Trump Proposes Ideological Test for Muslim Immigrants and Visitors


I'll take a moderate Muslim over an evangelical "Christian" any day. Evangelicals are the ones writing their beliefs into law, not Muslims.

You'd take a radical Muslim over any Christian. You Leftists are close allies with Radical Islam. You have a common enemy that you want to defeat, America.

And the irony is they defend a religion that murders gays and treats women as chattel.
And the irony is they defend a religion that murders gays and treats women as chattel.

It's only an contradiction until you understand that real goal of the left.

OldSchool said it himself, there is NOTHING that the left hates more than Christians, and nothing that the democrats won't do to destroy them. I'm agnostic and I see it clearly. democrats view Christians worse than Nazis viewed Jews in 1928. I realize that this is predicated on the need to finish the destruction of American culture so that the resistant few who cling to liberty are no longer an impediment to the totalitarian system the democrats promote. Muslims aid the democrats in their war to end American culture, the culture of individualism and freedom. Once the nation is ruled from a central despot as those like OldSchool desire, then they will turn on the Muslims.
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.
There are other things, man. Your fucking parties nominee said our worst threat was republicans. Globalist warming trump will eat your babies GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK
She never said our worst threat was republicans. That kind of sweeping generalization is typically reserved for conservatives.
you never know when to shut up when you are in hack mode..
It's hard to shut up when a bunch of Trumpers are spewing their tea party crap
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.
There are other things, man. Your fucking parties nominee said our worst threat was republicans. Globalist warming trump will eat your babies GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK
She never said our worst threat was republicans. That kind of sweeping generalization is typically reserved for conservatives.
you never know when to shut up when you are in hack mode..
It's hard to shut up when a bunch of Trumpers are spewing their tea party crap
lol see?
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
Once whites and Christians become a powerless minority there will be nothing to scapegoat anymore and the Democratic Party will Balkanize to oblivion.
^ dumbest, most ignorant comment I've ever read
You are just too stupid to make any meaningful predictions without your favorite propaganda organ telling you what is going to happen.

Before long there will be a full blown socialist party, an immigrant party(like European countries will soon have)and a black Reparations based party.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
Once whites and Christians become a powerless minority there will be nothing to scapegoat anymore and the Democratic Party will Balkanize to oblivion.
^ dumbest, most ignorant comment I've ever read
You are just too stupid to make any meaningful predictions without your favorite propaganda organ telling you what is going to happen.

Before long there will be a full blown socialist party, an immigrant party(like European countries will soon have)and a black Reparations based party.
Trying to outdo yourself I see
Not even close.

Muslims in America support theocratic rule much more than Evangelicals, and that comes with harsh penalties against gays.
I'll take a moderate Muslim over an evangelical "Christian" any day. Evangelicals are the ones writing their beliefs into law, not Muslims.
Moderate Muslims who are not apostates are every bit as extreme as the Puritans were.
Dumbass, if they are as extreme as the Puritans, then they are not moderate Muslims.
Muslims are not actually that moderate, dipshit.
Maybe if you knew any Muslims, that opinion of yours would have some amount of credibility.
Maybe if you read the Quran, you would understand that there is nothing "moderate" about Islam.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.

People said W got reelected by scaring the shit out of everyone, but he seems sunny and optimistic compared to Trump. LOL
You mean as opposed to:

Moderate Muslims who are not apostates are every bit as extreme as the Puritans were.

A "moderate" Muslim is by definition an apostate.
I am talking about practicing Muslims who might feel guilty if their family member killed a homosexual.

I am not talking about the Republican voting secularists who still refer to themselves as Muslims.
I'll take a moderate Muslim over an evangelical "Christian" any day. Evangelicals are the ones writing their beliefs into law, not Muslims.
Moderate Muslims who are not apostates are every bit as extreme as the Puritans were.
Dumbass, if they are as extreme as the Puritans, then they are not moderate Muslims.
Muslims are not actually that moderate, dipshit.
Maybe if you knew any Muslims, that opinion of yours would have some amount of credibility.
Maybe if you read the Quran, you would understand that there is nothing "moderate" about Islam.

