Trump orders colleges to back free speech or lose funding

I suspect that if a student group invites him mayor buttfuck will be allowed to speak

but either way there are no federal funds to take away from Liberty
and he should be allowed to speak. preferably w/o senseless emotional protests. but that also goes for people on the right who are invited to speak to groups at campuses also.

i simply don't understand how being respectful of free speech can be a divisive issue. you're either for it or you're not. if you have reasons to keep it "at bay" then i would turn to you to fully explain. don't care which side you'd be representing.

we allow it or it's a lie. period.
Christian conservatives are secure in their beliefs and do not need to shout down opposing views

the lib students are the ones rioting on campus when opposing views are expressed
Some are. Some aren’t.

Texas Muslim Capitol Day marred by anti-Islam protesters

But yeah, students rioting on campus is stupid.
Do you honestly believe this guy is a student at a Christian University?
View attachment 306271

I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing
when you salute the flag,you are saluting the CIA and our corrupt government who is out to kiss us all.:abgg2q.jpg:

I tip my hat off the NFL players who kneel.i ALWAYS leave to go to the restroom when they play the national anthem,i am not about to salute our corrupt government and CIA that starts wars around the world.LAND OF THE FREE? Uh this is no free country,its th eland of the OPPRESSED.

From that dumbass statement I can tell that you've never served your country.
Saluting the flag has not one damn thing to do with the CIA but everything to do with the constitution, our history and all of those who've sacrificed and given their all to keep this nation free.
Maybe if you had served you would'nt be so damned clueless and stupid today.

Duckworth on NFL anthem policy: I fought to defend right to take a knee in protest
every soldier did. so what again. no one is saying they don't have the right to take a knee. As always, your poop between the ears is affecting your thought process.

The argument was that if you had served you would never defend those who kneel. Not true.

You clueless dumb shit. When the flag is raised and the anthem is played it has NOTHING to do with a bunch of loud mouthed whining assholes and EVERYTHING to do with this nation, all of it, it's history and those who've fought to make and keep this nation free. When some whiney sanctimonious asshole and bitch kneels, he disrespects all of that which has allowed him the freedom to kneel without immediately being taken out and shot. Get a friggin clue, dumbass.

It's assholes like you that make me believe we really do need to bring back the draft. Except this time make it universally apply to anyone if they ever want to have a vote.

If anyone is clueless, you are as clueless as anyone. The African American people understand that they are not and never have been living in a land of the free. They served in our armed forces honorably, and yet couldn't sleep in the same quarters with their white counterparts until Truman integrated our armed forces, they could not attend schools with white students until 1954, and even then were not welcomed, nor could they take the first open seat on a bus if a white person did nor could they order a sandwich at a whites only lunch counter or drink from a whites only water fountain.

Even the Civil Rights bills never established for them the same freedom in terms of equal opportunities as we do, the law cannot enforce acceptance, and people like you will never accept that black men and black women are equal to and never will be.

BTW, I enlisted in our Navy in 1967, and I support what Kap did and why he did it.
Hey, Marty's the one trying to dance around my question sooooooooooooooo................ :eusa_whistle:
sure he did. that's a fking lie. dude, you're on a message board, know someone will always look at the posts and I did, he stated with this comment: She was invited by other Students, they have the ability to do so.

What is it you read in that answer? a student invites, they are allowed on campus. question answered. you're insincere friend. what a shame. another factless poster. deceitful and a liar.

Since you obviously CAN'T READ, I'll essplain it to your illiterate ass in tiny widdle words.

I asked Marty if he --- not YOU -- HE (because I don't give a fuck what you believe, and you didn't bring it up anyway) believes that (insert speaker name here) has the inherent right to speak, at a college campus he's not even affiliated with, while the students who ARE affiliated with and in attendance at that college, DO NOT have that right.

That's what he can't answer. And you can't either because IT WASN'T YOUR FUCKING POINT IN THE FIRST PLACE you giant black hole of mental midgetry.

Also pointed out that his link claimed Murray was "forced to flee" yet the video therein showed no such fleeing.

That about cover it, Peewee? Get it now or do I have to draw fucking stick figures?
and he, the guy on the board whose post I read, said if they are invited yes. what didn't you understand with that answer other than being a dick?

YOU actually want to sit on this board and speak for what HE thinks?

Exactly what part of "he's not you" is sailing over your pointed little head here, white knight?
not at all. I didn't do that. I quoted his statement. I used what he wrote in quotes. And he again answered your question.

She was invited by other Students, they have the ability to do so.

again, note the work 'invited', and then 'they have the ability to do so'.

Number one, you illiterate hack, the speaker in the article is a "he" not a "she", and number two you brainless moron, the question WAS NOT ABOUT EITHER A 'HE' OR A 'SHE' BUT ABOUT A THEY.

