable secular regimes.

We are quite fine when people protest the oppressive twelver regime that's seeking to create chaos in the middle east to bring about the end of the world

Muslim brotherhood was democratically elected in Egypt .

Sorry that you hate democracy.

Hamas was elected in Gaza. So what?
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dem Iranians is wantin' to throw off...

... the shackles of an oppressive Islamist regime."

So did the Libyans.

So did the Egyptians.

So did the Syrians.

But hey - we LIKE those oppressive regimes.
If you had a country full of radical asshole Muslims you need to lean toward Authoritarian.
I talked to a Kuwaiti Intelligence officer once about it.
They like a strong leader.
They feel America has too many freedoms, and that our freedoms are our greatest weakness.
The problem is Theocratic governments are too extreme and oppressive.
After all, that is the biggest beef the left has against Christianity.
hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

We didn't like it when you have al queda affiliates, Isis, and the. Muslim brotherhood overthrowing stable secular regimes.

We are quite fine when people protest the oppressive twelver regime that's seeking to create chaos in the middle east to bring about the end of the world

Muslim brotherhood was democratically elected in Egypt .

Sorry that you hate democracy.

Hamas was elected in Gaza. So what?

Trump was elected too. So what?
The U.S. embassy in Jerusalem is a sure fire-bet to get the American flag burned by rioters

Every American embassy in the world has two permanent fixtures.

The first is a crowd of miscreants burning an American flag.

The second is a much larger crowd of miscreants lining up for American visas.

You're correct on the first "fixture"....but the second you pulled out of your ass.
Most migrants would rather have Europe than to be subjected to the racism and xenophobia of your ilk.

Migrants or refugees?

hold on ! I though you cons hated the Arab spring. And y’all bitched and moaned about the demise of you buddy, poor Qudaffi.

Now you want Mid East instability ?

I though you cons hated the Arab spring.

When Obama supported every uprising that made things worse (Egypt) and ignored the one that would have made things better, Iran, you're damn right we hated it.

That's pretty transparently hypocritical.

You support Egypt's bloodthirsty autocratic regime but think Iran's is horrible.

Is Egypt supporting terrorist organizations worldwide?
Because Iran is. ruthless abusive regimes are good in your mind. Yes? No? are selective in your blood thirsty autocrats?

That’s my whole point . I was all up for Qudaffi eating a bullet . But not the conservatives! They defended him .

Don't forget now. Half the RWnuts were attacking Obama for getting involved in Libya, the other half was attacking him for not getting involved enough. Remember 'leading from behind'?

Classic derangement syndrome.
Letting the people decide for themselves what they want is better than outsiders meddling. That's what led to the mullahs in the first place.

How do you figure that?

He's referring to the 1953 CIA supported coup, which overthrew Mohammed Mossadegh, who was democratically elected. That led to installation of the Shah, who was pro-West and pro-USA but who led a brutally repressive regime.
It might have taken 26 years for the anger to reach the boiling point but the islamists specifically were out to pay the USA back for 1953, and if they had to use Khomeini to do it, fine by them.
Their joy was short-lived however, and many of the original revolutionaries will be the first to admit it, as they never expected Khomeini and the mullahs to be so fundamentalist and, so corrupt.
Most of the revolutionaries were not like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

We have a unique opportunity, if we do not meddle too much with what comes after.
I suspect it will NOT be a "pro-USA" government, but you might see the end of "Death to USA" chants. The Iranians may indeed want Western style democracy but they don't want the USA breathing down their neck either.
If the Trump administration can handle this the right way, it will be a foreign policy victory for him.

We shall see.
Letting the people decide for themselves what they want is better than outsiders meddling. That's what led to the mullahs in the first place.

How do you figure that?

He's referring to the 1953 CIA supported coup, which overthrew Mohammed Mossadegh, who was democratically elected. That led to installation of the Shah, who was pro-West and pro-USA but who led a brutally repressive regime.
It might have taken 26 years for the anger to reach the boiling point but the islamists specifically were out to pay the USA back for 1953, and if they had to use Khomeini to do it, fine by them.
Their joy was short-lived however, and many of the original revolutionaries will be the first to admit it, as they never expected Khomeini and the mullahs to be so fundamentalist and, so corrupt.
Most of the revolutionaries were not like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

We have a unique opportunity, if we do not meddle too much with what comes after.
I suspect it will NOT be a "pro-USA" government, but you might see the end of "Death to USA" chants. The Iranians may indeed want Western style democracy but they don't want the USA breathing down their neck either.
If the Trump administration can handle this the right way, it will be a foreign policy victory for him.

We shall see.

That 26 year gap makes no sense.
The problem with openly supporting Iranian protestors is basically on of the long game vs short immediate but ultimately futile gestures.

