Trump quotes of the day

‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Flynn talking to a Russian ambassador was wring because????????

The lamestream media is an unmitigated joke and if you haven't figured that one out? You are not as "awake" as I thought you were.

Well, firstly because he didn't have a job in the US govt and was attempting to conduct US diplomacy. He got fired by Trump. If it wasn't wrong, then why did Trump fire him?

I couldn't give a damn what you think I am.

No, he was contacting ambassadors and diplomats of countries and he never attempted to conduct any business....courtesy calls and perhaps a big call to Russia since NATO has been breathing down their necks. Flynn was let go because he didn't keep Pence in the loop...... and I don't give a damn that you don't give a can eat shit and die for all I care. Trump is your president for 8 years, should the Lord with it.


I didn't say anything about conducting business.

Well, maybe he should wait until he's a part of the US govt before conducting business. And maybe he shouldn't lie about it, too.

Either way he didn't do his job as he should have done it, he got fired after a very short time. Trump seems to think there was a problem, the media think there's a problem, but you blame just the media. Why not blame Trump for firing him?
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

No, he doesn't tell it like it is. He tells it how he's decided it is. These are two VERY different things.

Like how many people were at his inauguration, he didn't say it as it was, but more how he wished it had been. It was embarrassing.

Like the lamestream media never showed the enormity of the huge crowds for Trump at his rallies while using blue screens to make it appear that huge crowds showed up to see the Hildebeast at her infrequent appearances? I don't trust their reporting of the inaugural event. You had the SJW commies blocking entrances into the event and attacking those that tried to get through and the D.C police not doing a damn thing about it. People showed up in massive numbers to vote him in even in spite of the DNC's attempts to rig the election. I wonder how many people would show up to show support of the fraud Barrypuppet today? Trump has PLENTY of support and he has mine until he does something to not have it. You are a partisan shill....nothing more or less.

So you don't trust them. That's fine. But you'll trust other things, like Trump. Why?

How was the election rigged? I mean, this is hilarious "I don't believe them, they're lying, but I will believe what is convenient for my own lame argument".

It's ridiculous.

Yes, Trump had plenty of support. So what? He still didn't have that many people turn up to his inauguration and it was a non-issue until Trump decided to claim "fake" on it, then it became an issue that never should have been. That's the problem.

Too much lack of reality from Trump and his supporters.

No, he had plenty of people that showed up for it and even more trying to get in that were being inconvenienced by the snowflakes and the lamestream media tried to give the impression that he had a small crowd which was total BULLSHIT because I had friends that attended. Fuckin' A I support Trump and damn proud of it. The fact that he shut down the TPP globalist free trade bullshit bill alone is enough to get him put on Mount Rushmore...anything from there is simply icing on the cake...but wait! Here comes the "icing"....he is going to build the wall to try and keep the parasites out!!!!!

OH shit! Here's even more!!! He is trying to stop the flood of military aged muslim refugees from coming over here without a stringent "vetting" process....btw, how is that muslim refugee "come one, come all" plan working out for Europe?

Please "educate me" as to how European countries have been enhanced by allowing a bunch of third world muslim radicals into their countries and how it would enhance America by following suit......

Hey, you opened your big mouth, cyber tough bring some game.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Flynn talking to a Russian ambassador was wring because????????

The lamestream media is an unmitigated joke and if you haven't figured that one out? You are not as "awake" as I thought you were.

Well, firstly because he didn't have a job in the US govt and was attempting to conduct US diplomacy. He got fired by Trump. If it wasn't wrong, then why did Trump fire him?

I couldn't give a damn what you think I am.

No, he was contacting ambassadors and diplomats of countries and he never attempted to conduct any business....courtesy calls and perhaps a big call to Russia since NATO has been breathing down their necks. Flynn was let go because he didn't keep Pence in the loop...... and I don't give a damn that you don't give a can eat shit and die for all I care. Trump is your president for 8 years, should the Lord with it.


I didn't say anything about conducting business.

