Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Yeah...I place great importance on politically biased articles intent on smearing candidates for office. (Rolls eyes)
You wrote those words LONG AFTER his OWN WORDS, his OWN VOICE, was made public.

He is NOT DENYING that he SAID them. He LIED.

And you're STILL trying this? You're definitely one of the sheepier Trump sheep here.
sure. just like you sugar coat things to a kid, so you dont make them panic. are you really that brainwashed/braindead
I thought for sure nothing could expose Trump's lack of character the way the "Suckers and Losers" report did. Fooled me. Lying to Americans about how dangerous and deadly COVID-19 was brought Trump to a new depth of evil.

Oh, you mean that lie by the liberal editor of the Atlantic? As for lying to American's about C-19, that's a lie as well...So, you're just a liar.
Only complete assholes can listen to those recordings and not realize what a liar Trump has been about COVID.

About what exactly?

The irony of course being the Camp is lying and Trump didn't. Trump said "downplay," not deny. And that's what he did while he also restricted travel and then shut down the economy
your asshole demoncrats wanted the country left open, so they could celebrate china asswipe. anything else
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
I thought for sure nothing could expose Trump's lack of character the way the "Suckers and Losers" report did. Fooled me. Lying to Americans about how dangerous and deadly COVID-19 was brought Trump to a new depth of evil.

Oh, you mean that lie by the liberal editor of the Atlantic? As for lying to American's about C-19, that's a lie as well...So, you're just a liar.
Only complete assholes can listen to those recordings and not realize what a liar Trump has been about COVID.

About what exactly?

The irony of course being the Camp is lying and Trump didn't. Trump said "downplay," not deny. And that's what he did while he also restricted travel and then shut down the economy

Absolutely...Listen what libs are doing here is not only pathetic, but downright shitty...They are detestable people...Just look at them in RL...They walk around miserable, mad at the world...complete assholes...
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Yeah...I place great importance on politically biased articles intent on smearing candidates for office. (Rolls eyes)
You wrote those words LONG AFTER his OWN WORDS, his OWN VOICE, was made public.

He is NOT DENYING that he SAID them. He LIED.

And you're STILL trying this? You're definitely one of the sheepier Trump sheep here.
sure. just like you sugar coat things to a kid, so you dont make them panic. are you really that brainwashed/braindead

Yeah...I place great importance on politically biased articles intent on smearing candidates for office. (Rolls eyes)
You wrote those words LONG AFTER his OWN WORDS, his OWN VOICE, was made public.

He is NOT DENYING that he SAID them. He LIED.

And you're STILL trying this? You're definitely one of the sheepier Trump sheep here.
sure. just like you sugar coat things to a kid, so you dont make them panic. are you really that brainwashed/braindead

It wouldnt be the first attempt by the left to use the media to make allegations against him...which never amounted to shit...and I'm sure it wont be the last. However, that quasi-religious speech by George H.W. Bush about imposing a New World Order global government on the entire world? That was a national address! And its been echoed by every puppet president since him until Trump came along. Trump was "coitus interruptus" for the nation- raping leftists who now collectively and feverishly are banding together to get their New World Order plan back on track from the shadows where Trump put them. You can literally go find New World Order support from all Trump predecessors in the form of videotaped speeches from long ago. Not some shit that leftist "agents" like yourself go around claiming in chatrooms.

Trump doesnt deny stuff because if he did he wouldnt have time to lead. The dems and their media make new outrageous claims every day for the sheer strategy of political distraction. After awhile I'd ignore it too although at first I'd address it. Trump its obvious these people should just be ignored. Very little they say is worth listening to and its been proven again and again in the last 4 years.
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

what else can they do? the whole 'panic' excuse just isn't flying well; so denial & claiming fake news is all they have now.

but hey, remember the access hollywood tape that not only has donny's voice - but his actual appearance? when he thought that was going to sink him, he floated the idea that it wasn't him. fortunately, even with female trump humpers - they simply didn't care then either.
It really does seem to me that these people are willing to literally take this country apart, piece by piece. They're so full of rage and frustration and paranoia that they simply will not allow it to change. They'd rather see it in pieces.

