Trump Proposes Ideological Test for Muslim Immigrants and Visitors

I predict Donald is going to be in a lot more hot water for this one. Did he say anything sensible about fighting ISIS?
How is it not sensible to vet Muslims coming in? He's said it all along, why would he be in hot water? You mean liberal smears? He deals with that ever day.
A lot of his own party are against his stance targeting Muslims. I predict he will be hearing more from them. The smears from the Dems don't count as "hot water."
It is sensible to vet Muslims, which is why we do that already. If he has better ideas how to do it, fine, but a theological test? I dunno. It's too easy to lie, Ice.
How do you know how many?

As indicated by the xenophobic hicks that think it's a "good idea" to wipe their asses with the Constitution.

You've never actually seen the Constitution, much less read it, have you? :eek:

You certainly are too lazy to care what it says, Mr. Un:

'Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'
Fail. That doesn't say you can't test for political asylum. He said a test, not blanket denial for all Muslims. Plus it isn't establishing a religion or denying one, we have Muslims here now.

You are a total failure, too lazy to even verify what you are talking about.
These are actual questions take from the current immigration form:

Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.

Say Comrade, during WWII, did FDR increase the percentage of Italian, German, or Japanese immigrants the most?

A better question for simpletons like yourself is: did he decrease them? Why don't you answer both questions lest you look the fool you are.
This country was in a world war in two hemispheres with twelve countries involved including allies when FDR was in office. Are you suggesting things in this country now are comparable?

You are ducking the issue. ISIS is a very real threat regardless of what Germany and Japan did in WW2.

Has ISIS attacked the U.S. as Japan did in December 1941?

As for the test, you simpletons should follow the link to the N-400 PDF I put up, go to page 12 and see questions 10 - 36 which spans into page 13. And then shut your stupid mouths with Mr. Trump's nonsense about a "test".
Al Qaeda in 2001 what's the difference?
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Trump: Do you like the US?
Refugee: Yes
Trump: How much?
Refugee: Lots

Trump: This guys ok

Have them throw in a few questions about the Super Bowl
and who do they like more ...
Yankees or Mets....

If they say Yankees lose them in the system...
Too many of those jerks around here anyways.....

Just kidding....
Well not really....
How about name rank and serial number?

As indicated by the xenophobic hicks that think it's a "good idea" to wipe their asses with the Constitution.

You've never actually seen the Constitution, much less read it, have you? :eek:

Every job I've had since I turned 18 required I swear an oath to uphold it. You?
Why do so many of you think bragging about your military background gives you some kind of special insight into politics?

Bill didn't serve
Obama didn't serve
Hillary only served on the Bosnian tarmac

Yet they get your full respect. Any righties question it and you all react with your military history as if that is supposed to mean something in a political debate. Then back to praising the left who didn't serve.

You're so shallow it's laughable

I've held three jobs since I turned 18. Swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution for all three. You guessed one, bully for you.
I didn't guess. You've thrown that fact around as if it makes you better than everyone else. You & that other liberal Dyke both do it.

You're both an embarrassment to the uniform you wore because of it.

What makes me an "embarrassment"? Did you serve?
You've never actually seen the Constitution, much less read it, have you? :eek:

Every job I've had since I turned 18 required I swear an oath to uphold it. You?
Why do so many of you think bragging about your military background gives you some kind of special insight into politics?

Bill didn't serve
Obama didn't serve
Hillary only served on the Bosnian tarmac

Yet they get your full respect. Any righties question it and you all react with your military history as if that is supposed to mean something in a political debate. Then back to praising the left who didn't serve.

You're so shallow it's laughable

I've held three jobs since I turned 18. Swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution for all three. You guessed one, bully for you.
I didn't guess. You've thrown that fact around as if it makes you better than everyone else. You & that other liberal Dyke both do it.

You're both an embarrassment to the uniform you wore because of it.

What makes me an "embarrassment"? Did you serve?
I rest my case.

Liberal & stupid
What an idiotic idea. First of all, it would be unconstitutional. Secondly, couldn't a potential terrorist just lie on the test. How would any answers be verified. Thirdly, this isn't a real thing, just Trump saying stupid shit to excite his authoritarian base.

What I find most despicable and ridiculous is what Trump describes as its purpose:

"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

The very basis of the test is bigotry and hatred.

"“Only those we expect to flourish in this country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas.”"

