Trump Proposes Ideological Test for Muslim Immigrants and Visitors

You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
I thought it most revealing to learn Trump's most trusted mentor, long time lawyer and friend was Roy Cohn.

Yes. *that* Roy Cohn.
You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
I thought it most revealing to learn Trump's most trusted mentor, long time lawyer and friend was Roy Cohn.

Yes. *that* Roy Cohn.
...but it doesn't matter Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quoted Socialist Saul Alynski, was mentored by racist hate-spewing Anti-American Jeremiah Wright, was best buds with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers...

...or that Hillary is connected to pay-to-play ex-con convicted money launderers and elitist globalist billionaire Nazi donors / controllers...
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
LOL, you are deranged. Your hatred for the right has pushed you into insanity.

First off, communism was a real threat. McCarthy didn't just make it up. They were actively infiltrating government and anything they could propagandize. And that included movies. That's not to say abuses didn't happen but to dismiss it all as unwarranted is wrong too.

Socialists have taken over academia and news media to the point it's no longer a bad word. Bernie did very well on a socialist ticket. It wasn't based in reality but the point is they have been effective.

But that's not what Trump is advocating. He wants to keep people from blowing you up for living in a western free loving society. We didn't willy nilly let soviets move here during the cold war so it's a lie to suggest it hasn't/can't/shouldn't be done. Some way to determining potential danger is worth some kind of effort. If you have a better idea post it up!
What we're already doing is fine.
Someone mentioned a lie detector test; that would be okay during the interview process for immigrants/refugees if that is what you want. All the rest of this "extreme vetting" stuff is going to be ineffective, just fostering an atmosphere of mistrust and hate that will take off like a runaway horse and end up hurting innocent people, including many Americans.
Not a single refugee has hurt us here. Look to enforcing visitor Visas and by all means check their social media during the background checks, but starting another government sponsored witch hunt against a major world religion with over a billion adherents? NO.
No, it isn't fine. It isn't fine in Europe either and we already have had Islamofascist problems. 9/11 wasn't fine. The Boston bombing wasn't fine. The California massacre wasn't fine, etc. And many have been stopped, thank God. Check their social media? You think everyone lives like you?
I heard the San Bernardino wife had social media information that would have identified her as a terrorist but the immigration people aren't allowed to check their social media. Yes, they use social media, Ice. I don't, except this board. Stop poking me in the eye with your uneducated ad homs, lest you be called a pissant.
I don't give a shit what you call me, why should I? Just because she could have been found out doesn't mean they all can. What social media trail did the 9/11 hijackers leave? Or the Boston bombers?

Pointing out problems with your beliefs are ad hominems to you? LOL
I'm done with you, you ignorant pain in the ass.
You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
I thought it most revealing to learn Trump's most trusted mentor, long time lawyer and friend was Roy Cohn.

Yes. *that* Roy Cohn.
No idea who he is?
LOL, you are deranged. Your hatred for the right has pushed you into insanity.

First off, communism was a real threat. McCarthy didn't just make it up. They were actively infiltrating government and anything they could propagandize. And that included movies. That's not to say abuses didn't happen but to dismiss it all as unwarranted is wrong too.

Socialists have taken over academia and news media to the point it's no longer a bad word. Bernie did very well on a socialist ticket. It wasn't based in reality but the point is they have been effective.

But that's not what Trump is advocating. He wants to keep people from blowing you up for living in a western free loving society. We didn't willy nilly let soviets move here during the cold war so it's a lie to suggest it hasn't/can't/shouldn't be done. Some way to determining potential danger is worth some kind of effort. If you have a better idea post it up!
What we're already doing is fine.
Someone mentioned a lie detector test; that would be okay during the interview process for immigrants/refugees if that is what you want. All the rest of this "extreme vetting" stuff is going to be ineffective, just fostering an atmosphere of mistrust and hate that will take off like a runaway horse and end up hurting innocent people, including many Americans.
Not a single refugee has hurt us here. Look to enforcing visitor Visas and by all means check their social media during the background checks, but starting another government sponsored witch hunt against a major world religion with over a billion adherents? NO.
No, it isn't fine. It isn't fine in Europe either and we already have had Islamofascist problems. 9/11 wasn't fine. The Boston bombing wasn't fine. The California massacre wasn't fine, etc. And many have been stopped, thank God. Check their social media? You think everyone lives like you?
I heard the San Bernardino wife had social media information that would have identified her as a terrorist but the immigration people aren't allowed to check their social media. Yes, they use social media, Ice. I don't, except this board. Stop poking me in the eye with your uneducated ad homs, lest you be called a pissant.
I don't give a shit what you call me, why should I? Just because she could have been found out doesn't mean they all can. What social media trail did the 9/11 hijackers leave? Or the Boston bombers?