Dead serious.
Yeah...I place great importance on politically biased articles intent on smearing candidates for office. (Rolls eyes)
You wrote those words LONG AFTER his OWN WORDS, his OWN VOICE, was made public.

He is NOT DENYING that he SAID them. He LIED.

And you're STILL trying this? You're definitely one of the sheepier Trump sheep here.
sure. just like you sugar coat things to a kid, so you dont make them panic. are you really that brainwashed/braindead
His Trumpsters are like children, but the rest of us are not.

He lied to you, he fooled you, and you're fine with it. You'll just have to own that.
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

what else can they do? the whole 'panic' excuse just isn't flying well; so denial & claiming fake news is all they have now.

but hey, remember the access hollywood tape that not only has donny's voice - but his actual appearance? when he thought that was going to sink him, he floated the idea that it wasn't him. fortunately, even with female trump humpers - they simply didn't care then either.
It really does seem to me that these people are willing to literally take this country apart, piece by piece. They're so full of rage and frustration and paranoia that they simply will not allow it to change. They'd rather see it in pieces.

Dead serious.

donny knows it & even said so that day he admitted his base is so loyal, that he wouldn't lose any voters even if he committed murder.
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
He said what he said, he did what he did.

He lied about the severity of the virus, as a global pandemic was bearing down on America, and then he purposely mocked those Americans who tried to protect themselves and their families.

This isn't about Cuomo or Biden or Hillary or Obama. I'm sure this is all "fake news" to someone like you, but most people don't like being lied to. Especially when it's literally a life and death situation.
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

what else can they do? the whole 'panic' excuse just isn't flying well; so denial & claiming fake news is all they have now.

but hey, remember the access hollywood tape that not only has donny's voice - but his actual appearance? when he thought that was going to sink him, he floated the idea that it wasn't him. fortunately, even with female trump humpers - they simply didn't care then either.
It really does seem to me that these people are willing to literally take this country apart, piece by piece. They're so full of rage and frustration and paranoia that they simply will not allow it to change. They'd rather see it in pieces.

Dead serious.

donny knows it & even said so that day he admitted his base is so loyal, that he wouldn't lose any voters even if he committed murder.
To me this goes beyond loyalty or politics. This is a pathology. In what condition does a person have to be in psychologically to just ignore something this bad?

If this doesn't make a dent, what would?
Yeah...I place great importance on politically biased articles intent on smearing candidates for office. (Rolls eyes)
You wrote those words LONG AFTER his OWN WORDS, his OWN VOICE, was made public.

He is NOT DENYING that he SAID them. He LIED.

And you're STILL trying this? You're definitely one of the sheepier Trump sheep here.
sure. just like you sugar coat things to a kid, so you dont make them panic. are you really that brainwashed/braindead

Yeah...I place great importance on politically biased articles intent on smearing candidates for office. (Rolls eyes)
You wrote those words LONG AFTER his OWN WORDS, his OWN VOICE, was made public.

He is NOT DENYING that he SAID them. He LIED.

And you're STILL trying this? You're definitely one of the sheepier Trump sheep here.
sure. just like you sugar coat things to a kid, so you dont make them panic. are you really that brainwashed/braindead

It wouldnt be the first attempt by the left to use the media to make allegations against him...which never amounted to shit...and I'm sure it wont be the last. However, that quasi-religious speech by George H.W. Bush about imposing a New World Order global government on the entire world? That was a national address! And its been echoed by every puppet president since him until Trump came along. Trump was "coitus interruptus" for the nation- raping leftists who now collectively and feverishly are banding together to get their New World Order plan back on track from the shadows where Trump put them. You can literally go find New World Order support from all Trump predecessors in the form of videotaped speeches from long ago. Not some shit that leftist "agents" like yourself go around claiming in chatrooms.

