Trump Proposes Ideological Test for Muslim Immigrants and Visitors

"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
One refreshing thing that's come out of this whole Trump circus, is that conservatives seem to have turned a corner and are now defending and supporting gay people. I'm proud of you guys. After 16 long years I can finally say welcome to the 21st century :clap:
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
What idiotic, hypocritical horseshit! Are we expected to suddenly believe that Trump and his moronic minions actually care about the plight of LGBT people . Your bleating rings hollow.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 8/9/2016 10:45 am
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to attend a radical anti-LGBT event in being held in Orlando this week exactly two months after the Pulse nightclub shooting, according to news reports from Jenna Browder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News.

As we reported last week, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and a host of anti-LGBT extremists are slated to address the “Rediscovering God in America” event, which is sponsored by the American Renewal Project.

Self-described “political operative” David Lane founded the American Renewal Project as a way to mobilize conservative Christian voters and inspire right-wing pastors to run for elected office. He told Jacobs that he intends to quiz Trump on how he plans to fight “homosexual totalitarianism” and the gay rights “militants.” Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

There are Christians in this country NOW who would like to do the same or worse to gays . However, this is the United States of America and they can't get away with it. I find it hard to believe that any one is so stupid to believe that people who come as refugees and immigrants -people who want to be Americans- are going to go on a killing spree against gays.

THINK ! where is the vast amount of anti gay rhetoric emanating from? You know but you won't admit it. Give me a fucking break! You are embarrassing yourself with you obvious egregious equine excrement.
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
One refreshing thing that's come out of this whole Trump circus, is that conservatives seem to have turned a corner and are now defending and supporting gay people. I'm proud of you guys. After 16 long years I can finally say welcome to the 21st century :clap:
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
What idiotic, hypocritical horseshit! Are we expected to suddenly believe that Trump and his moronic minions actually care about the plight of LGBT people . Your bleating rings hollow.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 8/9/2016 10:45 am
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to attend a radical anti-LGBT event in being held in Orlando this week exactly two months after the Pulse nightclub shooting, according to news reports from Jenna Browder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News.

As we reported last week, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and a host of anti-LGBT extremists are slated to address the “Rediscovering God in America” event, which is sponsored by the American Renewal Project.

Self-described “political operative” David Lane founded the American Renewal Project as a way to mobilize conservative Christian voters and inspire right-wing pastors to run for elected office. He told Jacobs that he intends to quiz Trump on how he plans to fight “homosexual totalitarianism” and the gay rights “militants.” Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

There are Christians in this country NOW who would like to do the same or worse to gays . However, this is the United States of America and they can't get away with it. I find it hard to believe that any one is so stupid to believe that people who come as refugees and immigrants -people who want to be Americans- are going to go on a killing spree against gays.

THINK ! where is the vast amount of anti gay rhetoric emanating from? You know but you won't admit it. Give me a fucking break! You are embarrassing yourself with you obvious egregious equine excrement.

As a culture in the ME gay lifestyle is rejected and usually violently, they treat their women like 2nd class citizens by our cultural standards, and yet you want to import an entire culture that cant relate to western civilization.
You dont hear anti - gay retoric coming from the ME because they are killed or in hiding, they say they dont exist .

Whatever hate you think white Christians have for Gays, id say your sadly mistaken, its nothing like what you'll see from those people. It would be nice if they sent more 8 year old refugee kids as promised but so far we've mostly seen young men of fighting age.
We do have people in this country who hate gays, people who have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from nations that murder gays, people who have their e-mails havked and released exposing they are a bunch of Anti-Semite, racist, sexist, and shown, these people are often called DEMOCRATS.

What exactly is it that Liberals love about the criminal, the anti-American/Constitution illegals and 'regugees', so much so that they want to make helping them more of a priority than keeping Americans safe and helping Americans 1st?
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
One refreshing thing that's come out of this whole Trump circus, is that conservatives seem to have turned a corner and are now defending and supporting gay people. I'm proud of you guys. After 16 long years I can finally say welcome to the 21st century :clap:
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
What idiotic, hypocritical horseshit! Are we expected to suddenly believe that Trump and his moronic minions actually care about the plight of LGBT people . Your bleating rings hollow.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 8/9/2016 10:45 am
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to attend a radical anti-LGBT event in being held in Orlando this week exactly two months after the Pulse nightclub shooting, according to news reports from Jenna Browder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News.