So you've read it?

Reading the bible leaves the impression there are no "moderate" Christians or Jews either.

Both the Quran and the bible say equally horrible and equally beautiful things.
So you've read it?

Reading the bible leaves the impression there are no "moderate" Christians or Jews either.

Only if you're really stupid.

But you're just lying. You've never read the Bible and rely on shit from the hate sites that do your thinking for you.

Both the Quran and the bible say equally horrible and equally beautiful things.


You've read neither of them, i've read both.

You neither know nor care that the Christian religion is based on the New Testament, but that has no resemblance to the Koran.
Moderate Muslims who are not apostates are every bit as extreme as the Puritans were.
Dumbass, if they are as extreme as the Puritans, then they are not moderate Muslims.
Muslims are not actually that moderate, dipshit.
Maybe if you knew any Muslims, that opinion of yours would have some amount of credibility.
Maybe if you read the Quran, you would understand that there is nothing "moderate" about Islam.

So you've read it?

Reading the bible leaves the impression there are no "moderate" Christians or Jews either.

Both the Quran and the bible say equally horrible and equally beautiful things.
The Koran doesn't have a NT. Christians follow the NT of the Bible, so all the hard line laws are tossed out. That's why they don't throw gays off on rooftops at the church picnic.
Moderate Muslims who are not apostates are every bit as extreme as the Puritans were.
Dumbass, if they are as extreme as the Puritans, then they are not moderate Muslims.
Muslims are not actually that moderate, dipshit.
Maybe if you knew any Muslims, that opinion of yours would have some amount of credibility.
Maybe if you read the Quran, you would understand that there is nothing "moderate" about Islam.

So you've read it?

Reading the bible leaves the impression there are no "moderate" Christians or Jews either.

Both the Quran and the bible say equally horrible and equally beautiful things.
Christians don't reference the Old Testament in any way other than from a historical context.

There is no New Testament in the Quran.
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.

People said W got reelected by scaring the shit out of everyone, but he seems sunny and optimistic compared to Trump. LOL
You mean as opposed to:


OMG!!!!!!!!! :eek:
You mean the ones you gain using bigotry hate and fear?
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.

Not really he didn't. He was just talking about wet backs and Muslems who want us dead.
Yes and he's frightened you little snowflakes into thinking they ALL want you dead.

I bet Trump's campaign would be over in an instant if someone mailed a binky and a baby blanket to every Drumpfer tomorrow.

Typical myopic liberal view. By your reply I can tell you are fat and sassy on your food stamps, or you are employed and live under the illusion that your job is safe and your neighborhood will stay nice. Lets see how you do when the Mexicans trash up your neighborhood and raise your crime rates. Not so much the haji's that have trump doing well, but the wet backs.
Believe whatever you want. As long as you keep being wrong, Democrats will gladly accept the votes of the groups you demonize :thup:
im not wrong. Democrats use fear bigotry and hate just like the right. You think the duopoly can get votes by telling the truth? Good gawd man.
Trump is where he is today because he convinced his base that every group of people that is not their own is evil and coming to kill them and steal their way of life. That's what his entire campaign is built on. You can't say that about the Democrats.

Not really he didn't. He was just talking about wet backs and Muslems who want us dead.
Yes and he's frightened you little snowflakes into thinking they ALL want you dead.

I bet Trump's campaign would be over in an instant if someone mailed a binky and a baby blanket to every Drumpfer tomorrow.

Typical myopic liberal view. By your reply I can tell you are fat and sassy on your food stamps, or you are employed and live under the illusion that your job is safe and your neighborhood will stay nice. Lets see how you do when the Mexicans trash up your neighborhood and raise your crime rates. Not so much the haji's that have trump doing well, but the wet backs.
Great message. Keep it up. And make sure people know you're supporting Trump. :thup:

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