Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
Trump didn't share the information he was briefed on to Fauci. Trump was told how deadly it was, and how it was spread. This was on January 28th. Fauci didn't know until much later.
Trumpism, 2020


There is nothing left to be said.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
please explain..... how did he not lie, when he was telling us the complete opposite, of what he knew to be true??
He can't. The show up on this forum just to lie.

Trump supporters are so uneducated, unprepared, and dishonest. They are like the dog chasing its tail. They accomplish nothing by posting on this forum. They never say anything.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.


No it wasn't , there are tapes with tramp speaking.
There are? Play em and let us hear it verbatim.

Fair? If there are tapes, there should be no issue. Correct?
Turn on the TV and you will hear them sooner or later, but don't hold your breath if you listen to Fox.
fox or oan are the only REAL 2 journalistic watch the one sided biased bullshit stations. thats why your mind hasnt grown..
You're a Qanon person ? Yes?
im my own person. i dont need anybodys help.
Leftists always want to label.
hey retard are the one that threw a label out.

There is nothing left to be said.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
please explain..... how did he not lie, when he was telling us the complete opposite, of what he knew to be true??
He can't. The show up on this forum just to lie.

Trump supporters are so uneducated, unprepared, and dishonest. They are like the dog chasing its tail. They accomplish nothing by posting on this forum. They never say anything.
you just described the demoncrats---congrats, you may finally opening up the other side of your brain
The problem with this is the context.

Trump said that he downplays covid19 so as not to scare everyone. HE SAID THIS IN THE BEGINNING OF MARCH. Right after Fauci himself said he didn't think covid19 was that bad at the end of February. Trump said at the end of march that this is bad, and over 100,000 people could die from it. They're just leaving that part out.

In March Pelosi told everyone everything was fine and that they should visit Chinatown. Again, conveniently not mentioned by liberals.
" Trump said that he downplays covid19 so as not to scare everyone. HE SAID THIS IN THE BEGINNING OF MARCH. Right after Fauci himself said he didn't think covid19 was that bad at the end of February. Trump said at the end of march that this is bad, and over 100,000 people could die from it. They're just leaving that part out. "

Well see the problem is that Drumpf knew in November how bad it was. The NCMI told him so but instead he pretended to believe China.
wheres your link
Right here retard. Dont act like you have never seen it.

could demoncrats werent afraid...chinatown party---but you want no part of that---leave borders open your demoncrats we are stuck with their failed concoction
President Trump is telling the truth and Dana7360 is lying through his-her teeth!:up_yours:
Guess you didnt hear the tapes....or maybe you have and your brain is gone after drinking the Drumpf koolaid.

Wow even tapes of trump saying the words is ignored.

It's incredible how these people can just deny reality.

The person you replied to proves what I've been saying for a very long time.

Honest fact after honest fact. Video after video. Recording after recording. Photo after photo. Document after document can be put in front of those people and they will ignore all of it.
Yeah we already know some people just dont understand that viruses require hosts to infect.
No shit.....but libs have constantly lied about its severity and impact and govts ability to control it.
Yeah but if you dont get near other people you can't catch it or infect anyone else. Not sure how something so simply to understand goes over your head that easily.
All you have accomplished is extend time it takes to run its course. Haven't saved anyone.
So youre claim is that the virus can live unassisted and indefinitely without a host? I'm guessing you have zero medical knowledge?
Which of course I didn't say. Travels farther than they said. Only way you could have stopped it dead is lock everyone in their house....and even that probably wouldn't have done it
they say? always wondered who--they--are

There is nothing left to be said.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
It was proven. And lying to yourself doesn't change that reality either.
Yikes. On tape this time.

Oh well, it won't matter.
Of course it won’t. Never has. We will just have a ton of people making the exact same excuses that they’ve always made when he’s said garbage on tape.
I've never seen anything like this. Not even close.
I think this is reminiscent of how authoritarians take over. Not that I think Trump wants to go down that road at all, but he’s using the same tactics to gain power.

One of Woodward’s quotes has Trump wondering why he gets along so much better with authoritarians. I found that interesting.
Yikes. On tape this time.

Oh well, it won't matter.
Of course it won’t. Never has. We will just have a ton of people making the exact same excuses that they’ve always made when he’s said garbage on tape.
I've never seen anything like this. Not even close.
I think this is reminiscent of how authoritarians take over. Not that I think Trump wants to go down that road at all, but he’s using the same tactics to gain power.

One of Woodward’s quotes has Trump wondering why he gets along so much better with authoritarians. I found that interesting.
I went three years specifically avoiding comparisons, but there are clear similarities with the 30s and 40s.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme". These people are completely in this guy's hands.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
It was proven. And lying to yourself doesn't change that reality either.
I'm wondering what degree of evidence they think is sufficient to prove that Trump lied. Witnesses, audio tape, video tape. Even transcripts aren't enough evidence to these kool-aid swallowers.
I went three years specifically avoiding comparisons, but there are clear similarities with the 30s and 40s.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme". These people are completely in this guy's hands.

I already posted the parallel between the violence and riots in the streets in Trumps America being blamed on Joe Biden, even after Kellyann Conway let the cat out of the bag, that Trump thinks the violence will help him in he election.

This is the Reichstag fire all over again
I went three years specifically avoiding comparisons, but there are clear similarities with the 30s and 40s.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme". These people are completely in this guy's hands.

I already posted the parallel between the violence and riots in the streets in Trumps America being blamed on Joe Biden, even after Kellyann Conway let the cat out of the bag, that Trump thinks the violence will help him in he election.

This is the Reichstag fire all over again
And it's never just one guy. It's the people who enable him, from those close to him to the people in the street.

That's the most troubling part of this for me.
please explain..... how did he not lie, when he was telling us the complete opposite, of what he knew to be true??

Yeah, where's my $2,500 savings in health insurance and why couldn't I keep my doctor and healthcare plan?? When Dems lie for the greater good it's okay. When Trump tries to avoid panicking a nation the left bitch and complain. I swear there is no pleasing the left.

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