Trump promises much worse than water boarding...torture?

Actually, the military decorated me. They even gave me a lifetime 60% disability pension and a ten-point veteran's preference. I also got a college education under the G.I. Bill.

The cowards I referred to were people like you.

Tinsel and pretty sparklies...I'm sure.

The rest of it....what a shame to waste a G.I. Bill.

Yes, we can tell you are a real winner.
I certainly don't feel the need to push what an awesome badass warrior I am.....if that's what you are inferring.

My warrior days ended in 1966. You never had any.
Your pants should spontaneous combust any second now.
Now THAT'S torture. :FIREdevil:
What is moral about war? How does one perceive and conduct a moral war? Regardless of how justified one pretends to be morality is thrown out the window in war. Is it moral during a war to hide in hospitals, behind woman and children, to engage in mass killings of innocent noncombatants? Morality in war is like Peace, aspired for, yet never attained within the context of morality. For those that walk the high road, preach morality, have never seen or smelled the horror of war.
Yes. A soldier I can depend on. Not a coward like you that I would also have to watch.
Potential murderers such as yourself are usually weaned out during basic. I've seen a few in the brig before processing. You must have been in during Nam when the Army took anyone and anything.

Actually, we were trained to kill during basic. We weren't going off on Carnival Cruise Lines like you did.
What a cool story, bro. I can see how much you need to push it.

What the hell do you think they trained us to do? Needlepoint?
More binary thinking I see....if it isn't training people to kill others, it's needlepoint.

I figured that's what you had for basic training in the Navy. Perhaps you had Home Economics?
The most effective method of torture would be to lock the person in a cell and force them to listen to Hillary Clinton shrieking and cackling to a group of lesbians.
I read it somewhere
There are all kinds of drugs that can create the sensation of suffocation and other panic inducing sensations

While youve been reading, I was too. I was interested in your comment that waterboarding causes no real harm.

So I googled waterboarding and health issues.

Seems like some damn doctors have determined that the huge release of stress hormones when you think you are drowning can trigger heart attacks. If you consider those serious.

then you have the issues of inhaling dirty water and getting pneumonia. As well as hypoxia and organ failure due to oxygen deprivation.........

But other than those issues and a couple others, it sounded like torturing someone with waterboarding was something we should be doing in the schools as a discipline appproach. (for the worst offenders of course)

I know you will like that idea?
What is moral about war? How does one perceive and conduct a moral war? Regardless of how justified one pretends to be morality is thrown out the window in war. Is it moral during a war to hide in hospitals, behind woman and children, to engage in mass killings of innocent noncombatants? Morality in war is like Peace, aspired for, yet never attained within the context of morality. For those that walk the high road, preach morality, have never seen or smelled the horror of war.

There are no heroes - only survivors.
What is moral about war? How does one perceive and conduct a moral war? Regardless of how justified one pretends to be morality is thrown out the window in war. Is it moral during a war to hide in hospitals, behind woman and children, to engage in mass killings of innocent noncombatants? Morality in war is like Peace, aspired for, yet never attained within the context of morality. For those that walk the high road, preach morality, have never seen or smelled the horror of war.
You're right...let's chuck the morals. Bring out the nukes, boys! Fuck morals.
Potential murderers such as yourself are usually weaned out during basic. I've seen a few in the brig before processing. You must have been in during Nam when the Army took anyone and anything.

Actually, we were trained to kill during basic. We weren't going off on Carnival Cruise Lines like you did.
What a cool story, bro. I can see how much you need to push it.

What the hell do you think they trained us to do? Needlepoint?
More binary thinking I see....if it isn't training people to kill others, it's needlepoint.

I figured that's what you had for basic training in the Navy. Perhaps you had Home Economics?
I wasn't in Basic Training....I was in OCS....Home Ec was for the Army....the guys who would take anything that moved or was rejected from the Navy or Marines.
The most effective method of torture would be to lock the person in a cell and force them to listen to Hillary Clinton shrieking and cackling to a group of lesbians.
Throw in Cruz reading Green Eggs and Ham or Palin talking about anything and you are just BRUTAL, man!
OK GOP evangelicals

Trump has just advocated torture as part of his platform. How can you still support him?
I read it somewhere
There are all kinds of drugs that can create the sensation of suffocation and other panic inducing sensations

While youve been reading, I was too. I was interested in your comment that waterboarding causes no real harm.