Tolerant? Of Muslims? Of foreigners? Of those who don't agree with their values, faith, or political perspective?

I don't like Islam. I don't like that it is spreading like wildfire. But I do like the Constitution and the freedom to believe as one chooses.

Small government conservatism or authoritarianism with enforcement through the thought police?

Trump proposes ideological test for Muslim immigrants and visitors to the U.S.
Keep in mind I'm a liberal and even I can see how and why you are wrong. I know lots of muslims in America who are angry. You know the guys I'm talking about. And don't tell me there isn't a psychological test that can be given that identifies terrorist sympathizers.

And what we do is spy on them for years after we let them in. And a lie detector is part of the entrance exam.

I know too many Arab Americans who just don't respect America. They like the comforts economy safety security but they always side with the Arab world. Why do we bring them in? We don't get to decide who comes in and who doesn't?
You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
I predict Donald is going to be in a lot more hot water for this one. Did he say anything sensible about fighting ISIS?
How is it not sensible to vet Muslims coming in? He's said it all along, why would he be in hot water? You mean liberal smears? He deals with that ever day.
A lot of his own party are against his stance targeting Muslims. I predict he will be hearing more from them. The smears from the Dems don't count as "hot water."
It is sensible to vet Muslims, which is why we do that already. If he has better ideas how to do it, fine, but a theological test? I dunno. It's too easy to lie, Ice.
How do you know how many?
How many WHAT?
You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
LOL, you are deranged. Your hatred for the right has pushed you into insanity.

First off, communism was a real threat. McCarthy didn't just make it up. They were actively infiltrating government and anything they could propagandize. And that included movies. That's not to say abuses didn't happen but to dismiss it all as unwarranted is wrong too.

Socialists have taken over academia and news media to the point it's no longer a bad word. Bernie did very well on a socialist ticket. It wasn't based in reality but the point is they have been effective.

But that's not what Trump is advocating. He wants to keep people from blowing you up for living in a western free loving society. We didn't willy nilly let soviets move here during the cold war so it's a lie to suggest it hasn't/can't/shouldn't be done. Some way to determining potential danger is worth some kind of effort. If you have a better idea post it up!
Every job I've had since I turned 18 required I swear an oath to uphold it. You?
Why do so many of you think bragging about your military background gives you some kind of special insight into politics?

Bill didn't serve
Obama didn't serve
Hillary only served on the Bosnian tarmac

Yet they get your full respect. Any righties question it and you all react with your military history as if that is supposed to mean something in a political debate. Then back to praising the left who didn't serve.

You're so shallow it's laughable

I've held three jobs since I turned 18. Swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution for all three. You guessed one, bully for you.
I didn't guess. You've thrown that fact around as if it makes you better than everyone else. You & that other liberal Dyke both do it.

You're both an embarrassment to the uniform you wore because of it.

What makes me an "embarrassment"? Did you serve?
I rest my case.

Liberal & stupid

You never had a case to rest. You haven't said a thing of consequence.

You also didn't answer my question. Describe how I'm an "embarrassment" to the uniform I wore. What uniform did you wear?

Why do so many of you think bragging about your military background gives you some kind of special insight into politics?

Bill didn't serve
Obama didn't serve
Hillary only served on the Bosnian tarmac

Yet they get your full respect. Any righties question it and you all react with your military history as if that is supposed to mean something in a political debate. Then back to praising the left who didn't serve.

You're so shallow it's laughable

I've held three jobs since I turned 18. Swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution for all three. You guessed one, bully for you.
I didn't guess. You've thrown that fact around as if it makes you better than everyone else. You & that other liberal Dyke both do it.

You're both an embarrassment to the uniform you wore because of it.

What makes me an "embarrassment"? Did you serve?
I rest my case.

Liberal & stupid

You never had a case to rest. You haven't said a thing of consequence.

You also didn't answer my question. Describe how I'm an "embarrassment" to the uniform I wore. What uniform did you wear?

Posting skills?
1. Have you ever been a terrorist or affiliated with a terrorist organization?
*Libs: 'It's not 'PC' to ask that question. Freedom of Expression!'