Pointing out problems with your beliefs are ad hominems to you? LOL
I'm done with you, you ignorant pain in the ass.
You are an ass and I'm glad to be your pain! Pretending to be above it all and you are just another leftist hack that can't tolerate disagreement.
You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
I thought it most revealing to learn Trump's most trusted mentor, long time lawyer and friend was Roy Cohn.

Yes. *that* Roy Cohn.
No idea who he is?

Short version:

Despicable man.

Helped carry out McCarthyism....helped purged thousands. Ruined many, many lives.

Was a Jew - yet anti-Semite --

Was gay, yet fervently anti-homosexual.

Died of AIDS.

His life was a tragic, freakish story -- The larger than life Ugly American - glorified at one time, until America realized what a pitiful, pitiful man he was, and how he made America WORSE again.


Roy Marcus Cohn (/koʊn/; February 20, 1927 – August 2, 1986) was an American attorney who became famous during Senator Joseph McCarthy's investigations into Communist activity in the United States during the Second Red Scare. Cohn gained special prominence during the Army–McCarthy hearings.

Cohn assisted McCarthy's work for the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, becoming known for his aggressive questioning of suspected Communists. Cohn preferred not to hold hearings in open forums, which went well with McCarthy's preference for holding "executive sessions" and "off-the-record" sessions away from the Capitol in order to minimize public scrutiny and to question witnesses with relative impunity. Cohn was given free rein in pursuit of many investigations, with McCarthy joining in only for the more publicized sessions.

Cohn would play a major role in assisting McCarthy's crusade against Communism.[11] During the Lavender Scare, Cohn and McCarthy attempted to enhance anti-Communist fervor in the country by claiming that Communists overseas had convinced several closeted homosexuals employed by the US federal government to pass on important government secrets in exchange for keeping the identity of their sexuality a secret.[11]

Convinced that the employment of homosexuals was now a threat to national security, President Dwight Eisenhower signed an executive order on April 29, 1953 to ban homosexuals from obtaining jobs in the federal government.[11]

Senator Joseph McCarthy (left) chats with Cohn at the Army–McCarthy hearings
Cohn invited his friend G. David Schine, an anti-Communist propagandist, to join McCarthy's staff as a consultant. When Schine was drafted into the US Army in 1953, Cohn made repeated and extensive efforts to procure special treatment for Schine. He contacted military officials from the Secretary of the Army down to Schine's company commander and demanded for Schine to be given light duties, extra leave, and exemption from overseas assignment.

At one point, Cohn is reported to have threatened to "wreck the Army" if his demands were not met.[12][13] That conflict, along with McCarthy's accusations of Communists in the defense department, led to the Army–McCarthy hearings of 1954, in which among other developments the Army charged Cohn and McCarthy with using improper pressure on Schine's behalf, and McCarthy and Cohn countercharged that the Army was holding Schine "hostage" in an attempt to squelch McCarthy's investigations into Communists in the Army.

During the hearings, a photograph of Schine was introduced, and Joseph N. Welch, the Army's attorney in the hearings, accused Cohn of doctoring the image to show Schine alone with Army Secretary Robert T. Stevens.[12]

Although the findings of the hearings blamed Cohn rather than McCarthy, they are widely considered an important element of McCarthy's disgrace. After the Army–McCarthy hearings, Cohn resigned from McCarthy's staff and went into private practice.
That man there, Roy Cohn, was one of Trump's mentors - and closest friends.
What Donald Trump Learned From Joseph McCarthy’s Right-Hand Man

The year was 1977, and Mr. Cohn’s reputation was well established. He had been Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Red-baiting consigliere. ...

