Trump Rally

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Oh, okay. I get it. Because you have pictures of Trump with his daughter, I guess it means that you think we'll all be distracted away from thinking about Pedo Joe and his little piglet of a daughter playing hide the knockwurst in the shower. I get it now.

EWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I need brain bleach now. I'll never sleep with an inkling of a picture in my head of Sleazy Old Joe fucking his daughter. The only thing I'd ever want to see Pedo Joe fucking is a wood chipper.
You loved them, eh? And your orange god bragging about sexually assaulting women too?
The adoration is incredible. Their world revolves around him.

And then they scream when we bring this guy up. TDS! TDS!

TDS, indeed. They are completely conned. Consumed. Lost.

"Their world revolves around him"

What a bunch of bullshit Mac!
These people get up in the morning and go to work just like you do!
Biden is the Pretender In Chief, the Potato In Chief, His Fraudulency.

That might be so although I know its a lie but he is the POTUS. Your big fat slob is still belching vomit and bile attempting to destroy the constitution by claiming he was robbed and you fools are supporting him with your atrophied intelligence as your only weapon.
Starts in a couple of hours. Let's hope he hits the fraud hard. Let people know that the election was stolen. But that is why they are there.

View attachment 549703

Same old garbage. Why the hell these people aren't sick of his lies and posturing is beyond common sense. maybe they're just thrilled to see the fool up there.
Not to be outdone by President Trump, Joe Biden had his own rally last night. It was a dull pre-recorded "virtual meeting" that was streamed to anyone that really gave a fuck what he thinks. He babbled something about the importance of passing his $5 trillion spending spree and raising everyone's taxes to pay for it.

Fuck Joe Biden.
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Not to be left out in the cold, Joe Biden had his own rally last night. It was a dull pre-recorded "virtual meeting" that was streamed to anyone that really gave a fuck what he thinks. He babbled something about the importance of passing his $5 trillion spending spree and raising everyone's taxes to pay for it.

Fuck Joe Biden.
That might be so although I know its a lie but he is the POTUS. Your big fat slob is still belching vomit and bile attempting to destroy the constitution by claiming he was robbed and you fools are supporting him with your atrophied intelligence as your only weapon.
Wow! I'm impressed. You should write romantic fiction for a living.
Same old garbage. Why the hell these people aren't sick of his lies and posturing is beyond common sense. maybe they're just thrilled to see the fool up there.
Comedy gold. Keep it coming. It is so entertaining to watch you who hate the man so vehemently virtually attend every one of his rallies just to give yourselves one more opportunity to feel self-righteous.

I mean, it really is funny. Please don't ever stop. I no longer watch TV because the spectacle of YOU is so much more entertaining.
I think it's the other way around.
Not at all. Trump demonstrated over and over again that he felt the government worked for him. It's natural given his experience as a CEO of his own company, but also incredibly wrong.

Trump thought the DoJ was there to change the election for him. The State Dept was there to coerce Ukraine into attacking Biden. The judiciary was there to rule in his favor.

Hell, he couldn't even let the weather service do their job and tried to coerce them into pretending like his statement about Hurricane Dorian was accurate when it wasn't.
trump rally = super spreading covid laden circle jerk.

nothing more, nothing less.
Well, then, won't you be happy when all the Deplorables start dropping like flies in a couple of weeks?

BTW, have you had all your shots? Make sure you take all the "boosters" when they come out. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
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