As we reported last week, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and a host of anti-LGBT extremists are slated to address the “Rediscovering God in America” event, which is sponsored by the American Renewal Project.

Self-described “political operative” David Lane founded the American Renewal Project as a way to mobilize conservative Christian voters and inspire right-wing pastors to run for elected office. He told Jacobs that he intends to quiz Trump on how he plans to fight “homosexual totalitarianism” and the gay rights “militants.” Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

There are Christians in this country NOW who would like to do the same or worse to gays . However, this is the United States of America and they can't get away with it. I find it hard to believe that any one is so stupid to believe that people who come as refugees and immigrants -people who want to be Americans- are going to go on a killing spree against gays.

THINK ! where is the vast amount of anti gay rhetoric emanating from? You know but you won't admit it. Give me a fucking break! You are embarrassing yourself with you obvious egregious equine excrement.

As a culture in the ME gay lifestyle is rejected and usually violently, they treat their women like 2nd class citizens by our cultural standards, and yet you want to import an entire culture that cant relate to western civilization.
You dont hear anti - gay retoric coming from the ME because they are killed or in hiding, they say they dont exist .

Whatever hate you think white Christians have for Gays, id say your sadly mistaken, its nothing like what you'll see from those people. It would be nice if they sent more 8 year old refugee kids as promised but so far we've mostly seen young men of fighting age.
No, we have not mostly seen "young men of fighting age." That was embarrassing nonsense made up by your handlers. You have absolutely zero idea what the process is for a refugee to come here.
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
What idiotic, hypocritical horseshit! Are we expected to suddenly believe that Trump and his moronic minions actually care about the plight of LGBT people . Your bleating rings hollow.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 8/9/2016 10:45 am
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to attend a radical anti-LGBT event in being held in Orlando this week exactly two months after the Pulse nightclub shooting, according to news reports from Jenna Browder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News.

As we reported last week, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and a host of anti-LGBT extremists are slated to address the “Rediscovering God in America” event, which is sponsored by the American Renewal Project.

Self-described “political operative” David Lane founded the American Renewal Project as a way to mobilize conservative Christian voters and inspire right-wing pastors to run for elected office. He told Jacobs that he intends to quiz Trump on how he plans to fight “homosexual totalitarianism” and the gay rights “militants.” Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

There are Christians in this country NOW who would like to do the same or worse to gays . However, this is the United States of America and they can't get away with it. I find it hard to believe that any one is so stupid to believe that people who come as refugees and immigrants -people who want to be Americans- are going to go on a killing spree against gays.

THINK ! where is the vast amount of anti gay rhetoric emanating from? You know but you won't admit it. Give me a fucking break! You are embarrassing yourself with you obvious egregious equine excrement.

They would like to do it now? but they havnt? and yet you know this for fact. Right.
You can look to europe and see how rapes in Sweden have gone up 500 % or you can give
more excrement about what you think Christians would like to do
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
What idiotic, hypocritical horseshit! Are we expected to suddenly believe that Trump and his moronic minions actually care about the plight of LGBT people . Your bleating rings hollow.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 8/9/2016 10:45 am
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to attend a radical anti-LGBT event in being held in Orlando this week exactly two months after the Pulse nightclub shooting, according to news reports from Jenna Browder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News.

As we reported last week, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and a host of anti-LGBT extremists are slated to address the “Rediscovering God in America” event, which is sponsored by the American Renewal Project.

Self-described “political operative” David Lane founded the American Renewal Project as a way to mobilize conservative Christian voters and inspire right-wing pastors to run for elected office. He told Jacobs that he intends to quiz Trump on how he plans to fight “homosexual totalitarianism” and the gay rights “militants.” Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

There are Christians in this country NOW who would like to do the same or worse to gays . However, this is the United States of America and they can't get away with it. I find it hard to believe that any one is so stupid to believe that people who come as refugees and immigrants -people who want to be Americans- are going to go on a killing spree against gays.