Then New York’s most feared lawyer, Mr. Cohn had a client list that ran the gamut from the disreputable to the quasi-reputable: Anthony (Fat Tony) Salerno, Claus von Bulow, George Steinbrenner.

But there was one client who occupied a special place in Roy Cohn’s famously cold heart: Donald J. Trump.

For Mr. Cohn, who died of AIDS in 1986, weeks after being disbarred for flagrant ethical violations, Mr. Trump was something of a final project. If Fred Trump got his son’s career started, bringing him into the family business of middle-class rentals in Brooklyn and Queens, Mr. Cohn ushered him across the river and into Manhattan, introducing him to the social and political elite while ferociously defending him against a growing list of enemies.

Decades later, Mr. Cohn’s influence on Mr. Trump is unmistakable. Mr. Trump’s wrecking ball of a presidential bid — the gleeful smearing of his opponents, the embracing of bluster as brand — has been a Roy Cohn number on a grand scale. Mr. Trump’s response to the Orlando massacre, with his ominous warnings of a terrorist attack that could wipe out the country and his conspiratorial suggestions of a Muslim fifth column in the United States, seemed to have been ripped straight out of the Cohn playbook.

“I hear Roy in the things he says quite clearly,” said Peter Fraser, who as Mr. Cohn’s lover for the last two years of his life spent a great deal of time with Mr. Trump. “That bravado, and if you say it aggressively and loudly enough, it’s the truth — that’s the way Roy used to operate to a degree, and Donald was certainly his apprentice.”

For 13 years, the lawyer who had infamously whispered in McCarthy’s ear whispered in Mr. Trump’s. In the process, Mr. Cohn helped deliver some of Mr. Trump’s signature construction deals, sued the National Football League for conspiring against his client and countersued the federal government — for $100 million — for damaging the Trump name. One of Mr. Trump’s executives recalled that he kept an 8-by-10-inch photograph of Mr. Cohn in his office desk, pulling it out to intimidate recalcitrant contractors.

The two men spoke as often as five times a day, toasted each other at birthday parties and spent evenings together at Studio 54.

And Mr. Cohn turned repeatedly to Mr. Trump — one of a small clutch of people who knew he was gay — in his hours of need. When a former companion was dying of AIDS, he asked Mr. Trump to find him a place to stay. When he faced disbarment, he summoned Mr. Trump to testify to his character.

Mr. Trump says the two became so close that Mr. Cohn, who had no immediate family, sometimes refused to bill him, insisting he could not charge a friend.
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.
speaking of bigotry and hate, look at the muslims in your signature lol

How are they hate filled bigots !?
Do they support gay rights?
You're not a big student of history are you? Or of the PRESENT, for that matter. Must not be that big into reading either, to get by reading what the Quran says, about spreafing Islam by doing exactly what they are doing now.
You read ancient history but failed to read the chapter in American history titled "Senator Joseph McCarthy." Or maybe you liked his witch hunt for communists among peaceable Americans. People like you and me dragged in front of investigative committees and relentlessly drilled on their beliefs and activities. Careers ruined and lives destroyed for their political beliefs, or even for knowing someone who had unpopular political beliefs.
Trump is advocating that again. It is the atmosphere he is proposing and fostering with his extreme vetting ideas.
Most of us consider the McCarthy era a blot on the history of American liberty. At least Trump is being very clear about where he plans to go, but it is entirely outside the realm of acceptable to anyone who honors American values.
I thought it most revealing to learn Trump's most trusted mentor, long time lawyer and friend was Roy Cohn.

Yes. *that* Roy Cohn.
oowwhhhhh. Guilt by association. He was a dirty Jew too wasn't he?
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.
speaking of bigotry and hate, look at the muslims in your signature lol

How are they hate filled bigots !?
Do they support gay rights?
Well they vote for pro-gay candidates and humiliated the anti-gay candidate on national television in front of millions so...
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.
speaking of bigotry and hate, look at the muslims in your signature lol

How are they hate filled bigots !?
you think he would be ok with a couple gays getting married in his mosque?