2. Are you an Islamic Extremist?
* Libs: 'You can't ask that - we don't use those words!'

3. Do you have the urge to kill Americans?
* Libs: 'It's called 'Road Rage' - everyone feels that way.'

4. Do you want to burn the American flag?
* Libs: 'Who doesn't - we set OURSELVES on fire while TRYING to burn the American flag WHILE throwing urine at each other'. (Yeah, they're one step away from being a registeted Democrat... :p)

You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
LOL, you are deranged. Your hatred for the right has pushed you into insanity.

First off, communism was a real threat. McCarthy didn't just make it up. They were actively infiltrating government and anything they could propagandize. And that included movies. That's not to say abuses didn't happen but to dismiss it all as unwarranted is wrong too.

Socialists have taken over academia and news media to the point it's no longer a bad word. Bernie did very well on a socialist ticket. It wasn't based in reality but the point is they have been effective.

But that's not what Trump is advocating. He wants to keep people from blowing you up for living in a western free loving society. We didn't willy nilly let soviets move here during the cold war so it's a lie to suggest it hasn't/can't/shouldn't be done. Some way to determining potential danger is worth some kind of effort. If you have a better idea post it up!
What we're already doing is fine.
Someone mentioned a lie detector test; that would be okay during the interview process for immigrants/refugees if that is what you want. All the rest of this "extreme vetting" stuff is going to be ineffective, just fostering an atmosphere of mistrust and hate that will take off like a runaway horse and end up hurting innocent people, including many Americans.
Not a single refugee has hurt us here. Look to enforcing visitor Visas and by all means check their social media during the background checks, but starting another government sponsored witch hunt against a major world religion with over a billion adherents? NO.
What an idiotic idea. First of all, it would be unconstitutional. Secondly, couldn't a potential terrorist just lie on the test. How would any answers be verified. Thirdly, this isn't a real thing, just Trump saying stupid shit to excite his authoritarian base.

What I find most despicable and ridiculous is what Trump describes as its purpose:

"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

The very basis of the test is bigotry and hatred.

"“Only those we expect to flourish in this country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas.”"

Tolerant? Of Muslims? Of foreigners? Of those who don't agree with their values, faith, or political perspective?

I don't like Islam. I don't like that it is spreading like wildfire. But I do like the Constitution and the freedom to believe as one chooses.

Small government conservatism or authoritarianism with enforcement through the thought police?

Trump proposes ideological test for Muslim immigrants and visitors to the U.S.

--LOL unconstitutional --LOL afraid not

it is a brilliant plan and one that outflanks the leftists

asking them about their beliefs in western values

like womens rights

gay rights

and religious freedom
What we're already doing is fine
Refusing to enforce existing laws is not fine.

Ignoring Terrorist Experts who have pointed out that terrorists are infiltrating the refugees coming here - especially after 30 who have come here have already been picked up for beginning planning terrorist attacks - is not fine.

Giving a terrorist a visa - while mocking Americans for their concern over our national security and their safety - only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack in Ca is NOT 'fine'.
You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
LOL, you are deranged. Your hatred for the right has pushed you into insanity.

First off, communism was a real threat. McCarthy didn't just make it up. They were actively infiltrating government and anything they could propagandize. And that included movies. That's not to say abuses didn't happen but to dismiss it all as unwarranted is wrong too.

Socialists have taken over academia and news media to the point it's no longer a bad word. Bernie did very well on a socialist ticket. It wasn't based in reality but the point is they have been effective.

But that's not what Trump is advocating. He wants to keep people from blowing you up for living in a western free loving society. We didn't willy nilly let soviets move here during the cold war so it's a lie to suggest it hasn't/can't/shouldn't be done. Some way to determining potential danger is worth some kind of effort. If you have a better idea post it up!
What we're already doing is fine.
Someone mentioned a lie detector test; that would be okay during the interview process for immigrants/refugees if that is what you want. All the rest of this "extreme vetting" stuff is going to be ineffective, just fostering an atmosphere of mistrust and hate that will take off like a runaway horse and end up hurting innocent people, including many Americans.
Not a single refugee has hurt us here. Look to enforcing visitor Visas and by all means check their social media during the background checks, but starting another government sponsored witch hunt against a major world religion with over a billion adherents? NO.
No, it isn't fine. It isn't fine in Europe either and we already have had Islamofascist problems. 9/11 wasn't fine. The Boston bombing wasn't fine. The California massacre wasn't fine, etc. And many have been stopped, thank God. Check their social media? You think everyone lives like you?
What we're already doing is fine
Refusing to enforce existing laws is not fine.

