Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Hey meaner gene tells us your plan. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar....

Well in January I would have voted to remove Trump from office.

That would have put Pence in charge, who wouldn't have "played it down"
So after all these months you still have no plan.

Actually part two of my plan was to then impeach Pence in February, remove him from office in March and put Nancy Pelosi in the oval office.

We would have then had experienced leadership at the helm who didn't want to "play it down"
So your plan is "ORANGE MAN BAD".

Nostra You really want a Russian puppet in our WH ?? Trump is beholden to Putin for not giving up what he knows about Trump
When Obammy went to visit Putin he wore kneepads and you are concerned with Trump being a Russian puppet? Do you ever, ever think for yourself?
And what happens when Biden loses in a landslide and the President is around 4 more years? You better take something for your delusions.
that has no value from you. once you've lied you always lie.
Nostra asked me to link to support what I had just posted sarcastically I even had to spell it out for him that it was sarcastic, yet he still didn't get it
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

What would you have done to stop the Kung Flu in it's tracks? Give us your detailed plan for Jan, Feb, Mar...............

Be specific and use the 20/20 hindsight Trump didn't have.

When I would have come into office I'd have made sure we were fully supplied with enough material to fight the virus NOT complain that Obama left the cupboards bear Then when told how serious the virus was I'd have taken immediate action, not try and bullshitted it away
Here is your Savior playing it down in Chinatown a full month after Trump banned travel from China.

Now play what she would have said if she received the DNI briefing on the coronavirus in January.

You know Pelosi didn't know what Trump knew, and when Trump knew it.
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?
Hey meaner gene tells us your plan. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar....

Well in January I would have voted to remove Trump from office.

That would have put Pence in charge, who wouldn't have "played it down"
So after all these months you still have no plan.

Actually part two of my plan was to then impeach Pence in February, remove him from office in March and put Nancy Pelosi in the oval office.

We would have then had experienced leadership at the helm who didn't want to "play it down"
So your plan is "ORANGE MAN BAD".

Nostra You really want a Russian puppet in our WH ?? Trump is beholden to Putin for not giving up what he knows about Trump
When Obammy went to visit Putin he wore kneepads and you are concerned with Trump being a Russian puppet? Do you ever, ever think for yourself?
And what happens when Biden loses in a landslide and the President is around 4 more years? You better take something for your delusions.
Truth is young man I'll be sick BUT America will be on life support ,,because trump is an impostor
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?
Oooh a lawyer.....that's why he was so good at plagarizing in the 88 campaign, why he always finished so close to the bottom in any primary he participated in, and why he turned to politics and international crime to make him and his family rich.
Hey meaner gene tells us your plan. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar....

Well in January I would have voted to remove Trump from office.

That would have put Pence in charge, who wouldn't have "played it down"
So after all these months you still have no plan.

Actually part two of my plan was to then impeach Pence in February, remove him from office in March and put Nancy Pelosi in the oval office.

We would have then had experienced leadership at the helm who didn't want to "play it down"
So your plan is "ORANGE MAN BAD".

Nostra You really want a Russian puppet in our WH ?? Trump is beholden to Putin for not giving up what he knows about Trump
When Obammy went to visit Putin he wore kneepads and you are concerned with Trump being a Russian puppet? Do you ever, ever think for yourself?
And what happens when Biden loses in a landslide and the President is around 4 more years? You better take something for your delusions.
Truth is young man I'll be sick BUT America will be on life support ,,because trump is an impostor
Then trot out a better candidate hypocrite.
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?
A BS degree majoring in pussy grabbing
Just like Nixon knew......Trumpybear knew and did it on purpose. It's on tape.

Are there no patriotic Republicans left in the party?
Spare me.....we are the only patriots there are. You goofs want open borders, jobs overseas, no police, and checks to sit home wearing your goofy masks.

This is about lying on purpose to the American people about how deadly the new virus was, not the lies you and your kind spread about our regulated border, or the export of capital, or de-funding choke holds......

But again, you're lying. You hate Trump and attack him for whatever he says. So why should anyone give a shit when you are part of the leftist echo chamber calling Trump a liar when you're constantly lying about him?

On Feb 7th, after speaking with the Chinese leader, during Woodwards taped interview with the Trumpybear, Trumpybear was explaining how much more deadly the new virus was compared to the Flu. He is a proven liar. Everyone in the country can and has listen to him lying through his teeth. Maybe it hasn't broken into the Faux News Circle yet, but it's like a reality train coming down the track.

