Trump Needs to Take Responsibility to Save His Reelection, But it's Probably too Late

I think his son wins in 2024, thru 2032
You know,you might be right You were stupid enough to give us trump why not his dunce sons?
why call them names?
When I say they are dunces I'm being kind
You don’t think they’re successful?

From reports, they're driving Trump Inc into the ground.
There Washington DC hotel made 46 million lol wow
Trump's Doral Golf Resort Is Hemorrhaging Money, According ... › news › revenue-has-declin...

Public records obtained by the Post show an 18 percent revenue decline at Trump National Doral Miami
I think his son wins in 2024, thru 2032
You know,you might be right You were stupid enough to give us trump why not his dunce sons?
why call them names?
When I say they are dunces I'm being kind
You don’t think they’re successful?

From reports, they're driving Trump Inc into the ground.
There Washington DC hotel made 46 million lol wow
Their hotel?? Or daddies they watch over?
I think his son wins in 2024, thru 2032
You know,you might be right You were stupid enough to give us trump why not his dunce sons?
why call them names?
When I say they are dunces I'm being kind
You don’t think they’re successful?

From reports, they're driving Trump Inc into the ground.
There Washington DC hotel made 46 million lol wow
Trump's Doral Golf Resort Is Hemorrhaging Money, According ... › news › revenue-has-declin...

Public records obtained by the Post show an 18 percent revenue decline at Trump National Doral Miami
I’d like to go there,, they are booked for 5 years lol
I think his son wins in 2024, thru 2032
You know,you might be right You were stupid enough to give us trump why not his dunce sons?
why call them names?
When I say they are dunces I'm being kind
You don’t think they’re successful?

From reports, they're driving Trump Inc into the ground.
There Washington DC hotel made 46 million lol wow
Their hotel?? Or daddies they watch over?
The hotel that foreigners seeking business or favors from the US government stay at.
I think his son wins in 2024, thru 2032
You know,you might be right You were stupid enough to give us trump why not his dunce sons?
why call them names?
When I say they are dunces I'm being kind
You don’t think they’re successful?

From reports, they're driving Trump Inc into the ground.
There Washington DC hotel made 46 million lol wow
Their hotel?? Or daddies they watch over?
Trumps brand is run by the kids By the way that hotel is beautiful
I think his son wins in 2024, thru 2032
You know,you might be right You were stupid enough to give us trump why not his dunce sons?
why call them names?
When I say they are dunces I'm being kind
You don’t think they’re successful?

From reports, they're driving Trump Inc into the ground.
There Washington DC hotel made 46 million lol wow
Their hotel?? Or daddies they watch over?
Trumps brand is run by the kids By the way that hotel is beautiful
Nice way to beat the emolument clause Crooks
I think his son wins in 2024, thru 2032
You know,you might be right You were stupid enough to give us trump why not his dunce sons?
why call them names?
When I say they are dunces I'm being kind
You don’t think they’re successful?

From reports, they're driving Trump Inc into the ground.
There Washington DC hotel made 46 million lol wow
Their hotel?? Or daddies they watch over?
Trumps brand is run by the kids By the way that hotel is beautiful
Nice way to beat the emolument clause Crooks
He’s a successful businessman, we are lucky
Trump's Doral Golf Resort Is Hemorrhaging Money, According ... › news › revenue-has-declin...

Public records obtained by the Post show an 18 percent revenue decline at Trump National Doral Miami
I’d like to go there,, they are booked for 5 years lol

No, they're CLOSED

In light of recent developments with COVID-19 and in collaboration with Miami-Dade County’s mandate, the resort has temporarily ceased all operations. The safety and well-being of our guests, residents and team members is paramount at Trump National Doral. The suspension may last for up to 30 days and at this time we will not be confirming any reservations.
Last edited:
Who’s going to beat trump?
Biden, pretty easily. At least that's what the polls say, and those polls were nearly perfect in 2016.

5. Covid-19 has made Trump's incompetence impossible to deny, and killed the economy, the only thing he could pretend to be a success at. He's only got victimhood and xenophobia to run on now. That's not enough to win.

The biggest reason why is simple "It's the economy stupid"

Everything Trump was bragging about in January, became a liability in March.
If the election was today...or next week...or even two months from now your point might be valid, Rich! Your problem is that the election isn't until six months from now and by THEN...even the liberal Governors that will drag their feet as long as possible will have opened up their economies simply because the citizens in their States will be in open revolt if they don't!

Guess what? Trump is going to get to brag about leading a resurgent economy and stock market! Oh, THE HORROR!!!!!
All I have to say is there will be some chapped ass Trump haters come November 4 2020

Nope... 73% of Americans see Trump as a leader and doing what is needed. They also see democrats as self-serving with the Peloise shut downs now numbering TWO just to get their pet projects and immoral legislation through that no one wants.

Now Trump gave the Democrat governors what they wanted, total control over their individual states reopening and they are now panicking. I was just watching Coumo and his is panicked.

In the words of the Sith lord " are you sure your feelings are clear on this lord Vader?"

Trump did not “give” them anything, there was nothing for him to give.
Who’s going to beat trump?
Biden, pretty easily. At least that's what the polls say, and those polls were nearly perfect in 2016.

5. Covid-19 has made Trump's incompetence impossible to deny, and killed the economy, the only thing he could pretend to be a success at. He's only got victimhood and xenophobia to run on now. That's not enough to win.