We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
So do black evangelicals.

In terms of actual votes the Democrat party is actually much more anti-gay, but black Christians see homosexuality as a white thing, and Muslims use gays to destroy the Christian fabric of the west.

Finding a practicing Muslim that supports gay marriage is more rare than a unicorn.
speaking of bigotry and hate, look at the muslims in your signature lol

How are they hate filled bigots !?
you think he would be ok with a couple gays getting married in his mosque?

We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
Because that would fit in to his rhetoric. lol
Sorry if I don't have much faith in islam that was built on fear, bigotry and hate.
Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.
speaking of bigotry and hate, look at the muslims in your signature lol

How are they hate filled bigots !?
you think he would be ok with a couple gays getting married in his mosque?

We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
So do black evangelicals.

In terms of actual votes the Democrat party is actually much more anti-gay, but black Christians see homosexuality as a white thing, and Muslims use gays to destroy the Christian fabric of the west.

Finding a practicing Muslim that supports gay marriage is more rare than a unicorn.
In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
What would be the difference between what Trump supposedly proposed and prosecuting people for hate crimes? You basically get less time for committing a crime when the ideology that motivated is except-able with the public such as your wife cheated on you and you killed her. That is not a big as offense as doing it because you think women should be stoned because you hate women. A person who has hate and racism in their heart can be prosecuted for a 'hate crime' but somehow they can be allowed into this country? It doesn't make any sense.
How are they hate filled bigots !?
you think he would be ok with a couple gays getting married in his mosque?

We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
Because that would fit in to his rhetoric. lol
Sorry if I don't have much faith in islam that was built on fear, bigotry and hate.
Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
speaking of bigotry and hate, look at the muslims in your signature lol

How are they hate filled bigots !?
you think he would be ok with a couple gays getting married in his mosque?

We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
So do black evangelicals.

In terms of actual votes the Democrat party is actually much more anti-gay, but black Christians see homosexuality as a white thing, and Muslims use gays to destroy the Christian fabric of the west.

Finding a practicing Muslim that supports gay marriage is more rare than a unicorn.
In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
Not even close.

Muslims in America support theocratic rule much more than Evangelicals, and that comes with harsh penalties against gays.
How are they hate filled bigots !?
you think he would be ok with a couple gays getting married in his mosque?

We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
So do black evangelicals.

In terms of actual votes the Democrat party is actually much more anti-gay, but black Christians see homosexuality as a white thing, and Muslims use gays to destroy the Christian fabric of the west.

Finding a practicing Muslim that supports gay marriage is more rare than a unicorn.
In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
Not even close.

Muslims in America support theocratic rule much more than Evangelicals, and that comes with harsh penalties against gays.
I'll take a moderate Muslim over an evangelical "Christian" any day. Evangelicals are the ones writing their beliefs into law, not Muslims.
you think he would be ok with a couple gays getting married in his mosque?

We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
Because that would fit in to his rhetoric. lol
Sorry if I don't have much faith in islam that was built on fear, bigotry and hate.
Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
We don't know his stance on gay marriage. He's never mentioned it. What we do know is that he humiliated the anti-gay party on national television and supports pro-gay candidates.
Because that would fit in to his rhetoric. lol
Sorry if I don't have much faith in islam that was built on fear, bigotry and hate.
Built on fear, bigotry, and hate. Hmm... if I didn't know any better I'd say you were talking about Losin' Donald's campaign.
Yes, we know you guys hate, fear and spew bigotry at whites and Christians.
Hilarious, as in your post directly above this one that I quoted you spewed hate, fear and bigotry
Calling out the moderated(but still extreme for Democrat standards)position of Islam on gay marriage qualifies as hate, fear and bigotry in your tiny little mind?

Grow up moron.
Hey I'll tell you what, you keep doing what you're doing, and us Democrats will gladly continue accepting the votes of all the people you demonize with your bigotry, fear, and hatred :thup:

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