The Iranians may protest their government - but it is THEIR government and they want THEIR changes. They don't think much of the US and we sure as shit won't be regarded as any sort of "savoir" if we meddle. Anytime the US supports those demonstrations - the government cracks down and the public closes ranks against the US.

The smarter option (one which would mean Trump would have to READ something or talk to a knowledgeable expert like in the gutted State Department) to look at changes in Iran in the long term not the short term. Deals that open up the country more - trade, travel, etc. so they can see and decide for themselves what they want. Support the reaching out of some of the more moderate (relatively speaking) leaders to encourage change. It's slowly happening in Saudi Arabia. But if slap down the moderate leaders because they aren't moderate enough then you're just going to get the hardliners again. Quietly (under the table) supporting those who want to change the current Iranian regime is much more effective then loudly supporting it. But Trump only knows loud.
You know coyote, I don’t consider you one of the left wing loons like nat or Timmy but sometimes I wonder about your reasoning.
First of all the premise of the thread is false. Republicans criticized obama profusely for missing an opportunity to support the Arab spring in Iran. Apparently the deal he was cooking up couldn’t stand the light of freedom for the Iranians.
Secondly, your adoration of obama and your revulsion of trump have definitely clouded your judgement, as well as you reverting to to the trump is so dumb and everyone in the state department is so smart stereotype. Let’s review what your boy obama did.

He lost respect for the us in the Middle East. He did not back up his red lines, he didn’t get rid of Assad after claiming many times he had to go, he did not protect 200,000 Christians who were slaughtered by isis(I guess in your world 200,000 Christians are not the same as 200,000 iraqis), he dished Israel, he let Russia become a major player in the region, he shipped a billion and a half dollars in cash to the Iranians, he actually increased the power of the biggest supporter of terrorism in the region, he may have set off an arms race, he let Yemen become a proxy for Iran, and he let Iran become a major influence in Iraq and Syria. Oh yes and he let Iran test ballistic missiles in obvious violation of his precious deal. I’m sure I have left a bunch out. Who did he rely on during his last term, Ben Rhodes, a fiction writer, and Susan rice, the most eminently unqualified person to ever hold the post of national security advisor. Maybe you should do more reading.

So what has trump done. He has said many times that we should avoid becoming engaged in a war footing in the Middle East. He has defeated isis in less than a year. He has spoken to 50 Arab countries in one setting. He has rebuilt respect for America with the Syria missile attack protecting innocents from chemical warfare, he has put Russia on notice. He has overseen major reform in Saudi Arabia. He has strengthened our alliance with Israel. He has discarded Obama’s legacy disastrous agreement with Iran. As far as the people around him, trump is given a lot of credit for one of the most distinguished cabinets in modern times. I guess you feel people like Mattis, tillerson, and Kelly are just pikers.

So now let’s compare notes. Obama’s term saw a feckless, timid, and fawning president who did nothing but create more problems in the Middle East. Trump has thrown down the gauntlet and acted like the world,power we are.

Iran is one of the most educated countries in the Mideast. As one commentator said. Iran is the only country with a past that is a real civilization. Demographics tilt wildly towards the youth. Unemployment is high. Discontent is rampant. The theocracy is unpopular. So coyote, would you rather see us get into a land war or see the people rise up and take care of the situation themselves? You know no blood and treasure spent again in the Mideast. Trumps tweets might just be more powerful than our impotent diplomacy. Once again you seem to feel doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the path to follow, and you seem to think that people who don’t do that are stupid. You’ve underestimated trump since he first declared for office and you have been radically wrong. You may not be a,loon but if you don’t at some point recognize reality than you are delusional.
Trumps tweets might just be more powerful than our impotent diplomacy. Once again you seem to feel doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the path to follow, and you seem to think that people who don’t do that are stupid. You’ve underestimated trump since he first declared for office and you have been radically wrong. You may not be a,loon but if you don’t at some point recognize reality than you are delusional.

I didn't even see Obama's name in her post, not even once.
She was being skeptical about Trump's agenda, and his style.
Trump tweets more powerful than diplomacy?

That 26 year gap makes no sense.
Why doesn't it make sense?
That's how long the Shah was in power.

I know that. The religious nuts came back into vogue as the Shah lost power due to his illness. They were nobodies for most of that period as Khomeini had fled the country.

I guess you can use the term "nobodies"...I personally wouldn't use that term.
Far as the Shah was concerned they weren't nobodies, that's for sure.
He was feeding them into chipper shredders feet first.
/——/ Yes we love the instability of the blood thirst cut throat mullahs. We want people to live in freedom. Naturally you’re opposed.

No, moron.....Instability in Iran will prove very, very bad news in that area....just ask the Saudis, the Iraqis and the Turks.
The Iranian government supports terrorism. You can bet they have a hand in the instability of the region.

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