Well, maybe he should wait until he's a part of the US govt before conducting business. And maybe he shouldn't lie about it, too.

Either way he didn't do his job as he should have done it, he got fired after a very short time. Trump seems to think there was a problem, the media think there's a problem, but you blame just the media. Why not blame Trump for firing him?

So, he was talking as a private citizen? Make up your mind...if he wasn't part of "da gubermint" yet, then why was he under scrutiny???? and nothing that he said was wrong to begin with regardless of whether he was officially part of "da gubermint" or not.

You don't know the things I do nor am I inclined to go into all the shit that has happened that has been used to try and incite WWIII to deflect from the coming global financial crisis that is coming on all those countries with a central bank. Russia was to be the scapegoat but Putin has stayed steps ahead.

You see, the elites have palatial underground bunkers to scurry to after they pick the fight (that our sweat equity paid for) so you think they give a shit? They would rather burn the planet down than admit defeat. You don't really understand at are butthurt and pissed. Your fellow leftards would rather have a mutually assured destruction event than to liove in a world where they are not calling the shots.
Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

No, he doesn't tell it like it is. He tells it how he's decided it is. These are two VERY different things.

Like how many people were at his inauguration, he didn't say it as it was, but more how he wished it had been. It was embarrassing.

Like the lamestream media never showed the enormity of the huge crowds for Trump at his rallies while using blue screens to make it appear that huge crowds showed up to see the Hildebeast at her infrequent appearances? I don't trust their reporting of the inaugural event. You had the SJW commies blocking entrances into the event and attacking those that tried to get through and the D.C police not doing a damn thing about it. People showed up in massive numbers to vote him in even in spite of the DNC's attempts to rig the election. I wonder how many people would show up to show support of the fraud Barrypuppet today? Trump has PLENTY of support and he has mine until he does something to not have it. You are a partisan shill....nothing more or less.

So you don't trust them. That's fine. But you'll trust other things, like Trump. Why?

How was the election rigged? I mean, this is hilarious "I don't believe them, they're lying, but I will believe what is convenient for my own lame argument".

It's ridiculous.

Yes, Trump had plenty of support. So what? He still didn't have that many people turn up to his inauguration and it was a non-issue until Trump decided to claim "fake" on it, then it became an issue that never should have been. That's the problem.

Too much lack of reality from Trump and his supporters.

No, he had plenty of people that showed up for it and even more trying to get in that were being inconvenienced by the snowflakes and the lamestream media tried to give the impression that he had a small crowd which was total BULLSHIT because I had friends that attended. Fuckin' A I support Trump and damn proud of it. The fact that he shut down the TPP globalist free trade bullshit bill alone is enough to get him put on Mount Rushmore...anything from there is simply icing on the cake...but wait! Here comes the "icing"....he is going to build the wall to try and keep the parasites out!!!!!

OH shit! Here's even more!!! He is trying to stop the flood of military aged muslim refugees from coming over here without a stringent "vetting" process....btw, how is that muslim refugee "come one, come all" plan working out for Europe?

Please "educate me" as to how European countries have been enhanced by allowing a bunch of third world muslim radicals into their countries and how it would enhance America by following suit......

Hey, you opened your big mouth, cyber tough bring some game.

Well, it was smaller than Obama's, and they showed something that was true. Again, it wasn't an issue until Trump got annoyed at it.

So, you had friends that attended, so what? What point are you making? The media didn't say no one turned up.

You support Trump and you're proud, will you be proud when the shit really hits the fan?

Build a wall, great, a waste of money that any intelligent person could tell you. This is the modern era, walls aren't what they used to be, and they weren't that great in the past. L

As for your other comments, I'm not sure what they have to do with this debate. Did I mention immigration? Did I say immigration shouldn't be dealt with? No, so why the hell are you coming out with such an argument? I know why, sticking to the things you think you can win with, great, except it's not relevant right here.
Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

No, he doesn't tell it like it is. He tells it how he's decided it is. These are two VERY different things.

Like how many people were at his inauguration, he didn't say it as it was, but more how he wished it had been. It was embarrassing.