Now go ye forth and verily LURN TWO REED.
From that dumbass statement I can tell that you've never served your country.
Saluting the flag has not one damn thing to do with the CIA but everything to do with the constitution, our history and all of those who've sacrificed and given their all to keep this nation free.
Maybe if you had served you would'nt be so damned clueless and stupid today.

Duckworth on NFL anthem policy: I fought to defend right to take a knee in protest
every soldier did. so what again. no one is saying they don't have the right to take a knee. As always, your poop between the ears is affecting your thought process.

The argument was that if you had served you would never defend those who kneel. Not true.

You clueless dumb shit. When the flag is raised and the anthem is played it has NOTHING to do with a bunch of loud mouthed whining assholes and EVERYTHING to do with this nation, all of it, it's history and those who've fought to make and keep this nation free. When some whiney sanctimonious asshole and bitch kneels, he disrespects all of that which has allowed him the freedom to kneel without immediately being taken out and shot. Get a friggin clue, dumbass.

It's assholes like you that make me believe we really do need to bring back the draft. Except this time make it universally apply to anyone if they ever want to have a vote.

If anyone is clueless, you are as clueless as anyone. The African American people understand that they are not and never have been living in a land of the free. They served in our armed forces honorably, and yet couldn't sleep in the same quarters with their white counterparts until Truman integrated our armed forces, they could not attend schools with white students until 1954, and even then were not welcomed, nor could they take the first open seat on a bus if a white person did nor could they order a sandwich at a whites only lunch counter or drink from a whites only water fountain.

Even the Civil Rights bills never established for them the same freedom in terms of equal opportunities as we do, the law cannot enforce acceptance, and people like you will never accept that black men and black women are equal to and never will be.

BTW, I enlisted in our Navy in 1967, and I support what Kap did and why he did it.
are you black? if not, why are you speaking for them? did they ask you to?

edit: BTW, why do you believe you have a right to speak for the blacks? why does anyone? you demean them you racist.
Last edited:
sure he did. that's a fking lie. dude, you're on a message board, know someone will always look at the posts and I did, he stated with this comment: She was invited by other Students, they have the ability to do so.

What is it you read in that answer? a student invites, they are allowed on campus. question answered. you're insincere friend. what a shame. another factless poster. deceitful and a liar.

Since you obviously CAN'T READ, I'll essplain it to your illiterate ass in tiny widdle words.

I asked Marty if he --- not YOU -- HE (because I don't give a fuck what you believe, and you didn't bring it up anyway) believes that (insert speaker name here) has the inherent right to speak, at a college campus he's not even affiliated with, while the students who ARE affiliated with and in attendance at that college, DO NOT have that right.

That's what he can't answer. And you can't either because IT WASN'T YOUR FUCKING POINT IN THE FIRST PLACE you giant black hole of mental midgetry.

Also pointed out that his link claimed Murray was "forced to flee" yet the video therein showed no such fleeing.

That about cover it, Peewee? Get it now or do I have to draw fucking stick figures?
and he, the guy on the board whose post I read, said if they are invited yes. what didn't you understand with that answer other than being a dick?

YOU actually want to sit on this board and speak for what HE thinks?

Exactly what part of "he's not you" is sailing over your pointed little head here, white knight?
not at all. I didn't do that. I quoted his statement. I used what he wrote in quotes. And he again answered your question.

She was invited by other Students, they have the ability to do so.

again, note the work 'invited', and then 'they have the ability to do so'.

Number one, you illiterate hack, the speaker in the article is a "he" not a "she", and number two you brainless moron, the question WAS NOT ABOUT EITHER A 'HE' OR A 'SHE' BUT ABOUT A THEY.

Now go ye forth and verily LURN TWO REED.
martybegan didn't write any article. you're confused son. he posted an article and then answered your question. you lost? ahhhh that's right, you're a leftturd. of course you are. I should avoid rhetorical questions like that. I'm laughing.
and he should be allowed to speak. preferably w/o senseless emotional protests. but that also goes for people on the right who are invited to speak to groups at campuses also.

i simply don't understand how being respectful of free speech can be a divisive issue. you're either for it or you're not. if you have reasons to keep it "at bay" then i would turn to you to fully explain. don't care which side you'd be representing.

we allow it or it's a lie. period.
Christian conservatives are secure in their beliefs and do not need to shout down opposing views

the lib students are the ones rioting on campus when opposing views are expressed
Some are. Some aren’t.

Texas Muslim Capitol Day marred by anti-Islam protesters

But yeah, students rioting on campus is stupid.
Do you honestly believe this guy is a student at a Christian University?
View attachment 306271

I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
Christian conservatives are secure in their beliefs and do not need to shout down opposing views

the lib students are the ones rioting on campus when opposing views are expressed
Some are. Some aren’t.