The biggest reason why is simple "It's the economy stupid"

Everything Trump was bragging about in January, became a liability in March.
You do realize it's the democrat governors who shut their states down taking the heat many are being protested against people are not going to forget 3 years over what the president had no control of in three months. As a matter of fact, Trump went one way and leftist went the other way and bitched He changed directions and the leftists changed their direction and forgot they opposed what they support now.
The biggest reason why is simple "It's the economy stupid"

Everything Trump was bragging about in January, became a liability in March.
Because of a pandemic? Lol
Because the president did nothing about the pandemic in February.
Nancy was telling to people to come out to China town around that time. after the president placed the travel restrictions from china. And you say he did nothing?
I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.
It's over, pussygrabber's days are counted, it will be a sweet transition to hear the innocent gaffes that Biden makes, instead of hate filled delusional rants by the pussygrabber, while in the process taking america down to its worst times in over 100 years...
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.
biden is losing his mind,,,
While the pussygrabber lost it a long time ago...
Much like 2016, 2 very flawed candidates.

I'd get an absentee ballot, but it wouldnt' be worth the postage to send it back in.
Biden is not nearly as flawed as Hillary was, but I've said from before he threw his hat in the ring, he's too old. I ignore all this "Biden's losing his mind" crap; it's by the same folks who said Hillary was a dying drunk and Michelle Obama was a man. But campaigning is grueling and so is running the country. Biden is a decent guy and I tend to agree with the Democratic party more lately than the Republicans, but I wish someone else were on the ticket. I really do. I don't think he'll make it through a term, so I'm going to pay VERY close attention to his VP pick.
biden is losing his mind,,,
While the pussygrabber lost it a long time ago...

please try and keep your TDS in check,,,
Who’s going to beat trump?
Biden, pretty easily. At least that's what the polls say, and those polls were nearly perfect in 2016.

5. Covid-19 has made Trump's incompetence impossible to deny, and killed the economy, the only thing he could pretend to be a success at. He's only got victimhood and xenophobia to run on now. That's not enough to win.

The biggest reason why is simple "It's the economy stupid"

Everything Trump was bragging about in January, became a liability in March.
If the election was today...or next week...or even two months from now your point might be valid, Rich! Your problem is that the election isn't until six months from now and by THEN...even the liberal Governors that will drag their feet as long as possible will have opened up their economies simply because the citizens in their States will be in open revolt if they don't!

Guess what? Trump is going to get to brag about leading a resurgent economy and stock market! Oh, THE HORROR!!!!!
And when the deaths increase because of the virus people will want to hang the trump pos
I had this conversation with my brother and his neighbors the other night. My brother loves Trump (he's a cop) and thinks his reelection is a slam dunk because Biden is an idiot. I told him I'm not going to predict anything for November at this point, since I lost a $1,000 bet to him in 2016 that Hillary would win, but I did say if he does win it won't be the walk in the park like he thinks it is.

Trump could have saved himself a few weeks ago if he went straight to the American people and accepted responsibility. He should have set up a press conference from his desk in the Oval Office and spoke directly to the people. He should have said that in hindsight he admits they should have paid closer attention to this virus earlier and ask that the people please understand at the time they were operating with false information from China and flawed data from the WHO and the CDC. Nonetheless, he is the president and as Harry Truman once said, "the buck stops here." He'll accepts full responsibility for the missteps, but what's important now is that we all come together and find the best solution through this where we can limit the loss of life due to the virus while also mitigating the destruction to our economy and the financial well being of millions more.

The left, of course, would have pounced on that. "See!! He admits it!! His fault! His fault!" But, so what? They are going to do that anyway. The media would have a field day with it too, but again, who cares? They are going to do that anyway. That message would have been for the people in the middle: the moderate Democrats, the centrist Republicans, the suburban "Karens" who are slowly turning to the Democratic Party. Most of those people have the sense to see through the media spin and understand that yes, the world was hoodwinked, but yes, the administration should have been a bit more on top of things. They would have accepted this mea culpa on his part and he would have walked away from that speech smelling like roses. This is very similar to what Reagan did after the Iran Contra Affair and the people forgave him for it and elected his vice-president as the next president shortly thereafter.

Trump didn't do this, however, and he won't because the man is a narcissist. He takes credit for everything that happens, but points the finger at someone else when anything bad happens. He can't admit when he's wrong and he won't accept responsibility for anything. Instead, he continues to be combative. That may have worked for him when we were at DOW 29K, but not when 90% of the country is on shelter at home orders with their Constitutional liberties being grossly eroded right before their eyes with little push back.

At this point, it's probably too late for that now. His only hope is that come November people ultimately decide that staying with him four more years is better medicine than electing a 78 year old Biden who is slowly losing his mental faculties.

Well before responsibility there is the blame game. This will sure to make sure the one person who should shoulder the blame will get a lot of misdirection plays from his loyal followers.

Perp 1
WHO organization who is accused of being in cahoots with China for some unknown reason. They failed to sound the bell in the early stage. They have been providing information for everyone world wide as that is what they are there for. Original is not the issues but how to face the problem united using the resource and knowledge of many countries.

With Trump its hey we are America and you need to make us first otherwise no money honey.

Perp 2 Bill Gates

The man donates a boat load of money for worthy causes including WHO
Yet conspiracy theorist will say it a plan for world domination by Gates who has sinister motives . Now I am not a great spokesmen for Windows OS as it has given me headaches over the years. Still it is a bum rap

Trump says that he should be donating to Americans only but that why we have a government Mr President. Its for you to give us money and act like it is your money being given away.

Perp 3

Dr Fauci

He warned of a potential epidemic during a speech in 2017 and that we need to be prepared for it as currently we are lacking in readiness.

Trump says he must be a democrat.

Perp 4

Donald Trump

You all need to get your asses back to work you lazy bums. But Mr President its cold outside.

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