Trump Proposes Ideological Test for Muslim Immigrants and Visitors

you think he would be ok with a couple gays getting married in his mosque?

We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
So do black evangelicals.

In terms of actual votes the Democrat party is actually much more anti-gay, but black Christians see homosexuality as a white thing, and Muslims use gays to destroy the Christian fabric of the west.

Finding a practicing Muslim that supports gay marriage is more rare than a unicorn.
In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
Not even close.

Muslims in America support theocratic rule much more than Evangelicals, and that comes with harsh penalties against gays.
I'll take a moderate Muslim over an evangelical "Christian" any day. Evangelicals are the ones writing their beliefs into law, not Muslims.
Moderate Muslims who are not apostates are every bit as extreme as the Puritans were.
Because that would fit in to his rhetoric. lol
Sorry if I don't have much faith in islam that was built on fear, bigotry and hate.
Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
So do black evangelicals.

In terms of actual votes the Democrat party is actually much more anti-gay, but black Christians see homosexuality as a white thing, and Muslims use gays to destroy the Christian fabric of the west.

Finding a practicing Muslim that supports gay marriage is more rare than a unicorn.
In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
Not even close.

Muslims in America support theocratic rule much more than Evangelicals, and that comes with harsh penalties against gays.
I'll take a moderate Muslim over an evangelical "Christian" any day. Evangelicals are the ones writing their beliefs into law, not Muslims.
Moderate Muslims who are not apostates are every bit as extreme as the Puritans were.
Dumbass, if they are as extreme as the Puritans, then they are not moderate Muslims.
Because that would fit in to his rhetoric. lol
Sorry if I don't have much faith in islam that was built on fear, bigotry and hate.
Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
Once whites and Christians become a powerless minority there will be nothing to scapegoat anymore and the Democratic Party will Balkanize to oblivion.
Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
Once whites and Christians become a powerless minority there will be nothing to scapegoat anymore and the Democratic Party will Balkanize to oblivion.
^ dumbest, most ignorant comment I've ever read
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.
What an idiotic idea. First of all, it would be unconstitutional. Secondly, couldn't a potential terrorist just lie on the test. How would any answers be verified. Thirdly, this isn't a real thing, just Trump saying stupid shit to excite his authoritarian base.

What I find most despicable and ridiculous is what Trump describes as its purpose:

"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

The very basis of the test is bigotry and hatred.

"“Only those we expect to flourish in this country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas.”"

Tolerant? Of Muslims? Of foreigners? Of those who don't agree with their values, faith, or political perspective?

I don't like Islam. I don't like that it is spreading like wildfire. But I do like the Constitution and the freedom to believe as one chooses.

Small government conservatism or authoritarianism with enforcement through the thought police?

Trump proposes ideological test for Muslim immigrants and visitors to the U.S.

Agreed. Best thing to do is make all those people from places that want Americans dead wait in line and go through the immigration process like people from every country except Mexico have to, or just flat out not let them in. Way to much unskilled labor and welfare cases (Democrat voting base) already. Let the educated folks in instead.
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.

People said W got reelected by scaring the shit out of everyone, but he seems sunny and optimistic compared to Trump. LOL
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.

Not really he didn't. He was just talking about wet backs and Muslems who want us dead.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.

Not really he didn't. He was just talking about wet backs and Muslems who want us dead.
Yes and he's frightened you little snowflakes into thinking they ALL want you dead.

I bet Trump's campaign would be over in an instant if someone mailed a binky and a baby blanket to every Drumpfer tomorrow.
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.
There are other things, man. Your fucking parties nominee said our worst threat was republicans. Globalist warming trump will eat your babies GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK
So do black evangelicals.

In terms of actual votes the Democrat party is actually much more anti-gay, but black Christians see homosexuality as a white thing, and Muslims use gays to destroy the Christian fabric of the west.

Finding a practicing Muslim that supports gay marriage is more rare than a unicorn.
In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
Not even close.

Muslims in America support theocratic rule much more than Evangelicals, and that comes with harsh penalties against gays.
I'll take a moderate Muslim over an evangelical "Christian" any day. Evangelicals are the ones writing their beliefs into law, not Muslims.
Moderate Muslims who are not apostates are every bit as extreme as the Puritans were.
Dumbass, if they are as extreme as the Puritans, then they are not moderate Muslims.
Muslims are not actually that moderate, dipshit.
Not even close.

Muslims in America support theocratic rule much more than Evangelicals, and that comes with harsh penalties against gays.
I'll take a moderate Muslim over an evangelical "Christian" any day. Evangelicals are the ones writing their beliefs into law, not Muslims.
Moderate Muslims who are not apostates are every bit as extreme as the Puritans were.
Dumbass, if they are as extreme as the Puritans, then they are not moderate Muslims.
Muslims are not actually that moderate, dipshit.
Maybe if you knew any Muslims, that opinion of yours would have some amount of credibility.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.
There are other things, man. Your fucking parties nominee said our worst threat was republicans. Globalist warming trump will eat your babies GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK
She never said our worst threat was republicans. That kind of sweeping generalization is typically reserved for conservatives.
I've held three jobs since I turned 18. Swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution for all three. You guessed one, bully for you.

So you've never held a private sector job in your life. You've never made anything that others are willing to pay for. A lifetime sucking on the government teet. :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.
There are other things, man. Your fucking parties nominee said our worst threat was republicans. Globalist warming trump will eat your babies GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK
She never said our worst threat was republicans. That kind of sweeping generalization is typically reserved for conservatives.
you never know when to shut up when you are in hack mode..

I'll take a moderate Muslim over an evangelical "Christian" any day. Evangelicals are the ones writing their beliefs into law, not Muslims.

You'd take a radical Muslim over any Christian. You Leftists are close allies with Radical Islam. You have a common enemy that you want to defeat, America.

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