Trump owns Obamacare

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
Donald Trump got millions of votes by promising to kill Obamacare. He didn't do it, and so, he failed to explain to voters (on purpose) how hard it would be to repeal Obamacare.

The President now must find a way to fix Obamacare, because he is the President and Obama is not. Any bad health care outcomes are Trump's responsibility.
Obamacare can not be fixed, its far too fucked up.
He can start by not calling it Obamacare and call it ACA.

If Trump truly cares about the American people, he'll fix the issues with ACA instead of throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way.

A lot of Americans depend on ACA (including his very own supporters).

I would gain some respect for Trump if he would just admit his mistake of rushing to reappeal ACA and work on making it better.

But he's an egotistical Tyrant who never do that.
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He can start by not calling it Obamacare and call it ACA.

If Trump truly cares about the American people, he'll fix the issues with ACA instead of throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way.

A lot of Americans depend on ACA (including his very own supporters).

I would gain some respect for Trump if he would just admit his mistake of rushing to appeal ACA and work on making it better.

But he's an egotistical Tyrant who never do that.
Obamacare is too fucked up to fix, BTW it only works for progressives you dumbass motherfucker.
The rest of the country can not afford it, do not want it and will never use it.
Keep your socialist bullshit to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it... :fu:
He can start by not calling it Obamacare and call it ACA.

If Trump truly cares about the American people, he'll fix the issues with ACA instead of throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way.

A lot of Americans depend on ACA (including his very own supporters).

I would gain some respect for Trump if he would just admit his mistake of rushing to appeal ACA and work on making it better.

But he's an egotistical Tyrant who never do that.
Obamacare is too fucked up to fix, BTW it only works for progressives you dumbass motherfucker.
The rest of the country can not afford it, do not want it and will never use it.
Keep your socialist bullshit to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it... :fu:

ACA isn't. Its getting fucked up now because Trump's swamp creatures are allowing it to.

ACA isn't a bad healthcare plan but it needs tweaking.
He can start by not calling it Obamacare and call it ACA.

If Trump truly cares about the American people, he'll fix the issues with ACA instead of throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way.

A lot of Americans depend on ACA (including his very own supporters).

I would gain some respect for Trump if he would just admit his mistake of rushing to appeal ACA and work on making it better.

But he's an egotistical Tyrant who never do that.
Obamacare is too fucked up to fix, BTW it only works for progressives you dumbass motherfucker.
The rest of the country can not afford it, do not want it and will never use it.
Keep your socialist bullshit to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it... :fu:

ACA isn't. Its getting fucked up now because Trump's swamp creatures are allowing it to.

ACA isn't a bad healthcare plan but it needs tweaking.
It's not a healthcare plan lol. It's a boondoggle for the insurance companies.
He can start by not calling it Obamacare and call it ACA.

If Trump truly cares about the American people, he'll fix the issues with ACA instead of throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way.

A lot of Americans depend on ACA (including his very own supporters).

I would gain some respect for Trump if he would just admit his mistake of rushing to appeal ACA and work on making it better.

But he's an egotistical Tyrant who never do that.
Obamacare is too fucked up to fix, BTW it only works for progressives you dumbass motherfucker.
The rest of the country can not afford it, do not want it and will never use it.
Keep your socialist bullshit to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it... :fu:

ACA isn't. Its getting fucked up now because Trump's swamp creatures are allowing it to.

ACA isn't a bad healthcare plan but it needs tweaking.
Obamacare would've been fine if was an "opt in" but it was forced on millions that could not afford it, did not want it and will never use it.
It only works for progressives, it is not in the best interest of the rest of the country… Fact
Trump doesn't own it the GOP now does. Trump has a pen, ready & willing.
By your standards Obama owns gitmo.
Trump doesn't know how the government works. He'd sign the ACA if someone put it in front of him, and declare victory about it.
American needs a bull in the china shop like trump... The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country. Fact
Democrats and anti Trump republicans forgot that Trump sliced the obamacare jugular in February. There's no money to keep it going.
He can start by not calling it Obamacare and call it ACA.

