Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.

Because of Trump, and his supporters, half a million Americans will be dead by years end, the economy has collapsed, millions will be permanently out of work, businesses will close and not reopen, the credibility of the country will be gone, we will be a second rate economy, and will have our national security more compromised than may ever be discovered, so a second rate grifter, and his family of second rate hustlers, could use the government to enrich themselves. It will take at least a decade to repair the damage that will be done by the time they are gone. It will take some very extreme, and harsh, but necessary steps to restore the country to what is was before the great undoing, that began in 1968, that has culminated to our current situation.
How did he play it down with the actions he took? Just what should he have done that he didn't do....before there
was one death in America?

Trump banned travel from China and Europe while Dems called him a racist for doing so and claimed the virus wasn't a threat. Facts vs this OP spin.
Negative! He put a ban on China and later put one on Europe. How fucking stupid is that?
Actually he didnt even really put a ban on China. He just banned Chinese nationals. Everyone else coming from China was allowed to come into the US.
Exactly! It was a joke. In the mean time, It's also coming in the back door from Europe, while he isn't giving a shit. He's a murderer and he knows it.
Cuomo sure is a murderer
When Trump tries to avoid panicking a nation the left bitch and complain. I swear there is no pleasing the left.

This is like the guy who isn't paying attention crossing the street in front of a bus. And you don't want to panic him by warning him about the bus.

No it's nothing like that idiot. Go back to school repeat 3rd grade. :cuckoo: The problem with Dems and the left is they can't think 5 minutes ahead. These bunch of dumb ass Democrats go berserk passing laws and regulations and heaping 'government' on us without one thought to the consequences of their actions. Oh just raise taxes and tax the hell out of businesses and the 'wealthy' in a blithering idiot Democrat's mind there won't be any negative consequences. Dems are literally too stupid to exist in nature.
please explain..... how did he not lie, when he was telling us the complete opposite, of what he knew to be true??

Yeah, where's my $2,500 savings in health insurance and why couldn't I keep my doctor and healthcare plan?? When Dems lie for the greater good it's okay. When Trump tries to avoid panicking a nation the left bitch and complain. I swear there is no pleasing the left.
jimminy cricket Blues, what planet do you live on? you are trying to compare 20,000 lies to one, or even a handful?

and why compare at all when it is so evident they don't even come close to compare....?

and what do you have to say about THIS PARTICULAR LIE, THAT TOOK LIVES? And is still taking lives....

I don't know when you will open your eyes and see, that you are merely pawns to Trump..... he never has given two shits about you, or about the swamp, or about our Military, or about the USA....

How did he play it down with the actions he took? Just what should he have done that he didn't do....before there
was one death in America?

Trump banned travel from China and Europe while Dems called him a racist for doing so and claimed the virus wasn't a threat. Facts vs this OP spin.
Negative! He put a ban on China and later put one on Europe. How fucking stupid is that?
Actually he didnt even really put a ban on China. He just banned Chinese nationals. Everyone else coming from China was allowed to come into the US.
Exactly! It was a joke. In the mean time, It's also coming in the back door from Europe, while he isn't giving a shit. He's a murderer and he knows it.
Cuomo sure is a murderer
What in Gods name is wrong with you people? "Cuomo?" What does he have to do with Trump misleading Americans to their deaths? Fmr Senator Claire McCaskill: When Trump decided to lie to the American people about Covid, he ‘killed them’

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Debunking requires proving it is incorrect. That hasn't happened.
You don't even know which thread you're replying to.
Report was debunked. Fake News.
It's on tape. Read the article.
Nope. John Bolton (no friend of Trump) said that is not what happened. Next....

He said it about McCain not about soldiers who died in world wars.

Here is the link before you ask.

How did he play it down with the actions he took? Just what should he have done that he didn't do....before there
was one death in America?

Trump banned travel from China and Europe while Dems called him a racist for doing so and claimed the virus wasn't a threat. Facts vs this OP spin.
Negative! He put a ban on China and later put one on Europe. How fucking stupid is that?
Actually he didnt even really put a ban on China. He just banned Chinese nationals. Everyone else coming from China was allowed to come into the US.
Exactly! It was a joke. In the mean time, It's also coming in the back door from Europe, while he isn't giving a shit. He's a murderer and he knows it.
Cuomo sure is a murderer
What in Gods name is wrong with you people? "Cuomo?" What does he have to do with Trump misleading Americans to their deaths? Fmr Senator Claire McCaskill: When Trump decided to lie to the American people about Covid, he ‘killed them’
It's just your tribe lying and you lap it up like a good little minion that you are. You want to be spoon fed? Feel free, but half of Americans think you're
full of shit.
Cuomo DID actually send people to their deaths when he placed infected people in the assisted living facilities.
What an idiot and murderer he was, thousands die and you turn a blind eye to that. Your tribe did not
spoon feed you that, so you're in denial. Run along, minion.

There is nothing left to be said.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
please explain..... how did he not lie, when he was telling us the complete opposite, of what he knew to be true??
He can't. The show up on this forum just to lie.

Trump supporters are so uneducated, unprepared, and dishonest. They are like the dog chasing its tail. They accomplish nothing by posting on this forum. They never say anything.
you just described the demoncrats---congrats, you may finally opening up the other side of your brain
Then show me where my video links are a lie then. And if you don't you are a pos liar. Get going.
This is like the guy who isn't paying attention crossing the street in front of a bus. And you don't want to panic him by warning him about the bus.
No it's nothing like that idiot. Go back to school repeat 3rd grade. :cuckoo: The problem with Dems and the left is they can't think 5 minutes ahead....

Clearly I struck a nerve. The guy who isn't paying attention, about to be hit by something dangerous, and you don't want to panic him by warning him of the danger.

I'd hate for you to be the principle at a school shooting. Instead of getting on the PA and warning the students there was an active shooter in the building, you would choose not to panic them, and tell them everything was fine. That the problem would go away on it's own.
It's hard to admit when our nation has dropped the ball. The truth can be hard to take but the fact we didn't have
The supplies to deal with it is bad. It's not Trump's fault tho this should have been there all along. Epic fail.

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