Like the lamestream media never showed the enormity of the huge crowds for Trump at his rallies while using blue screens to make it appear that huge crowds showed up to see the Hildebeast at her infrequent appearances? I don't trust their reporting of the inaugural event. You had the SJW commies blocking entrances into the event and attacking those that tried to get through and the D.C police not doing a damn thing about it. People showed up in massive numbers to vote him in even in spite of the DNC's attempts to rig the election. I wonder how many people would show up to show support of the fraud Barrypuppet today? Trump has PLENTY of support and he has mine until he does something to not have it. You are a partisan shill....nothing more or less.

So you don't trust them. That's fine. But you'll trust other things, like Trump. Why?

How was the election rigged? I mean, this is hilarious "I don't believe them, they're lying, but I will believe what is convenient for my own lame argument".

It's ridiculous.

Yes, Trump had plenty of support. So what? He still didn't have that many people turn up to his inauguration and it was a non-issue until Trump decided to claim "fake" on it, then it became an issue that never should have been. That's the problem.

Too much lack of reality from Trump and his supporters.

No, he had plenty of people that showed up for it and even more trying to get in that were being inconvenienced by the snowflakes and the lamestream media tried to give the impression that he had a small crowd which was total BULLSHIT because I had friends that attended. Fuckin' A I support Trump and damn proud of it. The fact that he shut down the TPP globalist free trade bullshit bill alone is enough to get him put on Mount Rushmore...anything from there is simply icing on the cake...but wait! Here comes the "icing"....he is going to build the wall to try and keep the parasites out!!!!!

OH shit! Here's even more!!! He is trying to stop the flood of military aged muslim refugees from coming over here without a stringent "vetting" process....btw, how is that muslim refugee "come one, come all" plan working out for Europe?

Please "educate me" as to how European countries have been enhanced by allowing a bunch of third world muslim radicals into their countries and how it would enhance America by following suit......

Hey, you opened your big mouth, cyber tough bring some game.

Well, it was smaller than Obama's, and they showed something that was true. Again, it wasn't an issue until Trump got annoyed at it.

So, you had friends that attended, so what? What point are you making? The media didn't say no one turned up.

You support Trump and you're proud, will you be proud when the shit really hits the fan?

Build a wall, great, a waste of money that any intelligent person could tell you. This is the modern era, walls aren't what they used to be, and they weren't that great in the past. L

As for your other comments, I'm not sure what they have to do with this debate. Did I mention immigration? Did I say immigration shouldn't be dealt with? No, so why the hell are you coming out with such an argument? I know why, sticking to the things you think you can win with, great, except it's not relevant right here.

There is no proof that Trump didn't have a legendary crowd and the Barrypuppet didn't have a mob of people funded by an NGO trying to keep people from attending...he didn't have a lamestream media that was against him that tried to tell the Barrypuppet that he had no chance either.

My point about my friends being there was that the mass of humanity there to witness him taking office wasn't what the lamestream media said it was....and the violence being done against those trying to get there was totally unreported.

If the SHTF, it's not gonna be because Trump did will be because the globalists that are against him intentionally collapse the dollar. If I were Trump? I would use the NDAA to have the Barrypuppet arrested and whisked away without due process like he wanted to do with us and was setting up for the Hildebeast because she is one of the Soros puppets....oops! Foiled again!!!

Why did I bring up immigration? Because that is the rallying cry of the leftard clown posse and why they are being organized.....are you that dense?????
No, he doesn't tell it like it is. He tells it how he's decided it is. These are two VERY different things.

Like how many people were at his inauguration, he didn't say it as it was, but more how he wished it had been. It was embarrassing.

Like the lamestream media never showed the enormity of the huge crowds for Trump at his rallies while using blue screens to make it appear that huge crowds showed up to see the Hildebeast at her infrequent appearances? I don't trust their reporting of the inaugural event. You had the SJW commies blocking entrances into the event and attacking those that tried to get through and the D.C police not doing a damn thing about it. People showed up in massive numbers to vote him in even in spite of the DNC's attempts to rig the election. I wonder how many people would show up to show support of the fraud Barrypuppet today? Trump has PLENTY of support and he has mine until he does something to not have it. You are a partisan shill....nothing more or less.