THINK ! where is the vast amount of anti gay rhetoric emanating from? You know but you won't admit it. Give me a fucking break! You are embarrassing yourself with you obvious egregious equine excrement.

They would like to do it now? but they havnt? and yet you know this for fact. Right.
You can look to europe and see how rapes in Sweden have gone up 500 % or you can give
more excrement about what you think Christians would like to do
500%? I heard it was 1,000%!!! :eek:
You are aware that ISIS has infiltrated the refugees, that there have been 30 SO FAR arrested for already engaging in terrorist activities, right?!
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
What idiotic, hypocritical horseshit! Are we expected to suddenly believe that Trump and his moronic minions actually care about the plight of LGBT people . Your bleating rings hollow.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 8/9/2016 10:45 am
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to attend a radical anti-LGBT event in being held in Orlando this week exactly two months after the Pulse nightclub shooting, according to news reports from Jenna Browder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News.

As we reported last week, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and a host of anti-LGBT extremists are slated to address the “Rediscovering God in America” event, which is sponsored by the American Renewal Project.

Self-described “political operative” David Lane founded the American Renewal Project as a way to mobilize conservative Christian voters and inspire right-wing pastors to run for elected office. He told Jacobs that he intends to quiz Trump on how he plans to fight “homosexual totalitarianism” and the gay rights “militants.” Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

There are Christians in this country NOW who would like to do the same or worse to gays . However, this is the United States of America and they can't get away with it. I find it hard to believe that any one is so stupid to believe that people who come as refugees and immigrants -people who want to be Americans- are going to go on a killing spree against gays.

THINK ! where is the vast amount of anti gay rhetoric emanating from? You know but you won't admit it. Give me a fucking break! You are embarrassing yourself with you obvious egregious equine excrement.

They would like to do it now? but they havnt? and yet you know this for fact. Right.
You can look to europe and see how rapes in Sweden have gone up 500 % or you can give
more excrement about what you think Christians would like to do
Are you illiterate! Did you see what I just posted? Did you read it? Did you comprehend it? I could show you much worse- Christians calling for the imprisonment and killing of gays! They don't do it, only because they can't to it here - and neither would Muslims be able to. You people just hate Muslims slightly more than you hate gays and use gays to promote your anti-Islam bigotry.
We do have people in this country who hate gays, people who have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from nations that murder gays, people who have their e-mails havked and released exposing they are a bunch of Anti-Semite, racist, sexist, and shown, these people are often called DEMOCRATS.

What exactly is it that Liberals love about the criminal, the anti-American/Constitution illegals and 'regugees', so much so that they want to make helping them more of a priority than keeping Americans safe and helping Americans 1st?
Sounds like a Trump Worm has invaded you brain and is eating away at it.
We do have people in this country who hate gays, people who have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from nations that murder gays, people who have their e-mails havked and released exposing they are a bunch of Anti-Semite, racist, sexist, and shown, these people are often called DEMOCRATS.

What exactly is it that Liberals love about the criminal, the anti-American/Constitution illegals and 'regugees', so much so that they want to make helping them more of a priority than keeping Americans safe and helping Americans 1st?
Sounds like a Trump Worm has invaded you brain and is eating away at it.
It's surviving on the scraps left over from the Dubya worm :laugh:
What an idiotic idea. First of all, it would be unconstitutional. Secondly, couldn't a potential terrorist just lie on the test. How would any answers be verified. Thirdly, this isn't a real thing, just Trump saying stupid shit to excite his authoritarian base.

What I find most despicable and ridiculous is what Trump describes as its purpose:

"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

The very basis of the test is bigotry and hatred.

"“Only those we expect to flourish in this country and to embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas.”"

Tolerant? Of Muslims? Of foreigners? Of those who don't agree with their values, faith, or political perspective?

I don't like Islam. I don't like that it is spreading like wildfire. But I do like the Constitution and the freedom to believe as one chooses.

Small government conservatism or authoritarianism with enforcement through the thought police?

Trump proposes ideological test for Muslim immigrants and visitors to the U.S.
Unconstitutional my aunt Fanny. We have always asked refugees what their religion was to determine if they are fleeing religious persecution. Finding out I'df people are Muslim is just as reasonable. Problem is Obvutthole isn't asking these questions and is letting 10000% increase.Syrians in Crooked Hillary Clinton is increasing that 500%'
Obama should be arrested and charged with the aiding and abetting of every violent crime perpetrated by illegals and 'refugees'.

