Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Trump was briefed on the facts. Fauci had to get his information from the WHO, or from China.

Yeah, not really. The CIA et al aren't Doctors. The same crowd that gave us WMD's.
As I said many times. The NSA was listening in on every conversation traveling between Wuhan and Beijing. That's what they do. They sucked up internet traffic, intercepted e-mai;ls and any signal intelligence.

They had spy satellites flying over China, taking pictures of how many ambulances, and body bags were in Wuhan. They counted the people or lack of people on the streets. The change in power consumption between factories and homes.

They knew what was happening n China, and they told Trump.
And Trump couldn't give two shits about it either. Now 190,000 are dead because of him.
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
How did he play it down with the actions he took? Just what should he have done that he didn't do....before there
was one death in America?

Trump banned travel from China and Europe while Dems called him a racist for doing so and claimed the virus wasn't a threat. Facts vs this OP spin.
Negative! He put a ban on China and later put one on Europe. How fucking stupid is that?
Actually he didnt even really put a ban on China. He just banned Chinese nationals. Everyone else coming from China was allowed to come into the US.
Exactly! It was a joke. In the mean time, It's also coming in the back door from Europe, while he isn't giving a shit. He's a murderer and he knows it.
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
No. the fatass is a incompetent fuckup and liar that knew in Nov that the virus was highly contagious.
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
You sycophants own this. Enjoy. Your hero.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Bold is stuck. Trump 2020
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
No. the fatass is a incompetent fuckup and liar that knew in Nov that the virus was highly contagious.
And his sheep are literally culpable, as they followed him and no doubt spread the virus.

They're complicit in this.
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
Are you high on drugs? Can you not see/hear the contradictions in his speech and interview? Trump admits to downplaying coronavirus threat in new Bob Woodward book He was totally lying to the American people. What he said to Woodward was exactly the opposite of what he said on the podium. What is wrong with you people?

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Bold is stuck. Trump 2020
Voting for a murderer. Knock yourself out.
‘The book, using Trump's own words, depicts a President who has betrayed the public trust and the most fundamental responsibilities of his office. In "Rage," Trump says the job of a president is "to keep our country safe." But in early February, Trump told Woodward he knew how deadly the virus was, and in March, admitted he kept that knowledge hidden from the public.’ ibid

That anyone could still support and vote for Trump after reading this is as bizarre as it is reprehensible.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Nope. John Bolton (no friend of Trump) said that is not what happened. Next....

He said it about McCain not about soldiers who died in world wars.

Wrong topic. This isn't about that.
Right this is about wacko TDS and a crotchety old reporter who misses the limelight.
Running from the debate like a coward are we?
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
No. the fatass is a incompetent fuckup and liar that knew in Nov that the virus was highly contagious.
All you and Mac58 have are slanderous lil pet names for anyone that doesn't agree with your bullshit. That is why I generally ignore both of you and the crap you both push.

Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
You sycophants own this. Enjoy. Your hero.
You must have a very creative mind. All I have ever had is one hero in my life and that hero is my very own husband.
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
…and the reprehensible right tries to spin.

There is nothing left to be said.
He also formed a taskforce and implemented a travel ban weeks before the first confirmed case, while the democrats called him a xenophobe and warned us that this flu across the pacific was just a distraction from impeachment.

Even if I agreed with your take on Trump's performance, why would I vote for the people who thought he was OVER reacting?
So, you'd rather vote for a liar then.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

100% true!!! You lose again like always. YOU ARE A TOTAL SHEEP.

He is on tape:
In early February, Trump told Woodward he knew how deadly the virus was, and in March, admitted he kept that knowledge hidden from the public.

Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
No. the fatass is a incompetent fuckup and liar that knew in Nov that the virus was highly contagious.
All you and Mac58 have are slanderous lil pet names for anyone that doesn't agree with your bullshit. That is why I generally ignore both of you and the crap you both push.

Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
You sycophants own this. Enjoy. Your hero.
You must have a very creative mind. All I have ever had is one hero in my life and that hero is my very own husband.
The evidence is on audio and video, where Trump was setting us up with his lies, and now, 190,000 people are dead.
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
…and the reprehensible right tries to spin.
No, that is what you and yours do slick.

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