Trump doesnt deny stuff because if he did he wouldnt have time to lead. The dems and their media make new outrageous claims every day for the sheer strategy of political distraction. After awhile I'd ignore it too although at first I'd address it. Trump its obvious these people should just be ignored. Very little they say is worth listening to and its been proven again and again in the last 4 years.
I believe that you believe that, all of it.
I thought for sure nothing could expose Trump's lack of character the way the "Suckers and Losers" report did. Fooled me. Lying to Americans about how dangerous and deadly COVID-19 was brought Trump to a new depth of evil.

Oh, you mean that lie by the liberal editor of the Atlantic? As for lying to American's about C-19, that's a lie as well...So, you're just a liar.
Only complete assholes can listen to those recordings and not realize what a liar Trump has been about COVID.

About what exactly?

The irony of course being the Camp is lying and Trump didn't. Trump said "downplay," not deny. And that's what he did while he also restricted travel and then shut down the economy
and then the demoncrats cried xenophobe..but after they danced to chinese music, it dawned on them that it wasnt safe to keep borders open. of course by then it was a bit late, so they blamed TRUMP--YOUR PRESIDENT. looks great in caps, huh!!!
Yeah...I place great importance on politically biased articles intent on smearing candidates for office. (Rolls eyes)
You wrote those words LONG AFTER his OWN WORDS, his OWN VOICE, was made public.

He is NOT DENYING that he SAID them. He LIED.

And you're STILL trying this? You're definitely one of the sheepier Trump sheep here.
sure. just like you sugar coat things to a kid, so you dont make them panic. are you really that brainwashed/braindead
His Trumpsters are like children, but the rest of us are not.

He lied to you, he fooled you, and you're fine with it. You'll just have to own that.
Nobody lied to me that he was going to win in 2016. If they had I would definitely question my loyalties (hint hint).
Yeah...I place great importance on politically biased articles intent on smearing candidates for office. (Rolls eyes)
You wrote those words LONG AFTER his OWN WORDS, his OWN VOICE, was made public.

He is NOT DENYING that he SAID them. He LIED.

And you're STILL trying this? You're definitely one of the sheepier Trump sheep here.
sure. just like you sugar coat things to a kid, so you dont make them panic. are you really that brainwashed/braindead
His Trumpsters are like children, but the rest of us are not.

He lied to you, he fooled you, and you're fine with it. You'll just have to own that.
hey dick, your demoncrats lied....once you get that in your head you may become someone that people can tolerate
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
He said what he said, he did what he did.

He lied about the severity of the virus, as a global pandemic was bearing down on America, and then he purposely mocked those Americans who tried to protect themselves and their families.

This isn't about Cuomo or Biden or Hillary or Obama. I'm sure this is all "fake news" to someone like you, but most people don't like being lied to. Especially when it's literally a life and death situation.

even IF that ' didn't want americans to panic ' was true -

how many months into this & how many times have the experts said that masking up can help & that super spreader events shouldn't happen, has donny completely ignored that even after traitor tot's whore became infected & herman cain died?

he really doesn't care. ' genocide by policy ' is not hyperbole at this point.
Yeah...I place great importance on politically biased articles intent on smearing candidates for office. (Rolls eyes)
You wrote those words LONG AFTER his OWN WORDS, his OWN VOICE, was made public.

He is NOT DENYING that he SAID them. He LIED.

And you're STILL trying this? You're definitely one of the sheepier Trump sheep here.
sure. just like you sugar coat things to a kid, so you dont make them panic. are you really that brainwashed/braindead
His Trumpsters are like children, but the rest of us are not.

He lied to you, he fooled you, and you're fine with it. You'll just have to own that.
you mean like pill-osi owned fucking up in the dog grooming salon? just saying
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
He said what he said, he did what he did.

He lied about the severity of the virus, as a global pandemic was bearing down on America, and then he purposely mocked those Americans who tried to protect themselves and their families.

