Trump Proposes Ideological Test for Muslim Immigrants and Visitors


Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.

Say Comrade, during WWII, did FDR increase the percentage of Italian, German, or Japanese immigrants the most?

A better question for simpletons like yourself is: did he decrease them? Why don't you answer both questions lest you look the fool you are.
This country was in a world war in two hemispheres with twelve countries involved including allies when FDR was in office. Are you suggesting things in this country now are comparable?

You are ducking the issue. ISIS is a very real threat regardless of what Germany and Japan did in WW2.
I predict Donald is going to be in a lot more hot water for this one. Did he say anything sensible about fighting ISIS?
How is it not sensible to vet Muslims coming in? He's said it all along, why would he be in hot water? You mean liberal smears? He deals with that ever day.
A lot of his own party are against his stance targeting Muslims. I predict he will be hearing more from them. The smears from the Dems don't count as "hot water."
It is sensible to vet Muslims, which is why we do that already. If he has better ideas how to do it, fine, but a theological test? I dunno. It's too easy to lie, Ice.
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.
speaking of bigotry and hate, look at the muslims in your signature lol
What about them? They raised a hero. What have you done?
Fuck the Muslim brotherhood....their son is rolling over in his grave....

He is indeed, because of @ssholes like you, Mr. Ow.
No, I don't celebrate the fucking Muslim brotherhood like you, you fascist liberal fucktard....
I predict Donald is going to be in a lot more hot water for this one. Did he say anything sensible about fighting ISIS?
How is it not sensible to vet Muslims coming in? He's said it all along, why would he be in hot water? You mean liberal smears? He deals with that ever day.
A lot of his own party are against his stance targeting Muslims. I predict he will be hearing more from them. The smears from the Dems don't count as "hot water."
It is sensible to vet Muslims, which is why we do that already. If he has better ideas how to do it, fine, but a theological test? I dunno. It's too easy to lie, Ice.
Bullshit. We don't have any background intel from Syria. Most do like the idea and damn sure don't like the Dems open border policy on the south or from Islamic hot spots. How many more people need to die before you see the seriousness in the matter?
I predict Donald is going to be in a lot more hot water for this one. Did he say anything sensible about fighting ISIS?
How is it not sensible to vet Muslims coming in? He's said it all along, why would he be in hot water? You mean liberal smears? He deals with that ever day.
A lot of his own party are against his stance targeting Muslims. I predict he will be hearing more from them. The smears from the Dems don't count as "hot water."
It is sensible to vet Muslims, which is why we do that already. If he has better ideas how to do it, fine, but a theological test? I dunno. It's too easy to lie, Ice.
Just the GOP'ers who are a part of you party....we don't like people like you who want to kill gays and stone women....

Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.

Say Comrade, during WWII, did FDR increase the percentage of Italian, German, or Japanese immigrants the most?

A better question for simpletons like yourself is: did he decrease them? Why don't you answer both questions lest you look the fool you are.
This country was in a world war in two hemispheres with twelve countries involved including allies when FDR was in office. Are you suggesting things in this country now are comparable?

You are ducking the issue. ISIS is a very real threat regardless of what Germany and Japan did in WW2.
Did you hear his speech? I haven't yet. No one has told me if Trump offered any sensible solutions for fighting ISIS, not just giving us a false sense of security with another vetting step which can be easily subverted. I WANT THE TERRORISTS BOMBED TO OBLIVION. NOW!!!!! Their oil fields, their roads out of Syria, their so called "territory" they've taken over like roaches swarm a dark cupboard. And I don't want to hear about how when ISIS is running out of town we are letting them go! That was on the news last night. Enough to make you puke. That's what I want to hear plans about: oblivion for these wahabi nutcases who can't live and let live. Fuck worrying about a boogeyman terrorist getting into the US. We'll be alright but only if we put these people under the ground! Then we can worry about changing minds and all that shit.
I predict Donald is going to be in a lot more hot water for this one. Did he say anything sensible about fighting ISIS?
How is it not sensible to vet Muslims coming in? He's said it all along, why would he be in hot water? You mean liberal smears? He deals with that ever day.
A lot of his own party are against his stance targeting Muslims. I predict he will be hearing more from them. The smears from the Dems don't count as "hot water."
It is sensible to vet Muslims, which is why we do that already. If he has better ideas how to do it, fine, but a theological test? I dunno. It's too easy to lie, Ice.
Just the GOP'ers who are a part of you party....we don't like people like you who want to kill gays and stone women....
You are being too ridiculous to bother with.
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.
speaking of bigotry and hate, look at the muslims in your signature lol
What about them? They raised a hero. What have you done?
I raised a hero.

Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.

Say Comrade, during WWII, did FDR increase the percentage of Italian, German, or Japanese immigrants the most?

A better question for simpletons like yourself is: did he decrease them? Why don't you answer both questions lest you look the fool you are.
This country was in a world war in two hemispheres with twelve countries involved including allies when FDR was in office. Are you suggesting things in this country now are comparable?

You are ducking the issue. ISIS is a very real threat regardless of what Germany and Japan did in WW2.
Did you hear his speech? I haven't yet. No one has told me if Trump offered any sensible solutions for fighting ISIS, not just giving us a false sense of security with another vetting step which can be easily subverted. I WANT THE TERRORISTS BOMBED TO OBLIVION. NOW!!!!! Their oil fields, their roads out of Syria, their so called "territory" they've taken over like roaches swarm a dark cupboard. And I don't want to hear about how when ISIS is running out of town we are letting them go! That was on the news last night. Enough to make you puke. That's what I want to hear plans about: oblivion for these wahabi nutcases who can't live and let live. Fuck worrying about a boogeyman terrorist getting into the US. We'll be alright but only if we put these people under the ground! Then we can worry about changing minds and all that shit.
It's in the link in the OP. Best idea I've heard so far.

Trump proposes ideological test for Muslim immigrants and visitors to the U.S.
Donald Trump proposed on Monday a new ideological test for all Muslim immigrants and visitors to this country, allowing entry only to “those who support our values.”

“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump. “Only those we expect to flourish in this country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas.”

The proposal, which the campaign said also draws its precedent from Reagan-era presidential proclamations prohibiting the entry of illegal migrants by sea, was part of a speech that Trump delivered Monday in Ohio outlining his plan to “Combat Radical Islamic Terror.”

The plan also includes previously announced initiatives to temporarily suspend visas from Muslim-majority countries and others with a “history” of exporting terrorists until there are new procedures and it is “safe to resume.”


Trump said his administration will concentrate on “destroying ISIS” and would conduct joint military operations with any country that shares that goal. ISIS, ISIL and Daesh are alternate terms for the Islamic State.

The reference to joint operations is apparently to Russia, which opposes U.S. support for moderate opposition forces trying to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a Russian ally. Trump has said he would join forces with Russia to combat the Islamic State.

The Obama administration has made a similar proposal to Russia, on the condition that the nation restrain Assad from bombing civilians and opposition groups that are party to a cease-fire that both Assad and Moscow signed.

As indicated by the xenophobic hicks that think it's a "good idea" to wipe their asses with the Constitution.

You've never actually seen the Constitution, much less read it, have you? :eek:

You certainly are too lazy to care what it says, Mr. Un:

'Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'
Fail. That doesn't say you can't test for political asylum. He said a test, not blanket denial for all Muslims. Plus it isn't establishing a religion or denying one, we have Muslims here now.

You are a total failure, too lazy to even verify what you are talking about.
These are actual questions take from the current immigration form:

Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.

Say Comrade, during WWII, did FDR increase the percentage of Italian, German, or Japanese immigrants the most?

A better question for simpletons like yourself is: did he decrease them? Why don't you answer both questions lest you look the fool you are.
This country was in a world war in two hemispheres with twelve countries involved including allies when FDR was in office. Are you suggesting things in this country now are comparable?

You are ducking the issue. ISIS is a very real threat regardless of what Germany and Japan did in WW2.

Has ISIS attacked the U.S. as Japan did in December 1941?