So you don't trust them. That's fine. But you'll trust other things, like Trump. Why?

How was the election rigged? I mean, this is hilarious "I don't believe them, they're lying, but I will believe what is convenient for my own lame argument".

It's ridiculous.

Yes, Trump had plenty of support. So what? He still didn't have that many people turn up to his inauguration and it was a non-issue until Trump decided to claim "fake" on it, then it became an issue that never should have been. That's the problem.

Too much lack of reality from Trump and his supporters.

No, he had plenty of people that showed up for it and even more trying to get in that were being inconvenienced by the snowflakes and the lamestream media tried to give the impression that he had a small crowd which was total BULLSHIT because I had friends that attended. Fuckin' A I support Trump and damn proud of it. The fact that he shut down the TPP globalist free trade bullshit bill alone is enough to get him put on Mount Rushmore...anything from there is simply icing on the cake...but wait! Here comes the "icing"....he is going to build the wall to try and keep the parasites out!!!!!

OH shit! Here's even more!!! He is trying to stop the flood of military aged muslim refugees from coming over here without a stringent "vetting" process....btw, how is that muslim refugee "come one, come all" plan working out for Europe?

Please "educate me" as to how European countries have been enhanced by allowing a bunch of third world muslim radicals into their countries and how it would enhance America by following suit......

Hey, you opened your big mouth, cyber tough bring some game.

Well, it was smaller than Obama's, and they showed something that was true. Again, it wasn't an issue until Trump got annoyed at it.

So, you had friends that attended, so what? What point are you making? The media didn't say no one turned up.

You support Trump and you're proud, will you be proud when the shit really hits the fan?

Build a wall, great, a waste of money that any intelligent person could tell you. This is the modern era, walls aren't what they used to be, and they weren't that great in the past. L

As for your other comments, I'm not sure what they have to do with this debate. Did I mention immigration? Did I say immigration shouldn't be dealt with? No, so why the hell are you coming out with such an argument? I know why, sticking to the things you think you can win with, great, except it's not relevant right here.

There is no proof that Trump didn't have a legendary crowd and the Barrypuppet didn't have a mob of people funded by an NGO trying to keep people from attending...he didn't have a lamestream media that was against him that tried to tell the Barrypuppet that he had no chance either.

My point about my friends being there was that the mass of humanity there to witness him taking office wasn't what the lamestream media said it was....and the violence being done against those trying to get there was totally unreported.

If the SHTF, it's not gonna be because Trump did will be because the globalists that are against him intentionally collapse the dollar. If I were Trump? I would use the NDAA to have the Barrypuppet arrested and whisked away without due process like he wanted to do with us and was setting up for the Hildebeast because she is one of the Soros puppets....oops! Foiled again!!!

Why did I bring up immigration? Because that is the rallying cry of the leftard clown posse and why they are being organized.....are you that dense?????

Oh, right. Why on Earth would Obama pay people to go to his inauguration? Come off it, you're clutching at straws so tightly you'll break the bones in your hand.

There's no proof that we as human beings even exist. We can go that far, if you wish to be as pedantic as fuck.

You support Trump and you'll make sure everything you see about Trump is as positive as you can possibly make it. And anything about Obama as negative as you can make it. Why do you do that to yourself? Why not live in REALITY.

And then you go off insulting the whole time. The first thing you know about people who don't have a decent argument is they have to resort to childish insults. "leftard clown posse" and "Barrypuppet", for fuck's sake dude, grow up.
Trump's inauguration was one of the most epic/memetic moments in the political history of the country.

Just look at this:

That's even more epic than the moment when Luke Skywalker learns that Darth Vader is his father. Did s/he wet himself/herself? Hard to say, but the creators of this thread certainly do just that many times a day.

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