If Trump truly cares about the American people, he'll fix the issues with ACA instead of throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way.

A lot of Americans depend on ACA (including his very own supporters).

I would gain some respect for Trump if he would just admit his mistake of rushing to appeal ACA and work on making it better.

But he's an egotistical Tyrant who never do that.
Obamacare is too fucked up to fix, BTW it only works for progressives you dumbass motherfucker.
The rest of the country can not afford it, do not want it and will never use it.
Keep your socialist bullshit to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it... :fu:

ACA isn't. Its getting fucked up now because Trump's swamp creatures are allowing it to.

ACA isn't a bad healthcare plan but it needs tweaking.
Obamacare would've been fine if was an "opt in" but it was forced on millions that could not afford it, did not want it and will never use it.
It only works for progressives, it is not in the best interest of the rest of the country… Fact

I never said ACA was perfect. He could have made changes to it.
He can start by not calling it Obamacare and call it ACA.

If Trump truly cares about the American people, he'll fix the issues with ACA instead of throwing a tantrum because he didn't get his way.

A lot of Americans depend on ACA (including his very own supporters).

I would gain some respect for Trump if he would just admit his mistake of rushing to appeal ACA and work on making it better.

But he's an egotistical Tyrant who never do that.
Obamacare is too fucked up to fix, BTW it only works for progressives you dumbass motherfucker.
The rest of the country can not afford it, do not want it and will never use it.
Keep your socialist bullshit to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it... :fu:

ACA isn't. Its getting fucked up now because Trump's swamp creatures are allowing it to.

ACA isn't a bad healthcare plan but it needs tweaking.
Obamacare would've been fine if was an "opt in" but it was forced on millions that could not afford it, did not want it and will never use it.
It only works for progressives, it is not in the best interest of the rest of the country… Fact

I never said ACA was perfect. He could have made changes to it.
Why force the fucking bullshit on everybody? I rather die than depend on the fucking federal government... lol
Donald Trump got millions of votes by promising to kill Obamacare. He didn't do it, and so, he failed to explain to voters (on purpose) how hard it would be to repeal Obamacare.

The President now must find a way to fix Obamacare, because he is the President and Obama is not. Any bad health care outcomes are Trump's responsibility.
Trump failed? How so, seeing as how the Executive Branch has no part in writing an passing legislation. Trump's responsibility is to sign it into law. As no legislation was passed, he could not do his part.
The President has been hobbled by the hateful Congress. Haven't you noticed?

But he said his ideas were perfect, and he would institute his plans so quickly. Healthcare was so easy to do, and he knew more than the generals so our military problems would be solved very quickly. I wonder why he's waiting so long before he does all the great stuff he promised.
Donald Trump got millions of votes by promising to kill Obamacare. He didn't do it, and so, he failed to explain to voters (on purpose) how hard it would be to repeal Obamacare.

The President now must find a way to fix Obamacare, because he is the President and Obama is not. Any bad health care outcomes are Trump's responsibility.
Trump failed? How so, seeing as how the Executive Branch has no part in writing an passing legislation. Trump's responsibility is to sign it into law. As no legislation was passed, he could not do his part.

Trump ran on repealing Obamacare and he talked about how his plan would be great yet he had no plan. A President can also use the bully pulpit to drum up support. Yet he couldn't do it because a clear majority find Trump untrustworthy. Also when he talked about the plans, he clearly had no clue what was in it. He was too lazy to read the bill and understand what it did. He also was never able to maintain focus. In less than 24 hours, he went from support the Senate bill to repeal and replace later to let it collapse.

Contrast that with Reagan in 1980. Reagan ran on tax cuts and had a plan ready to go. He knew what was in it and could talk to Americans about why it would be great. He had high numbers for being honest and trustworthy. He was also willing to work Congress unceasingly to get it passed.
Donald Trump got millions of votes by promising to kill Obamacare. He didn't do it, and so, he failed to explain to voters (on purpose) how hard it would be to repeal Obamacare.

The President now must find a way to fix Obamacare, because he is the President and Obama is not. Any bad health care outcomes are Trump's responsibility.
Unmitigated bullshit.

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