As for the test, you simpletons should follow the link to the N-400 PDF I put up, go to page 12 and see questions 10 - 36 which spans into page 13. And then shut your stupid mouths with Mr. Trump's nonsense about a "test".
Ideology is at the core of RELIGION. You stupid right wing people have railed against Obama disobeying the Constitution? Hahahahaa

As indicated by the xenophobic hicks that think it's a "good idea" to wipe their asses with the Constitution.

You've never actually seen the Constitution, much less read it, have you? :eek:

You certainly are too lazy to care what it says, Mr. Un:

'Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'
Fail. That doesn't say you can't test for political asylum. He said a test, not blanket denial for all Muslims. Plus it isn't establishing a religion or denying one, we have Muslims here now.

You are a total failure, too lazy to even verify what you are talking about.
These are actual questions take from the current immigration form:

Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.

Say Comrade, during WWII, did FDR increase the percentage of Italian, German, or Japanese immigrants the most?

A better question for simpletons like yourself is: did he decrease them? Why don't you answer both questions lest you look the fool you are.
This country was in a world war in two hemispheres with twelve countries involved including allies when FDR was in office. Are you suggesting things in this country now are comparable?

You are ducking the issue. ISIS is a very real threat regardless of what Germany and Japan did in WW2.

Has ISIS attacked the U.S. as Japan did in December 1941?

As for the test, you simpletons should follow the link to the N-400 PDF I put up, go to page 12 and see questions 10 - 36 which spans into page 13. And then shut your stupid mouths with Mr. Trump's nonsense about a "test".
The fail is all on you. He is proposing tougher standards and the filling out the forms is not an automatic naturalization. ISIS is attacking all over the goddamn globe, you don't get the news?
A better question for simpletons like yourself is: did he decrease them? Why don't you answer both questions lest you look the fool you are.
This country was in a world war in two hemispheres with twelve countries involved including allies when FDR was in office. Are you suggesting things in this country now are comparable?

So you admit that you're stupid as a dog turd and that admitting people who are actively waging war on you is self-destructive and suicidal? :eek:
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Trump: Do you like the US?
Refugee: Yes
Trump: How much?
Refugee: Lots

Trump: This guys ok

Have them throw in a few questions about the Super Bowl
and who do they like more ...
Yankees or Mets....

If they say Yankees lose them in the system...
Too many of those jerks around here anyways.....

Just kidding....
Well not really....
What an idiotic idea. First of all, it would be unconstitutional. Secondly, couldn't a potential terrorist just lie on the test. How would any answers be verified. Thirdly, this isn't a real thing, just Trump saying stupid shit to excite his authoritarian base.

What I find most despicable and ridiculous is what Trump describes as its purpose:

"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

The very basis of the test is bigotry and hatred.

"“Only those we expect to flourish in this country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas.”"

Tolerant? Of Muslims? Of foreigners? Of those who don't agree with their values, faith, or political perspective?

I don't like Islam. I don't like that it is spreading like wildfire. But I do like the Constitution and the freedom to believe as one chooses.

Small government conservatism or authoritarianism with enforcement through the thought police?

Trump proposes ideological test for Muslim immigrants and visitors to the U.S.

Since the left and right in this country already have two distinct ideologies, which one will the immigrant have to adhere to?

Let me guess....
What an idiotic idea. First of all, it would be unconstitutional. Secondly, couldn't a potential terrorist just lie on the test. How would any answers be verified. Thirdly, this isn't a real thing, just Trump saying stupid shit to excite his authoritarian base.

What I find most despicable and ridiculous is what Trump describes as its purpose:

"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

The very basis of the test is bigotry and hatred.

"“Only those we expect to flourish in this country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas.”"

Tolerant? Of Muslims? Of foreigners? Of those who don't agree with their values, faith, or political perspective?

I don't like Islam. I don't like that it is spreading like wildfire. But I do like the Constitution and the freedom to believe as one chooses.

Small government conservatism or authoritarianism with enforcement through the thought police?

Trump proposes ideological test for Muslim immigrants and visitors to the U.S.

Donald John Trump is selling the worst kind of bullshit possible and what is amazing is so many idiots are buying it while not understanding most of what he is selling will never happen!

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