Ignoring Terrorist Experts who have pointed out that terrorists are infiltrating the refugees coming here - especially after 30 who have come here have already been picked up for beginning planning terrorist attacks - is not fine.

Giving a terrorist a visa - while mocking Americans for their concern over our national security and their safety - only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack in Ca is NOT 'fine'.
I had not heard that those picked up for planning an attack were refugees. You got a link on that?
I repeat, Look to doing a better job on visitor visas. Remember her husband was born here.
I don't know what you're talking about with "enforce existing laws," in relation to the concerns over terrorists infiltrating our country via the refugee program.
You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
LOL, you are deranged. Your hatred for the right has pushed you into insanity.

First off, communism was a real threat. McCarthy didn't just make it up. They were actively infiltrating government and anything they could propagandize. And that included movies. That's not to say abuses didn't happen but to dismiss it all as unwarranted is wrong too.

Socialists have taken over academia and news media to the point it's no longer a bad word. Bernie did very well on a socialist ticket. It wasn't based in reality but the point is they have been effective.

But that's not what Trump is advocating. He wants to keep people from blowing you up for living in a western free loving society. We didn't willy nilly let soviets move here during the cold war so it's a lie to suggest it hasn't/can't/shouldn't be done. Some way to determining potential danger is worth some kind of effort. If you have a better idea post it up!
What we're already doing is fine.
Someone mentioned a lie detector test; that would be okay during the interview process for immigrants/refugees if that is what you want. All the rest of this "extreme vetting" stuff is going to be ineffective, just fostering an atmosphere of mistrust and hate that will take off like a runaway horse and end up hurting innocent people, including many Americans.
Not a single refugee has hurt us here. Look to enforcing visitor Visas and by all means check their social media during the background checks, but starting another government sponsored witch hunt against a major world religion with over a billion adherents? NO.
No, it isn't fine. It isn't fine in Europe either and we already have had Islamofascist problems. 9/11 wasn't fine. The Boston bombing wasn't fine. The California massacre wasn't fine, etc. And many have been stopped, thank God. Check their social media? You think everyone lives like you?
I heard the San Bernardino wife had social media information that would have identified her as a terrorist but the immigration people aren't allowed to check their social media. Yes, they use social media, Ice. I don't, except this board. Stop poking me in the eye with your uneducated ad homs, lest you be called a pissant.
You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
LOL, you are deranged. Your hatred for the right has pushed you into insanity.

First off, communism was a real threat. McCarthy didn't just make it up. They were actively infiltrating government and anything they could propagandize. And that included movies. That's not to say abuses didn't happen but to dismiss it all as unwarranted is wrong too.

Socialists have taken over academia and news media to the point it's no longer a bad word. Bernie did very well on a socialist ticket. It wasn't based in reality but the point is they have been effective.

But that's not what Trump is advocating. He wants to keep people from blowing you up for living in a western free loving society. We didn't willy nilly let soviets move here during the cold war so it's a lie to suggest it hasn't/can't/shouldn't be done. Some way to determining potential danger is worth some kind of effort. If you have a better idea post it up!
What we're already doing is fine.
Someone mentioned a lie detector test; that would be okay during the interview process for immigrants/refugees if that is what you want. All the rest of this "extreme vetting" stuff is going to be ineffective, just fostering an atmosphere of mistrust and hate that will take off like a runaway horse and end up hurting innocent people, including many Americans.
Not a single refugee has hurt us here. Look to enforcing visitor Visas and by all means check their social media during the background checks, but starting another government sponsored witch hunt against a major world religion with over a billion adherents? NO.
No, it isn't fine. It isn't fine in Europe either and we already have had Islamofascist problems. 9/11 wasn't fine. The Boston bombing wasn't fine. The California massacre wasn't fine, etc. And many have been stopped, thank God. Check their social media? You think everyone lives like you?
I heard the San Bernardino wife had social media information that would have identified her as a terrorist but the immigration people aren't allowed to check their social media. Yes, they use social media, Ice. I don't, except this board. Stop poking me in the eye with your uneducated ad homs, lest you be called a pissant.
I don't give a shit what you call me, why should I? Just because she could have been found out doesn't mean they all can. What social media trail did the 9/11 hijackers leave? Or the Boston bombers?

Pointing out problems with your beliefs are ad hominems to you? LOL

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