And why is your hyping the virus somehow less dishonest than Trump downplaying it?

It is proving to be at least 5 times deadlier as the flu. If the threat were hyped instead of downplayed, fewer Americans would have died. By downplaying it he exponentially increased the spread among the public.

How about telling the truth.
You don't analyze anything other than how to attack Trump with it. Truth is irrelevant to you
How relevant is truth to Trump?
How many more lies does he have to vomit up before you see him for what he his?

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands
Makes no difference since you crapped out Biden as your candidate. He is a total blathering idiot.
Biden graduated from Syracuse University College of Law, with a law degree in 1968.
What degree does Trump have?
A BS degree majoring in pussy grabbing
So are we talking about Biden now??
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His unique brand of ignorance, arrogance, indifference, and stupidity is unprecedented in US History:

Don The Con Has Blood On His Hands

"The numbers tell the basic story. Donald John Trump — the name of the impeached president that should deservedly appear on indictments once his criminal regime is ended — learned from U.S. intelligence channels the threat posed by China's coronavirus on Jan. 3, with a more thorough briefing on Jan. 22.

"He thwarted testing and other health safety preparations. That way, he could fool the public and help bolster the stock market and jobs reports that are vital to his re-election campaign.

"As of March 1, meanwhile, the United States reported just 89 cases of coronavirus because of the difficulties of testing and other lack of federal action to warn the public.

"One month later, on April 1, some 211,000 cases were reported in the United States."
Hey meaner gene tells us your plan. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar....

Well in January I would have voted to remove Trump from office.

That would have put Pence in charge, who wouldn't have "played it down"
So after all these months you still have no plan.

Actually part two of my plan was to then impeach Pence in February, remove him from office in March and put Nancy Pelosi in the oval office.

We would have then had experienced leadership at the helm who didn't want to "play it down"
So your plan is "ORANGE MAN BAD".

Nostra You really want a Russian puppet in our WH ?? Trump is beholden to Putin for not giving up what he knows about Trump
I'm not interested in your terminal TDS inflicted delusions.

The fact Trump has imposed more sanctions on Russia his first term than Barry did during his 8 year reign proves you are an idiot, a liar, and a troll.
Hey meaner gene tells us your plan. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar....

Well in January I would have voted to remove Trump from office.

That would have put Pence in charge, who wouldn't have "played it down"
So after all these months you still have no plan.

Actually part two of my plan was to then impeach Pence in February, remove him from office in March and put Nancy Pelosi in the oval office.

We would have then had experienced leadership at the helm who didn't want to "play it down"
So your plan is "ORANGE MAN BAD".

Nostra You really want a Russian puppet in our WH ?? Trump is beholden to Putin for not giving up what he knows about Trump
When Obammy went to visit Putin he wore kneepads and you are concerned with Trump being a Russian puppet? Do you ever, ever think for yourself?
And what happens when Biden loses in a landslide and the President is around 4 more years? You better take something for your delusions.
Truth is young man I'll be sick BUT America will be on life support ,,because trump is an impostor
Then trot out a better candidate hypocrite.
Brownie That's bs You'd say that about any dem candidate BTW how are you and kaz liking Trumps October surprise?
Just like Nixon knew......Trumpybear knew and did it on purpose. It's on tape.

Are there no patriotic Republicans left in the party?
Spare me.....we are the only patriots there are. You goofs want open borders, jobs overseas, no police, and checks to sit home wearing your goofy masks.

This is about lying on purpose to the American people about how deadly the new virus was, not the lies you and your kind spread about our regulated border, or the export of capital, or de-funding choke holds......

But again, you're lying. You hate Trump and attack him for whatever he says. So why should anyone give a shit when you are part of the leftist echo chamber calling Trump a liar when you're constantly lying about him?

On Feb 7th, after speaking with the Chinese leader, during Woodwards taped interview with the Trumpybear, Trumpybear was explaining how much more deadly the new virus was compared to the Flu. He is a proven liar. Everyone in the country can and has listen to him lying through his teeth. Maybe it hasn't broken into the Faux News Circle yet, but it's like a reality train coming down the track.

And why is your hyping the virus somehow less dishonest than Trump downplaying it?

It is proving to be at least 5 times deadlier as the flu. If the threat were hyped instead of downplayed, fewer Americans would have died. By downplaying it he exponentially increased the spread among the public.