Obama has put American lives in danger by refusing to enforce existing immigration law, by protecting violent / criminal illegals and human traffickers, by engaging in illegal human trafficking, by refusing to comply with the courts, by being held in Contempt of Court, by giving visas to terrorists who have come to this country who then murdered Americans in a terrorist attack...

We do have people in this country who hate gays, people who have accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from nations that murder gays, people who have their e-mails havked and released exposing they are a bunch of Anti-Semite, racist, sexist, and shown, these people are often called DEMOCRATS.

What exactly is it that Liberals love about the criminal, the anti-American/Constitution illegals and 'regugees', so much so that they want to make helping them more of a priority than keeping Americans safe and helping Americans 1st?
Sounds like a Trump Worm has invaded you brain and is eating away at it.
Not hardly.

Hillary has taken hundreds of millions, documented, from Islamic nations that oppress / mutilate / murder women and who toss gays off roof tops.

The DNC's own personal hacked and released e-mails exposed their Anti-Semitic, sexist, racist, homophobic moving, jokes, and hatred. In a CYA move they fired a handfull of people, like Wasserman-Schultz. They even tried to give her job to one of the horrific e-mail authors.
"“Those who support bigotry and hatred” will not be admitted to the United States, said Trump."

^ That is HILARIOUS! :laugh:

No need to point out, of course, that most of the modern GOP would then not be admitted into this country.

Further, this comment will probably lose Trump a whole lot of votes among his base.

Look at Islam's treatment of homosexuals in the ME , you think thats funny? If Hillary becomes pres she wants to bring 60,000 a year and I doubt they will assimilate very well to our culture. look how their views are on women, Your Hillary would flood us with these people without knowing who they are. To date i havnt heard of any bombs being set off at any gay pride parades by "GOP" and the only real terrorist action against them was done in Florida by one of the bigoted types Trump would like to keep out. Good luck with all that should Hillary be elected and imports racist bigots by the thousands
What idiotic, hypocritical horseshit! Are we expected to suddenly believe that Trump and his moronic minions actually care about the plight of LGBT people . Your bleating rings hollow.

Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 8/9/2016 10:45 am
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to attend a radical anti-LGBT event in being held in Orlando this week exactly two months after the Pulse nightclub shooting, according to news reports from Jenna Browder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and Jennifer Jacobs of Bloomberg News.

As we reported last week, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and a host of anti-LGBT extremists are slated to address the “Rediscovering God in America” event, which is sponsored by the American Renewal Project.

Self-described “political operative” David Lane founded the American Renewal Project as a way to mobilize conservative Christian voters and inspire right-wing pastors to run for elected office. He told Jacobs that he intends to quiz Trump on how he plans to fight “homosexual totalitarianism” and the gay rights “militants.” Donald Trump To Address Extremist Anti-LGBT Summit In Orlando

There are Christians in this country NOW who would like to do the same or worse to gays . However, this is the United States of America and they can't get away with it. I find it hard to believe that any one is so stupid to believe that people who come as refugees and immigrants -people who want to be Americans- are going to go on a killing spree against gays.

THINK ! where is the vast amount of anti gay rhetoric emanating from? You know but you won't admit it. Give me a fucking break! You are embarrassing yourself with you obvious egregious equine excrement.

They would like to do it now? but they havnt? and yet you know this for fact. Right.
You can look to europe and see how rapes in Sweden have gone up 500 % or you can give
more excrement about what you think Christians would like to do
Check this out, Bubba. Have Muslims held rallies like this in the US?

WATCH: Rachel Maddow Breaks Down Pastor's 'Kill the Gays' Rally Attended by GOP Candidates

Swanson, who preaches that homosexuality should be punished with death, drew more than 1,700 to his ”religious freedom" conference, including Republicans Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz.
The amazing thing is how liberals can continually ignore the widely, repeatedly reported facts and still claim it's hard to talk to anyone else. Talking to rabidly partisan liberals is like talking to a dog's ass - Nothing goes/sinks in, & the only thing that comes out is crap.

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