Texas Muslim Capitol Day marred by anti-Islam protesters

But yeah, students rioting on campus is stupid.
Do you honestly believe this guy is a student at a Christian University?
View attachment 306271

I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.
Some are. Some aren’t.

Texas Muslim Capitol Day marred by anti-Islam protesters

But yeah, students rioting on campus is stupid.
Do you honestly believe this guy is a student at a Christian University?
View attachment 306271

I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.



trump said "colleges must back free speech or LOSE government funding"

"colleges" = ALL colleges; private AND public

so ANY COLLEGE that receives MY MONEY MUST allow the FREE SPEECH of everyone!
Some are. Some aren’t.

Texas Muslim Capitol Day marred by anti-Islam protesters

But yeah, students rioting on campus is stupid.
Do you honestly believe this guy is a student at a Christian University?
View attachment 306271

I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.

You didn’t read the article.
Do you honestly believe this guy is a student at a Christian University?
View attachment 306271

I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.

You didn’t read the article.
sure I did. Quote the piece you think I missed.
Do you honestly believe this guy is a student at a Christian University?
View attachment 306271

I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.



trump said "colleges must back free speech or LOSE government funding"

"colleges" = ALL colleges; private AND public

so ANY COLLEGE that receives MY MONEY MUST allow the FREE SPEECH of everyone!
public vs private. you should really look into who funds which.
I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.

You didn’t read the article.
sure I did. Quote the piece you think I missed.

It’s more what you’re inventing that isn’t there. Where does it say the executive order only applies to public universities?

anyway, the point I was originally making is that conservative Christians don’t really care about free speech.
I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.



trump said "colleges must back free speech or LOSE government funding"

"colleges" = ALL colleges; private AND public

so ANY COLLEGE that receives MY MONEY MUST allow the FREE SPEECH of everyone!
public vs private. you should really look into who funds which.

Are you under the impression that tax dollars aren’t spent at private universities?
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.

You didn’t read the article.
sure I did. Quote the piece you think I missed.

It’s more what you’re inventing that isn’t there. Where does it say the executive order only applies to public universities?

anyway, the point I was originally making is that conservative Christians don’t really care about free speech.
the part that says federal funding. only certain colleges receive federal funding and grants. can you say public vs private?
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.



trump said "colleges must back free speech or LOSE government funding"

"colleges" = ALL colleges; private AND public

so ANY COLLEGE that receives MY MONEY MUST allow the FREE SPEECH of everyone!
public vs private. you should really look into who funds which.

Are you under the impression that tax dollars aren’t spent at private universities?
exactly. prove they are and I will apologize.
Do you honestly believe this guy is a student at a Christian University?
View attachment 306271

I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.



trump said "colleges must back free speech or LOSE government funding"

"colleges" = ALL colleges; private AND public

so ANY COLLEGE that receives MY MONEY MUST allow the FREE SPEECH of everyone!
As we keep telling you Liberty does not get federal funds
Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.

You didn’t read the article.
sure I did. Quote the piece you think I missed.

It’s more what you’re inventing that isn’t there. Where does it say the executive order only applies to public universities?

anyway, the point I was originally making is that conservative Christians don’t really care about free speech.
the part that says federal funding. only certain colleges receive federal funding and grants. can you say public vs private?

Did you got to college? Do you have any idea how they’re funded?
I never claimed he was. Just pointing out that Christians aren’t always as reserved.

Liberty University is a Christian school, no?
Jerry Falwell, a key Trump ally, falls short of big talk on free speech, critics say

They do quite poorly when it comes to free speech.
The topic was students - liberals and conservatives

You insertion was a demonstration and counter demonstration on public streets

which was a very different thing

Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.



trump said "colleges must back free speech or LOSE government funding"

"colleges" = ALL colleges; private AND public

so ANY COLLEGE that receives MY MONEY MUST allow the FREE SPEECH of everyone!
public vs private. you should really look into who funds which.

show me where he specifies PUBLIC v private, please......

ANY COLLEGE that receives TAX DOLLARS/government funding.....

ANY COLLEGE includes private and religious.
Fair enough. I admit it wasn’t completely the same.

although I provided a link about liberty university demonstrating their aversion to free speech. Generally, Christian conservative schools have far stricter rules regarding expression and behavior than secular schools.
again, public vs private. huge difference.



trump said "colleges must back free speech or LOSE government funding"

"colleges" = ALL colleges; private AND public

so ANY COLLEGE that receives MY MONEY MUST allow the FREE SPEECH of everyone!
public vs private. you should really look into who funds which.

Are you under the impression that tax dollars aren’t spent at private universities?
exactly. prove they are and I will apologize.
Some private liberal colleges may

but the example chosen was Liberty and they dont

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