This isn't about Cuomo or Biden or Hillary or Obama. I'm sure this is all "fake news" to someone like you, but most people don't like being lied to. Especially when it's literally a life and death situation.

even IF that ' didn't want americans to panic ' was true -

how many months into this & how many times have the experts said that masking up can help & that super spreader events shouldn't happen, has donny completely ignored that even after traitor tot's whore became infected & herman cain died?

he really doesn't care. ' genocide by policy ' is not hyperbole at this point.
It was his actions after he knew that are the problem. Mocking people for wearing masks and trying to protect themselves and their families? Constantly misleading people into not being more careful? Daily parroting of the talk radio line that the whole thing was overblown? As people are dying?

This person is a sociopath, and so are his sheep.
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
He said what he said, he did what he did.

He lied about the severity of the virus, as a global pandemic was bearing down on America, and then he purposely mocked those Americans who tried to protect themselves and their families.

This isn't about Cuomo or Biden or Hillary or Obama. I'm sure this is all "fake news" to someone like you, but most people don't like being lied to. Especially when it's literally a life and death situation.

even IF that ' didn't want americans to panic ' was true -

how many months into this & how many times have the experts said that masking up can help & that super spreader events shouldn't happen, has donny completely ignored that even after traitor tot's whore became infected & herman cain died?

he really doesn't care. ' genocide by policy ' is not hyperbole at this point.
whore---you must be referring to the home wreaker kum-illa. at least you tried
Gotcha, Biden said he was in the top half of his class, but he was near the bottom. But that's OK. Your standards are in sand
Are you surprised Biden and Trump are both liars?
That's why I'm not voting for either corporate tool.
The Trump family is so loathsome that TrumoHole himself never approved of Jared as a son in law till he was sure he had a like criminal bent with a father prosecuted for tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions and witness tampering. Then, he became a true TrumpHole too.

Ooohhhh, "TrumpHole." Another third grader Democrat. Oooohhhh, the endless childish name calling with grade school names just never ends. Offending no one
Get use to it. It fits.
Don't expect Trump to gives two shits.
He doesn't care, the Trumpsters don't care.

When this first broke, I was anxious to see how the Trumpsters would react. I knew they'd rally around him, of course, but I didn't know how. How in the world can you deny something that came out of his own mouth?

So far, most of them are going with "fake news", even with the tapes fully public. They're just flat-out ignoring what he said. It didn't happen.

This whole time just continues to evade description. The term "denial" seems so inadequate, pedestrian, unsatisfying. This whole pathology just doesn't make sense to me.

It's not that Trump didn't say these things Mac, it's about how you people twist, pull out of context, and use things like hindsight, name calling, and bull shit narratives to constantly attack this President over this...Example, it is clear that Cuomo is responsible for the explosion of senior citizen deaths inside nursing homes due to his policy of shoving Covid positive patients into these facilities. Even when this President sent him MASH forces, and an entire Hospital ship ready to help, that weren't use by that dolt...Yet, I'll bet you a dime for a dollar that you'll defend that POS.....
He said what he said, he did what he did.

He lied about the severity of the virus, as a global pandemic was bearing down on America, and then he purposely mocked those Americans who tried to protect themselves and their families.

This isn't about Cuomo or Biden or Hillary or Obama. I'm sure this is all "fake news" to someone like you, but most people don't like being lied to. Especially when it's literally a life and death situation.

even IF that ' didn't want americans to panic ' was true -

how many months into this & how many times have the experts said that masking up can help & that super spreader events shouldn't happen, has donny completely ignored that even after traitor tot's whore became infected & herman cain died?

he really doesn't care. ' genocide by policy ' is not hyperbole at this point.
It was his actions after he knew that are the problem. Mocking people for wearing masks and trying to protect themselves and their families? Constantly misleading people into not being more careful? Daily parroting of the talk radio line that the whole thing was overblown? As people are dying?

This person is a sociopath, and so are his sheep.
and that would mean you are the lying, place blame elsewhere, cant own up to anything, sheep of the asswipe demoncrats. very sad choice

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