How about telling the truth.
That's a lie.....CDC even agrees...much less deadly than was HYPED by the wacko left and the death total would be much less if we had Republican governors instead of Killer Cuomo and his band of Hit Men.
Hey meaner gene tells us your plan. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar....

Well in January I would have voted to remove Trump from office.

That would have put Pence in charge, who wouldn't have "played it down"
So after all these months you still have no plan.

Actually part two of my plan was to then impeach Pence in February, remove him from office in March and put Nancy Pelosi in the oval office.

We would have then had experienced leadership at the helm who didn't want to "play it down"
So your plan is "ORANGE MAN BAD".

Nostra You really want a Russian puppet in our WH ?? Trump is beholden to Putin for not giving up what he knows about Trump
When Obammy went to visit Putin he wore kneepads and you are concerned with Trump being a Russian puppet? Do you ever, ever think for yourself?
And what happens when Biden loses in a landslide and the President is around 4 more years? You better take something for your delusions.
Truth is young man I'll be sick BUT America will be on life support ,,because trump is an impostor
Then trot out a better candidate hypocrite.
Brownie That's bs You'd say that about any dem candidate BTW how are you and kaz liking Trumps October surprise?
No I wouldn't. But Biden would not have won if allowed to go through the entire primary process.
45 knew in early February that coronavirus posed a unique and deadly threat to the United States, and was “More Deadly Than Even Your Strenuous Flus.” At the time, Trump repeatedly publicly downplayed the virus as no more dangerous than the flu.


This one horrindous lie has killed over One Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand Americans.


What 45 has done is murder Tens of Thousands of Americans.

But I'm sure his followers do not mind.
Actually your idiot Dem governors knocked off about 90,000 in their 6 states right off the bat and and an 8% mortality rate.
Man you read my mind,you took them to school just as I have in this whole
Wasn't our fault all the virus infected from China and Europe came into America through NY BUT now NY is one of the cleanest states while Red states are dropping like sick dogs

The primary source for the U.S. infection was Europe. For all of empty boasts about closing down entry from China, well another in a long line of lies. Over 100,00 People entered the U.S. From China after the outbreak.
Give us your detailed plan to stop the Kung Flu. What would you have done in Jan, Feb, Mar.....

Be specific.

In January he'd have attacked Trump for trying to divert from his impeachment.

In February he'd have called Trump a racist for travel restrictions

In March, he'd do February's plan again

In April he'd say the travel restrictions weren't strong enough

In May he'd say we need to shut down the economy until after the election

In June he'd have said we should shut down the economy again while he attacked Trump for the economic impacts of the first shut down

In July, he'd follow June's plan again

In August, he'd follow June's plan again
"""" It'll disappear ,like a miracle lt'll disappear""" ""It's a hoax"" Trump is a lying SOB and I'm amazed that the 1 or 2 smart republicans here don't get it

What would you have done to stop the Kung Flu in it's tracks? Give us your detailed plan for Jan, Feb, Mar...............

Be specific and use the 20/20 hindsight Trump didn't have.

When I would have come into office I'd have made sure we were fully supplied with enough material to fight the virus NOT complain that Obama left the cupboards bear Then when told how serious the virus was I'd have taken immediate action, not try and bullshitted it away

Stock up on PPE. Hindsight is great, huh? I would like to see your posts condemning Cuomo for refusing to buy ventilators in 2015 when he was told he would need them. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you don't have any you can produce.

You would "have taken immediate action"??????????????? That's not a plan, Stupid. It's a platitude.

Give me details. Exactly what actions would you have taken to stop the virus in it's tracks.
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Here is your Savior playing it down in Chinatown a full month after Trump banned travel from China.

Now play what she would have said if she received the DNI briefing on the coronavirus in January.

You know Pelosi didn't know what Trump knew, and when Trump knew it.

By Feb 24 I knew it was a problem. Why didn't Nazi Pelousy?

What is her plan that you love so much? Link us up to it, Sport. Tell us her plan that you think woulda saved the day.
When I would have come into office I'd have made sure we were fully supplied with enough material to fight the virus NOT complain that Obama left the cupboards bear Then when told how serious the virus was I'd have taken immediate action, not try and bullshitted it away

Actually Nostra is asking what would you have done AFTER Trump shut down the pandemic response team, and didn't restock the strategic medical reserves.

You would have to start with 3 years of pandemic response neglect.

All you could have done was to start the response at the start of February, getting them to ramp up PPE, restocking the medical reserves etc, instead of waiting until March to do anything to prepare.

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