So I googled waterboarding and health issues.

Seems like some damn doctors have determined that the huge release of stress hormones when you think you are drowning can trigger heart attacks. If you consider those serious.

then you have the issues of inhaling dirty water and getting pneumonia. As well as hypoxia and organ failure due to oxygen deprivation.........

But other than those issues and a couple others, it sounded like torturing someone with waterboarding was something we should be doing in the schools as a discipline appproach. (for the worst offenders of course)

I know you will like that idea?
Or at the local police station for your standard perp questioning.
Then you don't really have a point. First you say waterboarding them will cause them to torture us, then you acknowledge they will do it even if we DON'T. If you have a problem with waterboarding, fine, but the bogus argument you're presenting doesn't cut it.

You really dont understand this point? WtF?

You want to give our soldiers the best chance they can get to avoid being tortured if captured? Its a chance you are giving them. Not a fucking guarantee.

How come the military has laws against torture? You think they love their enemies. Is that it? NO.

the military brass opposes torture because they want to give their soldiers the best chance they can to survive if captured Does it always work? Fuck no.
Do we punish people we catch who tortured Americans? You could ask them but we killed them.

But nothing works always now does it?
If we torture, there is no chance that our soldiers will not be tortured.

If you aint smart enough to understand that, I dont know what else to tell ya.
What is moral about war? How does one perceive and conduct a moral war? Regardless of how justified one pretends to be morality is thrown out the window in war. Is it moral during a war to hide in hospitals, behind woman and children, to engage in mass killings of innocent noncombatants? Morality in war is like Peace, aspired for, yet never attained within the context of morality. For those that walk the high road, preach morality, have never seen or smelled the horror of war.
You're right...let's chuck the morals. Bring out the nukes, boys! Fuck morals.

A swabbie with morals! I've heard it all now. Elizabeth Honey, I'm ready. I'm coming home.
Do you think they won't torture us because we don't torture them?
Nope. But question for you, is it good to be as immoral as others?
I'd rather be immoral than dead
And there you have it.....You should put it as your Motto. Pass it down...Family Crest and all.

IDGAF about legacy in all honesty it's meaningless

If it comes down to waterboarding some enemy soldier for information that will save the life of someone I care about then fuck yeah waterboard him

I suppose you would let any and all of your loved ones die horrible deaths at the hands of terrorists so you could feel morally superior in refusing to waterboard the guy who could give you the information to save them correct?
What is moral about war? How does one perceive and conduct a moral war? Regardless of how justified one pretends to be morality is thrown out the window in war. Is it moral during a war to hide in hospitals, behind woman and children, to engage in mass killings of innocent noncombatants? Morality in war is like Peace, aspired for, yet never attained within the context of morality. For those that walk the high road, preach morality, have never seen or smelled the horror of war.

Anyone who thinks they can conduct a war and have their morality in tact is magnitudes of order more delusional than most of the idiots on this board

And that's saying something
Trump promises to get the U.S. charged with war crimes as soon as he's POTUS. Get the whole world against us....what a deal!...what a puke!....what a Christian!

The whole world is against us! It won't matter who we elect or what we do. I personally don't give a shit whether or not some puke in Britian hates us. It is a null issue for me.
What is moral about war? How does one perceive and conduct a moral war? Regardless of how justified one pretends to be morality is thrown out the window in war. Is it moral during a war to hide in hospitals, behind woman and children, to engage in mass killings of innocent noncombatants? Morality in war is like Peace, aspired for, yet never attained within the context of morality. For those that walk the high road, preach morality, have never seen or smelled the horror of war.
You're right...let's chuck the morals. Bring out the nukes, boys! Fuck morals.

A swabbie with morals! I've heard it all now. Elizabeth Honey, I'm ready. I'm coming home.
More binary thinking, I see.

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