Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.

And Democrats continue to lie and hype the Biden virus. Again, even if what you said is true, why is it somehow OK to hype a virus for political benefit and not downplay it? Your dishonesty is better than someone else's?
There are tapes.
Play em....let's hear it. There were also so called tapes where he used the "N" word. Oh wait. That was fake news.
You're the dumbest person on this board. You look really stupid right now.

You care more about the GOP party than the country. You are a total sheep.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Tapes can be FAKED. LOL

Trump may win. I never thought the gop would let blacks vote in Fla and Ga. I never even considered a Biden win until the gop "convention." Can Trump win by simply running on the "RACE RIOTS" card? Maybe. Most still approve of him on the economy.

But yeah, Woodward has the hard evidence that Trump lied about the danger of Corvid, and he continues to lie.

We'll see if that's enough. Along with denigrating service people who sacrificed everything.
His economy sucks, because it was never his economy to begin with. He was riding on Obama's recovery package that lowered the unemployment numbers, but never raised wages.
just the opposite! :)


There is nothing left to be said.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
The Democrat Party theme song as it implodes;
Ozzy's official video for the song "Dreamer" taken from the 'Memoirs of a Madman'
WTF are you talking about ? Only criminals around are Trump people either indicted, in jail, or pardoned by the pos .Only reason he's still president is because of his yellow cowardly senate and people like you with double digit IQ's
Ahhhhh, a TDS Belch
He is on tape: In early February, Trump told Woodward he knew how deadly the virus was, and in March, admitted he kept that knowledge hidden from the public.
They literally don't care. Like their hero, they have no humanity.
It truly is a cult, who are the bulk of his base.
...what's wrong with that??!!!?? you people are just pissed he won in 2016 = TDS
..I wouldn't care if he murdered someone

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
Because Dems were right and Trump wasn’t.

There is nothing left to be said.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
please explain..... how did he not lie, when he was telling us the complete opposite, of what he knew to be true??
The Democrat Party theme song as it implodes;
Ozzy's official video for the song "Dreamer" taken from the 'Memoirs of a Madman'

Reverse psychology doesn't work here. You missed that crazy train years ago. It doesn't apply in this case. The only thing crazy is supporting someone who admits how bad Coronavirus is on audio, and tells the people another story on video, That's not just crazy, it's freaking murder.

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